Пример #1
        public TSP(string fileName)
            if (fileName == null)
                fileName = "bays29";

            var rootDirectory = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RootDirectory"];

            FileName = fileName;

            var problemTspFile = Path.Combine(rootDirectory, FileName + ".tsp");
            var tourTspFile    = TspFile.Load(Path.Combine(rootDirectory, FileName + ".opt.tour"));

            TheProblem = TravelingSalesmanProblem.FromFile(problemTspFile);
            TheTour    = Tour.FromTspFile(tourTspFile);
            TotalNodes = TheProblem.NodeProvider.CountNodes();

            var dim = new int[TotalNodes];

            for (var i = 0; i < TotalNodes; i++)
                dim[i] = (TheTour.Nodes[i]) - 1;
            OptimalKnown = Evaluate(dim);
Пример #2
        private AlpsGeneticAlgorithm CreateAlpsGaTspSample()
            AlpsGeneticAlgorithm alpsGa = new AlpsGeneticAlgorithm();

            #region Problem Configuration
            var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
            var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Single(x => x.Name == "ch130");
            TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
            tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
            #region Algorithm Configuration
            alpsGa.Name        = "ALPS Genetic Algorithm - TSP";
            alpsGa.Description = "An age-layered population structure genetic algorithm which solves the \"ch130\" traveling salesman problem (imported from TSPLIB)";
            alpsGa.Problem     = tspProblem;
            SamplesUtils.ConfigureAlpsGeneticAlgorithmParameters <GeneralizedRankSelector, MultiPermutationCrossover, InversionManipulator>(alpsGa,
                                                                                                                                            numberOfLayers: 1000,
                                                                                                                                            popSize: 100,
                                                                                                                                            mutationRate: 0.05,
                                                                                                                                            elites: 1,
                                                                                                                                            plusSelection: true,
                                                                                                                                            agingScheme: AgingScheme.Polynomial,
                                                                                                                                            ageGap: 20,
                                                                                                                                            ageInheritance: 1.0,
                                                                                                                                            maxGens: 1000);
            var checkedCrossovers = new[] { typeof(EdgeRecombinationCrossover), typeof(MaximalPreservativeCrossover), typeof(OrderCrossover2) };
            var multiCrossover    = (MultiPermutationCrossover)alpsGa.Crossover;
            var crossovers        = multiCrossover.Operators.Where(c => checkedCrossovers.Any(cc => cc.IsInstanceOfType(c))).ToList();
            foreach (var c in multiCrossover.Operators)
                multiCrossover.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(c, crossovers.Contains(c));
        // TODO: no opt tours for SOP, VRP, ATSP with known distance for validation

        private static void AssertTourDistance(FileType problemType, string problemFileName, string tourFileName, int expectedDistance)
            var problemTspFile = Path.Combine(RootDir, problemFileName);
            var tourTspFile    = TspFile.Load(Path.Combine(RootDir, tourFileName));


            IProblem problem = null;

            switch (problemType)
            case FileType.TSP:
            case FileType.ATSP:
                problem = TravelingSalesmanProblem.FromFile(problemTspFile);

            case FileType.CVRP:
                problem = CapacitatedVehicleRoutingProblem.FromFile(problemTspFile);

            case FileType.SOP:
                problem = SequentialOrderingProblem.FromFile(problemTspFile);


            ITour tour = Tour.FromTspFile(tourTspFile);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedDistance, problem.TourDistance(tour));
Пример #4
        public string SolveTSP(TravelingSalesmanProblem problem, int maxTime, int populationSize, int [,] asymetricMateix, bool isAsimetric)
            popSize        = populationSize; // rozmiar populacji, wpływa na prędkość działania oraz wynik
            numOfBestRoads = popSize / 10;   // "Strategia elitarna" - zachowuje najlepsze geny
            maxTimeInSec   = maxTime;
            if (isAsimetric == false)        // jeśli wczytano problem symetryczny
                numCities = problem.NodeProvider.CountNodes();
                foreach (var c in problem.NodeProvider.GetNodes()) // dodaję węzły do listy
                nodesAsTab = new int[numCities, numCities]; // tablica na odległości między miastami (już obliczone)
                calcDistances();                            // wyliczam dystanse, aby nie liczyc ich kilka razy
            else // jeśli wczytano problem asymetryczny
                numCities  = (int)Math.Sqrt(asymetricMateix.Length);
                nodesAsTab = asymetricMateix;
            Tour       firstTour  = generateTour(numCities);                         // losuję pierwszą drogę
            Population population = Population.randomPopulation(firstTour, popSize); // na jej podstawie losuję populację

            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            while ((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds <= maxTimeInSec) // główna pętla programu
                population = population.createNewPopulation();
        private VariableNeighborhoodSearch CreateVnsTspSample()
            VariableNeighborhoodSearch vns = new VariableNeighborhoodSearch();

            #region Problem Configuration
            TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
            tspProblem.BestKnownSolution = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute, new int[] {
                117, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 86, 87, 94, 100, 106, 115, 120, 124, 107, 101, 108, 109, 102, 97, 90, 96, 95, 88, 89, 84, 78, 69, 57, 68, 56, 44, 55, 45, 36, 46, 37, 38, 47, 48, 59, 49, 58, 70, 77, 83, 79, 50, 80, 85, 98, 103, 110, 116, 121, 125, 133, 132, 138, 139, 146, 147, 159, 168, 169, 175, 182, 188, 201, 213, 189, 214, 221, 230, 246, 262, 276, 284, 275, 274, 261, 245, 229, 220, 228, 243, 259, 273, 282, 272, 258, 242, 257, 293, 292, 302, 310, 319, 320, 327, 326, 333, 340, 346, 339, 345, 344, 337, 338, 332, 325, 318, 309, 301, 291, 271, 251, 270, 233, 250, 269, 268, 280, 290, 300, 415, 440, 416, 417, 441, 458, 479, 418, 419, 395, 420, 442, 421, 396, 397, 422, 423, 461, 481, 502, 460, 501, 459, 480, 500, 517, 531, 516, 530, 499, 478, 457, 439, 414, 413, 412, 438, 456, 477, 498, 515, 529, 538, 547, 558, 559, 560, 548, 539, 549, 561, 562, 551, 550, 532, 540, 533, 541, 518, 534, 542, 552, 553, 554, 555, 535, 543, 556, 544, 536, 522, 505, 521, 520, 504, 519, 503, 482, 462, 463, 464, 483, 443, 465, 484, 506, 485, 507, 508, 487, 467, 486, 466, 445, 428, 444, 424, 425, 426, 427, 398, 399, 400, 381, 382, 371, 372, 401, 429, 446, 430, 402, 383, 366, 356, 357, 352, 385, 384, 403, 431, 447, 469, 468, 488, 489, 490, 470, 471, 448, 432, 433, 404, 405, 386, 373, 374, 367, 376, 375, 387, 491, 509, 537, 510, 492, 472, 449, 388, 389, 406, 450, 407, 377, 368, 359, 354, 350, 335, 324, 330, 390, 434, 451, 473, 493, 511, 523, 545, 563, 565, 567, 570, 569, 578, 577, 576, 575, 574, 573, 572, 580, 584, 583, 582, 587, 586, 585, 581, 579, 571, 568, 566, 564, 557, 546, 527, 513, 526, 525, 524, 512, 495, 494, 474, 452, 436, 409, 435, 453, 475, 496, 514, 528, 497, 455, 476, 454, 437, 411, 410, 394, 393, 392, 380, 370, 379, 408, 391, 378, 369, 364, 365, 361, 355, 351, 343, 336, 331, 317, 299, 286, 287, 278, 263, 264, 265, 223, 202, 248, 266, 279, 288, 289, 281, 267, 249, 232, 224, 216, 215, 204, 192, 193, 194, 186, 179, 185, 203, 191, 190, 177, 171, 161, 128, 135, 140, 149, 162, 150, 163, 172, 178, 173, 164, 152, 151, 141, 153, 165, 154, 142, 155, 143, 137, 136, 130, 129, 118, 114, 113, 105, 119, 123, 131, 144, 156, 157, 145, 158, 166, 167, 174, 180, 181, 187, 195, 205, 217, 226, 236, 225, 234, 252, 235, 253, 254, 255, 238, 239, 240, 241, 256, 237, 206, 207, 208, 196, 197, 198, 209, 199, 200, 211, 212, 219, 210, 218, 227, 244, 260, 283, 294, 295, 303, 296, 311, 304, 297, 298, 305, 285, 306, 314, 329, 321, 313, 312, 328, 334, 341, 347, 348, 353, 358, 362, 363, 360, 349, 342, 322, 323, 315, 316, 308, 307, 277, 247, 231, 222, 184, 183, 176, 170, 160, 148, 134, 127, 126, 111, 104, 92, 91, 71, 60, 51, 52, 40, 32, 23, 21, 20, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 11, 10, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 31, 39, 25, 30, 35, 34, 33, 43, 54, 42, 27, 28, 29, 9, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 41, 67, 66, 64, 63, 53, 62, 61, 72, 81, 93, 99, 112, 122,
            tspProblem.Coordinates = new DoubleMatrix(new double[, ] {
                { 48, 71 }, { 49, 71 }, { 50, 71 }, { 44, 70 }, { 45, 70 }, { 52, 70 }, { 53, 70 }, { 54, 70 }, { 41, 69 }, { 42, 69 }, { 55, 69 }, { 56, 69 }, { 40, 68 }, { 56, 68 }, { 57, 68 }, { 39, 67 }, { 57, 67 }, { 58, 67 }, { 59, 67 }, { 38, 66 }, { 59, 66 }, { 60, 66 }, { 37, 65 }, { 60, 65 }, { 36, 64 }, { 43, 64 }, { 35, 63 }, { 37, 63 }, { 41, 63 }, { 42, 63 }, { 43, 63 }, { 47, 63 }, { 61, 63 }, { 40, 62 }, { 41, 62 }, { 42, 62 }, { 43, 62 }, { 45, 62 }, { 46, 62 }, { 47, 62 }, { 62, 62 }, { 34, 61 }, { 38, 61 }, { 39, 61 }, { 42, 61 }, { 43, 61 }, { 44, 61 }, { 45, 61 }, { 46, 61 }, { 47, 61 }, { 52, 61 }, { 62, 61 }, { 63, 61 }, { 26, 60 }, { 38, 60 }, { 42, 60 }, { 43, 60 }, { 44, 60 }, { 46, 60 }, { 47, 60 }, { 63, 60 }, { 23, 59 }, { 24, 59 }, { 27, 59 }, { 29, 59 }, { 30, 59 }, { 31, 59 }, { 33, 59 }, { 42, 59 }, { 46, 59 }, { 47, 59 }, { 63, 59 }, { 21, 58 }, { 32, 58 }, { 33, 58 }, { 34, 58 }, { 35, 58 }, { 46, 58 }, { 47, 58 }, { 48, 58 }, { 53, 58 }, { 21, 57 }, { 35, 57 }, { 47, 57 }, { 48, 57 }, { 53, 57 }, { 36, 56 }, { 37, 56 }, { 46, 56 }, { 47, 56 }, { 48, 56 }, { 64, 56 }, { 65, 56 }, { 20, 55 }, { 38, 55 }, { 46, 55 }, { 47, 55 }, { 48, 55 }, { 52, 55 }, { 21, 54 }, { 40, 54 }, { 47, 54 }, { 48, 54 }, { 52, 54 }, { 65, 54 }, { 30, 53 }, { 41, 53 }, { 46, 53 }, { 47, 53 }, { 48, 53 }, { 52, 53 }, { 65, 53 }, { 21, 52 }, { 32, 52 }, { 33, 52 }, { 42, 52 }, { 51, 52 }, { 21, 51 }, { 33, 51 }, { 34, 51 }, { 43, 51 }, { 51, 51 }, { 21, 50 }, { 35, 50 }, { 44, 50 }, { 50, 50 }, { 66, 50 }, { 67, 50 }, { 21, 49 }, { 34, 49 }, { 36, 49 }, { 37, 49 }, { 46, 49 }, { 49, 49 }, { 67, 49 }, { 22, 48 }, { 36, 48 }, { 37, 48 }, { 46, 48 }, { 47, 48 }, { 22, 47 }, { 30, 47 }, { 34, 47 }, { 37, 47 }, { 38, 47 }, { 39, 47 }, { 47, 47 }, { 48, 47 }, { 67, 47 }, { 23, 46 }, { 28, 46 }, { 29, 46 }, { 30, 46 }, { 31, 46 }, { 32, 46 }, { 35, 46 }, { 37, 46 }, { 38, 46 }, { 39, 46 }, { 49, 46 }, { 67, 46 }, { 23, 45 }, { 28, 45 }, { 29, 45 }, { 31, 45 }, { 32, 45 }, { 40, 45 }, { 41, 45 }, { 49, 45 }, { 50, 45 }, { 68, 45 }, { 24, 44 }, { 29, 44 }, { 32, 44 }, { 41, 44 }, { 51, 44 }, { 68, 44 }, { 25, 43 }, { 30, 43 }, { 32, 43 }, { 42, 43 }, { 43, 43 }, { 51, 43 }, { 68, 43 }, { 69, 43 }, { 31, 42 }, { 32, 42 }, { 43, 42 }, { 52, 42 }, { 55, 42 }, { 26, 41 }, { 27, 41 }, { 31, 41 }, { 32, 41 }, { 33, 41 }, { 44, 41 }, { 45, 41 }, { 46, 41 }, { 47, 41 }, { 48, 41 }, { 49, 41 }, { 53, 41 }, { 25, 40 }, { 27, 40 }, { 32, 40 }, { 43, 40 }, { 44, 40 }, { 45, 40 }, { 46, 40 }, { 48, 40 }, { 49, 40 }, { 50, 40 }, { 51, 40 }, { 53, 40 }, { 56, 40 }, { 32, 39 }, { 33, 39 }, { 43, 39 }, { 50, 39 }, { 51, 39 }, { 54, 39 }, { 56, 39 }, { 69, 39 }, { 24, 38 }, { 32, 38 }, { 41, 38 }, { 42, 38 }, { 51, 38 }, { 52, 38 }, { 54, 38 }, { 57, 38 }, { 69, 38 }, { 31, 37 }, { 32, 37 }, { 40, 37 }, { 41, 37 }, { 42, 37 }, { 43, 37 }, { 44, 37 }, { 45, 37 }, { 46, 37 }, { 47, 37 }, { 48, 37 }, { 51, 37 }, { 52, 37 }, { 55, 37 }, { 57, 37 }, { 69, 37 }, { 24, 36 }, { 31, 36 }, { 32, 36 }, { 39, 36 }, { 40, 36 }, { 41, 36 }, { 42, 36 }, { 43, 36 }, { 45, 36 }, { 48, 36 }, { 49, 36 }, { 51, 36 }, { 53, 36 }, { 55, 36 }, { 58, 36 }, { 22, 35 }, { 23, 35 }, { 24, 35 }, { 25, 35 }, { 30, 35 }, { 31, 35 }, { 32, 35 }, { 39, 35 }, { 41, 35 }, { 49, 35 }, { 51, 35 }, { 55, 35 }, { 56, 35 }, { 58, 35 }, { 71, 35 }, { 20, 34 }, { 27, 34 }, { 30, 34 }, { 31, 34 }, { 51, 34 }, { 53, 34 }, { 57, 34 }, { 60, 34 }, { 18, 33 }, { 19, 33 }, { 29, 33 }, { 30, 33 }, { 31, 33 }, { 45, 33 }, { 46, 33 }, { 47, 33 }, { 52, 33 }, { 53, 33 }, { 55, 33 }, { 57, 33 }, { 58, 33 }, { 17, 32 }, { 30, 32 }, { 44, 32 }, { 47, 32 }, { 54, 32 }, { 57, 32 }, { 59, 32 }, { 61, 32 }, { 71, 32 }, { 72, 32 }, { 43, 31 }, { 47, 31 }, { 56, 31 }, { 58, 31 }, { 59, 31 }, { 61, 31 }, { 72, 31 }, { 74, 31 }, { 16, 30 }, { 43, 30 }, { 46, 30 }, { 47, 30 }, { 59, 30 }, { 63, 30 }, { 71, 30 }, { 75, 30 }, { 43, 29 }, { 46, 29 }, { 47, 29 }, { 59, 29 }, { 60, 29 }, { 75, 29 }, { 15, 28 }, { 43, 28 }, { 46, 28 }, { 61, 28 }, { 76, 28 }, { 15, 27 }, { 43, 27 }, { 44, 27 }, { 45, 27 }, { 46, 27 }, { 60, 27 }, { 62, 27 }, { 15, 26 }, { 43, 26 }, { 44, 26 }, { 46, 26 }, { 59, 26 }, { 60, 26 }, { 64, 26 }, { 77, 26 }, { 15, 25 }, { 58, 25 }, { 61, 25 }, { 77, 25 }, { 15, 24 }, { 53, 24 }, { 55, 24 }, { 61, 24 }, { 77, 24 }, { 62, 23 }, { 16, 22 }, { 61, 22 }, { 62, 22 }, { 15, 21 }, { 16, 21 }, { 52, 21 }, { 63, 21 }, { 77, 21 }, { 16, 20 }, { 17, 20 }, { 46, 20 }, { 47, 20 }, { 60, 20 }, { 62, 20 }, { 63, 20 }, { 65, 20 }, { 76, 20 }, { 15, 19 }, { 17, 19 }, { 18, 19 }, { 44, 19 }, { 45, 19 }, { 48, 19 }, { 53, 19 }, { 56, 19 }, { 60, 19 }, { 62, 19 }, { 67, 19 }, { 68, 19 }, { 76, 19 }, { 15, 18 }, { 18, 18 }, { 19, 18 }, { 20, 18 }, { 32, 18 }, { 33, 18 }, { 34, 18 }, { 41, 18 }, { 42, 18 }, { 43, 18 }, { 46, 18 }, { 48, 18 }, { 53, 18 }, { 59, 18 }, { 60, 18 }, { 69, 18 }, { 75, 18 }, { 16, 17 }, { 17, 17 }, { 20, 17 }, { 21, 17 }, { 22, 17 }, { 23, 17 }, { 24, 17 }, { 26, 17 }, { 28, 17 }, { 29, 17 }, { 30, 17 }, { 31, 17 }, { 32, 17 }, { 34, 17 }, { 35, 17 }, { 36, 17 }, { 37, 17 }, { 38, 17 }, { 39, 17 }, { 40, 17 }, { 44, 17 }, { 46, 17 }, { 48, 17 }, { 53, 17 }, { 56, 17 }, { 58, 17 }, { 75, 17 }, { 17, 16 }, { 18, 16 }, { 20, 16 }, { 24, 16 }, { 26, 16 }, { 27, 16 }, { 29, 16 }, { 33, 16 }, { 41, 16 }, { 42, 16 }, { 44, 16 }, { 47, 16 }, { 52, 16 }, { 57, 16 }, { 70, 16 }, { 73, 16 }, { 74, 16 }, { 17, 15 }, { 18, 15 }, { 20, 15 }, { 22, 15 }, { 24, 15 }, { 27, 15 }, { 29, 15 }, { 31, 15 }, { 33, 15 }, { 35, 15 }, { 36, 15 }, { 38, 15 }, { 39, 15 }, { 42, 15 }, { 45, 15 }, { 47, 15 }, { 52, 15 }, { 53, 15 }, { 55, 15 }, { 56, 15 }, { 70, 15 }, { 73, 15 }, { 17, 14 }, { 19, 14 }, { 21, 14 }, { 24, 14 }, { 26, 14 }, { 29, 14 }, { 31, 14 }, { 34, 14 }, { 37, 14 }, { 40, 14 }, { 42, 14 }, { 44, 14 }, { 46, 14 }, { 47, 14 }, { 53, 14 }, { 54, 14 }, { 55, 14 }, { 62, 14 }, { 70, 14 }, { 72, 14 }, { 17, 13 }, { 19, 13 }, { 21, 13 }, { 23, 13 }, { 25, 13 }, { 27, 13 }, { 30, 13 }, { 32, 13 }, { 34, 13 }, { 36, 13 }, { 38, 13 }, { 41, 13 }, { 43, 13 }, { 44, 13 }, { 45, 13 }, { 60, 13 }, { 70, 13 }, { 71, 13 }, { 18, 12 }, { 21, 12 }, { 23, 12 }, { 26, 12 }, { 28, 12 }, { 31, 12 }, { 34, 12 }, { 37, 12 }, { 39, 12 }, { 41, 12 }, { 42, 12 }, { 70, 12 }, { 18, 11 }, { 19, 11 }, { 20, 11 }, { 21, 11 }, { 24, 11 }, { 25, 11 }, { 27, 11 }, { 29, 11 }, { 31, 11 }, { 33, 11 }, { 35, 11 }, { 38, 11 }, { 41, 11 }, { 59, 11 }, { 26, 10 }, { 29, 10 }, { 32, 10 }, { 34, 10 }, { 36, 10 }, { 39, 10 }, { 40, 10 }, { 69, 10 }, { 21, 9 }, { 26, 9 }, { 28, 9 }, { 30, 9 }, { 32, 9 }, { 33, 9 }, { 35, 9 }, { 36, 9 }, { 37, 9 }, { 38, 9 }, { 39, 9 }, { 22, 8 }, { 27, 8 }, { 28, 8 }, { 29, 8 }, { 30, 8 }, { 31, 8 }, { 68, 8 }, { 23, 7 }, { 66, 7 }, { 24, 6 }, { 65, 6 }, { 25, 5 }, { 62, 5 }, { 63, 5 }, { 26, 4 }, { 55, 4 }, { 56, 4 }, { 57, 4 }, { 58, 4 }, { 59, 4 }, { 60, 4 }, { 61, 4 }, { 28, 3 }, { 53, 3 }, { 29, 2 }, { 50, 2 }, { 51, 2 }, { 52, 2 }, { 31, 1 }, { 32, 1 }, { 48, 1 }
            tspProblem.BestKnownQuality = new DoubleValue(867);

            tspProblem.EvaluatorParameter.Value       = new TSPRoundedEuclideanPathEvaluator();
            tspProblem.SolutionCreatorParameter.Value = new RandomPermutationCreator();
            tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value        = true;
            tspProblem.Name        = "Funny TSP";
            tspProblem.Description = "Represents a symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem.";
            #region Algorithm Configuration
            vns.Name        = "Variable Neighborhood Search - TSP";
            vns.Description = "A variable neighborhood search algorithm which solves a funny TSP instance";
            vns.Problem     = tspProblem;

            var localImprovement = vns.LocalImprovementParameter.ValidValues
                                   .OfType <LocalSearchImprovementOperator>()
            // move generator has to be set first
            localImprovement.MoveGenerator = localImprovement.MoveGeneratorParameter.ValidValues
                                             .OfType <StochasticInversionMultiMoveGenerator>()
            localImprovement.MoveEvaluator = localImprovement.MoveEvaluatorParameter.ValidValues
                                             .OfType <TSPInversionMoveRoundedEuclideanPathEvaluator>()
            localImprovement.MoveMaker = localImprovement.MoveMakerParameter.ValidValues
                                         .OfType <InversionMoveMaker>()
            localImprovement.SampleSizeParameter.Value = new IntValue(500);
            vns.LocalImprovement = localImprovement;

            vns.LocalImprovementMaximumIterations = 150;
            vns.MaximumIterations = 25;
            vns.Seed            = 0;
            vns.SetSeedRandomly = true;
            var shakingOperator = vns.ShakingOperatorParameter.ValidValues
                                  .OfType <PermutationShakingOperator>()
                                                          .OfType <Swap2Manipulator>()
                                                          .Single(), false);
                                                          .OfType <Swap3Manipulator>()
                                                          .Single(), false);
            vns.ShakingOperator = shakingOperator;
            vns.Engine = new ParallelEngine.ParallelEngine();
Пример #6
    private VariableNeighborhoodSearch CreateVnsTspSample() {
      VariableNeighborhoodSearch vns = new VariableNeighborhoodSearch();
      #region Problem Configuration
      TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
      tspProblem.BestKnownSolution = new Permutation(PermutationTypes.Absolute, new int[] {
117, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 82, 86, 87, 94, 100, 106, 115, 120, 124, 107, 101, 108, 109, 102, 97, 90, 96, 95, 88, 89, 84, 78, 69, 57, 68, 56, 44, 55, 45, 36, 46, 37, 38, 47, 48, 59, 49, 58, 70, 77, 83, 79, 50, 80, 85, 98, 103, 110, 116, 121, 125, 133, 132, 138, 139, 146, 147, 159, 168, 169, 175, 182, 188, 201, 213, 189, 214, 221, 230, 246, 262, 276, 284, 275, 274, 261, 245, 229, 220, 228, 243, 259, 273, 282, 272, 258, 242, 257, 293, 292, 302, 310, 319, 320, 327, 326, 333, 340, 346, 339, 345, 344, 337, 338, 332, 325, 318, 309, 301, 291, 271, 251, 270, 233, 250, 269, 268, 280, 290, 300, 415, 440, 416, 417, 441, 458, 479, 418, 419, 395, 420, 442, 421, 396, 397, 422, 423, 461, 481, 502, 460, 501, 459, 480, 500, 517, 531, 516, 530, 499, 478, 457, 439, 414, 413, 412, 438, 456, 477, 498, 515, 529, 538, 547, 558, 559, 560, 548, 539, 549, 561, 562, 551, 550, 532, 540, 533, 541, 518, 534, 542, 552, 553, 554, 555, 535, 543, 556, 544, 536, 522, 505, 521, 520, 504, 519, 503, 482, 462, 463, 464, 483, 443, 465, 484, 506, 485, 507, 508, 487, 467, 486, 466, 445, 428, 444, 424, 425, 426, 427, 398, 399, 400, 381, 382, 371, 372, 401, 429, 446, 430, 402, 383, 366, 356, 357, 352, 385, 384, 403, 431, 447, 469, 468, 488, 489, 490, 470, 471, 448, 432, 433, 404, 405, 386, 373, 374, 367, 376, 375, 387, 491, 509, 537, 510, 492, 472, 449, 388, 389, 406, 450, 407, 377, 368, 359, 354, 350, 335, 324, 330, 390, 434, 451, 473, 493, 511, 523, 545, 563, 565, 567, 570, 569, 578, 577, 576, 575, 574, 573, 572, 580, 584, 583, 582, 587, 586, 585, 581, 579, 571, 568, 566, 564, 557, 546, 527, 513, 526, 525, 524, 512, 495, 494, 474, 452, 436, 409, 435, 453, 475, 496, 514, 528, 497, 455, 476, 454, 437, 411, 410, 394, 393, 392, 380, 370, 379, 408, 391, 378, 369, 364, 365, 361, 355, 351, 343, 336, 331, 317, 299, 286, 287, 278, 263, 264, 265, 223, 202, 248, 266, 279, 288, 289, 281, 267, 249, 232, 224, 216, 215, 204, 192, 193, 194, 186, 179, 185, 203, 191, 190, 177, 171, 161, 128, 135, 140, 149, 162, 150, 163, 172, 178, 173, 164, 152, 151, 141, 153, 165, 154, 142, 155, 143, 137, 136, 130, 129, 118, 114, 113, 105, 119, 123, 131, 144, 156, 157, 145, 158, 166, 167, 174, 180, 181, 187, 195, 205, 217, 226, 236, 225, 234, 252, 235, 253, 254, 255, 238, 239, 240, 241, 256, 237, 206, 207, 208, 196, 197, 198, 209, 199, 200, 211, 212, 219, 210, 218, 227, 244, 260, 283, 294, 295, 303, 296, 311, 304, 297, 298, 305, 285, 306, 314, 329, 321, 313, 312, 328, 334, 341, 347, 348, 353, 358, 362, 363, 360, 349, 342, 322, 323, 315, 316, 308, 307, 277, 247, 231, 222, 184, 183, 176, 170, 160, 148, 134, 127, 126, 111, 104, 92, 91, 71, 60, 51, 52, 40, 32, 23, 21, 20, 18, 17, 16, 14, 13, 11, 10, 7, 6, 5, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 31, 39, 25, 30, 35, 34, 33, 43, 54, 42, 27, 28, 29, 9, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 24, 26, 41, 67, 66, 64, 63, 53, 62, 61, 72, 81, 93, 99, 112, 122, 
      tspProblem.Coordinates = new DoubleMatrix(new double[,] {
{48, 71}, {49, 71}, {50, 71}, {44, 70}, {45, 70}, {52, 70}, {53, 70}, {54, 70}, {41, 69}, {42, 69}, {55, 69}, {56, 69}, {40, 68}, {56, 68}, {57, 68}, {39, 67}, {57, 67}, {58, 67}, {59, 67}, {38, 66}, {59, 66}, {60, 66}, {37, 65}, {60, 65}, {36, 64}, {43, 64}, {35, 63}, {37, 63}, {41, 63}, {42, 63}, {43, 63}, {47, 63}, {61, 63}, {40, 62}, {41, 62}, {42, 62}, {43, 62}, {45, 62}, {46, 62}, {47, 62}, {62, 62}, {34, 61}, {38, 61}, {39, 61}, {42, 61}, {43, 61}, {44, 61}, {45, 61}, {46, 61}, {47, 61}, {52, 61}, {62, 61}, {63, 61}, {26, 60}, {38, 60}, {42, 60}, {43, 60}, {44, 60}, {46, 60}, {47, 60}, {63, 60}, {23, 59}, {24, 59}, {27, 59}, {29, 59}, {30, 59}, {31, 59}, {33, 59}, {42, 59}, {46, 59}, {47, 59}, {63, 59}, {21, 58}, {32, 58}, {33, 58}, {34, 58}, {35, 58}, {46, 58}, {47, 58}, {48, 58}, {53, 58}, {21, 57}, {35, 57}, {47, 57}, {48, 57}, {53, 57}, {36, 56}, {37, 56}, {46, 56}, {47, 56}, {48, 56}, {64, 56}, {65, 56}, {20, 55}, {38, 55}, {46, 55}, {47, 55}, {48, 55}, {52, 55}, {21, 54}, {40, 54}, {47, 54}, {48, 54}, {52, 54}, {65, 54}, {30, 53}, {41, 53}, {46, 53}, {47, 53}, {48, 53}, {52, 53}, {65, 53}, {21, 52}, {32, 52}, {33, 52}, {42, 52}, {51, 52}, {21, 51}, {33, 51}, {34, 51}, {43, 51}, {51, 51}, {21, 50}, {35, 50}, {44, 50}, {50, 50}, {66, 50}, {67, 50}, {21, 49}, {34, 49}, {36, 49}, {37, 49}, {46, 49}, {49, 49}, {67, 49}, {22, 48}, {36, 48}, {37, 48}, {46, 48}, {47, 48}, {22, 47}, {30, 47}, {34, 47}, {37, 47}, {38, 47}, {39, 47}, {47, 47}, {48, 47}, {67, 47}, {23, 46}, {28, 46}, {29, 46}, {30, 46}, {31, 46}, {32, 46}, {35, 46}, {37, 46}, {38, 46}, {39, 46}, {49, 46}, {67, 46}, {23, 45}, {28, 45}, {29, 45}, {31, 45}, {32, 45}, {40, 45}, {41, 45}, {49, 45}, {50, 45}, {68, 45}, {24, 44}, {29, 44}, {32, 44}, {41, 44}, {51, 44}, {68, 44}, {25, 43}, {30, 43}, {32, 43}, {42, 43}, {43, 43}, {51, 43}, {68, 43}, {69, 43}, {31, 42}, {32, 42}, {43, 42}, {52, 42}, {55, 42}, {26, 41}, {27, 41}, {31, 41}, {32, 41}, {33, 41}, {44, 41}, {45, 41}, {46, 41}, {47, 41}, {48, 41}, {49, 41}, {53, 41}, {25, 40}, {27, 40}, {32, 40}, {43, 40}, {44, 40}, {45, 40}, {46, 40}, {48, 40}, {49, 40}, {50, 40}, {51, 40}, {53, 40}, {56, 40}, {32, 39}, {33, 39}, {43, 39}, {50, 39}, {51, 39}, {54, 39}, {56, 39}, {69, 39}, {24, 38}, {32, 38}, {41, 38}, {42, 38}, {51, 38}, {52, 38}, {54, 38}, {57, 38}, {69, 38}, {31, 37}, {32, 37}, {40, 37}, {41, 37}, {42, 37}, {43, 37}, {44, 37}, {45, 37}, {46, 37}, {47, 37}, {48, 37}, {51, 37}, {52, 37}, {55, 37}, {57, 37}, {69, 37}, {24, 36}, {31, 36}, {32, 36}, {39, 36}, {40, 36}, {41, 36}, {42, 36}, {43, 36}, {45, 36}, {48, 36}, {49, 36}, {51, 36}, {53, 36}, {55, 36}, {58, 36}, {22, 35}, {23, 35}, {24, 35}, {25, 35}, {30, 35}, {31, 35}, {32, 35}, {39, 35}, {41, 35}, {49, 35}, {51, 35}, {55, 35}, {56, 35}, {58, 35}, {71, 35}, {20, 34}, {27, 34}, {30, 34}, {31, 34}, {51, 34}, {53, 34}, {57, 34}, {60, 34}, {18, 33}, {19, 33}, {29, 33}, {30, 33}, {31, 33}, {45, 33}, {46, 33}, {47, 33}, {52, 33}, {53, 33}, {55, 33}, {57, 33}, {58, 33}, {17, 32}, {30, 32}, {44, 32}, {47, 32}, {54, 32}, {57, 32}, {59, 32}, {61, 32}, {71, 32}, {72, 32}, {43, 31}, {47, 31}, {56, 31}, {58, 31}, {59, 31}, {61, 31}, {72, 31}, {74, 31}, {16, 30}, {43, 30}, {46, 30}, {47, 30}, {59, 30}, {63, 30}, {71, 30}, {75, 30}, {43, 29}, {46, 29}, {47, 29}, {59, 29}, {60, 29}, {75, 29}, {15, 28}, {43, 28}, {46, 28}, {61, 28}, {76, 28}, {15, 27}, {43, 27}, {44, 27}, {45, 27}, {46, 27}, {60, 27}, {62, 27}, {15, 26}, {43, 26}, {44, 26}, {46, 26}, {59, 26}, {60, 26}, {64, 26}, {77, 26}, {15, 25}, {58, 25}, {61, 25}, {77, 25}, {15, 24}, {53, 24}, {55, 24}, {61, 24}, {77, 24}, {62, 23}, {16, 22}, {61, 22}, {62, 22}, {15, 21}, {16, 21}, {52, 21}, {63, 21}, {77, 21}, {16, 20}, {17, 20}, {46, 20}, {47, 20}, {60, 20}, {62, 20}, {63, 20}, {65, 20}, {76, 20}, {15, 19}, {17, 19}, {18, 19}, {44, 19}, {45, 19}, {48, 19}, {53, 19}, {56, 19}, {60, 19}, {62, 19}, {67, 19}, {68, 19}, {76, 19}, {15, 18}, {18, 18}, {19, 18}, {20, 18}, {32, 18}, {33, 18}, {34, 18}, {41, 18}, {42, 18}, {43, 18}, {46, 18}, {48, 18}, {53, 18}, {59, 18}, {60, 18}, {69, 18}, {75, 18}, {16, 17}, {17, 17}, {20, 17}, {21, 17}, {22, 17}, {23, 17}, {24, 17}, {26, 17}, {28, 17}, {29, 17}, {30, 17}, {31, 17}, {32, 17}, {34, 17}, {35, 17}, {36, 17}, {37, 17}, {38, 17}, {39, 17}, {40, 17}, {44, 17}, {46, 17}, {48, 17}, {53, 17}, {56, 17}, {58, 17}, {75, 17}, {17, 16}, {18, 16}, {20, 16}, {24, 16}, {26, 16}, {27, 16}, {29, 16}, {33, 16}, {41, 16}, {42, 16}, {44, 16}, {47, 16}, {52, 16}, {57, 16}, {70, 16}, {73, 16}, {74, 16}, {17, 15}, {18, 15}, {20, 15}, {22, 15}, {24, 15}, {27, 15}, {29, 15}, {31, 15}, {33, 15}, {35, 15}, {36, 15}, {38, 15}, {39, 15}, {42, 15}, {45, 15}, {47, 15}, {52, 15}, {53, 15}, {55, 15}, {56, 15}, {70, 15}, {73, 15}, {17, 14}, {19, 14}, {21, 14}, {24, 14}, {26, 14}, {29, 14}, {31, 14}, {34, 14}, {37, 14}, {40, 14}, {42, 14}, {44, 14}, {46, 14}, {47, 14}, {53, 14}, {54, 14}, {55, 14}, {62, 14}, {70, 14}, {72, 14}, {17, 13}, {19, 13}, {21, 13}, {23, 13}, {25, 13}, {27, 13}, {30, 13}, {32, 13}, {34, 13}, {36, 13}, {38, 13}, {41, 13}, {43, 13}, {44, 13}, {45, 13}, {60, 13}, {70, 13}, {71, 13}, {18, 12}, {21, 12}, {23, 12}, {26, 12}, {28, 12}, {31, 12}, {34, 12}, {37, 12}, {39, 12}, {41, 12}, {42, 12}, {70, 12}, {18, 11}, {19, 11}, {20, 11}, {21, 11}, {24, 11}, {25, 11}, {27, 11}, {29, 11}, {31, 11}, {33, 11}, {35, 11}, {38, 11}, {41, 11}, {59, 11}, {26, 10}, {29, 10}, {32, 10}, {34, 10}, {36, 10}, {39, 10}, {40, 10}, {69, 10}, {21, 9}, {26, 9}, {28, 9}, {30, 9}, {32, 9}, {33, 9}, {35, 9}, {36, 9}, {37, 9}, {38, 9}, {39, 9}, {22, 8}, {27, 8}, {28, 8}, {29, 8}, {30, 8}, {31, 8}, {68, 8}, {23, 7}, {66, 7}, {24, 6}, {65, 6}, {25, 5}, {62, 5}, {63, 5}, {26, 4}, {55, 4}, {56, 4}, {57, 4}, {58, 4}, {59, 4}, {60, 4}, {61, 4}, {28, 3}, {53, 3}, {29, 2}, {50, 2}, {51, 2}, {52, 2}, {31, 1}, {32, 1}, {48, 1}
      tspProblem.BestKnownQuality = new DoubleValue(867);

      tspProblem.EvaluatorParameter.Value = new TSPRoundedEuclideanPathEvaluator();
      tspProblem.SolutionCreatorParameter.Value = new RandomPermutationCreator();
      tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
      tspProblem.Name = "Funny TSP";
      tspProblem.Description = "Represents a symmetric Traveling Salesman Problem.";
      #region Algorithm Configuration
      vns.Name = "Variable Neighborhood Search - TSP";
      vns.Description = "A variable neighborhood search algorithm which solves a funny TSP instance";
      vns.Problem = tspProblem;

      var localImprovement = vns.LocalImprovementParameter.ValidValues
      // move generator has to be set first
      localImprovement.MoveGenerator = localImprovement.MoveGeneratorParameter.ValidValues
      localImprovement.MoveEvaluator = localImprovement.MoveEvaluatorParameter.ValidValues
      localImprovement.MoveMaker = localImprovement.MoveMakerParameter.ValidValues
      localImprovement.SampleSizeParameter.Value = new IntValue(500);
      vns.LocalImprovement = localImprovement;

      vns.LocalImprovementMaximumIterations = 150;
      vns.MaximumIterations = 25;
      vns.Seed = 0;
      vns.SetSeedRandomly = true;
      var shakingOperator = vns.ShakingOperatorParameter.ValidValues
        .Single(), false);
        .Single(), false);
      vns.ShakingOperator = shakingOperator;
      vns.Engine = new ParallelEngine.ParallelEngine();
      return vns;
        public void ConstructTravelingSalesmanProblems()
            var files = new List <string>(Directory.EnumerateFiles(RootDir, "*.tsp", SearchOption.AllDirectories));

            foreach (var fileName in files)
                var problem = TravelingSalesmanProblem.FromFile(fileName);
Пример #8
        private TabuSearch CreateTabuSearchTspSample()
            TabuSearch ts = new TabuSearch();

            #region Problem Configuration
            var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
            var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Where(x => x.Name == "ch130").Single();
            TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
            tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
            #region Algorithm Configuration
            ts.Name        = "Tabu Search - TSP";
            ts.Description = "A tabu search algorithm that solves the \"ch130\" TSP (imported from TSPLIB)";
            ts.Problem     = tspProblem;

            ts.MaximumIterations.Value = 1000;
            // move generator has to be set first
            var moveGenerator = ts.MoveGeneratorParameter.ValidValues
                                .OfType <StochasticInversionMultiMoveGenerator>()
            ts.MoveGenerator = moveGenerator;
            var moveEvaluator = ts.MoveEvaluatorParameter.ValidValues
                                .OfType <TSPInversionMoveRoundedEuclideanPathEvaluator>()
            ts.MoveEvaluator = moveEvaluator;
            var moveMaker = ts.MoveMakerParameter.ValidValues
                            .OfType <InversionMoveMaker>()
            ts.MoveMaker             = moveMaker;
            ts.SampleSize.Value      = 750;
            ts.Seed.Value            = 0;
            ts.SetSeedRandomly.Value = true;

            var tabuChecker = ts.TabuCheckerParameter.ValidValues
                              .OfType <InversionMoveSoftTabuCriterion>()
            tabuChecker.UseAspirationCriterion.Value = true;
            ts.TabuChecker = tabuChecker;

            var tabuMaker = ts.TabuMakerParameter.ValidValues
                            .OfType <InversionMoveTabuMaker>()
            ts.TabuMaker        = tabuMaker;
            ts.TabuTenure.Value = 60;

            ts.Engine = new ParallelEngine.ParallelEngine();
    private TabuSearch CreateTabuSearchTspSample() {
      TabuSearch ts = new TabuSearch();
      #region Problem Configuration
      var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
      var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Where(x => x.Name == "ch130").Single();
      TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
      tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
      #region Algorithm Configuration
      ts.Name = "Tabu Search - TSP";
      ts.Description = "A tabu search algorithm that solves the \"ch130\" TSP (imported from TSPLIB)";
      ts.Problem = tspProblem;

      ts.MaximumIterations.Value = 1000;
      // move generator has to be set first
      var moveGenerator = ts.MoveGeneratorParameter.ValidValues
      ts.MoveGenerator = moveGenerator;
      var moveEvaluator = ts.MoveEvaluatorParameter.ValidValues
      ts.MoveEvaluator = moveEvaluator;
      var moveMaker = ts.MoveMakerParameter.ValidValues
      ts.MoveMaker = moveMaker;
      ts.SampleSize.Value = 750;
      ts.Seed.Value = 0;
      ts.SetSeedRandomly.Value = true;

      var tabuChecker = ts.TabuCheckerParameter.ValidValues
      tabuChecker.UseAspirationCriterion.Value = true;
      ts.TabuChecker = tabuChecker;

      var tabuMaker = ts.TabuMakerParameter.ValidValues
      ts.TabuMaker = tabuMaker;
      ts.TabuTenure.Value = 60;

      ts.Engine = new ParallelEngine.ParallelEngine();
      return ts;
 private IslandGeneticAlgorithm CreateIslandGaTspSample() {
   IslandGeneticAlgorithm ga = new IslandGeneticAlgorithm();
   #region Problem Configuration
   var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
   var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Where(x => x.Name == "ch130").Single();
   TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
   tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
   #region Algorithm Configuration
   ga.Name = "Island Genetic Algorithm - TSP";
   ga.Description = "An island genetic algorithm which solves the \"ch130\" traveling salesman problem (imported from TSPLIB)";
   ga.Problem = tspProblem;
   SamplesUtils.ConfigureIslandGeneticAlgorithmParameters<ProportionalSelector, OrderCrossover2, InversionManipulator,
     UnidirectionalRingMigrator, BestSelector, WorstReplacer>(
     ga, 100, 1, 1000, 0.05, 5, 50, 0.25);
   return ga;
Пример #11
        public string StartTsp(int MaxTime, string filename, bool isGenetic, int population)
            problem = TravelingSalesmanProblem.FromFile(filename); // create TravelingSalesmanProblem object
            switch (problem.Type)                                  // type of nodes
            case ProblemType.TSP:
                if (isGenetic == false)
                    status = new TSPSymetric(problem, MaxTime).SolveTSP();
                    status = new TSPGenetic().SolveTSP(problem, MaxTime, population, null, false);

            case ProblemType.ATSP:
                _matrixTable = new MatrixTable(filename);
                if (isGenetic == false)
                    status = new TSPAsymetric(MaxTime, _matrixTable).SolveTSP();
                    status = new TSPGenetic().SolveTSP(null, MaxTime, population, _matrixTable.Matrix, true);

                MessageBox.Show("Loaded file is not tsp/atsp file. returning.");
            //catch (Exception)
            //    MessageBox.Show("Can't load file " + filename);
Пример #12
        private GeneticAlgorithm CreateGaTspSample()
            GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm();

            #region Problem Configuration
            var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
            var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Where(x => x.Name == "ch130").Single();
            TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
            tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
            #region Algorithm Configuration
            ga.Name        = "Genetic Algorithm - TSP";
            ga.Description = "A genetic algorithm which solves the \"ch130\" traveling salesman problem (imported from TSPLIB)";
            ga.Problem     = tspProblem;
            SamplesUtils.ConfigureGeneticAlgorithmParameters <ProportionalSelector, OrderCrossover2, InversionManipulator>(
                ga, 100, 1, 1000, 0.05);

Пример #13
 private AlpsGeneticAlgorithm CreateAlpsGaTspSample() {
   AlpsGeneticAlgorithm alpsGa = new AlpsGeneticAlgorithm();
   #region Problem Configuration
   var provider = new TSPLIBTSPInstanceProvider();
   var instance = provider.GetDataDescriptors().Single(x => x.Name == "ch130");
   TravelingSalesmanProblem tspProblem = new TravelingSalesmanProblem();
   tspProblem.UseDistanceMatrix.Value = true;
   #region Algorithm Configuration
   alpsGa.Name = "ALPS Genetic Algorithm - TSP";
   alpsGa.Description = "An age-layered population structure genetic algorithm which solves the \"ch130\" traveling salesman problem (imported from TSPLIB)";
   alpsGa.Problem = tspProblem;
   SamplesUtils.ConfigureAlpsGeneticAlgorithmParameters<GeneralizedRankSelector, MultiPermutationCrossover, InversionManipulator>(alpsGa,
     numberOfLayers: 1000,
     popSize: 100,
     mutationRate: 0.05,
     elites: 1,
     plusSelection: true,
     agingScheme: AgingScheme.Polynomial,
     ageGap: 20,
     ageInheritance: 1.0,
     maxGens: 1000);
   var checkedCrossovers = new[] { typeof(EdgeRecombinationCrossover), typeof(MaximalPreservativeCrossover), typeof(OrderCrossover2) };
   var multiCrossover = (MultiPermutationCrossover)alpsGa.Crossover;
   var crossovers = multiCrossover.Operators.Where(c => checkedCrossovers.Any(cc => cc.IsInstanceOfType(c))).ToList();
   foreach (var c in multiCrossover.Operators)
     multiCrossover.Operators.SetItemCheckedState(c, crossovers.Contains(c));
   return alpsGa;
Пример #14
 public TSPSymetric(TravelingSalesmanProblem problem, int maxTimeInSeconds)
     _problem          = problem;
     _maxTimeInSeconds = maxTimeInSeconds;
Пример #15
        public static IList <uint> OptimizePlaneOrder(IList <MotionObjectInfo> infoList, Motion.ReadOnlyMotionFrame frame)
            var infoList2 = (from info in infoList where info.ObjectType == typeof(PointObject) select info).ToList();

            if (infoList2.Count < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("3 or more points needed");
            if (!infoList2.All(info => frame[info] != null))
                throw new ArgumentException("some points missing in the frame");

            List <uint> idSequence;

            if (infoList2.Count <= 10)
                Dictionary <int, MotionObjectInfo> map = new Dictionary <int, MotionObjectInfo>();
                for (int i = 0; i < infoList2.Count; i++)
                    map[i] = infoList2[i];
                TravelingSalesmanProblem <int> tsp = TravelingSalesmanProblem <int> .Solve(map.Keys.ToList(), (x, y) => {
                    return((frame[map[x]].GravityPoint - frame[map[y]].GravityPoint).Length());

                idSequence = tsp.Answer.Select(i => map[i].Id).ToList();
                idSequence = new List <uint>();
                List <uint> ids    = new List <uint>(infoList2.Select(info => info.Id).ToList());
                uint        lastId = ids[0];
                while (ids.Count > 0)
                    Dictionary <uint, float> distances = new Dictionary <uint, float>();
                    Vector3 currentPos = frame[lastId].GravityPoint;
                    foreach (var id in ids)
                        distances[id] = (frame[id].GravityPoint - currentPos).LengthSq();
                    float min     = distances.Min(d => d.Value);
                    var   selects = (from d in distances where d.Value == min select d.Key).ToList();
                    if (selects.Count == 0)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("computation failed");
                    lastId = selects.First();
            // 交互にする
            List <uint> ret = new List <uint>();
            uint        next;

            while (true)
                if (idSequence.Count == 0)
                next = idSequence[0];
                if (idSequence.Count == 0)
                next = idSequence[idSequence.Count - 1];
