Пример #1
        public static TransportExecutionPlanType Create()
            var doc = new TransportExecutionPlanType
                UBLVersionID       = "2.1",
                ID                 = "TEP_1",
                VersionID          = "1",
                IssueDate          = "2011-09-13",
                IssueTime          = "10:00:30+01:00",
                DocumentStatusCode = "Confirmed",
                SenderParty        = new PartyType
                    PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                        new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                schemeName       = "GLN",
                                Value            = "4058673827641"
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "NECOSS"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "SomeName",
                        Telephone      = "+49450557000",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                ReceiverParty = new PartyType
                    PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                        new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                schemeName       = "GLN",
                                Value            = "4058673827000"
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "Consignor"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "SomeName",
                        Telephone      = "+8687878763",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                TransportUserParty = new PartyType
                    PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                        new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                schemeName       = "GLN",
                                Value            = "4058673827000"
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "Consignor"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "SomeName",
                        Telephone      = "+8687878763",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                TransportServiceProviderParty = new PartyType
                    PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                        new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                schemeName       = "GLN",
                                Value            = "4058673827641"
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                        new PartyNameType
                            Name = "NECOSS"
                    Contact = new ContactType
                        Name           = "SomeName",
                        Telephone      = "+49450557000",
                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                TransportServiceDescriptionDocumentReference = new DocumentReferenceType
                    ID = "2"
                TransportContract = new ContractType
                    Note = new TextType[]
                        new TextType
                            Value = "Framework Agreement"
                    ContractDocumentReference = new DocumentReferenceType[]
                        new DocumentReferenceType
                            ID                  = "TC101",
                            IssueDate           = "2010-01-01",
                            DocumentTypeCode    = "315",
                            DocumentType        = "Contract",
                            DocumentDescription = new TextType[]
                                new TextType
                                    Value = "Framework Agreement between Consignor and NECOSS"
                TransportUserResponseRequiredPeriod = new PeriodType[]
                    new PeriodType
                        EndDate = "2011-09-13",
                        EndTime = "12:00:10+01:00"
                MainTransportationService = new TransportationServiceType
                    TransportServiceCode             = "3",
                    TransportationServiceDescription = new TextType[]
                        new TextType
                            Value = "Transport from Hamburg to Nurnberg"
                ServiceEndTimePeriod = new PeriodType
                    EndDate = "2011-10-06",
                    EndTime = "16:00:10+01:00"
                FromLocation = new LocationType
                    LocationTypeCode = "13",
                    Address          = new AddressType
                        ID = new IdentifierType
                            schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                            schemeName       = "UN/LOCODE",
                            Value            = "DEHAM"
                        StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                        CityName   = "Hamburg",
                        PostalZone = "29400",
                        Country    = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "DE"
                ToLocation = new LocationType
                    LocationTypeCode = "7",
                    Address          = new AddressType
                        StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                        CityName   = "Nurnberg",
                        PostalZone = "28400",
                        Country    = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "DE"
                TransportExecutionTerms = new TransportExecutionTermsType
                    DeliveryTerms = new DeliveryTermsType[]
                        new DeliveryTermsType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeAgencyName = "INCOTERMS",
                                Value            = "EXW"
                            DeliveryLocation = new LocationType
                                Address = new AddressType
                                    CityName = "Hamburg"
                    NotificationRequirement = new NotificationRequirementType[]
                        new NotificationRequirementType
                            NotificationTypeCode = "TIME_SCHEDULE_DEVIATIONS",
                            NotifyParty          = new PartyType[]
                                new PartyType
                                    EndpointID = "www.consignee.de/statusnotifications/",
                                    PartyName  = new PartyNameType[]
                                        new PartyNameType
                                            Name = "Consignee"
                                    Contact = new ContactType
                                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                                new PartyType
                                    EndpointID = "www.consignor.cn/statusnotifications/",
                                    PartyName  = new PartyNameType[]
                                        new PartyNameType
                                            Name = "Consignor"
                                    Contact = new ContactType
                                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                        new NotificationRequirementType
                            NotificationTypeCode = "ITEM_CONDITION_DEVIATIONS",
                            PostEventNotificationDurationMeasure = new MeasureType
                                unitCode = "MIN",
                                Value    = 10M
                            NotifyParty = new PartyType[]
                                new PartyType
                                    EndpointID = "www.consignee.com/statusnotifications/",
                                    PartyName  = new PartyNameType[]
                                        new PartyNameType
                                            Name = "Consignee"
                                    Contact = new ContactType
                                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                                new PartyType
                                    EndpointID = "www.consignor.cn/statusnotifications/",
                                    PartyName  = new PartyNameType[]
                                        new PartyNameType
                                            Name = "Consignor"
                                    Contact = new ContactType
                                        ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                Consignment = new ConsignmentType[]
                    new ConsignmentType
                        ID = "CON_1",
                        GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                            unitCode = "KGM",
                            Value    = 50000M
                        NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                            unitCode = "KGM",
                            Value    = 3000M
                        GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                            unitCode = "MTQ",
                            Value    = 78M
                        LoadingLengthMeasure = new MeasureType
                            unitCode = "MTR",
                            Value    = 12M
                        HazardousRiskIndicator             = false,
                        TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity = 2M,
                        ConsolidatedShipment = new ShipmentType[]
                            new ShipmentType
                                ID = "GSIN_1"
                            new ShipmentType
                                ID = "GSIN_2"
                        PlannedPickupTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                            Location = new LocationType
                                Address = new AddressType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                        schemeName       = "UN/LOCODE",
                                        Value            = "DEHAM"
                                    StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                                    CityName   = "Hamburg",
                                    PostalZone = "29400",
                                    Country    = new CountryType
                                        IdentificationCode = "DE"
                            Period = new PeriodType[]
                                new PeriodType
                                    StartDate = "2011-10-03",
                                    StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                    EndDate   = "2011-10-03",
                                    EndTime   = "12:30:10+01:00"
                        PlannedDeliveryTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                            Location = new LocationType
                                Address = new AddressType
                                    StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                                    CityName   = "Nurnberg",
                                    PostalZone = "28400",
                                    Country    = new CountryType
                                        IdentificationCode = "DE"
                            Period = new PeriodType[]
                                new PeriodType
                                    StartDate = "2011-10-06",
                                    StartTime = "12:30:10+01:00",
                                    EndDate   = "2011-10-06",
                                    EndTime   = "15:30:10+01:00"
                        ConsigneeParty = new PartyType
                            PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                                new PartyIdentificationType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                        schemeName       = "GLN",
                                        Value            = "4058673827123"
                            PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                new PartyNameType
                                    Name = "Consignee"
                            Contact = new ContactType
                                Name           = "SomeName",
                                Telephone      = "+4987878763",
                                ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                        ConsignorParty = new PartyType
                            PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                                new PartyIdentificationType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                        schemeName       = "GLN",
                                        Value            = "4058673827000"
                            PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                new PartyNameType
                                    Name = "Consignor"
                            PostalAddress = new AddressType
                                ID = new IdentifierType
                                    schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                    schemeName       = "GLN",
                                    Value            = "4058673827000"
                            Contact = new ContactType
                                Name           = "SomeName",
                                Telephone      = "+8676576456",
                                ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                        OriginalDepartureCountry = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "CN"
                        FinalDestinationCountry = new CountryType
                            IdentificationCode = "DE"
                        MainCarriageShipmentStage = new ShipmentStageType[]
                            new ShipmentStageType
                                PlannedDepartureTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                                    Location = new LocationType
                                        Address = new AddressType
                                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                                schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                                schemeName       = "UN/LOCODE",
                                                Value            = "DEHAM"
                                            StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                                            CityName   = "Hamburg",
                                            PostalZone = "29400",
                                            Country    = new CountryType
                                                IdentificationCode = "DE"
                                    Period = new PeriodType[]
                                        new PeriodType
                                            StartDate = "2011-10-03",
                                            StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                            EndDate   = "2011-10-03",
                                            EndTime   = "12:30:10+01:00"
                                PlannedArrivalTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                                    Location = new LocationType
                                        Address = new AddressType
                                            StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                                            CityName   = "Nurnberg",
                                            PostalZone = "28400",
                                            Country    = new CountryType
                                                IdentificationCode = "DE"
                                    Period = new PeriodType[]
                                        new PeriodType
                                            StartDate = "2011-10-06",
                                            StartTime = "12:30:10+01:00",
                                            EndDate   = "2011-10-06",
                                            EndTime   = "15:30:10+01:00"
                        PreCarriageShipmentStage = new ShipmentStageType[]
                            new ShipmentStageType
                                TransportModeCode      = "1",
                                TransportMeansTypeCode = "83",
                                CarrierParty           = new PartyType[]
                                    new PartyType
                                        PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                            new PartyNameType
                                                Name = "MAERSK"
                                        Contact = new ContactType
                                            Name           = "SomeName",
                                            Telephone      = "+4598786765",
                                            ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                                TransportMeans = new TransportMeansType
                                    JourneyID = "M22",
                                    RegistrationNationalityID = "DK",
                                    RegistrationNationality   = new TextType[]
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Denmark"
                                    TransportMeansTypeCode = "83",
                                    MaritimeTransport      = new MaritimeTransportType
                                        VesselID   = "SomeIMONr",
                                        VesselName = "SomeVesselName"
                                PlannedDepartureTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                                    Location = new LocationType
                                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                            schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                            schemeName       = "UN/LOCODE",
                                            Value            = "CNSHA"
                                    Period = new PeriodType[]
                                        new PeriodType
                                            StartDate = "2011-09-20",
                                            StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                            EndDate   = "2011-09-20",
                                            EndTime   = "12:30:10+01:00"
                                PlannedArrivalTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                                    Location = new LocationType
                                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                            schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                            schemeName       = "UN/LOCODE",
                                            Value            = "DEHAM"
                                    Period = new PeriodType[]
                                        new PeriodType
                                            StartDate = "2011-10-01",
                                            StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                            EndDate   = "2011-10-01",
                                            EndTime   = "12:30:10+01:00"
                        TransportHandlingUnit = new TransportHandlingUnitType[]
                            new TransportHandlingUnitType
                                ID = "CON_THU_1",
                                TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode = "4",
                                HazardousRiskIndicator        = false,
                                TotalGoodsItemQuantity        = 500M,
                                TotalPackageQuantity          = 10M,
                                ShippingMarks = new TextType[]
                                    new TextType
                                        Value = "General Cargo"
                                TransportEquipment = new TransportEquipmentType[]
                                    new TransportEquipmentType
                                        ID = "CON_TE_1",
                                        TransportEquipmentTypeCode = "CN",
                                        FullnessIndicationCode     = "1",
                                        ReturnabilityIndicator     = true,
                                        RefrigeratedIndicator      = false,
                                        Description = new TextType[]
                                            new TextType
                                                Value = "SomeDescription"
                                        GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                            unitCode = "KGM",
                                            Value    = 25000M
                                        GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                            unitCode = "MTQ",
                                            Value    = 39M
                                        PowerIndicator       = false,
                                        MeasurementDimension = new DimensionType[]
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Length",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 6.1M
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Height",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 2.6M
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Width",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 2.44M
                                        Package = new PackageType[]
                                            new PackageType
                                                ID                = "CON_P_1",
                                                Quantity          = 10M,
                                                PackagingTypeCode = "PL",
                                                GoodsItem         = new GoodsItemType[]
                                                    new GoodsItemType
                                                        Item = new ItemType[]
                                                            new ItemType
                                                                CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                                                                    new CommodityClassificationType
                                                                        CargoTypeCode = "12"
                            new TransportHandlingUnitType
                                ID = "CON_THU_2",
                                TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode = "4",
                                HazardousRiskIndicator        = false,
                                TotalGoodsItemQuantity        = 500M,
                                TotalPackageQuantity          = 10M,
                                ShippingMarks = new TextType[]
                                    new TextType
                                        Value = "General Cargo"
                                TransportEquipment = new TransportEquipmentType[]
                                    new TransportEquipmentType
                                        ID = "CON_TE_2",
                                        TransportEquipmentTypeCode = "CN",
                                        FullnessIndicationCode     = "1",
                                        ReturnabilityIndicator     = true,
                                        RefrigeratedIndicator      = false,
                                        Description = new TextType[]
                                            new TextType
                                                Value = "SomeDescription"
                                        GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                            unitCode = "KGM",
                                            Value    = 25000M
                                        GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                            unitCode = "MTQ",
                                            Value    = 39M
                                        PowerIndicator       = false,
                                        MeasurementDimension = new DimensionType[]
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Length",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 6.1M
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Height",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 2.6M
                                            new DimensionType
                                                AttributeID = "Width",
                                                Measure     = new MeasureType
                                                    unitCode = "MTR",
                                                    Value    = 2.44M
                                        Package = new PackageType[]
                                            new PackageType
                                                ID                = "CON_P_2",
                                                Quantity          = 10M,
                                                PackagingTypeCode = "PL",
                                                GoodsItem         = new GoodsItemType[]
                                                    new GoodsItemType
                                                        Item = new ItemType[]
                                                            new ItemType
                                                                CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                                                                    new CommodityClassificationType
                                                                        CargoTypeCode = "12"

            doc.Xmlns = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[]
                new XmlQualifiedName("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"),
                new XmlQualifiedName("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"),
 public static TransportExecutionPlanType Create()
     var doc = new TransportExecutionPlanType
         UBLVersionID = "2.1",
         ID = "TEP_1",
         VersionID = "1",
         IssueDate = "2011-09-13",
         IssueTime = "10:00:30+01:00",
         DocumentStatusCode = "Confirmed",
         SenderParty = new PartyType
             PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                 new PartyIdentificationType
                     ID = new IdentifierType
                         schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                         schemeName = "GLN",
                         Value = "4058673827641"
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "NECOSS"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "SomeName",
                 Telephone = "+49450557000",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         ReceiverParty = new PartyType
             PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                 new PartyIdentificationType
                     ID = new IdentifierType
                         schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                         schemeName = "GLN",
                         Value = "4058673827000"
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "Consignor"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "SomeName",
                 Telephone = "+8687878763",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         TransportUserParty = new PartyType
             PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                 new PartyIdentificationType
                     ID = new IdentifierType
                         schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                         schemeName = "GLN",
                         Value = "4058673827000"
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "Consignor"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "SomeName",
                 Telephone = "+8687878763",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         TransportServiceProviderParty = new PartyType
             PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                 new PartyIdentificationType
                     ID = new IdentifierType
                         schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                         schemeName = "GLN",
                         Value = "4058673827641"
             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                 new PartyNameType
                     Name = "NECOSS"
             Contact = new ContactType
                 Name = "SomeName",
                 Telephone = "+49450557000",
                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         TransportServiceDescriptionDocumentReference = new DocumentReferenceType
             ID = "2"
         TransportContract = new ContractType
             Note = new TextType[]
                 new TextType
                     Value = "Framework Agreement"
             ContractDocumentReference = new DocumentReferenceType[]
                 new DocumentReferenceType
                     ID = "TC101",
                     IssueDate = "2010-01-01",
                     DocumentTypeCode = "315",
                     DocumentType = "Contract",
                     DocumentDescription = new TextType[]
                         new TextType
                             Value = "Framework Agreement between Consignor and NECOSS"
         TransportUserResponseRequiredPeriod = new PeriodType[]
             new PeriodType
                 EndDate = "2011-09-13",
                 EndTime = "12:00:10+01:00"
         MainTransportationService = new TransportationServiceType
             TransportServiceCode = "3",
             TransportationServiceDescription = new TextType[]
                 new TextType
                     Value = "Transport from Hamburg to Nurnberg"
         ServiceEndTimePeriod = new PeriodType
             EndDate = "2011-10-06",
             EndTime = "16:00:10+01:00"
         FromLocation = new LocationType
             LocationTypeCode = "13",
             Address = new AddressType
                 ID = new IdentifierType
                     schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                     schemeName = "UN/LOCODE",
                     Value = "DEHAM"
                 StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                 CityName = "Hamburg",
                 PostalZone = "29400",
                 Country = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "DE"
         ToLocation = new LocationType
             LocationTypeCode = "7",
             Address = new AddressType
                 StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                 CityName = "Nurnberg",
                 PostalZone = "28400",
                 Country = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "DE"
         TransportExecutionTerms = new TransportExecutionTermsType
             DeliveryTerms = new DeliveryTermsType[]
                 new DeliveryTermsType
                     ID = new IdentifierType
                         schemeAgencyName = "INCOTERMS",
                         Value = "EXW"
                     DeliveryLocation = new LocationType
                         Address = new AddressType
                             CityName = "Hamburg"
             NotificationRequirement = new NotificationRequirementType[]
                 new NotificationRequirementType
                     NotificationTypeCode = "TIME_SCHEDULE_DEVIATIONS",
                     NotifyParty = new PartyType[]
                         new PartyType
                             EndpointID = "www.consignee.de/statusnotifications/",
                             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                 new PartyNameType
                                     Name = "Consignee"
                             Contact = new ContactType
                                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                         new PartyType
                             EndpointID = "www.consignor.cn/statusnotifications/",
                             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                 new PartyNameType
                                     Name = "Consignor"
                             Contact = new ContactType
                                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                 new NotificationRequirementType
                     NotificationTypeCode = "ITEM_CONDITION_DEVIATIONS",
                     PostEventNotificationDurationMeasure = new MeasureType
                         unitCode = "MIN",
                         Value = 10M
                     NotifyParty = new PartyType[]
                         new PartyType
                             EndpointID = "www.consignee.com/statusnotifications/",
                             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                 new PartyNameType
                                     Name = "Consignee"
                             Contact = new ContactType
                                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                         new PartyType
                             EndpointID = "www.consignor.cn/statusnotifications/",
                             PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                 new PartyNameType
                                     Name = "Consignor"
                             Contact = new ContactType
                                 ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
         Consignment = new ConsignmentType[]
             new ConsignmentType
                 ID = "CON_1",
                 GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                     unitCode = "KGM",
                     Value = 50000M
                 NetWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                     unitCode = "KGM",
                     Value = 3000M
                 GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                     unitCode = "MTQ",
                     Value = 78M
                 LoadingLengthMeasure = new MeasureType
                     unitCode = "MTR",
                     Value = 12M
                 HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                 TotalTransportHandlingUnitQuantity = 2M,
                 ConsolidatedShipment = new ShipmentType[]
                     new ShipmentType
                         ID = "GSIN_1"
                     new ShipmentType
                         ID = "GSIN_2"
                 PlannedPickupTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                     Location = new LocationType
                         Address = new AddressType
                             ID = new IdentifierType
                                 schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                 schemeName = "UN/LOCODE",
                                 Value = "DEHAM"
                             StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                             CityName = "Hamburg",
                             PostalZone = "29400",
                             Country = new CountryType
                                 IdentificationCode = "DE"
                     Period = new PeriodType[]
                         new PeriodType
                             StartDate = "2011-10-03",
                             StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                             EndDate = "2011-10-03",
                             EndTime = "12:30:10+01:00"
                 PlannedDeliveryTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                     Location = new LocationType
                         Address = new AddressType
                             StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                             CityName = "Nurnberg",
                             PostalZone = "28400",
                             Country = new CountryType
                                 IdentificationCode = "DE"
                     Period = new PeriodType[]
                         new PeriodType
                             StartDate = "2011-10-06",
                             StartTime = "12:30:10+01:00",
                             EndDate = "2011-10-06",
                             EndTime = "15:30:10+01:00"
                 ConsigneeParty = new PartyType
                     PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                         new PartyIdentificationType
                             ID = new IdentifierType
                                 schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                 schemeName = "GLN",
                                 Value = "4058673827123"
                     PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                         new PartyNameType
                             Name = "Consignee"
                     Contact = new ContactType
                         Name = "SomeName",
                         Telephone = "+4987878763",
                         ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                 ConsignorParty = new PartyType
                     PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[]
                         new PartyIdentificationType
                             ID = new IdentifierType
                                 schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                                 schemeName = "GLN",
                                 Value = "4058673827000"
                     PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                         new PartyNameType
                             Name = "Consignor"
                     PostalAddress = new AddressType
                         ID = new IdentifierType
                             schemeAgencyName = "GS1",
                             schemeName = "GLN",
                             Value = "4058673827000"
                     Contact = new ContactType
                         Name = "SomeName",
                         Telephone = "+8676576456",
                         ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                 OriginalDepartureCountry = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "CN"
                 FinalDestinationCountry = new CountryType
                     IdentificationCode = "DE"
                 MainCarriageShipmentStage = new ShipmentStageType[]
                     new ShipmentStageType
                         PlannedDepartureTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                             Location = new LocationType
                                 Address = new AddressType
                                     ID = new IdentifierType
                                         schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                         schemeName = "UN/LOCODE",
                                         Value = "DEHAM"
                                     StreetName = "Neuer Wandrahm 4",
                                     CityName = "Hamburg",
                                     PostalZone = "29400",
                                     Country = new CountryType
                                         IdentificationCode = "DE"
                             Period = new PeriodType[]
                                 new PeriodType
                                     StartDate = "2011-10-03",
                                     StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                     EndDate = "2011-10-03",
                                     EndTime = "12:30:10+01:00"
                         PlannedArrivalTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                             Location = new LocationType
                                 Address = new AddressType
                                     StreetName = "Grosse strasse 34",
                                     CityName = "Nurnberg",
                                     PostalZone = "28400",
                                     Country = new CountryType
                                         IdentificationCode = "DE"
                             Period = new PeriodType[]
                                 new PeriodType
                                     StartDate = "2011-10-06",
                                     StartTime = "12:30:10+01:00",
                                     EndDate = "2011-10-06",
                                     EndTime = "15:30:10+01:00"
                 PreCarriageShipmentStage = new ShipmentStageType[]
                     new ShipmentStageType
                         TransportModeCode = "1",
                         TransportMeansTypeCode = "83",
                         CarrierParty = new PartyType[]
                             new PartyType
                                 PartyName = new PartyNameType[]
                                     new PartyNameType
                                         Name = "MAERSK"
                                 Contact = new ContactType
                                     Name = "SomeName",
                                     Telephone = "+4598786765",
                                     ElectronicMail = "*****@*****.**"
                         TransportMeans = new TransportMeansType
                             JourneyID = "M22",
                             RegistrationNationalityID = "DK",
                             RegistrationNationality = new TextType[]
                                 new TextType
                                     Value = "Denmark"
                             TransportMeansTypeCode = "83",
                             MaritimeTransport = new MaritimeTransportType
                                 VesselID = "SomeIMONr",
                                 VesselName = "SomeVesselName"
                         PlannedDepartureTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                             Location = new LocationType
                                 ID = new IdentifierType
                                     schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                     schemeName = "UN/LOCODE",
                                     Value = "CNSHA"
                             Period = new PeriodType[]
                                 new PeriodType
                                     StartDate = "2011-09-20",
                                     StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                     EndDate = "2011-09-20",
                                     EndTime = "12:30:10+01:00"
                         PlannedArrivalTransportEvent = new TransportEventType
                             Location = new LocationType
                                 ID = new IdentifierType
                                     schemeAgencyName = "UN",
                                     schemeName = "UN/LOCODE",
                                     Value = "DEHAM"
                             Period = new PeriodType[]
                                 new PeriodType
                                     StartDate = "2011-10-01",
                                     StartTime = "09:30:10+01:00",
                                     EndDate = "2011-10-01",
                                     EndTime = "12:30:10+01:00"
                 TransportHandlingUnit = new TransportHandlingUnitType[]
                     new TransportHandlingUnitType
                         ID = "CON_THU_1",
                         TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode = "4",
                         HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                         TotalGoodsItemQuantity = 500M,
                         TotalPackageQuantity = 10M,
                         ShippingMarks = new TextType[]
                             new TextType
                                 Value = "General Cargo"
                         TransportEquipment = new TransportEquipmentType[]
                             new TransportEquipmentType
                                 ID = "CON_TE_1",
                                 TransportEquipmentTypeCode = "CN",
                                 FullnessIndicationCode = "1",
                                 ReturnabilityIndicator = true,
                                 RefrigeratedIndicator = false,
                                 Description = new TextType[]
                                     new TextType
                                         Value = "SomeDescription"
                                 GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                     unitCode = "KGM",
                                     Value = 25000M
                                 GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                     unitCode = "MTQ",
                                     Value = 39M
                                 PowerIndicator = false,
                                 MeasurementDimension = new DimensionType[]
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Length",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 6.1M
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Height",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 2.6M
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Width",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 2.44M
                                 Package = new PackageType[]
                                     new PackageType
                                         ID = "CON_P_1",
                                         Quantity = 10M,
                                         PackagingTypeCode = "PL",
                                         GoodsItem = new GoodsItemType[]
                                             new GoodsItemType
                                                 Item = new ItemType[]
                                                     new ItemType
                                                         CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                                                             new CommodityClassificationType
                                                                 CargoTypeCode = "12"
                     new TransportHandlingUnitType
                         ID = "CON_THU_2",
                         TransportHandlingUnitTypeCode = "4",
                         HazardousRiskIndicator = false,
                         TotalGoodsItemQuantity = 500M,
                         TotalPackageQuantity = 10M,
                         ShippingMarks = new TextType[]
                             new TextType
                                 Value = "General Cargo"
                         TransportEquipment = new TransportEquipmentType[]
                             new TransportEquipmentType
                                 ID = "CON_TE_2",
                                 TransportEquipmentTypeCode = "CN",
                                 FullnessIndicationCode = "1",
                                 ReturnabilityIndicator = true,
                                 RefrigeratedIndicator = false,
                                 Description = new TextType[]
                                     new TextType
                                         Value = "SomeDescription"
                                 GrossWeightMeasure = new MeasureType
                                     unitCode = "KGM",
                                     Value = 25000M
                                 GrossVolumeMeasure = new MeasureType
                                     unitCode = "MTQ",
                                     Value = 39M
                                 PowerIndicator = false,
                                 MeasurementDimension = new DimensionType[]
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Length",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 6.1M
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Height",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 2.6M
                                     new DimensionType
                                         AttributeID = "Width",
                                         Measure = new MeasureType
                                             unitCode = "MTR",
                                             Value = 2.44M
                                 Package = new PackageType[]
                                     new PackageType
                                         ID = "CON_P_2",
                                         Quantity = 10M,
                                         PackagingTypeCode = "PL",
                                         GoodsItem = new GoodsItemType[]
                                             new GoodsItemType
                                                 Item = new ItemType[]
                                                     new ItemType
                                                         CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                                                             new CommodityClassificationType
                                                                 CargoTypeCode = "12"
     doc.Xmlns = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[]
         new XmlQualifiedName("cac","urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"),
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     return doc;