public void Test() { SimulationTransportAddress.Enable(); SimulationTransportAddressOther.Enable(); TransportAddress tas = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://234580"); Assert.AreEqual(tas.ToString(), "b.s://234580", "Simulation string"); Assert.AreEqual((tas as SimulationTransportAddress).ID, 234580, "Simulation id"); Assert.AreEqual(TransportAddress.TAType.S, tas.TransportAddressType, "Simulation ta type"); TransportAddress taso = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(""); Assert.AreEqual(taso.ToString(), "", "Simulation string"); Assert.AreEqual((taso as SimulationTransportAddressOther).ID, 234580, "Simulation id"); Assert.AreEqual(TransportAddress.TAType.SO, taso.TransportAddressType, "Simulation ta type"); Assert.AreNotEqual(taso, tas, "TAs not equal"); Assert.AreNotEqual(taso.TransportAddressType, tas.TransportAddressType, "Type not equal"); var tas1 = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("b.s://-234581"); Assert.AreEqual(-234581, (tas1 as SimulationTransportAddress).ID); var tas2 = (tas as SimulationTransportAddress).Invert(); Assert.AreEqual(tas1, tas2, "Invert equal"); }
public void Test() { string ta_string = "brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"; TransportAddress ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://UBU72YLHU5C3SY7JMYMJRTKK4D5BGW22/FE4QWASN+FE4QWASM"); Assert.AreEqual(ta.ToString(), ta_string, "testing tunnel TA parsing"); //Console.WriteLine(ta); RelayTransportAddress tun_ta = (RelayTransportAddress)TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.tunnel://OIHZCNNUAXTLLARQIOBNCUWXYNAS62LO/CADSL6GV+CADSL6GU"); ArrayList fwd = new ArrayList(); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); fwd.Add(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))); RelayTransportAddress test_ta = new RelayTransportAddress(tun_ta.Target, fwd); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta, test_ta, "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements"); //Console.WriteLine(tun_ta.ToString()); //Console.WriteLine(test_ta.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ToString(), test_ta.ToString(), "testing tunnel TA compression enhancements (toString)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GVVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (1)"); Assert.AreEqual(tun_ta.ContainsForwarder(new AHAddress(Base32.Decode("CADSL6GUVBM6V442CETP4JTEAWACLC5A"))), true, "testing tunnel TA contains forwarder (2)"); }
/* * Implements the EdgeListener function to * create edges of this type. */ public override void CreateEdgeTo(TransportAddress ta, EdgeCreationCallback ecb) { if (!IsStarted) { // it should return null and not throw an exception // for graceful disconnect and preventing others to // connect to us after we've disconnected. ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Not started")); return; } else if (ta.TransportAddressType != this.TAType) { //Can't make an edge of this type ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Can't make edge of this type")); return; } else if (_ta_auth.Authorize(ta) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny) { //Not authorized. Can't make this edge: ecb(false, null, new EdgeException(ta.ToString() + " is not authorized")); return; } int remote_id = ((SimulationTransportAddress)ta).ID; int real_remote_id = (remote_id >= 0) ? remote_id : ~remote_id; //Outbound edge: int delay = 0; if (_use_delay) { if (LatencyMap != null) { int local = LocalID % LatencyMap.Count; int remote = real_remote_id % LatencyMap.Count; delay = LatencyMap[local][remote] / 1000; } else { delay = 100; } } SimulationEdge se_l = new SimulationEdge(this, LocalID, remote_id, false, delay, _ta_type); if (real_remote_id == remote_id) { CreateRemoteEdge(se_l); } ecb(true, se_l, null); }
/** * Implements the EdgeListener function to * create edges of this type. */ public override void CreateEdgeTo(TransportAddress ta, EdgeCreationCallback ecb) { Edge e = null; try { if( !IsStarted ) { throw new EdgeException("UdpEdgeListener is not started"); } else if( ta.TransportAddressType != this.TAType ) { throw new EdgeException(ta.TransportAddressType.ToString() + " is not my type: " + this.TAType.ToString() ); } else if( _ta_auth.Authorize(ta) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) { //Too bad. Can't make this edge: throw new EdgeException( ta.ToString() + " is not authorized"); } else { IPAddress first_ip = ((IPTransportAddress) ta).GetIPAddress(); IPEndPoint end = new IPEndPoint(first_ip, ((IPTransportAddress) ta).Port); /* We have to keep our mapping of end point to edges up to date */ lock( _id_ht ) { //Get a random ID for this edge: int id; do { id = _rand.Next(); //Make sure we don't have negative ids if( id < 0 ) { id = ~id; } } while( _id_ht.Contains(id) || id == 0 ); e = new UdpEdge(this, false, end, _local_ep, id, 0); _id_ht[id] = e; } NatDataPoint dp = new NewEdgePoint(DateTime.UtcNow, e); Interlocked.Exchange<NatHistory>(ref _nat_hist, _nat_hist + dp); Interlocked.Exchange<IEnumerable>(ref _nat_tas, new NatTAs( _tas, _nat_hist )); /* Tell me when you close so I can clean up the table */ e.CloseEvent += this.CloseHandler; ecb(true, e, null); } } catch(Exception ex) { if( e != null ) { //Clean up the edge CloseHandler(e, null); } ecb(false, null, ex); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: edgetester.exe " + "[client|server] [tcp|udp|function] port " + "localhost|qubit|cantor|starsky|behnam|kupka)"); return; } if (args.Length >= 5) { delay = Int32.Parse(args[4]); } EdgeFactory ef = new EdgeFactory(); int port = System.Int16.Parse(args[2]); _threads = ArrayList.Synchronized(new ArrayList()); EdgeListener el = null; if (args[1] == "function") { //This is a special case, it only works in one thread el = new FunctionEdgeListener(port); el.EdgeEvent += new EventHandler(HandleEdge); //Start listening: el.Start(); ef.AddListener(el); el.CreateEdgeTo( TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance("brunet.function://localhost:" + port), ClientLoop); } else if (args[0] == "server") { if (args[1] == "tcp") { el = new TcpEdgeListener(port); } else if (args[1] == "udp") { el = new UdpEdgeListener(port); } else { el = null; } el.EdgeEvent += new EventHandler(HandleEdge); //Start listening: el.Start(); _el = el; Console.WriteLine("Press Q to quit"); Console.ReadLine(); el.Stop(); } else if (args[0] == "client") { TransportAddress ta = null; if (args[1] == "tcp") { el = new TcpEdgeListener(port + 1); } else if (args[1] == "udp") { el = new UdpEdgeListener(port + 1); } else { el = null; } ef.AddListener(el); _el = el; string uri = "brunet." + args[1] + "://" + NameToIP(args[3]) + ":" + port; ta = TransportAddressFactory.CreateInstance(uri); System.Console.WriteLine("Making edge to {0}\n", ta.ToString()); el.Start(); ef.CreateEdgeTo(ta, ClientLoop); } }
/* * Implements the EdgeListener function to * create edges of this type. */ public override void CreateEdgeTo(TransportAddress ta, EdgeCreationCallback ecb) { if( !IsStarted ) { // it should return null and not throw an exception // for graceful disconnect and preventing others to // connect to us after we've disconnected. ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Not started")); return; } #if FUNCTION_DEBUG foreach (TransportAddress local_ta in LocalTAs) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Create edge local: {0} <-> remote {1}.", local_ta, ta); } #endif if( ta.TransportAddressType != this.TAType ) { //Can't make an edge of this type #if FUNCTION_DEBUG Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge of this type."); #endif ecb(false, null, new EdgeException("Can't make edge of this type")); return; } if( _ta_auth.Authorize(ta) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) { //Not authorized. Can't make this edge: #if FUNCTION_DEBUG Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge. Remote TA {0} is not authorized locally.", ta); #endif ecb(false, null, new EdgeException( ta.ToString() + " is not authorized") ); return; } int remote_id = ((IPTransportAddress) ta).Port; //Get the edgelistener: //Outbound edge: FunctionEdge fe_l = new FunctionEdge(this, _listener_id, remote_id, false); lock( _listener_map ) { FunctionEdgeListener remote = (FunctionEdgeListener) _listener_map[remote_id]; if( remote != null ) { // // Make sure that the remote listener does not deny // our TAs. // foreach (TransportAddress ta_local in LocalTAs) { if (remote.TAAuth.Authorize(ta_local) == TAAuthorizer.Decision.Deny ) { //Not authorized. Can't make this edge: #if FUNCTION_DEBUG Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't make edge. local TA {0} is not authorized remotely by {1}.", ta_local, ta); #endif ecb(false, null, new EdgeException( ta_local.ToString() + " is not authorized by remote node.") ); return; } } FunctionEdge fe_r = new FunctionEdge(remote, remote_id, _listener_id, true); fe_l.Partner = fe_r; fe_r.Partner = fe_l; remote.SendEdgeEvent(fe_r); } else { //There is no other edge, for now, we use "udp-like" //behavior of just making an edge that goes nowhere. } ecb(true, fe_l, null); } }