Пример #1
        public PipelineText <TO> ConvertText <P, TO>()
            where P : class, IAggregateStructure <TT, TO>
            var initial   = (IEnumerable <TT>) this.CurrentStream;
            var transform = _factory.CreateGlobalInstance <P>();
            var processor = new TransformText <P, TT, TO>(transform);


            var index = processor.GetIndexRef();


            var result = processor.Transform(initial);

            var pipe = new PipelineText <TO>(_factory, this.Context, result, _indexTree, this);

Пример #2
    protected override bool ProcessTexture(WebCamTexture input, ref Texture2D output)
        Mat    image      = OpenCvSharp.Unity.TextureToMat(input, TextureParameters);
        Mat    downscaled = image.Resize(Size.Zero, downScale, downScale);
        Rect2d obj        = Rect2d.Empty;
        var    areaRect   = new OpenCvSharp.Rect();

        int tempCount = processor.ProcessTexture(input, TextureParameters);

        if (meatlist.Count < tempCount)
            Debug.Log(tempCount + " meat change");

            for (int i = 0; i < meatlist.Count; i++)

            meatlist = new List <DetectedMeat>(processor.Meats);

        //Debug.Log("meat count : " + meatlist.Count);

        // If not dragged - show the tracking data
        if (meatlist.Count > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < meatlist.Count; i++)
                DetectedMeat meat = meatlist[meatlist.Count - i - 1];

                // we have to tracker - let's initialize one
                if (tracker.Count <= i || tracker[i] == null)
                    // but only if we have big enough "area of interest", this one is added to avoid "tracking" some 1x2 pixels areas
                    if (new Vector2(meat.Region.X, meat.Region.Y).magnitude >= minimumAreaDiagonal)
                        obj = new Rect2d(meat.Region.X * downScale, meat.Region.Y * downScale, meat.Region.Width * downScale, meat.Region.Height * downScale);

                        // initial tracker with current image and the given rect, one can play with tracker types here
                        if (tracker.Count <= i)
                            meatText.Add(InstantiateText.Instxt(gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), meat.Region));
                            Debug.Log("add tracker");
                        else if (tracker[i] == null)
                            Debug.Log("replace tracker");
                            tracker[i]  = Tracker.Create(TrackerTypes.MedianFlow);
                            meatText[i] = InstantiateText.Instxt(gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), meat.Region);
                        tracker[i].Init(downscaled, obj);

                        //GameObject text = InstantiateText.Instxt(gameObject.GetComponent<RectTransform>(), meat.Region);


                        //var newVec = new Vector2((float)obj.X, -(float)obj.Y) - new Vector2(image.Width / 2.0f, -image.Height / 2.0f);

                        //GameObject a = GameObject.Instantiate(UIText, gameObject.transform.parent);
                        //a.transform.localPosition = (newVec + new Vector2((float)obj.Width / 2.0f, 0)) * gameObject.transform.localScale.x;

                // if we already have an active tracker - just to to update with the new frame and check whether it still tracks object
                    // drop tracker if the frame's size has changed, this one is necessary as tracker doesn't hold it well
                    //if (frameSize.Count > i && frameSize[i].Height != 0 && frameSize[i].Width != 0)

                    if (!tracker[i].Update(downscaled, ref obj))
                        Debug.Log("404 not found");

                        obj = Rect2d.Empty;


                // save tracked object location
                if (0 != obj.Width && 0 != obj.Height)
                    areaRect = new OpenCvSharp.Rect((int)obj.X, (int)obj.Y, (int)obj.Width, (int)obj.Height);

                // render rect we've tracker or one is being drawn by the user
                if (null != tracker[i] && obj.Width != 0)
                    Cv2.Rectangle((InputOutputArray)(image), areaRect * (1.0 / downScale), Scalar.LightGreen, 4);

                    TransformText.Trnstxt(meatText[i], gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), areaRect);

                    //Cv2.PutText((InputOutputArray)(image), i.ToString("000"), new Point(areaRect.X, areaRect.Y), HersheyFonts.HersheySimplex, 2, Scalar.Yellow, 3);

        // mark detected objects

        // processor.Image now holds data we'd like to visualize
        output = OpenCvSharp.Unity.MatToTexture(image, output);   // if output is valid texture it's buffer will be re-used, otherwise it will be re-created
