public string RocketLauncherImageOnAltFire(coItem thisobj, coPlayer obj, string slot) { int currentAmmo = ShapeBaseShapeBaseGetInventory(obj, (thisobj["ammo"])); if (currentAmmo < thisobj["loadCount"].AsInt()) { thisobj["loadCount"] = currentAmmo.AsString(); } coProjectile projectile = null; for (int shotCount = 0; shotCount < thisobj["loadCount"].AsInt(); shotCount++) { // Decrement inventory ammo. The image's ammo state is updated // automatically by the ammo inventory hooks. ShapeBaseShapeBaseDecInventory(obj, (thisobj["ammo"]), 1); // We fire our weapon using the straight ahead aiming point of the gun // We'll need to "skew" the projectile a little bit. We start by getting // the straight ahead aiming point of the gun Point3F vec = obj.getMuzzleVector(slot.AsInt()); Random r = new Random(); TransformF matrix = new TransformF(); matrix.MPosition.x = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * 0.008); matrix.MPosition.y = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * 0.008); matrix.MPosition.z = (float)((r.NextDouble() - .5) * 2 * Math.PI * 0.008); TransformF mat = math.MatrixCreateFromEuler(matrix); // Which we'll use to alter the projectile's initial vector with TransformF muzzleVector = math.MatrixMulVector(mat, vec); // Get the player's velocity, we'll then add it to that of the projectile TransformF objectVelocity = new TransformF(obj.getVelocity()); muzzleVector = muzzleVector.vectorScale(thisobj["projectile.muzzleVelocity"].AsFloat()); objectVelocity = objectVelocity.vectorScale(thisobj["projectile.velInheritFactor"].AsFloat()); TransformF muzzleVelocity = muzzleVector + objectVelocity; Torque_Class_Helper tch = new Torque_Class_Helper(thisobj["projectileType"], ""); tch.Props.Add("dataBlock", thisobj["projectile"]); tch.Props.Add("initialVelocity", '"' + muzzleVelocity.ToString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("initialPosition", '"' + obj.getMuzzlePoint(slot.AsInt()).AsString() + '"'); tch.Props.Add("sourceObject", obj); tch.Props.Add("sourceSlot", slot); tch.Props.Add("client", obj["client"]); projectile = tch.Create(); ((coSimSet)"MissionCleanup").pushToBack(projectile); } return(projectile); }
public void RadiusDamage(coShapeBase sourceobject, Point3F position, float radius, float damage, string damageType, float impulse) { // Use the container system to iterate through all the objects // within our explosion radius. We'll apply damage to all ShapeBase // objects. Dictionary <uint, float> r = console.initContainerRadiusSearch(new Point3F(position), radius, (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.ShapeBaseObjectType); float halfRadius = radius / (float)2.0; foreach (coPlayer targetObject in r.Keys) { // Calculate how much exposure the current object has to // the explosive force. The object types listed are objects // that will block an explosion. If the object is totally blocked, // then no damage is applied. UInt32 mask = (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.TerrainObjectType | (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.StaticShapeObjectType | (uint)SceneObjectTypesAsUint.VehicleObjectType; float coverage = Util.calcExplosionCoverage(new Point3F(position), targetObject, mask); if (!coverage.AsBool()) { continue; } float dist = r[targetObject]; // Calculate a distance scale for the damage and the impulse. // Full damage is applied to anything less than half the radius away, // linear scale from there. float distScale = (float)((dist < halfRadius) ? 1.0 : 1 - ((dist - halfRadius) / halfRadius)); // Apply the damage ShapeBaseDamage(targetObject, sourceobject, position, (((damage) * coverage * distScale)), damageType); // Apply the impulse if (!impulse.AsBool()) { continue; } TransformF impulseVec = new TransformF(targetObject.getWorldBoxCenter()) - new TransformF(position); impulseVec = impulseVec.normalizeSafe(); impulseVec = impulseVec.vectorScale(impulse * distScale); targetObject.applyImpulse(new Point3F(position), impulseVec.MPosition); } }