public static void Main(string[] args) { XmlConnector.Path = args.Length == 0 ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() : args[0]; var transaqConnectorImpl = new TransaqConnectorImpl(); var server = new Server { Services = { TransaqConnector.BindService(transaqConnectorImpl) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("", Port, ServerCredentials.Insecure) } }; XmlConnector.Init(str => { transaqConnectorImpl.OnMsg(str); return(str); }); server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Greeter server listening on port " + Port); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server..."); Console.ReadKey(); server.ShutdownAsync().Wait(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { XmlConnector.Path = args.Length == 0 ? Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() : args[0]; var cacert = File.ReadAllText(@"/keys/ca.crt"); var servercert = File.ReadAllText(@"/keys/server.crt"); var serverkey = File.ReadAllText(@"/keys/server.key"); var keypair = new KeyCertificatePair(servercert, serverkey); var sslCredentials = new SslServerCredentials(new List <KeyCertificatePair>() { keypair }, cacert, false); var transaqConnectorImpl = new TransaqConnectorImpl(); var server = new Server { Services = { TransaqConnector.BindService(transaqConnectorImpl) }, Ports = { new ServerPort("", Port, sslCredentials) } }; XmlConnector.Init(str => { transaqConnectorImpl.OnMsg(str); return(str); }); server.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Greeter server listening on port " + Port); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to stop the server..."); Console.ReadKey(); server.ShutdownAsync().Wait(); }
public ShellViewModel() { this.transaqConnector = new TransaqConnector(); this.Title = StockTraderTransaq.Properties.Resources.Title; this.IsContentGridVisible = false; this.IsSideGridVisible = false; this.ConfirmationRequest = new InteractionRequest <IConfirmation>(); this.NotificationRequest = new InteractionRequest <INotification>(); this.LoginRequest = new InteractionRequest <LoginViewModel>(); this.LoadingRequest = new InteractionRequest <LoadingViewModel>(); // Commands for each of the buttons. Each of these raise a different interaction request. this.RaiseAboutCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.OnAbout); this.RaiseCloseCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.OnClose); this.RaiseMinimizeCommand = new DelegateCommand(this.OnMinimize); this.LoadedCommand = new DelegateCommand <RoutedEventArgs>(this.OnLoaded); }