Пример #1
        private void myChangeEnvelopeID(ref TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow lineBeingChange, int newEnvelopeID)
            int envCount;
            int eLineID;

            lineBeingChange.envelopeID = newEnvelopeID;

            // Now update the envelopeLine If there is only one with the new envelopeID;
            this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.myEnvelopeLineCount(lineBeingChange.id, out envCount, out eLineID);

            if (envCount == 1 && newEnvelopeID > SpclEnvelope.NULL)
                this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.FindByid(eLineID).envelopeID = newEnvelopeID;

            else if (envCount == 1 && newEnvelopeID == SpclEnvelope.NULL)

            else if (envCount == 0 && newEnvelopeID > SpclEnvelope.NULL)
                TransactionDataSet.EnvelopeLineRow eLine = this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.NewEnvelopeLineRow();

                eLine.lineItemID  = lineBeingChange.id;
                eLine.envelopeID  = newEnvelopeID;
                eLine.description = lineBeingChange.description;
                eLine.amount      = lineBeingChange.amount;

Пример #2
        private void myChangeAccountID(ref TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow lineBeingChange, int newAccountID)
            int thisSideCount = 0;

            // Count how many lines have the same creditDebit as the line.
            foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow oppLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                if (oppLine.creditDebit == lineBeingChange.creditDebit)

            // If thisSide has only one line (the given line) then update the oppLines.oppAccountID with the new
            // accountID
            if (thisSideCount == 1)
                foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow oppLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                    if (oppLine.creditDebit != lineBeingChange.creditDebit)
                        oppLine.oppAccountID = newAccountID;

            // Make the change to the one being changed.
            lineBeingChange.accountID = newAccountID;
Пример #3
        private void myChangeOppAccountID(ref TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow lineBeingChange, int newOppAccountID)
            int oppLineCount = 0;

            // Count how many lines are opposite this line.
            foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow oppLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                if (oppLine.creditDebit != lineBeingChange.creditDebit)

            // If oppLine is only one then update all the lines. The lines on the same saide as the one
            // getting the update get there oppAccount ids updated. Then the line opposite the one being
            // changed will get its accountID changed.
            if (oppLineCount == 1)
                foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow sameSideLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                    if (sameSideLine.creditDebit == lineBeingChange.creditDebit)
                        sameSideLine.oppAccountID = newOppAccountID;
                        sameSideLine.accountID = newOppAccountID;
Пример #4
        private void myChangeCreditDebit(ref TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow lineBeingChange)
            int thisSideCount = 0;
            int oppLineCount  = 0;

            // Count how many lines have the same creditDebit as the line and how many lines
            // are opposite this line.
            foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow oppLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                if (oppLine.creditDebit == lineBeingChange.creditDebit)

            // If this is a simple transaction update both creditDebits
            if (thisSideCount == 1 && oppLineCount == 1)
                this.tDataSet.LineItem[0].creditDebit = !this.LineItem[0].creditDebit;
                this.tDataSet.LineItem[1].creditDebit = !this.LineItem[1].creditDebit;
            else // else just update the lineBeingchanged
                lineBeingChange.creditDebit = !lineBeingChange.creditDebit;
Пример #5
        //   Data Grid View events
        private void cdDGV_RowPrePaint(object sender, DataGridViewRowPrePaintEventArgs e)
            CDLinesDGV lineDGV = sender as CDLinesDGV;
            int        lineID  = -1;

            // Defaults. Used for new lines.
            lineDGV.flagLineError    = false;
            lineDGV.flagAccountError = false;

            // try to get the current row lineID
            try { lineID = Convert.ToInt32(lineDGV["lineItemIDColumn", e.RowIndex].Value); }
            catch { return; }

            TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow thisLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem.FindByid(lineID);

            // Set Flags
            if (thisLine != null)
                bool thisLineUsesEnvelopes = thisLine.AccountRowByFK_Line_accountID.envelopes;

                lineDGV.flagLineError = thisLine.lineError;

                if (thisLine.accountID == SpclAccount.NULL)
                    lineDGV.flagAccountError = true;

                //if (thisLine.envelopeID == SpclEnvelope.SPLIT || !thisLineUsesEnvelopes)
                //    lineDGV.flagReadOnlyEnvelope = true;
Пример #6
        private void myChangeAmount(ref TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow lineBeingChange, decimal newAmount)
            int thisSideCount = 0;
            int oppLineCount  = 0;
            int envCount;
            int eLineID;

            // Count how many lines have the sam creditDebit as the line and how many lines
            // are opposite this line.
            foreach (TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow oppLine in this.tDataSet.LineItem)
                if (oppLine.creditDebit == lineBeingChange.creditDebit)

            // If this is a simple transaction update both amounts
            if (thisSideCount == 1 && oppLineCount == 1)
                this.tDataSet.LineItem[0].amount = newAmount;
                this.tDataSet.LineItem[1].amount = newAmount;

                // Now update the envelopeLines with the new amount;
                this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.myEnvelopeLineCount(this.tDataSet.LineItem[0].id, out envCount, out eLineID);
                if (envCount == 1)
                    this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.FindByid(eLineID).amount = newAmount;

                this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.myEnvelopeLineCount(this.tDataSet.LineItem[1].id, out envCount, out eLineID);
                if (envCount == 1)
                    this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.FindByid(eLineID).amount = newAmount;

            // else just update the lineBeingchanged
                lineBeingChange.amount = newAmount;

                // Now update the envelopeLines with the new amount;
                this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.myEnvelopeLineCount(lineBeingChange.id, out envCount, out eLineID);
                if (envCount == 1)
                    this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.FindByid(eLineID).amount = newAmount;
Пример #7
        private TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow myNewTransaction(LineItemRow rLine)
            stayOut = true;

            TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow tLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem.NewLineItemRow();

            // Initially assume this is a single line transaction.
            tLine.id                 = rLine.id;
            tLine.transactionID      = rLine.transactionID;
            tLine.date               = rLine.date;
            tLine.typeID             = rLine.typeID;
            tLine.description        = rLine.description;
            tLine.confirmationNumber = rLine.confirmationNumber;
            tLine.complete           = rLine.complete;
            tLine.amount             = rLine.amount;
            tLine.creditDebit        = rLine.creditDebit;
            tLine.accountID          = rLine.accountID;
            tLine.oppAccountID       = rLine.oppAccountID;

            if (tLine.envelopeID != rLine.envelopeID)
                this.myChangeEnvelopeID(ref tLine, rLine.envelopeID);


            // if not a sigle line make the other half.
            if (rLine.accountID != rLine.oppAccountID)
                TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow tOppLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem.NewLineItemRow();

                tOppLine.id                 = rLine.id + 1;
                tOppLine.transactionID      = rLine.transactionID;
                tOppLine.date               = rLine.date;
                tOppLine.typeID             = rLine.typeID;
                tOppLine.description        = rLine.description;
                tOppLine.confirmationNumber = rLine.confirmationNumber;
                tOppLine.complete           = rLine.complete;
                tOppLine.amount             = rLine.amount;
                tOppLine.creditDebit        = !rLine.creditDebit;
                tOppLine.oppAccountID       = rLine.accountID;
                tOppLine.accountID          = rLine.oppAccountID;

                if (tLine.envelopeID != rLine.envelopeID)
                    this.myChangeEnvelopeID(ref tOppLine, rLine.envelopeID);


            stayOut = false;
Пример #8
        private void changeLineMenu_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow line = this.tDataSet.LineItem.FindByid(this.CurrentLineID);

            if (line != null)
                bool cd = line.creditDebit;
                line.creditDebit = !cd;

Пример #9
        //   Data table events
        private void LineItem_TableNewRow(object sender, DataTableNewRowEventArgs e)
            decimal debitSum;
            decimal creditSum;
            decimal difference;

            TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow line = e.Row as TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow;

            this.tDataSet.myGetCDSums(out creditSum, out debitSum);

            if (this.creditDGV.Focused)
                line.creditDebit = LineCD.CREDIT;
                difference       = debitSum - creditSum;
            else if (this.debitDGV.Focused)
                line.creditDebit = LineCD.DEBIT;
                difference       = creditSum - debitSum;

            line.transactionID = this.thisTransactionID;

            if (difference > 0.0m)
                line.amount = difference;
                line.amount = 0.0m;

Пример #10
        //   Private Duplicating a transaction
        private void myDuplicateTransaction(DateTime newDate)
            LineItemRow temp = this.LineItem.NewLineItemRow();

            int newTransID = temp.transactionID;
            int transSize  = this.tDataSet.LineItem.Count;
            int envCount   = this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.Count;

            // Copy the lines from this transaction.
            for (int tIndex = 0; tIndex < transSize; tIndex++)
                TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow origTLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem[tIndex];
                TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow newTLine  = this.tDataSet.LineItem.NewLineItemRow();

                newTLine.transactionID      = newTransID;
                newTLine.date               = newDate;
                newTLine.typeID             = origTLine.typeID;
                newTLine.accountID          = origTLine.accountID;
                newTLine.oppAccountID       = origTLine.oppAccountID;
                newTLine.description        = origTLine.description;
                newTLine.confirmationNumber = origTLine.confirmationNumber;
                newTLine.envelopeID         = origTLine.envelopeID;
                newTLine.complete           = LineState.PENDING;
                newTLine.amount             = origTLine.amount;
                newTLine.creditDebit        = origTLine.creditDebit;
                newTLine.lineError          = origTLine.lineError;


                // Copy the envelopelines for this line.
                for (int envIndex = 0; envIndex < envCount; envIndex++)
                    TransactionDataSet.EnvelopeLineRow origEnvRow = this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine[envIndex];

                    if (origEnvRow.lineItemID == origTLine.id)
                        TransactionDataSet.EnvelopeLineRow newEnvRow = this.tDataSet.EnvelopeLine.NewEnvelopeLineRow();

                        newEnvRow.lineItemID  = newTLine.id;
                        newEnvRow.envelopeID  = origEnvRow.envelopeID;
                        newEnvRow.description = origEnvRow.description;
                        newEnvRow.amount      = origEnvRow.amount;


            // now copy back to the registry dataset
            for (int tIndex = transSize; tIndex < this.tDataSet.LineItem.Rows.Count; tIndex++)
                TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow tLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem[tIndex];

                if (tLine.accountID == currentAccountID)
                    LineItemRow rLine = this.LineItem.NewLineItemRow();

                    rLine.id                 = tLine.id;
                    rLine.transactionID      = tLine.transactionID;
                    rLine.date               = tLine.date;
                    rLine.typeID             = tLine.typeID;
                    rLine.accountID          = tLine.accountID;
                    rLine.oppAccountID       = tLine.oppAccountID;
                    rLine.description        = tLine.description;
                    rLine.confirmationNumber = tLine.confirmationNumber;
                    rLine.envelopeID         = tLine.envelopeID;
                    rLine.complete           = tLine.complete;
                    rLine.amount             = tLine.amount;
                    rLine.creditDebit        = tLine.creditDebit;
                    rLine.lineError          = tLine.lineError;

Пример #11
        //   Private Forwarding line edits
        private void myForwardLineEdits(LineItemRow rLine)
            TransactionDataSet.LineItemRow tLine = this.tDataSet.LineItem.FindByid(rLine.id);

            if (tLine == null)
                tLine = this.myNewTransaction(rLine);

                // Copy the simple items.
                if (tLine.date != rLine.date)
                    tLine.date = rLine.date;

                if (tLine.typeID != rLine.typeID)
                    tLine.typeID = rLine.typeID;

                if (tLine.description != rLine.description)
                    tLine.description = rLine.description;

                if (tLine.confirmationNumber != rLine.confirmationNumber)
                    tLine.confirmationNumber = rLine.confirmationNumber;

                if (tLine.complete != rLine.complete)
                    tLine.complete = rLine.complete;

                // The following affect other lines / envelopeLines
                if (tLine.oppAccountID != rLine.oppAccountID)
                    this.myChangeOppAccountID(ref tLine, rLine.oppAccountID);

                if (tLine.creditDebit != rLine.creditDebit)
                    this.myChangeCreditDebit(ref tLine);

                if (tLine.amount != rLine.amount)
                    this.myChangeAmount(ref tLine, rLine.amount);

                if (tLine.accountID != rLine.accountID)
                    this.myChangeAccountID(ref tLine, rLine.accountID);

                if (tLine.envelopeID != rLine.envelopeID)
                    this.myChangeEnvelopeID(ref tLine, rLine.envelopeID);

            // Update the error flags

            this.stayOut = true;

            rLine.transactionError = this.tDataSet.TransactionError;
            rLine.lineError        = tLine.lineError;

            this.stayOut = false;