Пример #1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //String xxx = ManageLOG.deCode("U0VSVkVSPTIwMi40Ny4yNTAuMjAzO0RBVEFCQVNFPWF1dGhlbmNvZGVkYjtVSUQ9Y2F0MDE7UEFTU1dPUkQ9UEBzc3cwcmQ7");
                 * 0 = Run all station.
                 * format : ????.exe {station} {yyyyMMdd}
                //String _station = args.Length > 0 ? (args[0].Equals("0") ? "" : String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[0]) ? "" : " Where id=" + args[0]) : "";
                //DateTime runDate = args.Length > 0 ? (String.IsNullOrEmpty(args[1]) ? DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1) : new DateTime(Convert.ToInt16(args[1].Substring(0, 4)), Convert.ToInt16(args[1].Substring(4, 2)), Convert.ToInt16(args[1].Substring(6, 2)), 0, 0, 0)) : DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);//Run pevios day

                TransactionDao tranDao = new TransactionDao();

                List <DateTime> runDates = tranDao.GetDateDistinct();

                StationDao stationDao = new StationDao();
                LoungeDao  loungeDao  = new LoungeDao();
                AreaDao    areaDao    = new AreaDao();

                List <ModelStation> stations = stationDao.Select("");
                if (stations.Count > 0)
                    foreach (DateTime runDate in runDates)
                        foreach (ModelStation station in stations)
                            if (station.id != 99)
                                List <ModelLounge> lounges = loungeDao.Select(" Where lounge_station=" + station.id);
                                if (lounges.Count > 0)
                                    foreach (ModelLounge lounge in lounges)
                                        List <ModelArea> areas = areaDao.Select(" Where area_station=" + station.id + " and area_lounge=" + lounge.id);
                                        if (areas.Count > 0)
                                            foreach (ModelArea area in areas)
                                                String        PATH_LOCAL = String.Format(@"{0}{1}\Gen log\Log {2} {3}", Configurations.DailyTransactionLogsPath, station.site_code, lounge.lounge_name, area.area_name);
                                                String        PATH_FTP   = String.Format("{0}/Gen log/Log {1} {2}", station.site_code, lounge.lounge_name, area.area_name);
                                                DirectoryInfo di         = new DirectoryInfo(@"" + PATH_LOCAL);
                                                if (!di.Exists)
                                                //Create path on server

                                                //ignore group_id=32 ==> cat test group.
                                                String cri = "where date(create_date) = date('" + runDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "') and LoungePlace=" + station.id + " and LoungeType=" + lounge.id + " and LoungeArea=" + area.id + " and group_id <> 32  order by LoungePlace asc,LoungeType asc,LoungeArea asc,update_date desc";
                                                List <ModelTransaction> lists = tranDao.Select(cri, station.id);

                                                ManageLOG mangeLog = new ManageLOG();
                                                if (lists.Count > 0)
                                                    mangeLog.fileName   = String.Format(@"{0}\export_{1}.csv", PATH_LOCAL, runDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                                                    mangeLog.folderName = PATH_LOCAL;
                                                    String header = "No,Username,Type,GenDate,GroupName,Duration,PassengerName,FromCity,ToCity,AirlineCode,FlightNo,DateOfFlight,SeatNo,LoungePlace,LoungeType,LoungeArea,Owner,Begin_Date,Status,Remark,AccessCode,Remark2,LastUpdate,LastUpdateBy";
                                                    int seq = 1;
                                                    foreach (ModelTransaction transaction in lists)
                                                            seq + "," +                                                                   //No
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.passenger_name + "" + transaction.flight_no + "" + transaction.seat_no) + "," +
                                                            transaction.type + "," +                                                      //Type
                                                            transaction.create_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," +
                                                            transaction.group_idName + "," +                                              //GroupName
                                                            transaction.duration + "," +                                                  //Duration
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.passenger_name) + "," + //PassengerName
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.from_city) + "," +      //FromCity
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.to_city) + "," +        //ToCity
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.airline_code) + "," +   //AirlineCode
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.flight_no) + "," +      //FlightNo
                                                            transaction.date_of_flight.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," +
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.seat_no) + "," +        //SeatNo
                                                            transaction.LoungeSiteCode + "," +                                            //LoungePlace
                                                            transaction.LoungeName + "," +                                                //LoungeType
                                                            transaction.LoungeAreaName + "," +                                            //LoungeArea
                                                            transaction.create_byName + "," +                                             //Owner
                                                            transaction.begin_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," +
                                                            transaction.status + "," +                                                    //Status
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.remark) + "," +         //Remark
                                                            transaction.ath_id + "," +                                                    //AccessCode
                                                            Utils.CustomUtils.RemoveSpecialCharacters(transaction.remakr2) + "," +        //Remark2
                                                            transaction.update_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," +
                                                            transaction.update_byName                                                     //LastUpdateBy
                                                        //Update begindate
                                                        //tranDao.UpdateBeginDate(transaction, station.id);
                                                    mangeLog.fileName   = String.Format(@"{0}\export_{1} No data.csv", PATH_LOCAL, runDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                                                    mangeLog.folderName = PATH_LOCAL;
                                                    logger.Debug("Transaction of " + station.site_code + ">>" + lounge.lounge_name + ">>" + area.area_name + " is empty");
                                            logger.Debug("Area of " + station.site_code + ">>" + lounge.lounge_name + " is empty.");
                                    logger.Debug("Lounge of " + station.site_code + " is empty.");
                    logger.Debug("Station is empty.");
            catch (Exception ex)