public ActionResult Statement() { TransactionsController.CurrentAccount = Convert.ToInt64(Session["Accountno"]); TransactionBusinessLayer sObj = new TransactionBusinessLayer(); StatementModel sModel = new StatementModel(); List <StatementModel> tranList = sObj.GetStatement(Convert.ToInt64(Session["Accountno"])); sModel.statementList = tranList; return(View(sModel)); }
public ActionResult StatementPdf() { TransactionBusinessLayer stObj = new TransactionBusinessLayer(); StatementModel stModel = new StatementModel(); // List<StatementModel> tranList = stObj.GetStatement(Convert.ToInt64(Session["Accountno"])); //List<StatementModel> tranList = stObj.GetStatement(110010001114 ); List <StatementModel> tranList = stObj.GetStatement(TransactionsController.CurrentAccount); stModel.statementList = tranList; return(View(stModel)); }
public ActionResult Index_Post() { try { ViewData["Message"] = " "; TransactionBusinessLayer tranBL = new TransactionBusinessLayer(); TransactionModel tranModel = new TransactionModel(); UpdateModel(tranModel); tranBL.SendMoney(Convert.ToInt64(Session["Accountno"]), tranModel.AccountNo, tranModel.Amount); ViewData["Message"] = " Transaction Successfull"; /* * try * { * //Twilio * const string accountSid = "your account sid"; * const string authToken = "your auth token"; * * TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken); * var message = MessageResource.Create( * body: "Transaction of Rs" + tranModel.Amount.ToString() + " To Account No: " + tranModel.AccountNo.ToString() + " is Successfull", * from: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber("your twilio phone no"), * to: new Twilio.Types.PhoneNumber("+91yourno") * ); * * } * catch * { * ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction Successful, Message not sent"; * } */ /* * try * { * //Transactional Email * string userName= WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GmailUserName"]; * string password = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["GmailPassword"]; * MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); * mail.To.Add("*****@*****.**"); * mail.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); * mail.Subject = "Transaction Successfull"; * string Body = "Transaction Successful, Amount of Rs "+tranModel.Amount.ToString()+" is paid to account "+tranModel.AccountNo.ToString() ; * mail.Body = Body; * mail.IsBodyHtml = true; * SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); * smtp.Host = ""; * smtp.Port = 587; * smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; * smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, password); // Enter seders User name and password * smtp.EnableSsl = true; * smtp.Send(mail); * ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction Successful"; * } * catch * { * ViewData["Message"] = "Transaction Successful, Mail not sent"; * } */ return(View()); } catch { ViewData["Message"] = " Transaction Failed"; TransactionDataAccess.sqlCon.Close(); return(View()); } }