private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { //check collision with walls and trails. if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Trail" && Alive == true || collision.gameObject.tag == "Walls" && Alive == true) { TrailHandler handler = TrailManager.Instance.activeTrails[index].Handler; handler.Renderer.emitting = false; if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Trail") { TrailData tempdata = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <TrailCollision>().TrailData; if (tempdata.beforeSplitTrail == null) { tempdata.TrailCollider.SplitPoint(transform, tempdata.Handler.transform); } else { tempdata.TrailCollider.SubSplit(tempdata.beforeSplitTrail, transform); } collision.gameObject.SetActive(false); } else { handler.NewAtColl(); } Death(); } }
public VisualData(TrailData trail_Data, ColorData color_Data, int display_Mode, bool applyTexture = false) { this.trailData = trail_Data; this.colorData = color_Data; this.displayMode = display_Mode; this.useTexture = applyTexture; }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { bool trail = new bool(); int trailStep = new int(); int maxTrail = new int(); if (!DA.GetData(0, ref trail)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref trailStep)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref maxTrail)) { return; } if (trailStep < 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Trail Step has to be greater than 0, please increase"); return; } if (maxTrail < 0) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "MaxTrail has to be greater than 0, please increase"); return; } TrailData trailData = new TrailData(trail, trailStep, maxTrail); DA.SetData(0, trailData); }
public void NewTrailFromArr(Vector2[] newPositions, TrailData originalTrailOwnerData) { //here we instantiate new edgecollider from the array. GameObject newTrail = Instantiate(collisionPrefab, GameManager.Instance.cleaner.transform.GetChild(0)); = "SplitCollider"; newTrail.GetComponent <EdgeCollider2D>().points = newPositions; TrailData tempdata = new TrailData(originalTrailOwnerData.Handler, newTrail.GetComponent <TrailCollision>(), originalTrailOwnerData.VisualTrail); tempdata.beforeSplitTrail = originalTrailOwnerData; newTrail.GetComponent <TrailCollision>().TrailData = tempdata; }
public bool AddTrail(Trail trail, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar progressBar) { bool result = false; if (TrailData.InsertTrail(trail)) { NewTrail(trail, true, progressBar); result = true; } else { result = false; } return(result); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, TrailData trailData) { StripeConfiguration.SetApiKey(Configuration.GetSection("Stripe:SecretKey").Value); if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); } else { app.UseExceptionHandler(BuilderExtensions => { BuilderExtensions.Run(async context => { context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; var error = context.Features.Get <IExceptionHandlerFeature>(); if (error != null) { context.Response.AddApplicationError(error.Error.Message); await context.Response.WriteAsync(error.Error.Message); } }); }); // app.UseHsts(); } // app.UseHttpsRedirection(); trailData.TrailUsers(); // .Allowcredentials() app.UseCors(x => x.AllowAnyOrigin().AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader().AllowCredentials()); // app.UseCors (x => x.WithOrigins("http://localhost:4200").AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader()); app.UseSignalR(routes => { routes.MapHub <ChatHub>("/chat"); }); app.UseAuthentication(); app.UseDefaultFiles(); app.Use(async(context, next) => { await next(); if (context.Response.StatusCode == 404) { context.Request.Path = "/index.html"; await next(); } }); app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseMvc(); }
private bool DeleteTrail(ActivityTrail at) { bool result = false; if (at != null) { //Only the primary trail deleted at.Init(); if (TrailData.DeleteTrail(at.Trail)) { this.m_CurrentOrderedTrails.Remove(at); this.m_currentActivityTrails.Remove(at); this.m_prevSelectedTrails.Remove(at); at = null; result = true; } } return(result); }
public bool UpdateTrail(Trail trail, System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar progressBar) { bool result = false; if (TrailData.UpdateTrail(trail)) { foreach (ActivityTrail at in this.m_CurrentOrderedTrails) { if (at.Trail.Id == trail.Id) { at.Trail = trail; at.Init(); break; } } this.SetCurrentActivityTrail(this.m_currentActivityTrails, true, progressBar); result = true; } return(result); }
public void SubSplit(TrailData originalData, Transform playerPosition) { //if trail was lrdy split, second split simply removes the collider and the visual presentation of that part of the trail. Vector2 vector2 = playerPosition.position; int index = FindBreakPoint(vector2, originalData.TrailCollider.collider2D); if (index > originalData.TrailCollider.collider2D.pointCount / 2) { //finds the corresponding keypoint to delete to "remove" the visual part of the trail float SmallTime = Mathf.Infinity; int smallIndex = 999; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve[i].time < SmallTime) { SmallTime = TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve[i].time; smallIndex = i; } } AnimationCurve temp = TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve; temp.RemoveKey(smallIndex); originalData.VisualTrail.widthCurve = temp; } else { //finds the corresponding keypoint to delete to "remove" the visual part of the trail float bigTime = 0; int bigIndex = 999; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve[i].time > bigTime) { bigTime = TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve[i].time; bigIndex = i; } } AnimationCurve temp = TrailData.VisualTrail.widthCurve; temp.RemoveKey(bigIndex); originalData.VisualTrail.widthCurve = temp; } gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void NewTrail() { //instanziates new trail and trail collider, setting colors and parents. if (GameManager.Instance.gameState == GameManager.GameState.running && player.Alive) { GameObject newTrail = Instantiate(trailPrefab, transform); //renderer GameObject newColliders = Instantiate(collisionPrefab, GameManager.Instance.cleaner.transform.GetChild(1)); //collider Renderer = newTrail.GetComponent <TrailRenderer>(); TrailData data = new TrailData(this, newColliders.GetComponent <TrailCollision>(), Renderer); //saving both to a referencepoint. TrailManager.Instance.activeTrails[gameObject.GetComponent <Player>().index] = data; trailData = data; data.TrailCollider.TrailData = data; Renderer.startColor = _color; Renderer.endColor = _color; data.TrailCollider.Expanding = true; Renderer.emitting = true; Coroutine co = StartCoroutine(UpdateTrail()); //start new trailCollider generation Coroutine co1 = StartCoroutine(TrailCut()); //And queues next cut. } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { if (GH_Document.IsEscapeKeyDown()) { GH_Document GHDocument = OnPingDocument(); GHDocument.RequestAbortSolution(); return; } ikvm.runtime.Startup.addBootClassPathAssemby(Assembly.Load("culebra")); ikvm.runtime.Startup.addBootClassPathAssemby(Assembly.Load("IKVM.OpenJDK.Core")); bool reset = new bool(); int iterations = new int(); List <object> init_Settings = new List <object>(); List <object> move_Settings = new List <object>(); IGH_VisualData visual_Settings = null; object behavioral_Settings = null; if (!DA.GetDataList(0, init_Settings) || init_Settings.Count == 0 || init_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Init Settings Detected, please connect Init Settings to enable the component"); return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(1, move_Settings) || move_Settings.Count == 0 || move_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Move Settings Detected, please connect Move Settings to enable the component"); return; } if (!DA.GetData(3, ref visual_Settings) || visual_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Visual Settings Detected, please connect Visual Settings to enable the component"); return; } if (!DA.GetData(4, ref iterations)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(5, ref reset)) { return; } Random rnd = new Random(); if (!DA.GetData(2, ref behavioral_Settings) || behavioral_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Input Object is Null"); return; } string objtype = behavioral_Settings.GetType().Name.ToString(); if (!(behavioral_Settings.GetType() == typeof(IGH_BehaviorData))) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "You did not input a Behavior Data Object, please ensure input is Behavior Data Object and not " + objtype); return; } else { #region Initialize / Data Parse //------------------------Init Settings-------------------------- if (init_Settings.Count != 0) { String init_Convert = ""; if (init_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_String)) { GH_String value = (GH_String)init_Settings[0]; init_Convert = value.Value; } if (init_Convert == "Box") { this.spawnData = "box"; GH_Convert.ToBox_Primary(init_Settings[3], ref; GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[4], out this.spawnType, GH_Conversion.Primary); GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[5], out this.pointCount, GH_Conversion.Primary); GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[1], out this.dimensions, GH_Conversion.Primary); } else if (init_Convert == "Points") { this.spawnData = "Points"; var wrapperToGoo = GH_Convert.ToGoo(init_Settings[3]); wrapperToGoo.CastTo <List <Point3d> >(out this.ptList); GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[1], out this.dimensions, GH_Conversion.Primary); GH_Convert.ToBox_Primary(init_Settings[4], ref; } GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[2], out this.bounds, GH_Conversion.Primary); } //------------------------Move Settings-------------------------- Vector3d initialVector = new Vector3d(); if (move_Settings.Count != 0) { if (move_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_Vector)) { GH_Vector value = (GH_Vector)move_Settings[0]; initialVector = value.Value; } else if (move_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_Number)) { GH_Number value = (GH_Number)move_Settings[0]; this.initialSpeed = value.Value; } GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[1], out this.maxSpeed, GH_Conversion.Primary); GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[2], out this.maxForce, GH_Conversion.Primary); GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[3], out this.velMultiplier, GH_Conversion.Primary); } //------------------------Visual Settings-------------------------- TrailData td = visual_Settings.Value.trailData; ColorData cd = visual_Settings.Value.colorData; this.trail = td.createTrail; this.displayMode = visual_Settings.Value.displayMode; this.trailStep = td.trailStep; this.maxTrailSize = td.maxTrailSize; this.particleTexture = cd.particleTexture; this.graphicType = cd.colorDataType; this.useTexture = visual_Settings.Value.useTexture; if (cd.colorDataType == "Gradient") { this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; this.minthick = cd.minThickness; this.redValues[0] = cd.redChannel[0]; this.redValues[1] = cd.redChannel[1]; this.greenValues[0] = cd.greenChannel[0]; this.greenValues[1] = cd.greenChannel[1]; this.blueValues[0] = cd.blueChannel[0]; this.blueValues[1] = cd.blueChannel[1]; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "GraphicPolyline") { this.polylineColor = cd.color; this.dotted = cd.dotted; this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "Disco") { this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; this.minthick = cd.minThickness; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "Base") { this.maxthick = 3; this.minthick = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- IGH_PreviewObject comp = (IGH_PreviewObject)this; if (comp.Hidden && (this.displayMode == 0)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Component preview must be enabled to see Graphic Mode on Canvas, right click on component and set preview on"); } #endregion #region Pre Simulation Code //------------------------RESET STARTS HERE-------------------------- if (reset) { //We are using the reset to reinitialize all the variables and positions //----------------------------------------------------------------- = new BoundingBox(); int loopCount = new int(); bool create = new bool(); if (this.spawnData == "box") { =; loopCount = this.pointCount; create = true; } else if (this.spawnData == "Points") { loopCount = this.ptList.Count; create = false; =; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- this.moveList = new List <Vector3d>(); this.startList = new List <Vector3d>(); this.creepList = new List <CulebraObject>(); this.currentPosList = new List <Point3d>(); this.networkList = new List <Line>(); flattenedTrails = new List <Vector3d>(); for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) { if (this.dimensions == 0) { //If we want 2D General.setViewport("Top", "Shaded"); if (create) { //If are creating random points inside bbox if (this.spawnType == 0 || this.spawnType == 2) { this.startPos = new Vector3d((int)bb.Min[0], rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), 0); //spawn along the y axis of the bounding area } else if (this.spawnType == 1 || this.spawnType == 3) { this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), 0); //spawn randomly inside the bounding area } if (initialVector.Length > 0) { this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction } else { this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, 0); //move randomly in any direction 2d } } else { //If we are using user defined points this.startPos = (Vector3d)this.ptList[i]; if (initialVector.Length > 0) { this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction } else { this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, 0); //move randomly in any direction 2d } } this.creep = new Creeper(this.startPos, this.moveVec, true, false); this.creepList.Add(this.creep); } else { //If we want 3D General.setViewport("Perspective", "Shaded"); if (create) { //If are creating random points inside bbox if (this.spawnType == 0 || this.spawnType == 2) { this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), (int)bb.Min[2]); //start randomly on the lowest plane of the 3d bounds if (initialVector.Length > 0) { this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction } else { this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, 1 * initialSpeed); //move randomly in the xy axis and up in the z axis } } else if (this.spawnType == 1 || this.spawnType == 3) { this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[2], (int)bb.Max[2])); //start randomly inside the 3d bounds if (initialVector.Length > 0) { this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction } else { this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed); //move randomly in any direction 3d } } } else { //If we are using user defined points this.startPos = (Vector3d)this.ptList[i]; if (initialVector.Length > 0) { this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction } else { this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed); //move randomly in any direction 3d } } this.creep = new Creeper(this.startPos, this.moveVec, true, true); this.creepList.Add(this.creep); } this.startList.Add(this.startPos); //add the initial starting positions to the list to pass once we start running this.moveList.Add(this.moveVec); //add the initial move vectors to the list to pass once we start running } #endregion #region Simulation Code this.trailTree = new DataTree <Point3d>(); this.globalEngine = new Engine_Global(); for (int z = 0; z < iterations; z++) { this.particleSet = new DataTree <Point3d>(); this.currentPosList = new List <Point3d>(); this.trailTree.Clear(); this.networkTree.Clear(); this.trailTree.TrimExcess(); this.networkTree.TrimExcess(); if (this.moveList == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Please Reset the CreepyCrawlers Component"); return; } try { globalEngine.Action(this.creepList, this.dimensions, behavioral_Settings, this.displayMode, this.networkList, this.maxSpeed, this.maxForce, this.velMultiplier, this.flattenedTrails, this.particleList, this.particleSet, networkTree, trailStep, maxTrailSize, bounds, bb, currentPosList, trail, trailTree); } catch (Exception e) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message.ToString()); return; } this.flattenedTrails.Clear(); this.flattenedTrails.TrimExcess(); #endregion } DA.SetDataList(0, this.currentPosList); DA.SetDataTree(2, networkTree); if (this.displayMode == 1 && this.trail) { DA.SetDataTree(1, trailTree); } } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { object behavioral_Settings = null; object visual_Settings = null; bool reset = new bool(); List <Curve> curves = new List <Curve>(); if (!DA.GetDataList(0, curves)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref behavioral_Settings) || behavioral_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Behavior Input Object is Null"); return; } string objtype = behavioral_Settings.GetType().Name.ToString(); if (!(behavioral_Settings.GetType() == typeof(IGH_BehaviorData))) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "You did not input a Behavior Data Object, please ensure input is Behavior Data Object and not " + objtype); return; } if (!DA.GetData(2, ref visual_Settings) || visual_Settings == null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Visual Input Object is Null"); return; } string objtype2 = visual_Settings.GetType().Name.ToString(); if (!(visual_Settings.GetType() == typeof(IGH_VisualData))) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "You did not input a Visual Data Object, please ensure input is Visual Data Object and not " + objtype2); return; } if (!DA.GetData(3, ref reset)) { return; } //------------------------Visual Settings-------------------------- IGH_VisualData igh_Visual = (IGH_VisualData)visual_Settings; TrailData td = igh_Visual.Value.trailData; ColorData cd = igh_Visual.Value.colorData; this.trail = td.createTrail; this.displayMode = igh_Visual.Value.displayMode; this.trailStep = td.trailStep; this.maxTrailSize = td.maxTrailSize; this.particleTexture = cd.particleTexture; this.graphicType = cd.colorDataType; this.useTexture = igh_Visual.Value.useTexture; if (cd.colorDataType == "Gradient") { this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; this.minthick = cd.minThickness; this.redValues[0] = cd.redChannel[0]; this.redValues[1] = cd.redChannel[1]; this.greenValues[0] = cd.greenChannel[0]; this.greenValues[1] = cd.greenChannel[1]; this.blueValues[0] = cd.blueChannel[0]; this.blueValues[1] = cd.blueChannel[1]; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "GraphicPolyline") { this.polylineColor = cd.color; this.dotted = cd.dotted; this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "Disco") { this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness; this.minthick = cd.minThickness; } else if (cd.colorDataType == "Base") { this.maxthick = 3; this.minthick = 1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------- if (reset) { this.cycles = 0; this.crvList = new List <Curve>(); this.crvList = curves; DA.SetDataList(0, crvList); } else { this.particleSet.Clear(); this.particleSet.TrimExcess(); IGH_BehaviorData igh_Behavior = (IGH_BehaviorData)behavioral_Settings; this.thresh = igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.threshold; this.ratio = igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.ratio; this.ptCount = igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.pointCount; this.rebuild = igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.rebuild; this.weldCount = igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.weldCount; //----------------------------------------------------------------- foreach (string s in igh_Behavior.Value.dataOrder) { if (s == "Bundling") { try { if (igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.colorMesh != null) { this.crvList = this.selfOrg.Bundling(particleList, particleSet, this.crvList, this.thresh, this.ratio, this.weldCount, this.rebuild, this.ptCount, igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.colorMesh, igh_Behavior.Value.bundlingData.useColor); } else { this.crvList = this.selfOrg.Bundling(particleList, particleSet, this.crvList, this.thresh, this.ratio, this.weldCount, this.rebuild, this.ptCount); } } catch (Exception e) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message.ToString()); return; } } else { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Currently we can only run bundling behavior on the Bundling Engine, please remove other behaviors"); return; } } if (this.displayMode == 1) { DA.SetDataList(0, this.crvList); } this.cycles++; } timer.DisplayMessage(this, "Bundling", this.cycles, this.myBool); }