// Change current lights state
 public void ChangeLightState(bool redLight, bool yellowLight, bool greenLight, TrafficLightPhase parentPhase)
     mParentPhase = parentPhase;
     OnLightStateChanged(redLight, yellowLight, greenLight);
    // coroutine for main program
	private IEnumerator MainProgramCo()
        // select first phase from list
        mCurrentPhaseIndex = 0;
        mCurrentPhase = PhaseList[0];

        // begin with all traffic lights modules set to 'Stop' state (red lights)
        while (true)
            // set current phase to 'PrepareToGo' state (red and yellow lights)
            // wait for end of state
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(mCurrentPhase.PhaseStartTime);

            // set current phase to 'Go' state (green lights)
            // wait for end of state
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(mCurrentPhase.PhaseActiveTime);

            // set current phase to 'PrepareToStop' state (yellow lights)
            // wait for end of state
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(mCurrentPhase.PhaseEndTime);

            // set current phase to 'Stop' state (red lights)
            // this phase has ended so make delay between phases before nex phase will be started
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(PhaseDelay);

            // calculate next phase index
            mCurrentPhaseIndex = mCurrentPhaseIndex % PhaseList.Count;

            // select next phase and continue program's loop
            mCurrentPhase = PhaseList[mCurrentPhaseIndex];