Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rule">The associated traffic manager rule.</param>
        /// <param name="frontend">The frontend that generated this mapping.</param>
        /// <param name="backendName">The backend name.</param>
        public HostPathMapping(TrafficHttpRule rule, TrafficHttpFrontend frontend, string backendName)
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(rule != null);
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(frontend != null);
            Covenant.Requires <ArgumentNullException>(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(backendName));

            this.Rule        = rule;
            this.Frontend    = frontend;
            this.BackendName = backendName;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the steps to configure the stateful Elasticsearch instances used to persist the log data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="steps">The configuration step list.</param>
        private void AddElasticsearchSteps(ConfigStepList steps)
            var esNodes = new List <SshProxy <NodeDefinition> >();

            foreach (var nodeDefinition in hive.Definition.Nodes.Where(n => n.Labels.LogEsData))

            // Determine number of manager nodes and the quorum size.
            // Note that we'll deploy an odd number of managers.

            var managerCount = Math.Min(esNodes.Count, 5);   // We shouldn't ever need more than 5 managers

            if (!NeonHelper.IsOdd(managerCount))

            var quorumCount = (managerCount / 2) + 1;

            // Sort the nodes by name and then separate the manager and
            // worker nodes (managers will be assigned to nodes that appear
            // first in the list).

            var managerEsNodes = new List <SshProxy <NodeDefinition> >();
            var normalEsNodes  = new List <SshProxy <NodeDefinition> >();

            esNodes = esNodes.OrderBy(n => n.Name).ToList();

            foreach (var esNode in esNodes)
                if (managerEsNodes.Count < managerCount)

            // Figure out how much RAM to allocate to the Elasticsearch Docker containers
            // as well as Java heap within.  The guidance is to set the heap size to half
            // the container RAM up to a maximum of 31GB.

            var esContainerRam = hive.Definition.Log.EsMemoryBytes;
            var esHeapBytes    = Math.Min(esContainerRam / 2, 31L * NeonHelper.Giga);

            // We're going to use explicit docker commands to deploy the Elasticsearch cluster
            // log storage containers.
            // We're mounting three volumes to the container:
            //      /etc/neon/host-env         - Generic host specific environment variables
            //      /etc/neon/env-log-esdata   - Elasticsearch node host specific environment variables
            //      neon-log-esdata-#          - Persistent Elasticsearch data folder

            var esBootstrapNodes = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var esMasterNode in managerEsNodes)
                esBootstrapNodes.AppendWithSeparator($"{esMasterNode.PrivateAddress}:{HiveHostPorts.LogEsDataTcp}", ",");

            // Create a data volume for each Elasticsearch node and then start the node container.

            for (int i = 0; i < esNodes.Count; i++)
                var esNode        = esNodes[i];
                var containerName = $"neon-log-esdata";
                var isMaster      = managerEsNodes.Contains(esNode) ? "true" : "false";
                var volumeCommand = CommandStep.CreateSudo(esNode.Name, "docker-volume-create", containerName);


                ServiceHelper.AddContainerStartSteps(hive, steps, esNode, containerName, hive.Definition.Image.Elasticsearch,
                                                     new CommandBundle(
                                                         "docker run",
                                                         "--name", containerName,
                                                         "--restart", "always",
                                                         "--volume", "/etc/neon/host-env:/etc/neon/host-env:ro",
                                                         "--volume", $"{containerName}:/mnt/esdata",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER={hive.Definition.Datacenter}.{hive.Definition.Name}.neon-log-esdata",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_MASTER={isMaster}",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_DATA=true",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_NODE_COUNT={esNodes.Count}",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_HTTP_PORT={HiveHostPorts.LogEsDataHttp}",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_TCP_PORT={HiveHostPorts.LogEsDataTcp}",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_QUORUM={quorumCount}",
                                                         "--env", $"ELASTICSEARCH_BOOTSTRAP_NODES={esBootstrapNodes}",
                                                         "--env", $"ES_JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap",
                                                         "--memory", $"{esContainerRam / NeonHelper.Mega}M",
                                                         "--memory-reservation", $"{esContainerRam / NeonHelper.Mega}M",
                                                         "--memory-swappiness", "0",
                                                         "--network", "host",
                                                         "--log-driver", "json-file", // Ensure that we don't log to the pipeline to avoid cascading events.

            // Configure a private hive proxy route to the Elasticsearch nodes.

            steps.Add(ActionStep.Create(hive.FirstManager.Name, "setup/elasticsearch-lbrule",
                                        node =>
                var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                    Name     = "neon-log-esdata",
                    System   = true,
                    Log      = false,       // This is important: we don't want to SPAM the log database with its own traffic.
                    Resolver = null

                    new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                    ProxyPort = HiveHostPorts.ProxyPrivateHttpLogEsData

                foreach (var esNode in esNodes)
                        new TrafficHttpBackend()
                        Server = esNode.Metadata.PrivateAddress.ToString(),
                        Port   = HiveHostPorts.LogEsDataHttp


            // Wait for the elasticsearch cluster to become ready and then save the
            // [logstash-*] template.  We need to do this before [neon-log-collector]
            // is started so we'll be sure that no indexes will be created before
            // we have a chance to persist the pattern.
            // This works because [neon-log-collector] is the main service responsible
            // for persisting events to this index.

            steps.Add(ActionStep.Create(hive.FirstManager.Name, operationName: null,
                                        node =>
                node.Status = "wait for elasticsearch cluster";

                using (var jsonClient = new JsonClient())
                    var baseLogEsDataUri = hive.Definition.LogEsDataUri;
                    var timeout          = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                    var timeoutTime      = DateTime.UtcNow + timeout;
                    var esNodeCount      = hive.Definition.Nodes.Count(n => n.Labels.LogEsData);

                    // Wait for the Elasticsearch cluster.

                    jsonClient.UnsafeRetryPolicy = NoRetryPolicy.Instance;

                    while (true)
                            var response = jsonClient.GetUnsafeAsync($"{baseLogEsDataUri}/_cluster/health").Result;

                            if (response.IsSuccess)
                                var clusterStatus = response.AsDynamic();
                                var status        = (string)(clusterStatus.status);

                                status      = status.ToUpperInvariant();
                                node.Status = $"wait for [neon-log-esdata] cluster: [status={status}] [{clusterStatus.number_of_nodes}/{esNodeCount} nodes ready])";

                                // $todo(jeff.lill):
                                // We're accepting YELLOW status here due to this issue:
                                //      https://github.com/jefflill/NeonForge/issues/257

                                if ((status == "GREEN" || status == "YELLOW") && clusterStatus.number_of_nodes == esNodeCount)
                                    node.Status = "elasticsearch cluster is ready";
                            if (DateTime.UtcNow >= timeoutTime)
                                node.Fault($"[neon-log-esdata] cluster not ready after waiting [{timeout}].");


                    // Save the [logstash-*]  template pattern.

                    var templatePattern = ResourceFiles.Root.GetFolder("Elasticsearch").GetFile("logstash-template.json").Contents;

                    jsonClient.PutAsync($"{baseLogEsDataUri}/_template/logstash-*", templatePattern).Wait();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the Kibana dashboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstManager">The first hive proxy manager.</param>
        public void ConfigureKibana(SshProxy <NodeDefinition> firstManager)
            if (!hive.Definition.Log.Enabled)

                                                () =>
                using (var jsonClient = new JsonClient())
                    var baseLogEsDataUri = hive.Definition.LogEsDataUri;
                    var baseKibanaUri    = $"http://{firstManager.PrivateAddress}:{HiveHostPorts.Kibana}";
                    var timeout          = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
                    var retry            = new LinearRetryPolicy(TransientDetector.Http, maxAttempts: 30, retryInterval: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2));

                    // The Kibana API calls below require the [kbn-xsrf] header.

                    jsonClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("kbn-xsrf", "true");

                    // Ensure that Kibana is ready before we submit any API requests.

                    firstManager.Status = "wait for kibana";

                        async() =>
                        var response = await jsonClient.GetAsync <dynamic>($"{baseKibanaUri}/api/status");

                        if (response.status.overall.state != "green")
                            throw new TransientException($"Kibana [state={response.status.overall.state}]");

                    // Add the index pattern to Kibana.

                    firstManager.Status = "configure kibana index pattern";

                        async() =>
                        dynamic indexPattern = new ExpandoObject();
                        dynamic attributes   = new ExpandoObject();

                        attributes.title         = "logstash-*";
                        attributes.timeFieldName = "@timestamp";

                        indexPattern.attributes = attributes;

                        await jsonClient.PostAsync($"{baseKibanaUri}/api/saved_objects/index-pattern/logstash-*?overwrite=true", indexPattern);

                    // Now we need to save a Kibana config document so that [logstash-*] will be
                    // the default index and the timestamp will be displayed as UTC and have a
                    // more useful terse format.

                    firstManager.Status = "configure kibana defaults";

                        async() =>
                        dynamic setting = new ExpandoObject();

                        setting.value = "logstash-*";
                        await jsonClient.PostAsync($"{baseKibanaUri}/api/kibana/settings/defaultIndex", setting);

                        setting.value = "HH:mm:ss.SSS MM-DD-YYYY";
                        await jsonClient.PostAsync($"{baseKibanaUri}/api/kibana/settings/dateFormat", setting);

                        setting.value = "UTC";
                        await jsonClient.PostAsync($"{baseKibanaUri}/api/kibana/settings/dateFormat:tz", setting);

                    // Set the Kibana traffic manager rule.

                    firstManager.Status = "kibana traffic manager rule";

                    var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                        Name     = "neon-log-kibana",
                        System   = true,
                        Log      = true,
                        Resolver = null

                        new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        ProxyPort = HiveHostPorts.ProxyPrivateKibanaDashboard

                        new TrafficHttpBackend()
                        Server = "neon-log-kibana",
                        Port   = NetworkPorts.Kibana


                    firstManager.Status = string.Empty;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that we can create an HTTPS traffic manager rule that pre-warms items.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testName">Simple name (without spaces) used to ensure that URIs cached for different tests won't conflict.</param>
        /// <param name="proxyPort">The inbound proxy port.</param>
        /// <param name="network">The proxy network.</param>
        /// <param name="trafficManager">The traffic manager.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Optionally specifies the backend service name (defaults to <b>vegomatic</b>).</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task TestHttpsCacheWarming(string testName, int proxyPort, string network, TrafficManager trafficManager, string serviceName = "vegomatic")
            // Append a GUID to the test name to ensure that we won't
            // conflict with what any previous test runs may have loaded
            // into the cache.

            testName += "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            // Verify that we can create an HTTP traffic manager rule for a
            // site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
            // verify that warming actually works by spinning up a [vegomatic]
            // based service to accept the traffic.
            // We'll do this by specifying warm and cold URIs that both enable
            // caching.  We'll specify the warm URI as a warm target but not
            // the cold URI.  Then we'll publish the rule and wait for a bit
            // to allow it to stablize and for the [neon-proxy-cache] to
            // load the warm URI.
            // Finally, we'll verify that this worked by fetching both URIs.
            // The warm URI should indicate that it came from the cache and
            // the cold URI should not be cached.

            var manager       = hive.GetReachableManager();
            var guid          = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");  // Avoid conflicts with previous test runs
            var expireSeconds = 60;
            var warmUri       = new Uri($"https://{testHostname}:{proxyPort}/{guid}/warm?body=text:warm&Expires={expireSeconds}");
            var coldUri       = new Uri($"https://{testHostname}:{proxyPort}/{guid}/cold?body=text:cold&Expires={expireSeconds}");


            // Allow self-signed certificates.

            var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true, handler: handler, disposeHandler: true))
                // Add the test certificate.

                hive.Certificate.Set("test-load-balancer", certificate);

                // Setup the client to query the [vegomatic] service through the
                // proxy without needing to configure a hive DNS entry.

                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"https://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{proxyPort}/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = testHostname;

                // Configure the traffic manager rule.

                var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                    Name         = "vegomatic",
                    CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                    CheckSeconds = 1,

                rule.Cache = new TrafficHttpCache()
                    Enabled = true
                    new TrafficWarmTarget()
                    UpdateSeconds = 1.0,
                    Uri           = warmUri.ToString()

                    new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                    Host      = testHostname,
                    ProxyPort = proxyPort,
                    CertName  = "test-load-balancer"

                    new TrafficHttpBackend()
                    Server = serviceName,
                    Port   = 80


                // Spin up a [vegomatic] service instance.

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, testHostname);

                // Wait a bit longer to ensure that the cache has had a chance to
                // warm the URI.

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                // Query for the warm and cold URIs and verify that the warm item was a
                // cache hit and the cold item was not.

                var warmResponse = await client.GetAsync(warmUri.PathAndQuery);

                var warmBody     = (await warmResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).Trim();
                var coldResponse = await client.GetAsync(coldUri.PathAndQuery);

                var coldBody = (await coldResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()).Trim();

                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, warmResponse.StatusCode);
                Assert.Equal("warm", warmBody);

                Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, coldResponse.StatusCode);
                Assert.Equal("cold", coldBody);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that we can create HTTPS traffic manager rules for a
        /// site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and various
        /// path prefixes and then verify that that the traffic manager actually
        /// works  by spinning up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testName">Simple name (without spaces) used to ensure that URIs cached for different tests won't conflict.</param>
        /// <param name="proxyPort">The inbound proxy port.</param>
        /// <param name="network">The proxy network.</param>
        /// <param name="trafficManager">The traffic manager.</param>
        /// <param name="useCache">Optionally enable caching and verify.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Optionally specifies the backend service name prefix (defaults to <b>vegomatic</b>).</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task TestHttpsPrefix(string testName, int proxyPort, string network, TrafficManager trafficManager, bool useCache = false, string serviceName = "vegomatic")
            // Append a GUID to the test name to ensure that we won't
            // conflict with what any previous test runs may have loaded
            // into the cache.

            testName += "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            // Verify that we can create an HTTP traffic manager rule for a
            // site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
            // verify that that the traffic manager actually works by spinning
            // up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.

            var manager  = hive.GetReachableManager();
            var hostname = testHostname;


            // Allow self-signed certificates.

            var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true, handler: handler, disposeHandler: true))
                // Add the test certificate.

                hive.Certificate.Set("test-load-balancer", certificate);

                // Setup the client to query the [vegomatic] service through the
                // proxy without needing to configure a hive DNS entry.

                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"https://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{proxyPort}/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = hostname;

                // Create the traffic manager rules, one without a path prefix and
                // some others, some with intersecting prefixes so we can verify
                // that the longest prefixes are matched first.
                // Each rule's backend will be routed to a service whose name
                // will be constructed from [testName] plus the prefix with the
                // slashes replaced with dashes.  Each service will be configured
                // to return its name.

                var prefixes = new PrefixInfo[]
                    new PrefixInfo("/", $"{serviceName}"),
                    new PrefixInfo("/foo/", $"{serviceName}-foo"),
                    new PrefixInfo("/foo/bar/", $"{serviceName}-foo-bar"),
                    new PrefixInfo("/foobar/", $"{serviceName}-foobar"),
                    new PrefixInfo("/bar/", $"{serviceName}-bar")

                // Spin the services up first in parallel (for speed).  Each of
                // these service will respond to requests with its service name.

                var tasks = new List <Task>();

                foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
                                  () =>
                        manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name {prefix.ServiceName} --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server server-id={prefix.ServiceName}").EnsureSuccess();

                await NeonHelper.WaitAllAsync(tasks, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                // Create the traffic manager rules.

                foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
                    var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                        Name         = prefix.ServiceName,
                        CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                        CheckSeconds = 1,

                    if (useCache)
                        rule.Cache = new TrafficHttpCache()
                            Enabled = true

                    var frontend = new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        Host      = hostname,
                        ProxyPort = proxyPort,
                        CertName  = "test-load-balancer"

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix.Path))
                        frontend.PathPrefix = prefix.Path;


                        new TrafficHttpBackend()
                        Server = prefix.ServiceName,
                        Port   = 80

                    trafficManager.SetRule(rule, deferUpdate: true);


                // Wait for all of the services to report being ready.

                await NeonHelper.WaitForAsync(
                    async() =>
                    foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
                            var response = await client.GetAsync(prefix.Path);


                    timeout : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
                    pollTime : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

                // Give everything a chance to stablize.

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

                // Now verify that prefix rules route to the correct backend service.

                foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
                    var response = await client.GetAsync($"{prefix.Path}{testName}?expires=60");


                    var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    Assert.Equal(prefix.ServiceName, body.Trim());

                    if (useCache)
                        // Verify that the request routed through Varnish.


                        // This is the first request using the globally unique [testName]
                        // so it should not be a cache hit.


                // If caching is enabled, perform the requests again to ensure that
                // we see cache hits.

                if (useCache)
                    foreach (var prefix in prefixes)
                        // Request the item again and verify that it was a cache hit.

                        var response = await client.GetAsync($"{prefix.Path}{testName}?expires=60");


                        var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        Assert.Equal(prefix.ServiceName, body.Trim());
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that we can create an HTTPS traffic manager rule for a
        /// site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
        /// verify that that the traffic manager actually works by spinning
        /// up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testName">Simple name (without spaces).</param>
        /// <param name="proxyPort">The inbound proxy port.</param>
        /// <param name="network">The proxy network.</param>
        /// <param name="trafficManager">The traffic manager.</param>
        /// <param name="useCache">Optionally enable caching and verify.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Optionally specifies the backend service name (defaults to <b>vegomatic</b>).</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task TestHttpsRule(string testName, int proxyPort, string network, TrafficManager trafficManager, bool useCache = false, string serviceName = "vegomatic")
            // Verify that we can create an HTTPS traffic manager rule for a
            // site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
            // verify that that the traffic manager actually works by spinning
            // up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.

            var queryCount = 100;
            var manager    = hive.GetReachableManager();


            // We need the test hostname to point to the manager's private address
            // so we can submit HTTPS requests there.

            hiveFixture.LocalMachineHosts.AddHostAddress(testHostname, manager.PrivateAddress.ToString());

            // Allow self-signed certificates.

            var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true, handler: handler, disposeHandler: true))
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"https://{testHostname}:{proxyPort}/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = testHostname;

                // Add the test certificate.

                hive.Certificate.Set("test-load-balancer", certificate);

                // Configure the traffic manager rule.

                var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                    Name         = "vegomatic",
                    CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                    CheckSeconds = 1

                if (useCache)
                    rule.Cache = new TrafficHttpCache()
                        Enabled = true

                    new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                    Host      = testHostname,
                    ProxyPort = proxyPort,
                    CertName  = "test-load-balancer"

                    new TrafficHttpBackend()
                    Server = serviceName,
                    Port   = 80


                // Spin up a single [vegomatic] service instance.

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, testHostname);

                // Query the service several times to verify that we get a response and
                // also that all of the responses are the same (because we have only
                // a single [vegomatic] instance returning its UUID).
                // We're going to use a different URL for each request so that we
                // won't see any cache hits.

                var uniqueResponses = new HashSet <string>();
                var viaVarnish      = false;
                var cacheHit        = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
                    var response = await client.GetAsync($"/{testName}/pass-1/{i}?body=server-id&expires=60");

                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                    if (ViaVarnish(response))
                        viaVarnish = true;

                    if (CacheHit(response))
                        cacheHit = true;

                    var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))


                if (useCache)
                    // [viaVarnish] should be TRUE because we're routing through the cache.


                    // [cacheHit] should be FALSE because we used a unique URI for each request.

                    // [viaVarnish] and [cacheHit] should both be FALSE because we're not caching.


                // Repeat the test if caching is enabled with the same URLs as last time and verify that
                // we see cache hits this time.

                if (useCache)
                    viaVarnish = false;
                    cacheHit   = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
                        var response = await client.GetAsync($"/{testName}/pass-1/{i}?body=server-id&expires=60");

                        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                        if (ViaVarnish(response))
                            viaVarnish = true;

                        if (CacheHit(response))
                            cacheHit = true;

                        var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))


                // Spin up a second replica and repeat the query test to verify
                // that we see two unique responses.
                // Note also that we need to perform these requests in parallel
                // to try to force HAProxy to establish more than one connection
                // to the [vegomatic] service.  If we don't do this, HAProxy may
                // establish a single connection to one of the service instances
                // and keep sending traffic there resulting in us seeing only
                // one response UUID.

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service update --replicas 2 {serviceName}").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, testHostname);

                // Reset the response info and do the requests.

                viaVarnish = false;
                cacheHit   = false;

                var tasks = new List <Task>();
                var uris  = new List <string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)

                foreach (var uri in uris)
                                  async() =>
                        var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
                        var body     = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                        if (ViaVarnish(response))
                            viaVarnish = true;

                        if (CacheHit(response))
                            cacheHit = true;

                        lock (uniqueResponses)
                            if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))

                await NeonHelper.WaitAllAsync(tasks, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                if (useCache)
                    // [viaVarnish] should be TRUE because we're routing through the cache.


                    // [cacheHit] should be FALSE because we used a unique URI for each request.

                    // [viaVarnish] and [cacheHit] should both be FALSE because we're not caching.


                Assert.Equal(2, uniqueResponses.Count);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a traffic manager rule for each <see cref="Redirection"/> passed that
        /// will redirect from one URI to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trafficManager">The target traffic manager.</param>
        /// <param name="testName">Used to name the traffic manager rules.</param>
        /// <param name="singleRule">
        /// Pass <c>true</c> to test a single rule with all of the redirections or
        /// <c>false</c> to test with one redirection per rule.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="redirections">The redirections.</param>
        private async Task TestRedirect(TrafficManager trafficManager, string testName, bool singleRule, params Redirection[] redirections)
            var manager = hive.GetReachableManager();

            // We need local DNS mappings for each of the URI hosts to target a hive node.

            var hosts = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var redirect in redirections)
                if (!hosts.Contains(redirect.FromUri.Host))

                if (!hosts.Contains(redirect.ToUri.Host))

            foreach (var host in hosts)
                hiveFixture.LocalMachineHosts.AddHostAddress(host, manager.PrivateAddress.ToString(), deferCommit: true);


            // Generate and upload a self-signed certificate for each redirect host that
            // uses HTTPS and upload these to the hive.  Each certificate will be named
            // the same as the hostname.

            var hostToCertificate = new Dictionary <string, TlsCertificate>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var redirect in redirections.Where(r => r.FromUri.Scheme == "https"))
                var host = redirect.FromUri.Host;

                if (hostToCertificate.ContainsKey(host))

                hostToCertificate[host] = TlsCertificate.CreateSelfSigned(host);

            foreach (var item in hostToCertificate)
                hive.Certificate.Set(item.Key, item.Value);

            // Create the traffic manager rule(s).

            if (singleRule)
                var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                    Name = testName,

                foreach (var redirect in redirections)
                    var frontend = new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        Host       = redirect.FromUri.Host,
                        ProxyPort  = redirect.FromUri.Port,
                        RedirectTo = redirect.ToUri

                    if (redirect.FromUri.Scheme == "https")
                        frontend.CertName = redirect.FromUri.Host;


                var redirectIndex = 0;

                foreach (var redirect in redirections)
                    var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                        Name = $"{testName}-{redirectIndex}",

                    var frontend = new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        Host       = redirect.FromUri.Host,
                        ProxyPort  = redirect.FromUri.Port,
                        RedirectTo = redirect.ToUri

                    if (redirect.FromUri.Scheme == "https")
                        frontend.CertName = redirect.FromUri.Host;


            // Give the new rules some time to deploy.

            await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));

            // Now all we need to do is hit all of the redirect [FromUri]s
            // and verify that we get redirects to the corresponding
            // [ToUri]s.

            // Allow self-signed certificates and disable client-side automatic redirect handling
            // so we'll be able to see the redirect responses.

            var handler = new HttpClientHandler()
                ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback = HttpClientHandler.DangerousAcceptAnyServerCertificateValidator,
                AllowAutoRedirect = false   // We need to see the redirects

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true, handler: handler, disposeHandler: true))
                foreach (var redirect in redirections)
                    var response = await client.GetAsync(redirect.FromUri);

                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Redirect, response.StatusCode);
                    Assert.True(response.Headers.TryGetValues("Location", out var locations));
                    Assert.Equal(redirect.ToUri.ToString(), locations.Single());
Пример #8
        public async Task Cache_Purge()
            var trafficManager = hive.PublicTraffic;
            var network        = HiveConst.PublicNetwork;
            var proxyPort      = 80;
            var uuid           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");  // Used to avoid cache conflicts from previous test runs.

            // We're going to configure a Vegomatic test instance with a
            // caching load balancer rule and then fetch several different
            // requests thru the cache, verify that the responses were
            // cache hits.  Then we'll test various purge patterns and
            // verify that subsequent requests will be cache misses.

            var manager = hive.GetReachableManager();

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true))
                // Setup the client to query the [vegomatic] service through the
                // proxy without needing to configure a hive DNS entry.

                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"http://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{proxyPort}/");

                // Configure the traffic manager rules (with caching enabled).

                for (int serverId = 0; serverId < 2; serverId++)
                    var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                        Name         = $"vegomatic-{serverId}",
                        CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                        CheckSeconds = 1,
                        Cache        = new TrafficHttpCache()
                            Enabled = true

                        new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        Host      = $"vegomatic-{serverId}",
                        ProxyPort = proxyPort

                        new TrafficHttpBackend()
                        Server = $"vegomatic-{serverId}",
                        Port   = 80


                // Spin up a two [vegomatic] service instances [vegomatic-0] and [vegomatic-1]
                // so that we can ensure that purging one origin server's content doesn't impact
                // the other's cached content.  The default response expiration time will be
                // configured as 300 seconds (5 minutes) so we can test cache purging.

                var expireSeconds = 300;

                    new Action[]
                    () =>
                        manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic-0 --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server expires={expireSeconds}").EnsureSuccess();
                        WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, "vegomatic-0").Wait();
                    () =>
                        manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic-1 --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server expires={expireSeconds}").EnsureSuccess();
                        WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, "vegomatic-1").Wait();

                // Submit several requests to preload the cache for both origin servers.
                // and verify that the items were cached.

                CacheInfo status;

                var testUris = new string[]

                for (int serverId = 0; serverId < 2; serverId++)
                    var host = $"vegomatic-{serverId}";

                    foreach (var uri in testUris)
                        // Load the item into the cache.

                        status = await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://{host}:80{uri}");


                        // Ensure that it was actually cached.

                        status = await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://{host}:80{uri}");


                // We're going to be purging items from [vegomatic-0], leaving the [vegomatic-1]
                // cache alone for now.

                var purgeWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2);     // Time to wait while cache purging completes.

                // Purge a single URI and verify its no longer cached.

                trafficManager.Purge(new string[] { $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test0.jpg" });
                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                status = await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test0.jpg");

                Assert.False(status.CacheHit);  // Shouldn't be a cache hit because we just purged it.

                // Verify that a sample of the remaining [vegomatic-0] responses are still cached.

                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test1.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test2.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test0.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test1.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test2.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.htm")).CacheHit);

                // Purge the top-level [*.png] files and verify that they are no longer cached.

                trafficManager.Purge(new string[] { $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/*.png" });
                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test0.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test1.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test2.png")).CacheHit);

                // Verify that a sample of the remaining [vegomatic-0] responses are still cached.

                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test1.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test2.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.png")).CacheHit);

                // Use a glob pattern to purge all [*.jpg] responses at all nesting levels.

                trafficManager.Purge(new string[] { $"http://vegomatic-0:80/**/*.jpg" });
                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test0.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test1.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test2.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.jpg")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/bar/test.jpg")).CacheHit);

                // Verify that the remaining [vegomatic-0] responses are still cached.

                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/bar/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/bar/test.png")).CacheHit);

                // Use a glob pattern to purge all [vegomatic-0] responses.

                trafficManager.Purge(new string[] { $"http://vegomatic-0:80/**" });
                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/foo/test.png")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/bar/test.htm")).CacheHit);
                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/bar/test.png")).CacheHit);

                // Verify that all the [vegomatic-0] purging didn't impact any of the cached [vegomatic-1] responses.

                foreach (var uri in testUris)
                    Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-1:80{uri}")).CacheHit);

                // Reload all responses into the cache and then do a purge ALL and verify.

                for (int serverId = 0; serverId < 2; serverId++)
                    var host = $"vegomatic-{serverId}";

                    foreach (var uri in testUris)
                        await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://{host}:80{uri}");

                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                for (int serverId = 0; serverId < 2; serverId++)
                    var host = $"vegomatic-{serverId}";

                    foreach (var uri in testUris)
                        Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://{host}:80{uri}")).CacheHit);

                // Test case-sensitive purge patterns.

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/case.test")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/case.test")).CacheHit);

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/CASE.TEST")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/CASE.TEST")).CacheHit);

                trafficManager.Purge(new string[] { $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/case.test" }, caseSensitive: true);
                await Task.Delay(purgeWaitTime);

                Assert.False((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/case.test")).CacheHit);
                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, $"http://vegomatic-0:80/{uuid}/CASE.TEST")).CacheHit);
Пример #9
        public async Task Cache_Purge_Security()
            var trafficManager = hive.PublicTraffic;
            var manager        = hive.GetReachableManager();
            var network        = HiveConst.PublicNetwork;
            var proxyPort      = 80;

            // Configure a traffic manager rule (with caching enabled).

            var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                Name         = $"vegomatic",
                CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                CheckSeconds = 1,
                Cache        = new TrafficHttpCache()
                    Enabled = true

                new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                Host      = $"vegomatic",
                ProxyPort = proxyPort

                new TrafficHttpBackend()
                Server = $"vegomatic",
                Port   = 80


            // Verify that non-local BAN requests are rejected.  This is important because
            // this will block BAN based DOS attacks.

            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true))
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"http://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{proxyPort}/");

                // Spin up a test [vegomatic] service.

                var expireSeconds = 300;

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server expires={expireSeconds}").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, "vegomatic");

                // Load a response into the cache so we can verify that an external BAN
                // didn't actually purge anything.

                await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt");

                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt")).CacheHit);

                // Verify that a BAN request submitted from outside of the [neon-proxy-cache]
                // container doesn't actually purge anything.
                // Note that we're not going to see a 403 status code here because the HAProxy
                // rule is going to add an [X-Neon-Frontend] header and we've configured the
                // Varnish VCL to actually perform BANs only when this header is not present.

                var request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("BAN"), $"/");

                request.Headers.Host = "vegomatic";
                request.Headers.Add("X-Ban-All", "yes");

                await client.SendAsync(request);

                Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt")).CacheHit);

                // Now we're actually going to hit Varnish directly and verify that we
                // get a 403 response.  The trick here is that we need to update the
                // [neon-proxy-public-cache] service to publish port [61223] so we can
                // hit it externally.

                int externalPort = 61223;

                    manager.SudoCommand($"docker service update --publish-add {externalPort}:80 neon-proxy-public-cache");

                    // We need to reload the cached item because the cache was cleared when we updated [neon-proxy-public-cache].

                    await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt");

                    Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt")).CacheHit);

                    // Send the BAN request and verify that it was rejected.

                    request = new HttpRequestMessage(new HttpMethod("BAN"), $"http://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{externalPort}/");

                    request.Headers.Add("X-Ban-All", "yes");

                    var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, response.StatusCode);

                    // Also confirm that the item wasn't purged.

                    Assert.True((await GetCachingStatusAsync(client, "http://vegomatic:80/foo.txt")).CacheHit);
                    // Remove the temporary test port.

                    manager.SudoCommand($"docker service update --publish-rm {externalPort}:80 neon-proxy-public-cache");
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Configures the hive services.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="firstManager">The first hive proxy manager.</param>
        public void Configure(SshProxy <NodeDefinition> firstManager)
                                                () =>
                // Ensure that Vault has been initialized.

                if (!hive.HiveLogin.HasVaultRootCredentials)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Vault has not been initialized yet.");

                // Persist the proxy settings.

                // Obtain the AppRole credentials from Vault for the proxy manager as well as the
                // public and private proxy services and persist these as Docker secrets.

                firstManager.Status = "secrets: proxy services";

                hive.Docker.Secret.Set("neon-proxy-manager-credentials", NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(hive.Vault.Client.GetAppRoleCredentialsAsync("neon-proxy-manager").Result, Formatting.Indented));
                hive.Docker.Secret.Set("neon-proxy-public-credentials", NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(hive.Vault.Client.GetAppRoleCredentialsAsync("neon-proxy-public").Result, Formatting.Indented));
                hive.Docker.Secret.Set("neon-proxy-private-credentials", NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(hive.Vault.Client.GetAppRoleCredentialsAsync("neon-proxy-private").Result, Formatting.Indented));

                // Deploy the HiveMQ cluster.

                                                         () =>
                    // We're going to list the hive nodes that will host the
                    // RabbitMQ cluster and sort them by node name.  Then we're
                    // going to ensure that the first RabbitMQ node/container
                    // is started and ready before configuring the rest of the
                    // cluster so that it will bootstrap properly.

                    var hiveMQNodes = hive.Nodes
                                      .Where(n => n.Metadata.Labels.HiveMQ)
                                      .OrderBy(n => n.Name)


                    // Start the remaining nodes in parallel.

                    var actions = new List <Action>();

                    foreach (var node in hiveMQNodes.Skip(1))
                        actions.Add(() => DeployHiveMQ(node));


                    // The RabbitMQ cluster is created with the [/] vhost and the
                    // [sysadmin] user by default.  We need to create the [neon]
                    // and [app] vhosts along with the [neon] and [app] users
                    // and then set the appropriate permissions.
                    // We're going to run [rabbitmqctl] within the first RabbitMQ
                    // to accomplish this.

                    var hiveMQNode = hiveMQNodes.First();

                    // Create the vhosts.

                    hive.FirstManager.InvokeIdempotentAction("setup/hivemq-cluster-vhost-app", () => hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl add_vhost {HiveConst.HiveMQAppVHost}"));
                    hive.FirstManager.InvokeIdempotentAction("setup/hivemq-cluster-vhost-neon", () => hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl add_vhost {HiveConst.HiveMQNeonVHost}"));

                    // Create the users.

                    hive.FirstManager.InvokeIdempotentAction("setup/hivemq-cluster-user-app", () => hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl add_user {HiveConst.HiveMQAppUser} {hive.Definition.HiveMQ.AppPassword}"));
                    hive.FirstManager.InvokeIdempotentAction("setup/hivemq-cluster-user-neon", () => hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl add_user {HiveConst.HiveMQNeonUser} {hive.Definition.HiveMQ.NeonPassword}"));

                    // Grant the [app] account full access to the [app] vhost, the [neon] account full
                    // access to the [neon] vhost.  Note that this doesn't need to be idempotent.

                    hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p {HiveConst.HiveMQAppVHost} {HiveConst.HiveMQAppUser} \".*\" \".*\" \".*\"");
                    hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p {HiveConst.HiveMQNeonVHost} {HiveConst.HiveMQNeonUser} \".*\" \".*\" \".*\"");

                    // Clear the UX status for the HiveMQ nodes.

                    foreach (var node in hiveMQNodes)
                        node.Status = string.Empty;

                    // Set the RabbitMQ cluster name to the name of the hive.

                    hiveMQNode.InvokeIdempotentAction("setup/hivemq-cluster-name", () => hiveMQNode.SudoCommand($"docker exec neon-hivemq rabbitmqctl set_cluster_name {hive.Definition.Name}"));

                // Initialize the public and private traffic manager managers.

                    new TrafficSettings()
                    ProxyPorts = HiveConst.PublicProxyPorts

                    new TrafficSettings()
                    ProxyPorts = HiveConst.PrivateProxyPorts

                // Deploy the HiveMQ traffic manager rules.

                                                         () =>
                    // Deploy private traffic manager for the AMQP endpoints.

                    var amqpRule = new TrafficTcpRule()
                        Name     = "neon-hivemq-amqp",
                        System   = true,
                        Resolver = null

                    // We're going to set this up to allow idle connections for up to
                    // five minutes.  In theory, AMQP connections should never be idle
                    // this long because we've enabled level 7 keep-alive.
                    //      https://github.com/jefflill/NeonForge/issues/new

                    amqpRule.Timeouts = new TrafficTimeouts()
                        ClientSeconds = 0,
                        ServerSeconds = 0

                        new TrafficTcpFrontend()
                        ProxyPort = HiveHostPorts.ProxyPrivateHiveMQAMQP

                    foreach (var ampqNode in hive.Nodes.Where(n => n.Metadata.Labels.HiveMQ))
                            new TrafficTcpBackend()
                            Server = ampqNode.PrivateAddress.ToString(),
                            Port   = HiveHostPorts.HiveMQAMQP


                    // Deploy private traffic manager for the management endpoints.

                    var adminRule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                        Name     = "neon-hivemq-management",
                        System   = true,
                        Resolver = null

                    // Initialize the frontends and backends.

                        new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                        ProxyPort = HiveHostPorts.ProxyPrivateHiveMQAdmin

                        new TrafficHttpBackend()
                        Group      = HiveHostGroups.HiveMQManagers,
                        GroupLimit = 5,
                        Port       = HiveHostPorts.HiveMQManagement


                // Deploy DNS related services.

                // Deploy: neon-dns-mon

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-dns-mon", hive.Definition.Image.DnsMon,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-dns-mon",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--env", "POLL_INTERVAL=5s",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--constraint", "node.role==manager",
                                               "--replicas", "1",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,

                // Deploy: neon-dns

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-dns", hive.Definition.Image.Dns,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-dns",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/powerdns/hosts,dst=/etc/powerdns/hosts",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/dev/shm/neon-dns,dst=/neon-dns",
                                               "--env", "POLL_INTERVAL=5s",
                                               "--env", "VERIFY_INTERVAL=5m",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--constraint", "node.role==manager",
                                               "--mode", "global",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,

                // Deploy [neon-hive-manager] as a service constrained to manager nodes.

                string unsealSecretOption = null;

                if (hive.Definition.Vault.AutoUnseal)
                    var vaultCredentials = NeonHelper.JsonClone <VaultCredentials>(hive.HiveLogin.VaultCredentials);

                    // We really don't want to include the root token in the credentials
                    // passed to [neon-hive-manager], which needs the unseal keys so
                    // we'll clear that here.

                    vaultCredentials.RootToken = null;

                    hive.Docker.Secret.Set("neon-hive-manager-vaultkeys", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(NeonHelper.JsonSerialize(vaultCredentials, Formatting.Indented)));

                    unsealSecretOption = "--secret=neon-hive-manager-vaultkeys";

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-hive-manager", hive.Definition.Image.HiveManager,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-hive-manager",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--secret", "neon-ssh-credentials",
                                               "--constraint", "node.role==manager",
                                               "--replicas", 1,
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,
                                           hive.SecureRunOptions | RunOptions.FaultOnError);

                // Deploy proxy related services.

                // Deploy the proxy manager service.

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-proxy-manager", hive.Definition.Image.ProxyManager,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-proxy-manager",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock",
                                               "--env", "VAULT_CREDENTIALS=neon-proxy-manager-credentials",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--secret", "neon-proxy-manager-credentials",
                                               "--constraint", "node.role==manager",
                                               "--replicas", 1,
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,

                // Docker mesh routing seemed unstable on versions so we're going
                // to provide an option to work around this by running the PUBLIC,
                // PRIVATE and VAULT proxies on all nodes and  publishing the ports
                // to the host (not the mesh).
                //      https://github.com/jefflill/NeonForge/issues/104
                // Note that this mode feature is documented (somewhat poorly) here:
                //      https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/services/#publish-ports

                var publicPublishArgs   = new List <string>();
                var privatePublishArgs  = new List <string>();
                var proxyConstraintArgs = new List <string>();
                var proxyReplicasArgs   = new List <string>();
                var proxyModeArgs       = new List <string>();

                if (hive.Definition.Docker.GetAvoidIngressNetwork(hive.Definition))
                    // The parameterized [docker service create --publish] option doesn't handle port ranges so we need to
                    // specify multiple publish options.

                    foreach (var port in HiveConst.PublicProxyPorts.Ports)

                    for (int port = HiveConst.PublicProxyPorts.PortRange.FirstPort; port <= HiveConst.PublicProxyPorts.PortRange.LastPort; port++)

                    foreach (var port in HiveConst.PrivateProxyPorts.Ports)

                    for (int port = HiveConst.PrivateProxyPorts.PortRange.FirstPort; port <= HiveConst.PrivateProxyPorts.PortRange.LastPort; port++)

                    // The parameterized [docker run --publish] option doesn't handle port ranges so we need to
                    // specify multiple publish options.

                    foreach (var port in HiveConst.PublicProxyPorts.Ports)


                    foreach (var port in HiveConst.PrivateProxyPorts.Ports)



                    if (hive.Definition.Workers.Count() > 0)
                        // Constrain proxies to worker nodes if there are any.


                        if (hive.Definition.Workers.Count() == 1)
                        // Constrain proxies to manager nodes nodes if there are no workers.


                        if (hive.Definition.Managers.Count() == 1)


                // Deploy: neon-proxy-public

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-proxy-public", hive.Definition.Image.Proxy,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-proxy-public",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/public/proxy-conf",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_HASH_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/public/proxy-hash",
                                               "--env", "VAULT_CREDENTIALS=neon-proxy-public-credentials",
                                               "--env", "WARN_SECONDS=300",
                                               "--env", "START_SECONDS=10",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--env", "DEBUG=false",
                                               "--secret", "neon-proxy-public-credentials",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,
                                               "--network", HiveConst.PublicNetwork,

                // Deploy: neon-proxy-private

                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-proxy-private", hive.Definition.Image.Proxy,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-proxy-private",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/private/proxy-conf",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_HASH_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/private/proxy-hash",
                                               "--env", "VAULT_CREDENTIALS=neon-proxy-private-credentials",
                                               "--env", "WARN_SECONDS=300",
                                               "--env", "START_SECONDS=10",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--env", "DEBUG=false",
                                               "--secret", "neon-proxy-private-credentials",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,
                                               "--network", HiveConst.PrivateNetwork,

                // Deploy: neon-proxy-public-cache

                var publicCacheConstraintArgs = new List <string>();
                var publicCacheReplicaArgs    = new List <string>();

                if (hive.Definition.Proxy.PublicCacheReplicas <= hive.Definition.Workers.Count())


                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-proxy-public-cache", hive.Definition.Image.ProxyCache,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-proxy-public-cache",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=tmpfs,dst=/var/lib/varnish/_.vsm_mgt,tmpfs-size=90M,tmpfs-mode=755",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/public/proxy-conf",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_HASH_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/public/proxy-hash",
                                               "--env", "WARN_SECONDS=300",
                                               "--env", $"MEMORY-LIMIT={hive.Definition.Proxy.PublicCacheSize}",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--env", "DEBUG=false",
                                               "--secret", "neon-proxy-public-credentials",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,
                                               "--network", HiveConst.PublicNetwork,

                // Deploy: neon-proxy-private-cache

                var privateCacheConstraintArgs = new List <string>();
                var privateCacheReplicaArgs    = new List <string>();

                if (hive.Definition.Proxy.PrivateCacheReplicas <= hive.Definition.Workers.Count())


                ServiceHelper.StartService(hive, "neon-proxy-private-cache", hive.Definition.Image.ProxyCache,
                                           new CommandBundle(
                                               "docker service create",
                                               "--name", "neon-proxy-private-cache",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/etc/neon/host-env,dst=/etc/neon/host-env,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=bind,src=/usr/local/share/ca-certificates,dst=/mnt/host/ca-certificates,readonly=true",
                                               "--mount", "type=tmpfs,dst=/var/lib/varnish/_.vsm_mgt,tmpfs-size=90M,tmpfs-mode=755",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/private/proxy-conf",
                                               "--env", "CONFIG_HASH_KEY=neon/service/neon-proxy-manager/proxies/private/proxy-hash",
                                               "--env", "WARN_SECONDS=300",
                                               "--env", $"MEMORY-LIMIT={hive.Definition.Proxy.PrivateCacheSize}",
                                               "--env", "LOG_LEVEL=INFO",
                                               "--env", "DEBUG=false",
                                               "--secret", "neon-proxy-private-credentials",
                                               "--restart-delay", hive.Definition.Docker.RestartDelay,
                                               "--network", HiveConst.PrivateNetwork,

            // Log the hive into any Docker registries with credentials.

                                                () =>
                foreach (var credential in hive.Definition.Docker.Registries
                         .Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Username)))
                    hive.Registry.Login(credential.Registry, credential.Username, credential.Password);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Verify that we can create an HTTP traffic manager rule for a
        /// site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
        /// verify that that the traffic manager actually works by spinning
        /// up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testName">Simple name (without spaces) used to ensure that URIs cached for different tests won't conflict.</param>
        /// <param name="proxyPort">The inbound proxy port.</param>
        /// <param name="network">The proxy network.</param>
        /// <param name="trafficManager">The traffic manager.</param>
        /// <param name="useCache">Optionally enable caching and verify.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceName">Optionally specifies the backend service name (defaults to <b>vegomatic</b>).</param>
        /// <param name="useIPAddress">Optionally uses an IP addrress rather than a hostname for the rule frontend.</param>
        /// <returns>The tracking <see cref="Task"/>.</returns>
        private async Task TestHttpRule(string testName, int proxyPort, string network, TrafficManager trafficManager, bool useCache = false, string serviceName = "vegomatic", bool useIPAddress = false)
            // Append a GUID to the test name to ensure that we won't
            // conflict with what any previous test runs may have loaded
            // into the cache.

            testName += "-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("D");

            // Verify that we can create an HTTP traffic manager rule for a
            // site on the proxy port using a specific hostname and then
            // verify that that the traffic manager actually works by spinning
            // up a [vegomatic] based service to accept the traffic.

            var queryCount = 100;
            var manager    = hive.GetReachableManager();
            var hostname   = useIPAddress ? manager.PrivateAddress.ToString() : testHostname;


            using (var client = new TestHttpClient(disableConnectionReuse: true))
                // Setup the client to query the [vegomatic] service through the
                // proxy without needing to configure a hive DNS entry.

                client.BaseAddress = new Uri($"http://{manager.PrivateAddress}:{proxyPort}/");
                client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Host = testHostname;

                // Configure the traffic manager rule.

                var rule = new TrafficHttpRule()
                    Name         = "vegomatic",
                    CheckExpect  = "status 200",
                    CheckSeconds = 1,

                if (useCache)
                    rule.Cache = new TrafficHttpCache()
                        Enabled = true

                    new TrafficHttpFrontend()
                    Host      = useIPAddress ? null : hostname,
                    ProxyPort = proxyPort

                    new TrafficHttpBackend()
                    Server = serviceName,
                    Port   = 80


                // Spin up a single [vegomatic] service instance.

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service create --name vegomatic --network {network} --replicas 1 {vegomaticImage} test-server").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, hostname);

                // Query the service several times to verify that we get a response and
                // also that all of the responses are the same (because we have only
                // a single [vegomatic] instance returning its UUID).
                // We're going to use a different URL for each request so that we
                // won't see any cache hits.

                var uniqueResponses = new HashSet <string>();
                var viaVarnish      = false;
                var cacheHit        = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
                    var response = await client.GetAsync($"/{testName}/pass-1/{i}?body=server-id&expires=60");

                    Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                    if (ViaVarnish(response))
                        viaVarnish = true;

                    if (CacheHit(response))
                        cacheHit = true;

                    var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))


                if (useCache)
                    // [viaVarnish] should be TRUE because we're routing through the cache.


                    // [cacheHit] should be FALSE because we used a unique URI for each request.

                    // [viaVarnish] and [cacheHit] should both be FALSE because we're not caching.


                // Repeat the test if caching is enabled with the same URLs as last time and verify that
                // we see cache hits this time.

                if (useCache)
                    viaVarnish = false;
                    cacheHit   = false;

                    for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)
                        var response = await client.GetAsync($"/{testName}/pass-1/{i}?body=server-id&expires=60");

                        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                        if (ViaVarnish(response))
                            viaVarnish = true;

                        if (CacheHit(response))
                            cacheHit = true;

                        var body = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))


                // Spin up a second replica and repeat the query test to verify
                // that we see two unique responses.
                // Note that we're going to pass a new set of URLs to avoid having
                // any responses cached so we'll end up seeing all of the IDs.
                // Note also that we need to perform these requests in parallel
                // to try to force Varnish to establish more than one connection
                // to the [vegomatic] service.  If we don't do this, Varnish will
                // establish a single connection to one of the service instances
                // and keep sending traffic there resulting in us seeing only
                // one response UUID.

                manager.SudoCommand($"docker service update --replicas 2 vegomatic").EnsureSuccess();
                await WaitUntilReadyAsync(client.BaseAddress, hostname);

                // Reset the response info and do the requests.

                viaVarnish = false;
                cacheHit   = false;

                var tasks = new List <Task>();
                var uris  = new List <string>();

                for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++)

                foreach (var uri in uris)
                                  async() =>
                        var response = await client.GetAsync(uri);
                        var body     = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                        Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);

                        if (ViaVarnish(response))
                            viaVarnish = true;

                        if (CacheHit(response))
                            cacheHit = true;

                        lock (uniqueResponses)
                            if (!uniqueResponses.Contains(body))

                await NeonHelper.WaitAllAsync(tasks, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));

                if (useCache)
                    // [viaVarnish] should be TRUE because we're routing through the cache.


                    // [cacheHit] should be FALSE because we used a unique URI for each request.

                    // [viaVarnish] and [cacheHit] should both be FALSE because we're not caching.


                Assert.Equal(2, uniqueResponses.Count);