private bool ValidateSymbol() { status = false; TradeProcessor tp = new TradeProcessor(); MySqlCommand sqlCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, connection); MySqlDataAdapter MysqlDataAdapter = new MySqlDataAdapter(sqlCommand); using (MysqlDataAdapter) { sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@symbol", Symbol.Text.ToString()); try { SelectedSymbol = Symbol.Text.ToString(); } catch //NullReferenceException e { MessageBox.Show("Please select Symbol"); } if (SelectedSymbol.Length <= 5) { if (!CheckForSQLInjection(SelectedSymbol)) { string query = "SELECT count(distinct `SecurityName`) FROM `algotrade`.`symbols` where `Symbol` = '" + SelectedSymbol + "' ;"; if (tp.DBA(query) > 0) { status = true; } } else { status = false; Symbol.Clear(); } } else { status = false; MessageBox.Show("Please enter Symbol with correct number of characters!"); Symbol.Clear(); } } return(status); }