Пример #1
        public FormattedTradesModel Trades(string typeID, string rawData)
            string[] websiteData = rawData.Split(new[] { "tbody" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            string[] tradeData = websiteData[3].Split(new[] { "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            List <string> TradeData = new List <string>(tradeData);

            TradeData.RemoveAt(tradeData.Length - 1);
            TradePerStation sellPerStation = MakeList(TradeData, 0);

            tradeData = websiteData[5].Split(new[] { "</tr>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            TradeData = new List <string>(tradeData);
            TradeData.RemoveAt(tradeData.Length - 1);
            TradePerStation buyPerStation = MakeList(TradeData, 1);

            FormattedTradesModel result = new FormattedTradesModel();

            result.type_id          = Convert.ToInt32(typeID);
            result.has_data         = true;
            result.sell_per_station = sellPerStation;
            result.buy_per_station  = buyPerStation;
            result.has_sell         = hasSell;
            result.has_buy          = hasBuy;
            result.sell_price       = sellPrice;
            result.buy_price        = buyPrice;

Пример #2
        public CalculateStationTradeModel TradePrepare(int TypeID, string itemName, string itemVolume, FormattedTradesModel formattedTrades)
            TradePerStation sellPerStation = formattedTrades.sell_per_station;
            TradePerStation buyPerStation  = formattedTrades.buy_per_station;

            hasSell = formattedTrades.has_sell;
            hasBuy  = formattedTrades.has_buy;

            if (hasBuy && hasSell)
                for (int i = 0; i < sellPerStation.station_ids.Count; i++)
                    if (filters.selected_station_trading_station_id.Equals(sellPerStation.station_ids[i]) && sellPerStation.trades[i].Count > 0)
                        List <SingleTradeModel> sellTrades = sellPerStation.trades[i];

                        buyPrice = sellTrades[0].Price; // this is now the price at which I will buy
                        buyPrice = buyPrice + (buyPrice * filters.user_brokers_fee);

                        for (int j = 0; j < buyPerStation.station_ids.Count; j++)
                            if (filters.selected_station_trading_station_id.Equals(buyPerStation.station_ids[i]) && buyPerStation.trades[j].Count > 0)
                                List <SingleTradeModel> buyTrades = buyPerStation.trades[j];

                                sellPrice = buyTrades[0].Price; // this is now the price at which I will sell
                                sellPrice = sellPrice - (sellPrice * (filters.user_brokers_fee + filters.user_sales_tax) / 100);

                                if (buyPrice < sellPrice)
                                    CalculateStationTradeModel newTrade = new CalculateStationTradeModel();
                                    newTrade.item           = itemName;
                                    newTrade.buy_price      = buyPrice;
                                    newTrade.sell_price     = sellPrice;
                                    newTrade.spread_isk     = sellPrice - buyPrice;
                                    newTrade.spread_percent = newTrade.spread_isk / sellPrice * 100;
                                    newTrade.link           = "https://evemarketer.com/types/" + TypeID.ToString();


        public CalculateTradeModel TradePrepare(int TypeID, string itemName, string itemVolume, FormattedTradesModel formattedTrades)
            List <string> stationList = allStations;

            TradePerStation sellPerStation = formattedTrades.sell_per_station;
            TradePerStation buyPerStation  = formattedTrades.buy_per_station;

            hasSell = formattedTrades.has_sell;
            hasBuy  = formattedTrades.has_buy;

            sellPrice = formattedTrades.sell_price;
            buyPrice  = formattedTrades.buy_price;

            sellPrice = sellPrice + (sellPrice * minProfit);
            buyPrice  = buyPrice - (buyPrice * minProfit);

            if (hasBuy && hasSell && sellPrice < buyPrice)
                string  sellStationName    = "";
                string  buyStationName     = "";
                int     tradeQuantity      = 0;
                decimal purchasePrice      = 0;
                decimal tradeProfit        = 0;
                decimal tradeROI           = 0;
                int     maxQuantity        = 0;
                bool    isMaxQuantityValid = true;

                if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0)
                    string[] stringValue1 = (filters.user_cargo_capacity / Decimal.Parse(itemVolume, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('.');
                    maxQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(stringValue1[0]);

                decimal userAvailableMoney = filters.user_available_money;

                for (int i = 0; i < sellPerStation.station_ids.Count; i++)
                    if (filters.selected_hauling_station_id > 0 && filters.selected_hauling_station_id != sellPerStation.station_ids[i])

                    List <SingleTradeModel> sellTrades = sellPerStation.trades[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < buyPerStation.station_ids.Count; j++)
                        List <SingleTradeModel> buyTrades = buyPerStation.trades[j];

                        int     newTradeQuantity = 0;
                        decimal newPurchasePrice = 0;
                        decimal newTradeProfit   = 0;

                        int currentSellOrder = 0;
                        int currentBuyOrder  = 0;

                        while (currentSellOrder < sellTrades.Count && currentBuyOrder < buyTrades.Count)
                            decimal adjustedSellTradePrice = sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price + (sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * minProfit);
                            decimal adjustedBuyTradePrice  = buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Price - (buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Price * minProfit);

                            if (adjustedSellTradePrice < adjustedBuyTradePrice && isMaxQuantityValid)
                                if (filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                    if (maxQuantity == 0)
                                        string[] stringValue2 = (userAvailableMoney / sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('.');
                                        maxQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(stringValue2[0]);
                                        if ((maxQuantity * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price) > userAvailableMoney)
                                            string[] stringValue3 = (userAvailableMoney / sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('.');
                                            maxQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(stringValue3[0]);

                                if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0 || filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                    if (sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity > maxQuantity)
                                        sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity = maxQuantity;

                                    if (buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity > maxQuantity)
                                        buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity = maxQuantity;

                                if (sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity < buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity)
                                    newTradeQuantity += sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0 || filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        maxQuantity -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    newPurchasePrice += sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        userAvailableMoney -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    newTradeProfit += (buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Price - sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price) * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;
                                    buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;
                                else if (sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity == buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity)
                                    newTradeQuantity += sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0 || filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        maxQuantity -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    newPurchasePrice += sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        userAvailableMoney -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;

                                    newTradeProfit += (buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Price - sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price) * sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;
                                    buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity;
                                    newTradeQuantity += buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0 || filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        maxQuantity -= buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;

                                    newPurchasePrice += sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;

                                    if (filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                        userAvailableMoney -= sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price * buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;

                                    newTradeProfit += (buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Price - sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Price) * buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;
                                    sellTrades[currentSellOrder].Quantity -= buyTrades[currentBuyOrder].Quantity;

                                if (filters.user_cargo_capacity > 0 || filters.user_available_money > 0)
                                    if (maxQuantity == 0)
                                        isMaxQuantityValid = false;

                        if (newTradeProfit > tradeProfit)
                            sellStationName = stationList[i];
                            buyStationName  = stationList[j];
                            tradeQuantity   = newTradeQuantity;
                            purchasePrice   = newPurchasePrice;
                            tradeProfit     = newTradeProfit;
                            tradeROI        = (tradeProfit / purchasePrice) * 100;

                if (tradeQuantity > 0)
                    CalculateTradeModel newTrade = new CalculateTradeModel();
                    newTrade.Item = itemName;
                    string[] from = sellStationName.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    newTrade.From     = from[0];
                    newTrade.FromFull = sellStationName;
                    string[] to = buyStationName.Split(new[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    newTrade.To       = to[0];
                    newTrade.ToFull   = buyStationName;
                    newTrade.NumItems = tradeQuantity;
                    newTrade.Price    = purchasePrice;
                    newTrade.Profit   = tradeProfit;
                    newTrade.ROI      = tradeROI;
                    newTrade.Link     = "https://evemarketer.com/types/" + TypeID.ToString();


Пример #4
        private TradePerStation MakeList(List <string> TradeData, int type)
            List <StationModel> stationList = SqliteDataAccess.LoadStations();

            TradePerStation tradePerStation = new TradePerStation();

            tradePerStation.station_ids = new List <int>();
            tradePerStation.trades      = new List <List <SingleTradeModel> >();

            foreach (StationModel station in stationList)
                tradePerStation.trades.Add(new List <SingleTradeModel>());

            int j = 0;

            foreach (string singleTrade in TradeData)
                if (!singleTrade.Contains("td"))

                string[] arr1        = singleTrade.Split(new[] { "</td>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string[] arr2        = arr1[3].Split(new[] { "</span>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string   StationName = arr2[1].Trim();

                int k = 0;
                foreach (StationModel station in stationList)
                    bool areEqual = String.Equals(station.name, StationName, StringComparison.Ordinal);

                    if (areEqual)
                        string[] el2 = arr1[2].Split(new[] { "\">" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        el2    = el2[1].Split(new[] { "ISK" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        el2[0] = el2[0].Trim();

                        StringBuilder cPrice = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (char c in el2[0])
                            if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '.'))
                        decimal Price = decimal.Parse(cPrice.ToString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                        if (j == 0 && type == 0)
                            sellPrice = Price;
                        else if (j == 0 && type == 1)
                            buyPrice = Price;

                        string[] el21 = arr1[1].Split(new[] { "\">" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        el21[1] = el21[1].Trim();

                        StringBuilder sQuantity = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (char c in el21[1])
                            if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
                        int Quantity = Int32.Parse(sQuantity.ToString());

                        if (type == 0)
                            el2 = arr1[5].Split(new[] { " ago" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                            el2 = arr1[7].Split(new[] { " ago" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        el2 = el2[0].Split(new[] { "\">" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        if (el2[1].Contains("s"))
                            el2[1] = "1";
                            el2[1] = el2[1].Remove(el2[1].Length - 1, 1);

                        int age = Int32.Parse(el2[1]);

                        if (age < 1000)
                            SingleTradeModel newTrade = new SingleTradeModel();
                            newTrade.Price    = Price;
                            newTrade.Quantity = Quantity;


                            if (type == 1)
                                hasBuy = true;
                                hasSell = true;