Пример #1
        internal void ParseFromMarketSellOrderNewHappyFlow()
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Market,
                orderStatus: New,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.4M,
                side: OrderSide.Sell,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 40M)
                FilledQuantity     = 40M,
                AverageFilledPrice = 0.401M,

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            Assert.Equal(order.Pair.Left, exec.From.Symbol);
            Assert.Equal(order.Pair.Right, exec.To.Symbol);
            Assert.Equal(40M, exec.From.Free);
            Assert.Equal(0, exec.From.Locked);
            Assert.Equal(40M * 0.401M, exec.To.Free);
            Assert.Equal(0, exec.To.Locked);
Пример #2
        internal void ParseFromMarketOrderPriceZero(OrderSide side)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Market,
                orderStatus: New,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.4M,
                side: side,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 40M)
                AverageFilledPrice = 0M,
                FilledQuantity     = 10M,

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            Assert.Equal(exec.From.Locked, decimal.Zero);

            if (side == OrderSide.Sell)
                Assert.Equal(10M, exec.From.Free);
                Assert.Equal(decimal.Zero, exec.To.Free);
                Assert.Equal(decimal.Zero, exec.From.Free);
                Assert.Equal(10M, exec.To.Free);

            Assert.Equal(exec.To.Locked, decimal.Zero);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Queue a trade based on a proposal, the callback must return the trade execution
        /// which will be used to update the allocation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">TradeProposal to be verified.</param>
        /// <param name="tradeCallback">Trade callback to be executed if verification was successful.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean indicating successful execution of the callback.</returns>
        public virtual ResponseObject <OrderUpdate> QueueTrade(TradeProposal p, Func <OrderUpdate> tradeCallback)
            Guard.Argument(_allocation).NotNull("Initialise allocations first");

            var alloc = GetAvailableFunds(p.From.Symbol);

            if (alloc.Free < p.From.Free || alloc.Locked < p.From.Locked)
                _logger.LogCritical($"Got trade proposal for ({p.From}, but allocation " +
                                    $"showed only ({alloc}) was available\n" +
                                    "Trade will not be executed.");

            // Let the provider execute the trade and save the execution report
            var order = tradeCallback();

            // TradingProvider can give a null execution report when it decides not to trade.
            // if this happens the portfolio will be checked against the remote using an 'empty' or 'monoid' trade execution.
            if (order is null)
                _logger.LogWarning("TradingProvider implementation returned a null OrderUpdate");
                return(ResponseObject.OrderPlacementFailed("Implementation returned a null OrderUpdate"));

            TradeExecution exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            // Update the local information

            return(new ResponseObject <OrderUpdate>(order));
 public void AutoAllocate(TradeExecution te, int randomOrderToExecute)
     te.tradedQuantity         += randomOrderToExecute;
     te.remainingOrderQuantity -= randomOrderToExecute;
     te.status = "Partially Executed";
Пример #5
        internal void ParseFromNonMarketBuyOrderForeignCommission(OrderUpdate.OrderTypes type)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: type,
                orderStatus: Filled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: OrderSide.Buy,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M)
                FilledQuantity     = 100M,
                AverageFilledPrice = 0.15M,
                LastFillIncrement  = 100M,
                LastFillPrice      = 0.15M,
                Commission         = 96.42M,
                CommissionAsset    = new Currency("BNB"),

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.From.Free);
            Assert.Equal(100M * 0.2M, exec.From.Locked);
            Assert.Equal(100M, exec.To.Free);
            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.To.Locked);
Пример #6
        internal void ParseFromNonMarketSellOrderCancelledHappyFlow(OrderUpdate.OrderTypes orderType)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: orderType,
                orderStatus: Cancelled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: OrderSide.Sell,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M);
            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);


            var symbol = new Currency("EOS");

            Assert.Equal(symbol, exec.From.Symbol);
            Assert.Equal(symbol, exec.To.Symbol);
            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.From.Free);
            Assert.Equal(100M, exec.From.Locked);
            Assert.Equal(100M, exec.To.Free);
            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.To.Locked);
Пример #7
        public static void AutoAllocate(TradeExecution te, int randomOrderToExecute)
            TradeExecution tempTe = context.TradeExecutions.Find(te.tradeId);

            tempTe.tradedQuantity         += randomOrderToExecute;
            tempTe.remainingOrderQuantity -= randomOrderToExecute;
            tempTe.status = "Partially";
Пример #8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void UpdateAllocation(TradeExecution exec)
            if (Program.CommandLineArgs.Trading)
                _logger.LogInformation($"Allocation Update: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(exec, Formatting.Indented)}");

Пример #9
        internal void HandleExecutionMsg(ExecutionMessage msg)
            //Add execution
            TradeExecution tradeExec = new TradeExecution(msg.Execution);

            //tradeExec.ParentOrderID = this.ID;
            //tradeExec.Execution = msg.Execution;
            //tradeExec.Execution.LastLiquidity = null;
            //tradeExec.Symbol = this.Symbol;

Пример #10
        private void HandleSellExecution(ParentOrder parentOrder, TradeExecution execution)
            TradeOrder order = parentOrder.GetChildOrderByID(execution.OrderID);

            if (order == null)
                Log.Error(string.Format("Cannot find trade order, orderID: {0}", execution.OrderID));
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(order.Notes))
                    Log.Warn("HandleSellExecution error. Cannot resolve execution level due to emtpy order notes");
                    int exeLevel = int.Parse(order.Notes);
                    TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty -= execution.Shares;

                    if (TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty < 0)
                        //should not hit here
                        Log.Error(string.Format("Negative CurrentQty detected. level: {0}, qty: {1}", exeLevel, TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty));

                    if (TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty <= 0)
                        if (TradeMap.ContainsKey(CurrentLevel))
                            TradeMap[CurrentLevel].WasFilledSellOnPartial = false;
                            TradeMap[CurrentLevel].LastBuyPrice           = 0;


                        //for (int i = CurrentLevel + 1; i <= ScaleLevel; i++)
                        //    if (TradeMap.ContainsKey(i)) TradeMap.Remove(i);

                        //if (CurrentLevel >= 0)
                        //    GenerateTradeMapNextLevel(TradeMap[CurrentLevel].LastBuyPrice);
                Log.Info("After sld execution." + Util.PrintTradeMapCurrLvl(this));
Пример #11
 public override void HandleExecutionMsg(ParentOrder parentOrder, TradeExecution tradeExecution)
     if (tradeExecution.Side.ToUpper() == Constant.ExecutionBuy)
         HandleBuyExecution(parentOrder, tradeExecution);
     else if (tradeExecution.Side.ToUpper() == Constant.ExecutionSell)
         HandleSellExecution(parentOrder, tradeExecution);
         Log.Error(string.Format("Unsupported execution. Side {0}", tradeExecution.Side));
Пример #12
        internal void ParseFromMarketCancelledOrderInvalid(OrderSide side)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Market,
                orderStatus: Cancelled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: side,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => TradeExecution.FromOrder(order));
Пример #13
        private bool ContainExeution(TradeExecution tradeExec)
            bool res = false;

            foreach (var exe in Executions)
                if (exe.ExecID.Trim() == tradeExec.ExecID.Trim())
                    res = true;

Пример #14
        public void TradeIsProcessedZeroQuantityNewCurrency()
            Currency c1    = new Currency("BTC");
            Currency c2    = new Currency("ETH");
            var      trade = new TradeExecution(
                new Balance(c1, 0, 0),
                new Balance(c2, 0, 0));

            var portfolio = new Portfolio(new Dictionary <Currency, Balance>());

            Assert.Equal(0M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c1).Free);
            Assert.Equal(0M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c1).Locked);
            Assert.Equal(0M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c2).Free);
            Assert.Equal(0M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c2).Locked);
Пример #15
        public void TradeIsProcessedFreeToLocked()
            Currency c1    = new Currency("BTC");
            var      trade = new TradeExecution(
                new Balance(c1, 2.0M, 0.0M),
                new Balance(c1, 0.0M, 2.0M));

            var portfolio = new Portfolio(new Dictionary <Currency, Balance>()
                { c1, new Balance(c1, 2.5M, 0.0M) },


            Assert.Equal(0.5M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c1).Free);
            Assert.Equal(2.0M, portfolio.GetAllocation(c1).Locked);
Пример #16
        private void HandleBuyExecution(ParentOrder parentOrder, TradeExecution execution)
             * check if buy execution create new tradeMap entry
             * 1.curr level =-1;
             * 2. Curre level filled and next level exist
             * 3. curr level partial filled but wasfilled and next level exist
             * 4. curr level is zero and partial filled and buyback enabled
             * */

            TradeOrder order = parentOrder.GetChildOrderByID(execution.OrderID);

            if (order == null)
                Log.Error(string.Format("Cannot find trade order, orderID: {0}", execution.OrderID));
                int exeLevel = int.Parse(order.Notes);
                TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty += execution.Shares;
                if (TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty > TradeMap[exeLevel].TargetQty)
                    //should not hit here
                    Log.Error(string.Format("Overbot Qty detected. level: {0}, qty: {1}, target qty: {2}",
                                            exeLevel, TradeMap[exeLevel].CurrentQty, TradeMap[exeLevel].TargetQty));

                TradeMap[exeLevel].LastBuyPrice = execution.Price;
                //TradeMap[exeLevel].TargetSellPrice = (exeLevel == 0) ? int.MaxValue : TradeMap[exeLevel - 1].LastBuyPrice;

                CurrentLevel = Math.Max(CurrentLevel, exeLevel);

                if (TradeMap[CurrentLevel].Filled)
                    TradeMap[CurrentLevel].WasFilledSellOnPartial = true;

                Log.Info("After bot execution." + Util.PrintTradeMapCurrLvl(this));
Пример #17
        internal void ParseFromMarketFilled(OrderSide side)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Market,
                orderStatus: Filled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: side,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M);
            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            // Assert that the order is calculated as a complete market order
            Assert.NotEqual(exec.From.Symbol, exec.To.Symbol);
            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.From.Locked);
            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.To.Locked);
Пример #18
        public List <TradeExecution> GetTDTradeExecution(TDOrder order)
            List <TradeExecution> res = new List <TradeExecution>();

            if (order.orderActivityCollection != null)
                foreach (var item in order.orderActivityCollection)
                    if (item.executionLegs != null)
                        foreach (var leg in item.executionLegs)
                            TradeExecution exe = new TradeExecution(leg, order);
        public static void ExecuteOn_Up_Through_ProcessOrderExecution(XComponent.Order.UserObject.OrderExecution orderExecution, object object_PublicMember, object object_InternalMember, Context context, IProcessOrderExecutionOrderExecutionOnUpTradeProcessorSenderInterface sender)
            // Execute the existing trade for a revised quantity
            var tradeExecution = new TradeExecution
                AssetName         = orderExecution.AssetName,
                OrderId           = orderExecution.OrderId,
                Price             = orderExecution.Price,
                Quantity          = orderExecution.Quantity,
                RemainingQuantity = orderExecution.RemainingQuantity

            sender.ExecuteTrade(context, tradeExecution);

            // Create a new trade for the remaining quantity
            if (orderExecution.RemainingQuantity > 0)
                sender.CreateTrade(context, TradeFactory.CreateNewTrade(orderExecution.OrderId, orderExecution.RemainingQuantity, orderExecution.AssetName));
Пример #20
        private void UpdateAllocation(OrderUpdate order)

            // Skip Market orders, there are filled at execution time.
            if (order.OrderType == OrderUpdate.OrderTypes.Market)

            // Skip new orders, their allocation is already processed
            if (order.Status == OrderUpdate.OrderStatus.New)

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

Пример #21
        internal void ParseFromMarketOrderCommission(OrderSide side)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Market,
                orderStatus: Filled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: side,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M)
                FilledQuantity     = 100M,
                AverageFilledPrice = 0.15M,
                LastFillIncrement  = 100M,
                LastFillPrice      = 0.15M,
                Commission         = 2.3M,
                CommissionAsset    = new Currency("EOS"),

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            if (side == OrderSide.Buy)
                Assert.Equal(100M * 0.15M, exec.From.Free);
                Assert.Equal(100M - 2.3M, exec.To.Free);
                Assert.Equal(100M, exec.From.Free);
                Assert.Equal((100M * 0.15M) - (2.3M * 0.15M), exec.To.Free);

            Assert.Equal(0, exec.To.Locked);
            Assert.Equal(0, exec.From.Locked);
Пример #22
        internal void ParseFromLimitFilledDifferentPrice(OrderSide side)
            var order = new OrderUpdate(
                orderId: 0,
                tradeId: 0,
                orderType: Limit,
                orderStatus: Filled,
                createdTimestamp: 0,
                setPrice: 0.2M,
                side: side,
                pair: TradingPair.Parse("EOSETH"),
                setQuantity: 100M)
                FilledQuantity     = 100M,
                AverageFilledPrice = 0.15M,
                LastFillIncrement  = 100M,
                LastFillPrice      = 0.15M,

            var exec = TradeExecution.FromOrder(order);

            Assert.Equal(0M, exec.From.Free);
            if (side == OrderSide.Buy)
                // Allocation was locked using the set price, and should be freed as such
                Assert.Equal(100M * 0.2M, exec.From.Locked);
                Assert.Equal(100M, exec.To.Free);
                Assert.Equal(100M, exec.From.Locked);
                Assert.Equal(100M * 0.15M, exec.To.Free);

            Assert.Equal(0, exec.To.Locked);
Пример #23
        private void HandleTradeExecution(TradeExecution tradeExec)
            if (ContainExeution(tradeExec))
                Log.Info(string.Format("Received duplicated Execution, ID: {0}, Side: {1}, Qty: {2}, Price: {3}", tradeExec.ExecID, tradeExec.Side, tradeExec.Shares, tradeExec.Price));

            lock (locker)
                Algo.HandleExecutionMsg(this, tradeExec);


                if (tradeExec.Side == Constant.ExecutionBuy)
                    Qty += tradeExec.Shares;
                else if (tradeExec.Side == Constant.ExecutionSell)
                    Qty -= tradeExec.Shares;
Пример #24
        public void Execute()
            List <ExternalBlock> blocks = new List <ExternalBlock>();

            blocks = context.ExternalBlocks.ToList();

            CompareByTime sortBlock = new CompareByTime();


            Random r1 = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++) // 10000 ->  1-5000 -> 2222
                // fetching max execution limit for a block

                // BrokerSecurity bs = new BrokerSecurity();

                var x = (from n in context.BrokerSecurities
                         where n.securitySymbol.Equals(blocks[i].symbol)
                         select n).FirstOrDefault();
                //fetching market data for the symbol

                while (blocks[i].openQuantity > 0)
                    int randomMaxOrderPerIteration = r1.Next(1, x.maxExeOrder);  //1-5000 -> 2222

                    if (randomMaxOrderPerIteration > blocks[i].openQuantity)
                        randomMaxOrderPerIteration = (int)blocks[i].openQuantity;          //make sure that open quantity is not null
                    while (true)                                                           //it's looping only once
                        int randomOrderToExecute = r1.Next(1, randomMaxOrderPerIteration); // 1-2222 -> 1111

                        //entering data in trade execution

                        TradeExecution te = new TradeExecution();
                        te.symbol                 = blocks[i].symbol;
                        te.tradedQuantity         = 0;
                        te.remainingOrderQuantity = randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
                        te.tradePrice             = GetTradePrice(blocks[i]);
                        te.blockId                = blocks[i].blockId;
                        te.status                 = "Execution";
                        te.timestamp              = DateTime.Now;
                        //if (blocks[i].createTStamp == null)
                        //    te.timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                        //    te.timestamp = (DateTime)blocks[i].createTStamp;


                        AutoAllocate(te, randomOrderToExecute);   //call auto alocate function with randomOrderToExecute as parameter

                        blocks[i].executedQuantity = randomOrderToExecute;

                        int randomContinueExecution = r1.Next(0, 100); // random value to determine whether to continue
                        if (randomContinueExecution > (100 - x.perFullyExe))
                            te.tradedQuantity          = randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
                            blocks[i].executedQuantity = randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
                            te.remainingOrderQuantity  = 0;
                            te.status = "Fully Executed";
                            te.status = "Partially Executed";

                    blocks[i].openQuantity -= randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
Пример #25
 public abstract void HandleExecutionMsg(ParentOrder parentOrder, TradeExecution tradeExecution);
Пример #26
        public static void Execute()
            List <ExternalBlock> blocks = new List <ExternalBlock>();

            blocks = context.ExternalBlocks.ToList();

            CompareByTime sortBlock = new CompareByTime();


            Random r1 = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < blocks.Count; i++) // 10000 ->  1-5000 -> 2222
                // fetching max execution limit for a block

                // BrokerSecurity bs = new BrokerSecurity();
                string symbol = blocks[i].symbol;

                var x = (from n in context.BrokerSecurities
                         where n.securitySymbol.Equals(symbol)
                         select n).FirstOrDefault();
                //fetching market data for the symbol

                while (blocks[i].openQuantity > 0 && !(blocks[i].blockStatus.Equals("Expired")))
                    int randomMaxOrderPerIteration = r1.Next(1, x.maxExeOrder);  //1-5000 -> 2222

                    if (randomMaxOrderPerIteration > blocks[i].openQuantity)
                        randomMaxOrderPerIteration = (int)blocks[i].openQuantity; //make sure that open quantity is not null
                    //while(true) //it's looping only once

                    int randomOrderToExecute = r1.Next(1, randomMaxOrderPerIteration);     // 1-2222 -> 1111

                    //entering new  data in trade execution

                    decimal tempTradePrice = GetTradePrice(blocks[i]);

                    //check for price match
                    int priceMatchStatus = CheckPriceMatch(tempTradePrice, blocks[i]);

                    if (priceMatchStatus == -1)

                    TradeExecution te = new TradeExecution();
                    te.symbol                 = blocks[i].symbol;
                    te.tradedQuantity         = 0;
                    te.remainingOrderQuantity = randomMaxOrderPerIteration;

                    te.tradePrice = tempTradePrice;
                    te.blockId    = blocks[i].blockId;
                    te.status     = "Execution";
                    te.timestamp  = DateTime.Now;

                    blocks[i].updatedTStamp = te.timestamp;
                    x.tradePrice            = tempTradePrice;


                    AutoAllocate(te, randomOrderToExecute);       //call auto alocate function with randomOrderToExecute as parameter

                    int randomContinueExecution = r1.Next(0, 100);     // random value to determine whether to continue
                    if (randomContinueExecution > (100 - x.perFullyExe))
                        TradeExecution Te = context.TradeExecutions.Find(te.tradeId);
                        Te.tradedQuantity         = randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
                        Te.remainingOrderQuantity = 0;

                        blocks[i].executedQuantity += randomMaxOrderPerIteration;

                        Te.remainingOrderQuantity = 0;
                        Te.status = "Fully";
                        // context.SaveChanges();
                        TradeExecution Te = context.TradeExecutions.Find(te.tradeId);
                        Te.status = "Partially";

                        blocks[i].executedQuantity += randomOrderToExecute;

                        // context.SaveChanges();

                    blocks[i].openQuantity -= randomMaxOrderPerIteration;
                    if (blocks[i].executedQuantity == blocks[i].totalQuantity)
                        blocks[i].blockStatus = "Fully";
                        blocks[i].blockStatus = "Partial";

                blocks[i].openQuantity = blocks[i].totalQuantity - blocks[i].executedQuantity;

            //return 1; //return status
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Makes sure that allocation is ignored for tests.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exec">exec.</param>
 public void UpdateAllocation(TradeExecution exec) => Expression.Empty();
Пример #28
 private void UpdateTradeMapCurrentLevel(TradeExecution execution)
     //TradeMapEntry entry = TradeMap[execution]
     //entry.LastBuyPrice = execution.Execution.Price;
     //entry.TargetSellPrice = (CurrentLevel == 0) ? int.MaxValue : TradeMap[CurrentLevel - 1].LastBuyPrice;