Пример #1
    private void track(string[] numbers)
        //Track one or more cartons
        try {
            //Reset session state
            Session["TrackData"] = null;

            //Validate carton numbers
            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Length; i++)
                numbers[i] = numbers[i].Replace("\n", "");
                numbers[i] = numbers[i].Replace("-", "");

            //Get tracking details for all cartons and retain in Session state
            TrackDS trackDS = new TrackDS();
            trackDS.Merge(new EnterpriseFactory().TrackCartons(numbers, null, null));
            Session["TrackData"] = trackDS;

            //Redirect to appropriate UI
            if (trackDS.TrackingSummaryTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                reportError(new ApplicationException("Carton not found."));
            else if (trackDS.TrackingSummaryTable.Rows.Count == 1)
                Response.Redirect("~/Detail.aspx?ID=" + trackDS.TrackingSummaryTable[0].ItemNumber.Trim(), false);
                Response.Redirect("~/Summary.aspx", false);
        catch (Exception ex) { reportError(ex); }
Пример #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Event handler for page load event

        TrackDS ds = (TrackDS)Session["TrackData"];

        //if(ds == null)

        //Set UI; hide links as required
        this.btnImgTrackNew.Visible = this.btnTrackNew.Visible = true;

        //Display summary
        this.grdTrack.DataMember = "TrackingSummaryTable";
        this.grdTrack.DataSource = ds;
        this.lblSumFootnote.Text += "  " + System.DateTime.Now;
Пример #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Event handler for page load event
        string  itemNumber = Request.QueryString["ID"];
        TrackDS ds         = (TrackDS)Session["TrackData"];

        //Set UI; hide links as required
        bool fromDefault = (bool)Session["FromDefault"];

        this.btnGoSummary.Visible = this.btnImgGoSummary.Visible = (ds.TrackingSummaryTable.Rows.Count > 1);
        this.btnTrackNew.Visible  = this.btnImgTrackNew.Visible = (fromDefault || ds.TrackingSummaryTable.Rows.Count > 1);

        //Display detail
        this.grdDetail.DataMember = "TrackingDetailTable";
        this.grdDetail.DataSource = ds.TrackingDetailTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + itemNumber + "'", "Date DESC, Time DESC");

        //Display summary
        TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTableRow[] summaryInfo = (TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTableRow[])ds.TrackingSummaryTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + itemNumber + "'");
        if (summaryInfo[0].IsShipperNameNull() || summaryInfo[0].ShipperName == "N/A")
            this.detailPanel.Visible = false;
        this.lblDetail_ID.Text    += itemNumber;
        this.lblDetail_Status.Text = summaryInfo[0].Status.ToString();
        this.lblDetailSum.Text     = "in " + summaryInfo[0].LocationName.ToString() + " on " + summaryInfo[0].Date.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + " at " + summaryInfo[0].Time.ToString("hh:mm tt");
        this.lblFromInfo.Text      = summaryInfo[0].ShipperName.ToString();
        this.lblFromInfo.Text     += "\n" + summaryInfo[0].ShipperCity.ToString();
        this.lblFromInfo.Text     += ", " + summaryInfo[0].ShipperState.ToString();
        this.lblFromInfo.Text     += " " + summaryInfo[0].ShipperZip.ToString();
        this.lblFromInfo.Text     += "\n" + summaryInfo[0].ShipperCountry.ToString();
        this.lblToInfo.Text        = summaryInfo[0].ConsigneeName.ToString();
        this.lblToInfo.Text       += "\n" + summaryInfo[0].ConsigneeCity.ToString();
        this.lblToInfo.Text       += ", " + summaryInfo[0].ConsigneeState.ToString();
        this.lblToInfo.Text       += " " + summaryInfo[0].ConsigneeZip.ToString();
        this.lblToInfo.Text       += "\n" + summaryInfo[0].ConsigneeCountry.ToString();
        this.lbShipInfo.Text       = "Ship date: " + (summaryInfo[0].IsShipDateNull() ? "" : summaryInfo[0].ShipDate.ToShortDateString());
        this.lbShipInfo.Text      += "\nPieces: " + summaryInfo[0].Pieces.ToString();
        this.lbShipInfo.Text      += "\nTotal weight: " + summaryInfo[0].Weight.ToString() + " lbs";
        //this.lbShipInfo.Text += "\nReference: " + summaryInfo[0].LabelSequenceNumber.ToString();
        //this.lbShipInfo.Text += "\nDescription:: " + "?????????????";
        // this.lblDetailFootnote.Text += "  " + System.DateTime.Now;
Пример #4
    public TrackDS TrackCartons(string[] cartonNumbers, string clientNumber, string vendorNumber)
        //Get a list of carton tracking details
        TrackDS  trackDS = null; //Composite dataset (i.e. summary and detail info)
        Database db      = null; //Data access component

        try {
            trackDS = new TrackDS();
            TrackResponse trackResponse = new TrackResponse();
            Exception     Exa = null, Exu = null;
            int           commandTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CommandTimeout"]); //Application["CommandTimeout"];
            db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("SQLConnection");

            #region 1. Get Argix tracking data
            try {
                //Convet from array to CSV
                string numbers = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < cartonNumbers.Length; i++)
                    if (i > 0)
                        numbers += ",";
                    numbers += cartonNumbers[i];
                DataSet   ds  = new DataSet();
                DbCommand cmd = db.GetStoredProcCommand(USP_USPSCARTONS, new object[] { numbers, clientNumber, vendorNumber });
                cmd.CommandTimeout = commandTimeout;
                db.LoadDataSet(cmd, ds, TBL_USPSCARTONS);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables[TBL_USPSCARTONS].Rows.Count > 0)
                    //Merge and sort by Date descending
                    trackResponse.Merge(ds.Tables[TBL_USPSCARTONS].Select("", "Date DESC"));
            catch (Exception ex) { Exa = ex; }
            #region 2. Get USPS carton tracking details if no Argix data or TenderedDate is null
            try {
                //Build string[] of applicable #s for USPS web service data call
                //1. Get data for cartonNumbers[i] if no Argix data or TenderedDate=null
                //2. Get data for OsTrackingNumber if OsTrackingNumber != cartonNumbers[i]
                ArrayList ctnList = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < cartonNumbers.Length; i++)
                    //Select Argix data for this carton number
                    TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[] items = (TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[])trackResponse.TrackingTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + cartonNumbers[i] + "'");
                    if (items.Length == 0 || (items.Length > 0 && items[0].IsTenderedDateNull()))
                    if (items.Length > 0 && (items[0].OsTrackingNumber.Trim() != cartonNumbers[i]))

                //Make a batch call to the USPS web service for cartonNumbers
                string[] request = new string[ctnList.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < ctnList.Count; j++)
                    request[j] = (string)ctnList[j];
                USPSClient   client   = new USPSClient();
                WebResponse  response = client.TrackFieldRequest(request);
                Stream       stream   = response.GetResponseStream();
                StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));
                DataSet      _ds      = new DataSet();
                _ds.ReadXml(reader, XmlReadMode.Auto);
            catch (Exception ex) { Exu = ex; }
            #region 3. Populate tracking view dataset; use two tables in TrackDS:
            //1. TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTable- holds a single summary record per carton item
            //2. TrackDS.TrackingDetailTable- holds all detail records for all carton items
            for (int i = 0; i < cartonNumbers.Length; i++)
                //Create summary/detail for each carton
                string itemNumber       = cartonNumbers[i].Trim();
                string osTrackingNumber = "";
                TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[] items = (TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[])trackResponse.TrackingTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + cartonNumbers[i] + "'");
                if (items.Length > 0 && !items[0].IsOsTrackingNumberNull() && items[0].OsTrackingNumber.Trim().Length > 0)
                    osTrackingNumber = items[0].OsTrackingNumber.Trim();

                //Get all data for this carton#
                //NOTE: rgxRows      Argix records
                //      uspsRows     TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow parent record (single record per item)
                //      uspsSumRow   TrackResponse.TrackSummary child record (single record per item)
                //      uspsDetRows  TrackResponse.TrackDetail child records (multiple records per item)
                //      uspsErrRow   TrackResponse.Error child records (single record per item)
                TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[] rgxRows     = (TrackResponse.TrackingTableRow[])trackResponse.TrackingTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + itemNumber + "'", "Date DESC, Time DESC");
                TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow[]     uspsRows    = null;
                TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow[]     uspsRows1   = (TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow[])trackResponse.TrackInfo.Select("ID='" + itemNumber + "'");
                TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow[]     uspsRows2   = (TrackResponse.TrackInfoRow[])trackResponse.TrackInfo.Select("ID='" + osTrackingNumber + "'");
                TrackResponse.TrackSummaryRow[]  uspsSumRow  = new TrackResponse.TrackSummaryRow[] { };
                TrackResponse.TrackDetailRow[]   uspsDetRows = new TrackResponse.TrackDetailRow[] { };
                TrackResponse.ErrorRow[]         uspsErrRow  = new TrackResponse.ErrorRow[] { };

                //Order of use: cartonNumber detail, osTrackingNumber detail, cartonNumber error, osTrackingNumber error
                if (uspsRows1.Length > 0 && trackResponse.TrackSummary.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + uspsRows1[0].TrackInfo_Id).Length > 0)
                    uspsRows = uspsRows1;
                else if (uspsRows2.Length > 0 && trackResponse.TrackSummary.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + uspsRows2[0].TrackInfo_Id).Length > 0)
                    uspsRows = uspsRows2;
                else if (uspsRows1.Length > 0 && trackResponse.Error.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + uspsRows1[0].TrackInfo_Id).Length > 0)
                    uspsRows = uspsRows1;
                else if (uspsRows2.Length > 0 && trackResponse.Error.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + uspsRows2[0].TrackInfo_Id).Length > 0)
                    uspsRows = uspsRows2;

                if (uspsRows != null && uspsRows.Length > 0)
                    //Determine USPS summary, detail, and error records
                    int id = uspsRows[0].TrackInfo_Id;
                    uspsSumRow  = (TrackResponse.TrackSummaryRow[])trackResponse.TrackSummary.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + id);
                    uspsDetRows = (TrackResponse.TrackDetailRow[])trackResponse.TrackDetail.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + id);
                    uspsErrRow  = (TrackResponse.ErrorRow[])trackResponse.Error.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + id);

                    //Remove 'Electronic Billing Info Received' record (if applicable)
                    //Rebuild uspsSumRow, uspsDetRows since dataset maybe modified by a delete
                    for (int j = 0; j < uspsSumRow.Length; j++)
                        if (uspsSumRow[j].Event.Contains("Electronic"))
                    uspsSumRow = (TrackResponse.TrackSummaryRow[])trackResponse.TrackSummary.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + id);
                    for (int j = 0; j < uspsDetRows.Length; j++)
                        if (uspsDetRows[j].Event.Contains("Electronic"))
                    uspsDetRows = (TrackResponse.TrackDetailRow[])trackResponse.TrackDetail.Select("TrackInfo_Id=" + id);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                Debug.WriteLine(ds.GetXml() + "\n");
                //Create a summary record for this carton# (this is a key for detail records)
                TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTableRow sumRow = trackDS.TrackingSummaryTable.NewTrackingSummaryTableRow();
                sumRow.ItemNumber = itemNumber;

                //Build detail for this carton#
                if (rgxRows.Length > 0)
                    //Update summary; populate with details from first (or any) Argix record for this carton#
                    #region Copy fields from TrackResponse.TrackingTable to TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTable
                    sumRow.LabelSequenceNumber = rgxRows[0].LabelSequenceNumber;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsDateNull())
                        sumRow.Date = rgxRows[0].Date;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsTimeNull())
                        sumRow.Time = rgxRows[0].Time;
                    sumRow.Status           = rgxRows[0].Status.Trim();
                    sumRow.LocationName     = rgxRows[0].LocationName.Trim();
                    sumRow.ShipperName      = rgxRows[0].ShipperName.Trim();
                    sumRow.ShipperCity      = rgxRows[0].ShipperCity.Trim();
                    sumRow.ShipperState     = rgxRows[0].ShipperState.Trim();
                    sumRow.ShipperZip       = rgxRows[0].ShipperZip.Trim();
                    sumRow.ShipperCountry   = rgxRows[0].ShipperCountry.Trim();
                    sumRow.ConsigneeName    = rgxRows[0].ConsigneeName.Trim();
                    sumRow.ConsigneeCity    = rgxRows[0].ConsigneeCity.Trim();
                    sumRow.ConsigneeState   = rgxRows[0].ConsigneeState.Trim();
                    sumRow.ConsigneeZip     = rgxRows[0].ConsigneeZip.Trim();
                    sumRow.ConsigneeCountry = rgxRows[0].ConsigneeCountry.Trim();
                    sumRow.Pieces           = rgxRows[0].Pieces;
                    sumRow.Weight           = rgxRows[0].Weight;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsShipDateNull())
                        sumRow.ShipDate = rgxRows[0].ShipDate;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsShipTimeNull())
                        sumRow.ShipTime = rgxRows[0].ShipTime;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsTenderedDateNull())
                        sumRow.TenderedDate = rgxRows[0].TenderedDate;
                    if (!rgxRows[0].IsTenderedTimeNull())
                        sumRow.TenderedTime = rgxRows[0].TenderedTime;

                    //Add Argix tracking detail records
                    for (int j = 0; j < rgxRows.Length; j++)
                        trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, rgxRows[j].Date, rgxRows[j].Time, rgxRows[j].Status.Trim(), rgxRows[j].LocationName.Trim());

                    //Copy USPS data for this item
                    if (uspsSumRow.Length > 0 || uspsDetRows.Length > 0)
                        //Add USPS tracking data
                        if (uspsSumRow.Length > 0)
                            DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 " + uspsSumRow[0].EventTime);
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, Convert.ToDateTime(uspsSumRow[0].EventDate), time, uspsSumRow[0].Event, uspsSumRow[0].EventCity + ", " + uspsSumRow[0].EventState + " " + uspsSumRow[0].EventZIPCode);
                        for (int n = 0; n < uspsDetRows.Length; n++)
                            DateTime time2 = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 " + uspsDetRows[n].EventTime);
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, Convert.ToDateTime(uspsDetRows[n].EventDate), time2, uspsDetRows[n].Event, uspsDetRows[n].EventCity + ", " + uspsDetRows[n].EventState + " " + uspsDetRows[n].EventZIPCode);
                    //No Argix data
                    //Update summary; populate with 'N/A'
                    #region TrackDS.TrackingSummaryTable
                    sumRow.LabelSequenceNumber = 0;
                    sumRow.Date = sumRow.Time = DateTime.Now;
                    if (uspsSumRow.Length > 0)
                        sumRow.Status = uspsSumRow[0].Event;
                    else if (uspsDetRows.Length > 0)
                        sumRow.Status = uspsDetRows[0].Event;
                    else if (uspsErrRow.Length > 0)
                    sumRow.LocationName  = "N/A";
                    sumRow.ShipperName   = sumRow.ShipperCity = sumRow.ShipperState = sumRow.ShipperZip = sumRow.ShipperCountry = "N/A";
                    sumRow.ConsigneeName = sumRow.ConsigneeCity = sumRow.ConsigneeState = sumRow.ConsigneeZip = sumRow.ConsigneeCountry = "N/A";
                    sumRow.Pieces        = sumRow.Weight = 0;
                    //sumRow.ShipDate = sumRow.ShipTime = ;
                    //sumRow.TenderedDate = sumRow.TenderedTime = ;

                    //Copy USPS data for this item
                    if (uspsSumRow.Length > 0 || uspsDetRows.Length > 0 || uspsErrRow.Length > 0)
                        //Add USPS tracking data
                        if (uspsSumRow.Length > 0)
                            DateTime time = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 " + uspsSumRow[0].EventTime);
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, Convert.ToDateTime(uspsSumRow[0].EventDate), time, uspsSumRow[0].Event, uspsSumRow[0].EventCity + ", " + uspsSumRow[0].EventState + " " + uspsSumRow[0].EventZIPCode);
                        for (int n = 0; n < uspsDetRows.Length; n++)
                            DateTime time2 = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01 " + uspsDetRows[n].EventTime);
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, Convert.ToDateTime(uspsDetRows[n].EventDate), time2, uspsDetRows[n].Event, uspsDetRows[n].EventCity + ", " + uspsDetRows[n].EventState + " " + uspsDetRows[n].EventZIPCode);
                        for (int e = 0; e < uspsErrRow.Length; e++)
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, uspsErrRow[e].Description, "N/A");
                        //No USPS data for this carton- check for USPS error
                        if (Exa != null || Exu != null)
                            //Argix or USPS exception- add "Data Unavailable" record
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "Data Unavailable", "N/A");
                        else if (Exa == null && Exu == null)
                            //No data, no exceptions (should not happen)- add "Carton Not Found" record
                            trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.AddTrackingDetailTableRow(sumRow, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now, "Carton Not Found", "N/A");

                //Update summary record with most recent tracking detail record
                TrackDS.TrackingDetailTableRow[] _rows = (TrackDS.TrackingDetailTableRow[])trackDS.TrackingDetailTable.Select("ItemNumber='" + itemNumber + "'", "Date DESC, Time DESC");
                sumRow.Date         = _rows[0].Date;
                sumRow.Time         = _rows[0].Time;
                sumRow.Status       = _rows[0].Status.Trim();
                sumRow.LocationName = _rows[0].LocationName.Trim();
        catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; }
        catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception reading carton tracking information.", ex); }