Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a Track definition file and constructs a Track object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <Track> LoadAsync(string defpath, string assetpath, IGraphicsFactory f)
            FileIniDataParser file = new FileIniDataParser();

            file.Parser.Configuration.CommentString = "//";
            IniData inidata = file.ReadFile(defpath);

            if (inidata == null)

            IniGetter ini      = new IniGetter(inidata);
            string    bkgpath  = ini.GetString("track", "background");
            string    maskpath = ini.GetString("track", "mask");
            Dictionary <Color, int> regionColors = new Dictionary <Color, int>();
            int regions = ini.GetInt("track", "regions");

            for (int i = 0; i < regions; ++i)
                string secname = string.Format("region{0}", i);
                if (!inidata.Sections.ContainsSection(secname))
                Color col = Color.FromArgb(255,
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_r"),
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_g"),
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_b"));
                regionColors[col] = i;

            IImage background = await f.LoadImageAsync(assetpath + bkgpath);

            IBitmap mask = await f.LoadBitmapAsync(assetpath + maskpath);

             * // TODO: find out whether engine provides faster solution
             * int[,] regionMap = new int[mask.Width, mask.Height];
             * for (int x = 0; x < mask.Width; ++x)
             * {
             *  // NOTE: since MonoAGS has Y axis pointing up, we need to invert the lookup array's Y index
             *  for (int y = 0, mapy = mask.Height - 1; y < mask.Height; ++y, --mapy)
             *  {
             *      Color col = mask.GetPixel(x, y);
             *      int index = 0;
             *      regionColors.TryGetValue(col, out index);
             *      regionMap[x, mapy] = index;
             *  }
             * }
             * return new Track(background, regionColors.Count, regionMap);
            Size            trackSize   = mask != null ? new Size(mask.Width, mask.Height) : new Size();
            List <RaceNode> checkpoints = loadCheckpoints(assetpath, trackSize);

            TrackAIData aiData = await loadAIData(assetpath, trackSize, f);

            return(new Track(background, regionColors.Count, mask, regionColors, checkpoints, aiData));
Пример #2
        private static async Task <TrackAIData> loadAIData(string assetpath, Size trackSize, IGraphicsFactory f)
            TrackAIData data = new TrackAIData();

            await loadAIRegionsData(data, assetpath, f);

            loadAIPathsData(data, assetpath, trackSize);
Пример #3
        // TODO: separate loading for data edited by MonoAGS version
        private static void loadAIPathsData(TrackAIData data, string assetpath, Size trackSize)
            Stream s = File.OpenRead(assetpath + "aipaths.dat");

            if (s == null)

            List <AIPathNode> paths   = new List <AIPathNode>();
            AGSFileReader     f       = new AGSFileReader(s);
            int        firstNodeIndex = f.ReadInt();
            int        lastNodeIndex  = f.ReadInt();
            int        n    = firstNodeIndex;
            AIPathNode last = null;

                int x = f.ReadInt();
                int y = f.ReadInt();
                // NOTE: since MonoAGS has Y axis pointing up, we need to invert one read from AGS file
                y = trackSize.Height - y;
                AIPathNode node = new AIPathNode();
                node.pt        = new Vector2(x, y);
                node.radius    = f.ReadInt();
                node.threshold = f.ReadInt();
                node.speed     = f.ReadInt();
                int p = f.ReadInt();
                n = f.ReadInt();
                if (last != null)
                    node.prev = last;
                    last.next = node;
                last = node;
            }while (n != firstNodeIndex);
            // Bind last node to the first one
            if (last != null)
                last.next     = paths[0];
                paths[0].prev = last;

            data.AIPathNodes = paths;
Пример #4
        private static async Task loadAIRegionsData(TrackAIData data, string assetpath, IGraphicsFactory f)
            IBitmap regionMask = await f.LoadBitmapAsync(assetpath + "airegions.bmp");

            if (regionMask == null)

            FileIniDataParser file = new FileIniDataParser();

            file.Parser.Configuration.CommentString = "//";
            IniData inidata = file.ReadFile(assetpath + "airegions.ini");

            if (inidata == null)

            IniGetter ini = new IniGetter(inidata);
            Dictionary <Color, float> regionAngles = new Dictionary <Color, float>();
            int regions = ini.GetInt("ai", "regions");

            for (int i = 0; i < regions; ++i)
                string secname = string.Format("region{0}", i);
                if (!inidata.Sections.ContainsSection(secname))
                Color col = Color.FromArgb(255,
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_r"),
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_g"),
                                           (byte)ini.GetInt(secname, "color_b"));
                regionAngles[col] = MathUtils.DegreesToRadians(ini.GetFloat(secname, "angle"));

            data.AIRegionMask   = regionMask;
            data.AIRegionAngles = regionAngles;