// This NNNCore pattern allows arg checking to happen synchronously, before starting the async operation.
        private async Task <IHtmlString> GetContentItemCore(string name, string[] extensions, TimeSpan expiresIn)
            using (Trace.Activity("GetContentItem " + name))
                ContentItem cachedItem = null;
                if (ContentCache.TryGetValue(name, out cachedItem) && DateTime.UtcNow < cachedItem.ExpiryUtc)
                    Trace.Verbose("Cache Valid. Expires at: " + cachedItem.ExpiryUtc.ToString());
                Trace.Verbose("Cache Expired.");

                // Get the file from the content service
                var filenames = extensions.Select(extension => name + extension).ToArray();

                foreach (var filename in filenames)
                    ContentItem item = await RefreshContentFromFile(filename, cachedItem, expiresIn);

                    if (item != null)
                        // Cache and return the result
                        Debug.Assert(item.Content != null);
                        ContentCache.AddOrSet(name, item);

                return(new HtmlString(String.Empty));
Пример #2
        // This NNNCore pattern allows arg checking to happen synchronously, before starting the async operation.
        private async Task <IHtmlString> GetContentItemCore(string name, TimeSpan expiresIn)
            using (Trace.Activity("GetContentItem " + name))
                ContentItem cachedItem = null;
                if (ContentCache.TryGetValue(name, out cachedItem) && DateTime.UtcNow < cachedItem.ExpiryUtc)
                    Trace.Verbose("Cache Valid. Expires at: " + cachedItem.ExpiryUtc.ToString());
                Trace.Verbose("Cache Expired.");

                // Get the file from the content service
                string htmlFileName     = name + HtmlContentFileExtension;
                string markdownFileName = name + MarkdownContentFileExtension;

                foreach (var filename in new[] { htmlFileName, markdownFileName })
                    ContentItem item = await RefreshContentFromFile(filename, cachedItem, expiresIn);

                    if (item != null)
                        // Cache and return the result
                        Debug.Assert(item.Content != null);
                        ContentCache.AddOrSet(name, item);

                return(new HtmlString(String.Empty));
        public void UpdatePackage(Package package)
            var packageRegistrationKey = package.PackageRegistrationKey;
            var updateTerm             = new Term("PackageRegistrationKey", packageRegistrationKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            if (!package.IsLatest || !package.IsLatestStable)
                // Someone passed us in a version which was e.g. just unlisted? Or just not the latest version which is what we want to index. Doesn't really matter. We'll find one to index.
                package = _packageRepository.GetAll()
                          .Where(p => (p.IsLatest || p.IsLatestStable) && p.PackageRegistrationKey == packageRegistrationKey)
                          .Include(p => p.PackageRegistration)
                          .Include(p => p.PackageRegistration.Owners)
                          .Include(p => p.SupportedFrameworks)

            // Just update the provided package
            using (Trace.Activity(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Updating Document: {0}", updateTerm.ToString())))
                EnsureIndexWriter(creatingIndex: false);
                if (package != null)
                    var indexEntity = new PackageIndexEntity(package);
                    Trace.Information(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Updating Lucene Index for: {0} {1} [PackageKey:{2}]", package.PackageRegistration.Id, package.Version, package.Key));
                    _indexWriter.UpdateDocument(updateTerm, indexEntity.ToDocument());
                    Trace.Information(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Deleting Document: {0}", updateTerm.ToString()));
        public void UpdatePackage(Package package)
            var packageRegistrationKey = package.PackageRegistrationKey;

            // We can't just update that one document. Someone might have unlisted, and therefore changed the IsLatest(Stable)
            // flags. Update the whole registration, and all curated feeds
            var packagesForIndexing = GetPackages(lastIndexTime: null, package: package);

            packagesForIndexing.AddRange(GetCuratedPackages(lastIndexTime: null, package: package));

            // Just update the provided package
            var updateTerm = new Term("PackageRegistrationKey", packageRegistrationKey.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

            using (Trace.Activity(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Updating Document: {0}", updateTerm.ToString())))
                EnsureIndexWriter(creatingIndex: false);

                // This will delete existing documents
                AddPackages(packagesForIndexing, false);
        private async Task <ContentItem> RefreshContentFromFile(string fileName, ContentItem cachedItem, TimeSpan expiresIn)
            using (Trace.Activity("Downloading Content Item: " + fileName))
                IFileReference reference = await FileStorage.GetFileReferenceAsync(
                    ifNoneMatch : cachedItem?.ContentId);

                if (reference == null)
                    Trace.Error("Requested Content File Not Found: " + fileName);

                // Check the content ID to see if it's different
                if (cachedItem != null && String.Equals(cachedItem.ContentId, reference.ContentId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    Trace.Verbose("No change to content item. Using Cache");

                    // Update the expiry time
                    cachedItem.ExpiryUtc = DateTime.UtcNow + expiresIn;
                    Trace.Verbose($"Updating Cache: {fileName} expires at {cachedItem.ExpiryUtc}");

                // Retrieve the content
                Trace.Verbose("Content Item changed. Trying to update...");
                    using (var stream = reference.OpenRead())
                        if (stream == null)
                            Trace.Error("Requested Content File Not Found: " + fileName);
                            using (Trace.Activity("Reading Content File: " + fileName))
                                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                    string text = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

                                    string content;

                                    if (fileName.EndsWith(".md"))
                                        content = new Markdown().Transform(text);
                                        content = text;

                                    IHtmlString html = new HtmlString(content.Trim());

                                    // Prep the new item for the cache
                                    var expiryTime = DateTime.UtcNow + expiresIn;
                                    return(new ContentItem(html, expiryTime, reference.ContentId, DateTime.UtcNow));
                catch (Exception)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "owchy oochy - reading content failed");
                    Trace.Error("Reading updated content failed. Returning cached content instead.");
Пример #6
        // This NNNCore pattern allows arg checking to happen synchronously, before starting the async operation.
        private async Task <HtmlString> GetContentItemCore(string name, TimeSpan expiresIn)
            using (Trace.Activity("GetContentItem " + name))
                ContentItem item = null;
                if (ContentCache.TryGetValue(name, out item) && DateTime.UtcNow < item.ExpiryUtc)
                    Trace.Information("Cache Valid. Expires at: " + item.ExpiryUtc.ToString());
                Trace.Information("Cache Expired.");

                // Get the file from the content service
                string fileName = name + ContentFileExtension;

                IFileReference reference;
                using (Trace.Activity("Downloading Content Item: " + fileName))
                    reference = await FileStorage.GetFileReferenceAsync(
                        ifNoneMatch : item == null?null : item.ContentId);

                HtmlString result = new HtmlString(String.Empty);
                if (reference == null)
                    Trace.Error("Requested Content File Not Found: " + fileName);
                    // Check the content ID to see if it's different
                    if (item != null && String.Equals(item.ContentId, reference.ContentId, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        Trace.Information("No change to content item. Using Cache");
                        // No change, just use the cache.
                        result = item.Content;
                        // Process the file
                        Trace.Information("Content Item changed. Updating...");
                        using (var stream = reference.OpenRead())
                            if (stream == null)
                                Trace.Error("Requested Content File Not Found: " + fileName);
                                reference = null;
                                using (Trace.Activity("Reading Content File: " + fileName))
                                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                                        result = new HtmlString(MarkdownProcessor.Transform(await reader.ReadToEndAsync()).Trim());

                // Prep the new item for the cache
                item = new ContentItem(result, DateTime.UtcNow + expiresIn, reference == null ? null : reference.ContentId, DateTime.UtcNow);
                Trace.Information(String.Format("Updating Cache: {0} expires at {1}", name, item.ExpiryUtc));
                ContentCache.AddOrSet(name, item);

                // Return the result