public GameWindow(Game game, RectangleF frame) : base(frame) { if (game == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("game"); } _game = game; _platform = (MacGamePlatform)_game.Services.GetService(typeof(MacGamePlatform)); TouchPanelState = new TouchPanelState(this); //LayerRetainsBacking = false; //LayerColorFormat = EAGLColorFormat.RGBA8; this.AutoresizingMask = MonoMac.AppKit.NSViewResizingMask.HeightSizable | MonoMac.AppKit.NSViewResizingMask.MaxXMargin | MonoMac.AppKit.NSViewResizingMask.MinYMargin | MonoMac.AppKit.NSViewResizingMask.WidthSizable; RectangleF rect = NSScreen.MainScreen.Frame; clientBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)rect.Width, (int)rect.Height); // Enable multi-touch //MultipleTouchEnabled = true; Mouse.Window = this; }
public GameState(GameState state, GameTime time, GameWindow window) { this.State = state; this.Time = time; this.Mouse = new MouseState(this.State, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Mouse.GetState(window)); this.Keyboard = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keyboard.GetState(); this.GamePads = new GamePadState[GamePad.MaximumGamePadCount]; for (int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < this.GamePads.Length; playerIndex++) { this.GamePads[playerIndex] = GamePad.GetState(playerIndex); } if (Joystick.IsSupported) { this.Joysticks = new JoystickState[4]; for (int playerIndex = 0; playerIndex < this.Joysticks.Length; playerIndex++) { this.Joysticks[playerIndex] = Joystick.GetState(playerIndex); } } else { this.Joysticks = new JoystickState[0]; } this.TouchPanel = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Touch.TouchPanel.GetState(window); }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { if (!pressed) { pressed = true; if (ball == null) { ball = Helpers.CreateSphere("ball", Vector3.Zero, ballSize, BALL_MASS, Color.Gray); EntityManager.Add(ball); } RigidBody3D rigidBody = ball.FindComponent <RigidBody3D>(); rigidBody.ResetPosition(Camera.Position); var direction = Camera.Transform.WorldTransform.Forward; direction.Normalize(); rigidBody.ApplyLinearImpulse(direction * 100f); } } else { pressed = false; } }
protected GameWindow() { #if !ANDROID // TODO: Fix the AndroidGameWindow! TouchPanelState = new TouchPanelState(this); #endif }
/// <summary> /// Move the camera using the touch panel /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">The amount of time</param> private void HandleTouch(float amount) { TouchPanelState touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; if (touchState.Count >= 2) { Vector2 touch1 = touchState[0].Position; Vector2 touch2 = touchState[1].Position; Vector2 dragPosition; Vector2.Lerp(ref touch1, ref touch2, 0.5f, out dragPosition); if (this.isDragging) { float deltaX = dragPosition.X - this.lastDragPosition.X; float deltaY = dragPosition.Y - this.lastDragPosition.Y; Vector2 zoom = this.transform2D.Scale; // Up this.positionDelta.X = this.positionDelta.X - (deltaY * zoom.X * this.up.X); this.positionDelta.Y = this.positionDelta.Y - (deltaY * zoom.Y * this.up.Y); // Right this.positionDelta.X = this.positionDelta.X - (deltaX * zoom.X * this.right.X); this.positionDelta.Y = this.positionDelta.Y - (deltaX * zoom.Y * this.right.Y); } this.lastDragPosition = dragPosition; this.isDragging = true; } else { this.isDragging = false; } }
private void OnMouseState(object sender, MouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs) { var previousState = MouseState.LeftButton; MouseState.X = mouseEventArgs.X; MouseState.Y = mouseEventArgs.Y; MouseState.LeftButton = (_mouseDownButtonsState & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; MouseState.MiddleButton = (_mouseDownButtonsState & MouseButtons.Middle) == MouseButtons.Middle ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; MouseState.RightButton = (_mouseDownButtonsState & MouseButtons.Right) == MouseButtons.Right ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; MouseState.ScrollWheelValue += mouseEventArgs.Delta; TouchLocationState?touchState = null; if (MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (previousState == ButtonState.Released) { touchState = TouchLocationState.Pressed; } else { touchState = TouchLocationState.Moved; } } else if (previousState == ButtonState.Pressed) { touchState = TouchLocationState.Released; } if (touchState.HasValue) { TouchPanelState.AddEvent(0, touchState.Value, new Vector2(MouseState.X, MouseState.Y), true); } }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { var currentState = TouchPanel.GetState(_window); var touchCollection = currentState.GetState(); if (touchCollection.Count > 0) { var first = touchCollection.FirstOrDefault(); var currentPosition = Vector2.Transform(first.Position, Global.ScaleMatrix); OnMove(currentPosition); if (first.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { _startPressed ??= currentPosition; OnPressedMove(_startPressed.Value, currentPosition); } if (first.State == TouchLocationState.Released) { _startPressed = null; var lastTouchCollection = _state.GetState(); if (lastTouchCollection.Count == 0 || lastTouchCollection.FirstOrDefault().State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { OnPress(currentPosition); } } _state = currentState; } }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { if (!pressed) { pressed = true; if (ball == null) { ball = Helpers.CreateSphere("ball", Vector3.Zero, ballSize, BALL_MASS, Color.Gray); EntityManager.Add(ball); } RigidBody3D rigidBody = ball.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>(); rigidBody.ResetPosition(Camera.Position); var direction = Camera.LookAt - Camera.Position; rigidBody.ApplyLinearImpulse(3000 * direction); } } else { pressed = false; } }
private void UpdateMouseState() { // If we call the form client functions before the form has // been made visible it will cause the wrong window size to // be applied at startup. if (!Form.Visible) { return; } var clientPos = Form.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition); var withinClient = Form.ClientRectangle.Contains(clientPos); var buttons = Control.MouseButtons; var previousState = MouseState.LeftButton; MouseState.X = clientPos.X; MouseState.Y = clientPos.Y; MouseState.LeftButton = (buttons & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; MouseState.MiddleButton = (buttons & MouseButtons.Middle) == MouseButtons.Middle ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; MouseState.RightButton = (buttons & MouseButtons.Right) == MouseButtons.Right ? ButtonState.Pressed : ButtonState.Released; // Don't process touch state if we're not active // and the mouse is within the client area. if (!_platform.IsActive || !withinClient) { if (MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { // Release mouse TouchLocation var touchX = MathHelper.Clamp(MouseState.X, 0, Form.ClientRectangle.Width - 1); var touchY = MathHelper.Clamp(MouseState.Y, 0, Form.ClientRectangle.Height - 1); TouchPanelState.AddEvent(0, TouchLocationState.Released, new Vector2(touchX, touchY), true); } return; } TouchLocationState?touchState = null; if (MouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { if (previousState == ButtonState.Released) { touchState = TouchLocationState.Pressed; } else { touchState = TouchLocationState.Moved; } } else if (previousState == ButtonState.Pressed) { touchState = TouchLocationState.Released; } if (touchState.HasValue) { TouchPanelState.AddEvent(0, touchState.Value, new Vector2(MouseState.X, MouseState.Y), true); } }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { var rotation = Vector3.Zero; var input = WaveServices.Input.KeyboardState; #if WINDOWS if (input.W == WaveEngine.Common.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { rotation.Y -= (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (input.S == WaveEngine.Common.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { rotation.Y += (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (input.A == WaveEngine.Common.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { rotation.X += (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds; } if (input.D == WaveEngine.Common.Input.ButtonState.Pressed) { rotation.X -= (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds; } #endif TouchPanelState state = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; foreach (var touch in state) { Vector2 touchPosition = touch.Position; var touchFactorX = touchPosition.X > this.centerX ? -0.001f : 0.001f; var touchFactorY = touchPosition.Y > this.centerY ? -0.001f : 0.001f; var deltaFromCenterX = Math.Abs(touchPosition.X - this.centerX); var deltaFromCenterY = Math.Abs(touchPosition.Y - this.centerY); rotation.X += (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds * deltaFromCenterX * touchFactorX; rotation.Y += (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds * deltaFromCenterY * touchFactorY; } this.Transform.LocalOrientation *= Quaternion.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z); var localPosition = this.Transform.LocalPosition; //localPosition.Z -= this.currentSpeed * (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds; //this.Transform.LocalPosition = localPosition; this.Transform.LocalPosition += (float)gameTime.TotalSeconds * this.currentSpeed * this.Transform.WorldTransform.Forward; // Update score Game.score++; this.lbScoreEntity.FindComponent <TextComponent>().Text = Game.score.ToString(); }
private void Canvas_TouchEnd(TouchEvent e) { foreach (var touch in e.changedTouches) { var x = (int)(touch.clientX - _canvas.offsetLeft); var y = (int)(touch.clientY - _canvas.offsetTop); TouchPanelState.AddEvent(touch.identifier.As <int>(), TouchLocationState.Released, new Vector2(x, y)); } }
private void HandleInput(float amount) { this.isTouchPanelConnected = this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected; if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { this.currentTouchPanelState = this.input.TouchPanelState; } // If there's a touch or right mouse button is pressed... if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1)) { // If there's a touch, capture its touch properties if (this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) { this.currentTouchLocation = this.currentTouchPanelState.First(); } // If current touch is pressed or moved if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && (this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed || this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Moved))) { if (this.isDragging == false) { isDragging = true; } else { // Get the current different between x and Y // From touchpad if (this.currentTouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.xDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.X - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.X; this.yDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.Y - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.Y; } // Calculated yaw and pitch float yaw = -this.xDifference * this.rotationSpeed; float pitch = -this.yDifference * this.rotationSpeed; this.UpdateOrientation(yaw, pitch); } } this.lastTouchLocation = this.currentTouchLocation; } else { this.IsDragging = this.isDragging = false; } } }
private void UpdateInputStates() { _previousGamePadState = _currentGamePadState; _currentGamePadState = GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One); _previousKeyboardState = _currentKeyboardState; _currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); _previousMouseState = _currentMouseState; _currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); _previousTouchPanelState = _currentTouchPanelState; _currentTouchPanelState = TouchPanel.GetState(this.Window); }
public override void Draw(TimeSpan gameTime) { TouchPanelState state = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; foreach (var Touch in state) { this.layer.SpriteBatch.Draw( texture, Touch.Position - origin, Color.White); } }
protected override void DrawBasicUnit(int parameter) { TouchPanelState state = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; foreach (var Touch in state) { spriteBatch.Draw( texture, Touch.Position - origin, Color.White); } }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; bestValue = float.MaxValue; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { // Calculate the ray CalculateRay(); // Look for all entities in the game... for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++) { currentEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i);; entityCollider = currentEntity.FindComponent <Collider3D>(false); // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component) if (entityCollider != null) { if (entityCollider is BoxCollider3D) { // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider collisionResult = (entityCollider as BoxCollider3D).Intersects(ref ray); } else if (entityCollider is SphereCollider3D) { collisionResult = (entityCollider as SphereCollider3D).Intersects(ref ray); } // If any collision if (collisionResult.HasValue) { // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue) { // Send to the scene the new entity picked name if (this.myScene != null) { this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity(currentEntity.Name); } bestValue = collisionResult.Value; } } } } } else { if (this.myScene != null) { this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity("None"); } } }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { TouchPanelState state = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (state.IsConnected && state.Any()) { var activeCamera3D = this.RenderManager.ActiveCamera3D; var touchLocation = state.FirstOrDefault(); Ray(activeCamera3D, touchLocation); } }
internal void DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime) { AssertNotDisposed(); if (Platform.BeforeUpdate(gameTime)) { // Once per frame, we need to check currently // playing sounds to see if they've stopped, // and return them back to the pool if so. SoundEffectInstancePool.Update(); //The TouchPanel needs to know the time for when touches arrive TouchPanelState.Update(gameTime); Update(gameTime); } }
/// <summary> /// Manage the touch state input when dragging to calculate delta, phi and theta angles /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">The game time.</param> /// <remarks> /// This method will not be executed if the <see cref="Component" />, or the <see cref="Entity" /> /// owning it are not <c>Active</c>. /// </remarks> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.touchState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.touchState[0].State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { if (!this.isDragging) { this.isDragging = true; this.prevPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; } else { this.currentPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; = (this.currentPosition - this.prevPosition) * ((float)Math.PI / 180); this.prevPosition = this.currentPosition; this.phi += * this.RotationSpeed; this.theta -= * this.RotationSpeed; if (this.theta <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.theta > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } } else { this.isDragging = false; } }
public ShooterGameInputState(GamePadState currentGamePadState, GamePadState previousGamePadState, KeyboardState currentKeyboardState, KeyboardState previousKeyboardState, MouseState currentMouseState, MouseState previousMouseState, TouchPanelState currentTouchPanelState, TouchPanelState previousTouchPanelState, GameTime gameTime) { GameTime = gameTime; PreviousMouseState = previousMouseState; CurrentTouchPanelState = currentTouchPanelState; PreviousTouchPanelState = previousTouchPanelState; CurrentMouseState = currentMouseState; PreviousKeyboardState = previousKeyboardState; CurrentKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; PreviousGamePadState = previousGamePadState; CurrentGamePadState = currentGamePadState; }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; bestValue = float.MaxValue; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { // Calculate the ray CalculateRay(); // Look for all entities in the game... for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++) { currentEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i); ; entityCollider = currentEntity.FindComponent<BoxCollider3D>(); // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component) if (entityCollider != null) { // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray); // If any collision if (collisionResult.HasValue) { // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue) { // Send to the scene the new entity picked name if (this.myScene != null) { this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity(currentEntity.Name); } bestValue = collisionResult.Value; } } } } } else { if (this.myScene != null) { this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity("None"); } } }
public override void Draw(TimeSpan gameTime) { TouchPanelState state = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; int index = 0; foreach (var touch in state) { Vector2 touchPosition = touch.Position; this.vm.ToVirtualPosition(ref touchPosition); this.layer.SpriteBatch.Draw( texture, touchPosition - origin, Color.White); Labels.Add("Touch" + index++, touch.Position); } }
/// <summary> /// Manage the touch state input when dragging to calculate delta, phi and theta angles /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">The game time.</param> /// <remarks> /// This method will not be executed if the <see cref="Component" />, or the <see cref="Entity" /> /// owning it are not <c>Active</c>. /// </remarks> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0) { var currentState = this.touchState[0].State; if (currentState == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { this.prevPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; } else if (currentState == TouchLocationState.Moved) { this.currentPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; = (this.currentPosition - this.prevPosition) * ((float)Math.PI / 180); this.prevPosition = this.currentPosition; this.phi -= * this.RotationSpeed; this.theta += * this.RotationSpeed; if (this.theta <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.theta > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; // bestValue = float.MaxValue; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { // Calculate the ray CalculateRay(); var hitResult = this.myScene.PhysicsManager.Simulation3D.RayCast(ref this.ray, 1000); if (hitResult.Succeeded) { var userData = (Collider3D)hitResult.Collider.UserData; this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity(userData.Owner.Name); } } else { if (this.myScene != null) { this.myScene.ShowPickedEntity("None"); } } }
private void SetDisplayOrientation(DisplayOrientation value) { if (value != _currentOrientation) { DisplayOrientation supported = GetEffectiveSupportedOrientations(); ScreenOrientation requestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Unspecified; bool wasPortrait = _currentOrientation == DisplayOrientation.Portrait || _currentOrientation == DisplayOrientation.PortraitDown; bool requestPortrait = false; bool didOrientationChange = false; // Android 2.3 and above support reverse orientations int sdkVer = (int)Android.OS.Build.VERSION.SdkInt; if (sdkVer >= 10) { // Check if the requested orientation is supported. Default means all are supported. if ((supported & value) != 0) { didOrientationChange = true; _currentOrientation = value; switch (value) { case DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft: requestedOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)ScreenOrientationAll.Landscape; requestPortrait = false; break; case DisplayOrientation.LandscapeRight: requestedOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)ScreenOrientationAll.ReverseLandscape; requestPortrait = false; break; case DisplayOrientation.Portrait: requestedOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)ScreenOrientationAll.Portrait; requestPortrait = true; break; case DisplayOrientation.PortraitDown: requestedOrientation = (ScreenOrientation)ScreenOrientationAll.ReversePortrait; requestPortrait = true; break; } } } else { // Check if the requested orientation is either of the landscape orientations and any landscape orientation is supported. if ((value == DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft || value == DisplayOrientation.LandscapeRight) && ((supported & (DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft | DisplayOrientation.LandscapeRight)) != 0)) { didOrientationChange = true; _currentOrientation = DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft; requestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; requestPortrait = false; } // Check if the requested orientation is either of the portrain orientations and any portrait orientation is supported. else if ((value == DisplayOrientation.Portrait || value == DisplayOrientation.PortraitDown) && ((supported & (DisplayOrientation.Portrait | DisplayOrientation.PortraitDown)) != 0)) { didOrientationChange = true; _currentOrientation = DisplayOrientation.Portrait; requestedOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait; requestPortrait = true; } } if (didOrientationChange) { // Android doesn't fire Released events for existing touches // so we need to clear them out. if (wasPortrait != requestPortrait) { TouchPanelState.ReleaseAllTouches(); } OnOrientationChanged(); } } }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { // Calculate the ray CalculateRay(); // Look for all entities in the game... Entity auxEntity = currentEntity = null; bestValue = float.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++) { auxEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i); entityCollider = auxEntity.FindComponent<BoxCollider>(); // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component) if (entityCollider != null && ( auxEntity.Name.Contains("box") || auxEntity.Name.Contains("anchor") || auxEntity.Name.Contains("BigBall")) ) { // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray); // If any collision if (collisionResult.HasValue && collisionResult.Value > 0.001f) { //Labels.Add("CollisionResult", collisionResult.ToString()); //Labels.Add("CollisionValue", collisionResult.Value.ToString()); // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue) { this.currentEntity = auxEntity; bestValue = collisionResult.Value; } } } } if (this.currentEntity != null) { Vector3 entityPosition = this.currentEntity.FindComponent<Transform3D>().Position; Vector3 impulse = entityPosition - this.Camera.Position; this.currentEntity.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>().ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse*FORCE); this.line.StartPoint = ray.Position; this.line.EndPoint = entityPosition; Labels.Add("Entity", this.currentEntity.Name); //Labels.Add("Impulse", impulse.ToString()); //Labels.Add("IsActive", this.currentEntity.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>().IsActive.ToString()); } else { Labels.Add("Entity", "None"); //Labels.Add("Impulse", "0,0,0"); } } //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line); //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line2); }
public void SetUp() { TouchPanelState.CurrentTimestamp = GameTimeForFrame(0); _tps = new TouchPanelState(new MockWindow()); }
/// <summary> /// Update Method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Current Game Time</param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; if (this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; // Checks Mouse Left Button Click and anyone entity linked if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.mouseJoint == null) { // Udpates Mouse Position this.touchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; foreach (Entity entity in this.Scene.EntityManager.EntityGraph) { Collider2D collider = entity.FindComponent <Collider2D>(false); if (collider != null) { // Collider Test if (collider.Contain(touchPosition)) { RigidBody2D rigidBody = entity.FindComponent <RigidBody2D>(); if (rigidBody != null) { // Forbiden Mouse Joint of Kinematic Bodies if (rigidBody.PhysicBodyType != PhysicBodyType.Kinematic) { this.connectedEntity = entity; // Create Mouse Joint this.mouseJoint = new FixedMouseJoint2D(this.touchPosition); JointMap2D jointMap = this.connectedEntity.FindComponent <JointMap2D>(); jointMap.AddJoint("mouseJoint", this.mouseJoint); // We can break after collider test when true, but we'll miss overlapped entities if Physic entity is // under a non Physic entity. We are breaking here just for sample. break; } } } } } } // Checks Mouse Left Button Release if (this.touchState.Count == 0 && this.mouseJoint != null) { if (!this.connectedEntity.IsDisposed) { // Remove Fixed Joint JointMap2D jointMap2D = this.connectedEntity.FindComponent <JointMap2D>(); jointMap2D.RemoveJoint("mouseJoint"); } this.mouseJoint = null; } // If joint exists then update joint anchor position if (this.mouseJoint != null) { this.touchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.mouseJoint.WorldAnchor = this.touchPosition; } } }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">game time</param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = this.input.KeyboardState; if (currentKeyboardState.IsConnected) { if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyPressed(Keys.O) && this.lastKeyboardState.IsKeyReleased(Keys.O)) { this.RenderManager.DebugLines = !this.RenderManager.DebugLines; } this.lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; } if (this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.mouseJoint == null) { this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.FindAllByTag("Draggable")) { Collider2D collider = entity.FindComponent <Collider2D>(false); if (collider != null) { if (collider.Contain(TouchPosition)) { RigidBody2D rigidBody = entity.FindComponent <RigidBody2D>(); if (rigidBody != null) { if (rigidBody.PhysicBodyType == WaveEngine.Common.Physics2D.RigidBodyType2D.Dynamic) { this.ConnectedEntity = entity; //Create Joint this.mouseJoint = new MouseJoint2D() { Target = this.TouchPosition, }; this.ConnectedEntity.AddComponent(mouseJoint); break; } } } } } } if (this.touchState.Count == 0 && this.mouseJoint != null) { if (!this.ConnectedEntity.IsDisposed) { this.ConnectedEntity.RemoveComponent(this.mouseJoint); } this.mouseJoint = null; } if (this.mouseJoint != null) { this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); this.mouseJoint.Target = this.TouchPosition; } } }
/// <summary> /// The handle input. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount"> /// The amount. /// </param> private void HandleInput(float amount) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; this.isMouseConnected = this.input.MouseState.IsConnected; this.isTouchPanelConnected = this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected; if (this.input.KeyboardState.IsConnected || this.isTouchPanelConnected) { this.keyboardState = this.input.KeyboardState; // If the touch panel is connected and it has two points, we can go forward if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { if (this.input.TouchPanelState.Count == 2) { this.moveWithTouchPanel = true; } } this.moveForward = this.keyboardState.W == ButtonState.Pressed || this.moveWithTouchPanel; this.moveBack = this.keyboardState.S == ButtonState.Pressed; this.moveLeft = this.keyboardState.A == ButtonState.Pressed; this.moveRight = this.keyboardState.D == ButtonState.Pressed; this.UpdateCameraPosition(amount); this.moveWithTouchPanel = false; } if (this.isTouchPanelConnected || this.isMouseConnected) { if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { this.currentTouchPanelState = this.input.TouchPanelState; } if (this.isMouseConnected) { this.currentMouseState = this.input.MouseState; } if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) || (this.isMouseConnected && this.currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) { this.currentTouchLocation = this.currentTouchPanelState.First(); } if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && (this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed || this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Moved)) || (this.isMouseConnected && this.currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (this.isDragging == false) { this.isDragging = true; } else { // Get the current different between x and Y // From touchpad if (this.currentTouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.xDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.X - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.X; this.yDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.Y - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.Y; } if (this.isMouseConnected && this.input.TouchPanelState.Count == 0) { this.xDifference = this.currentMouseState.X - this.lastMouseState.X; this.yDifference = this.currentMouseState.Y - this.lastMouseState.Y; } // Calculated yaw and pitch float yaw = -this.xDifference * this.rotationSpeed; float pitch = -this.yDifference * this.rotationSpeed; this.UpdateOrientation(yaw, pitch); } } this.lastTouchLocation = this.currentTouchLocation; this.lastMouseState = this.currentMouseState; } else { this.isDragging = false; } } if (this.input.GamePadState.IsConnected) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// Position Camera ///////////////////////////////////////////////// GamePadState gamePadState = this.input.GamePadState; Vector2 leftStick = gamePadState.ThumbStricks.Left; float threshold = 0.2f; this.moveForward = leftStick.Y > threshold; this.moveBack = leftStick.Y < -threshold; this.moveRight = leftStick.X > threshold; this.moveLeft = leftStick.X < -threshold; this.UpdateCameraPosition(amount); ///////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// LookAT ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Vector2 rightStick = gamePadState.ThumbStricks.Right; this.xDifference = rightStick.X; this.yDifference = -rightStick.Y; ////// Calculated yaw and pitch float yaw = this.xDifference * amount * this.gamepadRotationSpeed; float pitch = this.yDifference * amount * this.gamepadRotationSpeed; this.UpdateOrientation(yaw, pitch); } }
/// <summary> /// Update Method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">Current Game Time</param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; if (this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; // Checks Mouse Left Button Click and anyone entity linked if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.mouseJoint == null) { // Udpates Mouse Position this.touchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.touchPosition); foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.FindAllByTag("Draggable")) { Collider2D collider = entity.FindComponent<Collider2D>(false); if (collider != null) { // Collider Test if (collider.Contain(touchPosition)) { RigidBody2D rigidBody = entity.FindComponent<RigidBody2D>(); if (rigidBody != null) { // Forbiden Mouse Joint of Kinematic Bodies if (rigidBody.PhysicBodyType == PhysicBodyType.Dynamic) { this.connectedEntity = entity; // Create Mouse Joint this.mouseJoint = new FixedMouseJoint2D(this.touchPosition); this.connectedEntity.FindComponent<JointMap2D>().AddJoint("mouseJoint", this.mouseJoint); // We can break after collider test when true, but we'll miss overlapped entities if Physic entity is // under a non Physic entity. We are breaking here just for sample. break; } } } } } } // Checks Mouse Left Button Release if (this.touchState.Count == 0 && this.mouseJoint != null) { if (!this.connectedEntity.IsDisposed) { // Remove Fixed Joint this.connectedEntity.FindComponent<JointMap2D>().RemoveJoint("mouseJoint"); } this.mouseJoint = null; } // If joint exists then update joint anchor position if (this.mouseJoint != null) { this.touchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.touchPosition); this.mouseJoint.WorldAnchor = this.touchPosition; } } }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">game time</param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = this.input.KeyboardState; if (currentKeyboardState.IsConnected) { if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyPressed(Keys.O) && this.lastKeyboardState.IsKeyReleased(Keys.O)) { this.RenderManager.DebugLines = !this.RenderManager.DebugLines; } this.lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; } if (this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.mouseJoint == null) { this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.FindAllByTag("Draggable")) { Collider2D collider = entity.FindComponent<Collider2D>(false); if (collider != null) { if (collider.Contain(TouchPosition)) { RigidBody2D rigidBody = entity.FindComponent<RigidBody2D>(); if (rigidBody != null) { if (rigidBody.PhysicBodyType == WaveEngine.Common.Physics2D.RigidBodyType2D.Dynamic) { this.ConnectedEntity = entity; //Create Joint this.mouseJoint = new MouseJoint2D() { Target = this.TouchPosition, //MaxForce = 100, //DampingRatio = 0.5f, //FrequencyHz = 2000, }; this.ConnectedEntity.AddComponent(mouseJoint); break; } } } } } } if (this.touchState.Count == 0 && this.mouseJoint != null) { if (!this.ConnectedEntity.IsDisposed) { this.ConnectedEntity.RemoveComponent(this.mouseJoint); } this.mouseJoint = null; } if (this.mouseJoint != null) { this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); this.mouseJoint.Target = this.TouchPosition; } } }
/// <summary> /// Fills the touches. /// </summary> /// <param name="touches">The touches.</param> private void FillTouches(NSSet touches) { UITouch[] touchArray = touches.ToArray <UITouch>(); WaveEngine.Adapter.Input.InputManager inputManager = (WaveEngine.Adapter.Input.InputManager) this.adapter.InputManager; List <int> movedIds = new List <int>(); TouchPanelState oldState = inputManager.CurrentState; inputManager.CurrentState.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < touchArray.Length; i++) { UITouch touch = touchArray[i]; // Position is always the same since we rotate the view var position = touch.LocationInView(touch.View); position.X *= this.ContentScaleFactor; position.Y *= this.ContentScaleFactor; int touchId = touch.Handle.ToInt32(); TouchLocationState state; // Touch Type switch (touch.Phase) { case UITouchPhase.Began: state = TouchLocationState.Pressed; break; case UITouchPhase.Ended: case UITouchPhase.Cancelled: state = TouchLocationState.Release; movedIds.Add(touchId); break; case UITouchPhase.Stationary: case UITouchPhase.Moved: state = TouchLocationState.Moved; movedIds.Add(touchId); break; default: state = TouchLocationState.Invalid; break; } if (state != TouchLocationState.Release) { inputManager.CurrentState.AddTouchLocation(touchId, state, (float)position.X, (float)position.Y); } } foreach (TouchLocation location in oldState) { if ((location.State == TouchLocationState.Moved || location.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) && !movedIds.Contains(location.Id)) { inputManager.CurrentState.AddTouchLocation(location.Id, location.State, location.Position.X, location.Position.Y); } } }
/// <summary> /// The handle input. /// </summary> /// <param name="amount"> /// The amount. /// </param> private void HandleInput(float amount) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; this.isMouseConnected = this.input.MouseState.IsConnected; this.isTouchPanelConnected = this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected; if (this.input.KeyboardState.IsConnected || this.isTouchPanelConnected) { this.keyboardState = this.input.KeyboardState; // If the touch panel is connected and it has two points, we can go forward if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { if (this.input.TouchPanelState.Count == 2) { this.moveWithTouchPanel = true; } } this.moveForward = this.keyboardState.W == ButtonState.Pressed || this.moveWithTouchPanel; this.moveBack = this.keyboardState.S == ButtonState.Pressed; this.moveLeft = this.keyboardState.A == ButtonState.Pressed; this.moveRight = this.keyboardState.D == ButtonState.Pressed; if (this.moveForward) { // Manual inline: position += speed * forward; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Z); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (this.moveBack) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * forward; this.position.X = this.position.X - (amount * this.speed * this.forward.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y - (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z - (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Z); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } if (this.moveLeft) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * right; this.position.X = this.position.X - (amount * this.speed * this.right.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y - (amount * this.speed * this.right.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z - (amount * this.speed * this.right.Z); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (this.moveRight) { // Manual inline: position += speed * right; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.right.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Z); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } this.moveWithTouchPanel = false; } if (this.isTouchPanelConnected || this.isMouseConnected) { if (this.isTouchPanelConnected) { this.currentTouchPanelState = this.input.TouchPanelState; } if (this.isMouseConnected) { this.currentMouseState = this.input.MouseState; } if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) || (this.isMouseConnected && this.currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (this.isTouchPanelConnected && this.currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) { this.currentTouchLocation = this.currentTouchPanelState.First(); } if ((this.isTouchPanelConnected && (this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed || this.currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Moved)) || (this.isMouseConnected && this.currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (this.isDragging == false) { this.isDragging = true; } else { // Get the current different between x and Y // From touchpad if (this.currentTouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.xDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.X - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.X; this.yDifference = this.currentTouchLocation.Position.Y - this.lastTouchLocation.Position.Y; } if (this.isMouseConnected && this.input.TouchPanelState.Count == 0) { this.xDifference = this.currentMouseState.X - this.lastMouseState.X; this.yDifference = this.currentMouseState.Y - this.lastMouseState.Y; } // Calculated yaw and pitch this.yaw = this.yaw - (this.xDifference * amount * this.rotationSpeed); this.pitch = this.pitch - (this.yDifference * amount * this.rotationSpeed); // Manual inline: forwardNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Forward; this.forwardNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: rightNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Right; this.rightNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; this.rightNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; this.rightNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; this.rightNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: upNormalizedVector = cameraMatrixRotation.Up; this.upNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.X; this.upNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Y; this.upNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Z; this.upNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Calculate the new camera matrix angle with the normalized vectors Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.rightNormalizedVector, this.pitch, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.upNormalizedVector, this.yaw, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.forwardNormalizedVector, 0f, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); // Restore the yaw and pitch this.yaw = 0.0f; this.pitch = 0.0f; // Manual inline: forward = cameraRotation.Forward; this.forward.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; this.forward.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; this.forward.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; // Manual inline: right = cameraRotation.Right; this.right.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; this.right.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; this.right.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; // Update the current look at this.UpdateLookAt(); // Restore the current matrix rotation this.cameraMatrixRotation = Matrix.Invert( Matrix.CreateLookAt(this.Camera.Position, this.Camera.LookAt, this.Camera.UpVector)); } } this.lastTouchLocation = this.currentTouchLocation; this.lastMouseState = this.currentMouseState; } else { this.isDragging = false; } } if (this.input.GamePadState.IsConnected && this.input.MouseState.IsConnected) { ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Position Camera ///////////////////////////////////////////// GamePadState gamePadState = this.input.GamePadState; Vector2 leftStick = gamePadState.ThumbStricks.Left; float threshold = 0.1f; if (leftStick.Y > threshold) { // Manual inline: position += speed * forward; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.X * leftStick.Y); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Y * leftStick.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Z * leftStick.Y); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (leftStick.Y < -threshold) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * forward; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.X * leftStick.Y); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Y * leftStick.Y); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.forward.Z * leftStick.Y); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } if (leftStick.X > threshold) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * right; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.right.X * leftStick.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Y * leftStick.X); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Z * leftStick.X); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (leftStick.X < -threshold) { // Manual inline: position += speed * right; this.position.X = this.position.X + (amount * this.speed * this.right.X * leftStick.X); this.position.Y = this.position.Y + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Y * leftStick.X); this.position.Z = this.position.Z + (amount * this.speed * this.right.Z * leftStick.X); this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // LookAT ///////////////////////////////////////////// Vector2 rightStick = gamePadState.ThumbStricks.Right; this.xDifference = rightStick.X; this.yDifference = -rightStick.Y; // Calculated yaw and pitch this.yaw = this.yaw - (this.xDifference * amount * this.gamepadRotationSpeed); this.pitch = this.pitch - (this.yDifference * amount * this.gamepadRotationSpeed); // Manual inline: forwardNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Forward; this.forwardNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; this.forwardNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: rightNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Right; this.rightNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; this.rightNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; this.rightNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; this.rightNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: upNormalizedVector = cameraMatrixRotation.Up; this.upNormalizedVector.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.X; this.upNormalizedVector.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Y; this.upNormalizedVector.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Z; this.upNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Calculate the new camera matrix angle with the normalized vectors Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.rightNormalizedVector, this.pitch, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.upNormalizedVector, this.yaw, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle( ref this.forwardNormalizedVector, 0f, out this.tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply( ref this.cameraMatrixRotation, ref this.tempRotationMatrix, out this.cameraMatrixRotation); // Restore the yaw and pitch this.yaw = 0.0f; this.pitch = 0.0f; // Manual inline: forward = cameraRotation.Forward; this.forward.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; this.forward.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; this.forward.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; // Manual inline: right = cameraRotation.Right; this.right.X = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; this.right.Y = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; this.right.Z = this.cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; // Update the current look at this.UpdateLookAt(); // Restore the current matrix rotation this.cameraMatrixRotation = Matrix.Invert( Matrix.CreateLookAt(this.Camera.Position, this.Camera.LookAt, this.Camera.UpVector)); this.lastMouseState = this.currentMouseState; } }
protected GameWindow() { TouchPanelState = new TouchPanelState(this); }
/// <summary> /// Manage the touch state input when dragging to calculate delta, phi and theta angles /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime">The game time.</param> /// <remarks> /// This method will not be executed if the <see cref="Component" />, or the <see cref="Entity" /> /// owning it are not <c>Active</c>. /// </remarks> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.touchState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.touchState[0].State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) { if (!this.isDragging) { this.isDragging = true; this.prevPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; } else { this.currentPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; = (this.currentPosition - this.prevPosition) * ((float)Math.PI / 180); this.prevPosition = this.currentPosition; this.phi -= * this.RotationSpeed; this.theta -= * this.RotationSpeed; if (this.theta <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.theta > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.theta -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi <= -MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi += MathHelper.TwoPi; } if (this.phi > MathHelper.TwoPi) { this.phi -= MathHelper.TwoPi; } this.UpdateCameraPosition(); } } else { this.isDragging = false; } }
protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { touchPanelState = WaveServices.Input.TouchPanelState; if (touchPanelState.IsConnected && touchPanelState.Count > 0) { // Calculate the ray CalculateRay(); // Look for all entities in the game... Entity auxEntity = currentEntity = null; bestValue = float.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < EntityManager.Count; i++) { auxEntity = EntityManager.EntityGraph.ElementAt(i); entityCollider = auxEntity.FindComponent <BoxCollider>(); // ... but only a collidable entities ( entities which have a boxCollider component) if (entityCollider != null && (auxEntity.Name.Contains("box") || auxEntity.Name.Contains("anchor") || auxEntity.Name.Contains("BigBall"))) { // Intersect our calculated ray with the entity's boxCollider collisionResult = entityCollider.Intersects(ref ray); // If any collision if (collisionResult.HasValue && collisionResult.Value > 0.001f) { //Labels.Add("CollisionResult", collisionResult.ToString()); //Labels.Add("CollisionValue", collisionResult.Value.ToString()); // Check the distance. We want to have the closer to the screen entity, so we want to get the low collisionResult value if (collisionResult.Value < bestValue) { this.currentEntity = auxEntity; bestValue = collisionResult.Value; } } } } if (this.currentEntity != null) { Vector3 entityPosition = this.currentEntity.FindComponent <Transform3D>().Position; Vector3 impulse = entityPosition - this.Camera.Position; this.currentEntity.FindComponent <RigidBody3D>().ApplyLinearImpulse(impulse * FORCE); this.line.StartPoint = ray.Position; this.line.EndPoint = entityPosition; Labels.Add("Entity", this.currentEntity.Name); //Labels.Add("Impulse", impulse.ToString()); //Labels.Add("IsActive", this.currentEntity.FindComponent<RigidBody3D>().IsActive.ToString()); } else { Labels.Add("Entity", "None"); //Labels.Add("Impulse", "0,0,0"); } } //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line); //RenderManager.LineBatch3D.DrawLine(ref line2); }
/// <summary> /// Update method /// </summary> /// <param name="gameTime"></param> protected override void Update(TimeSpan gameTime) { this.input = WaveServices.Input; var activeCamera2D = this.RenderManager.ActiveCamera2D; if (this.input.TouchPanelState.IsConnected) { this.touchState = this.input.TouchPanelState; if (this.touchState.Count > 0 && this.mouseJoint == null) { // Gets the virtual screen touch position this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); // Launchs a ray from the virtual screen position Ray r; activeCamera2D.CalculateRay(ref this.TouchPosition, out r); this.WorldPosition = r.IntersectionZPlane(0).ToVector2(); /// check collision with DRAGGABLE entities only foreach (Entity entity in this.Owner.Scene.EntityManager.FindAllByTag(GameConstants.TAGDRAGGABLE)) { Collider2D collider = entity.FindComponent <Collider2D>(false); if (collider != null) { if (collider.Contain(this.WorldPosition)) { RigidBody2D rigidBody = entity.FindComponent <RigidBody2D>(); if (rigidBody != null) { if (rigidBody.PhysicBodyType == WaveEngine.Common.Physics2D.RigidBodyType2D.Dynamic) { this.ConnectedEntity = entity; //Create Joint this.mouseJoint = new MouseJoint2D() { Target = this.WorldPosition, }; this.ConnectedEntity.AddComponent(mouseJoint); var audioService = WaveServices.GetService <AudioService>(); audioService.Play(Audio.Sfx.Rubber_wav); break; } } } } } } // Touch just released, remove joint if (this.touchState.Count == 0 && this.mouseJoint != null) { if (!this.ConnectedEntity.IsDisposed) { this.ConnectedEntity.RemoveComponent(this.mouseJoint); var playerComponent = this.ConnectedEntity.FindComponent <PlayerComponent>(); playerComponent.Launch(); } this.mouseJoint = null; } // update touch positions if (this.mouseJoint != null) { this.TouchPosition = this.touchState[0].Position; this.vsm.ToVirtualPosition(ref this.TouchPosition); Ray r; activeCamera2D.CalculateRay(ref this.TouchPosition, out r); this.WorldPosition = r.IntersectionZPlane(0).ToVector2(); this.mouseJoint.Target = this.WorldPosition; } } }
private void HandleInput(float amount) { input = WaveServices.Input; isMouseConnected = input.MouseState.IsConnected; isTouchPanelConnected = input.MouseState.IsConnected; if (isMouseConnected) { isTouchPanelConnected = false; } if (input.KeyboardState.IsConnected) { keyboardState = input.KeyboardState; if (keyboardState.W == ButtonState.Pressed) { // Manual inline: position += speed * forward; position.X = position.X + (amount * speed * forward.X); position.Y = position.Y + (amount * speed * forward.Y); position.Z = position.Z + (amount * speed * forward.Z); UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (keyboardState.S == ButtonState.Pressed) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * forward; position.X = position.X - (amount * speed * forward.X); position.Y = position.Y - (amount * speed * forward.Y); position.Z = position.Z - (amount * speed * forward.Z); UpdateCameraPosition(); } if (keyboardState.A == ButtonState.Pressed) { // Manual inline: position -= speed * right; position.X = position.X - (amount * speed * right.X); position.Y = position.Y - (amount * speed * right.Y); position.Z = position.Z - (amount * speed * right.Z); UpdateCameraPosition(); } else if (keyboardState.D == ButtonState.Pressed) { // Manual inline: position += speed * right; position.X = position.X + (amount * speed * right.X); position.Y = position.Y + (amount * speed * right.Y); position.Z = position.Z + (amount * speed * right.Z); UpdateCameraPosition(); } } if (isTouchPanelConnected || isMouseConnected) { if (isTouchPanelConnected) { currentTouchPanelState = input.TouchPanelState; } if (isMouseConnected) { currentMouseState = input.MouseState; } if ((isTouchPanelConnected && currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) || (isMouseConnected && currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (isTouchPanelConnected && currentTouchPanelState.Count == 1) { currentTouchLocation = currentTouchPanelState.First(); } if ((isTouchPanelConnected && currentTouchLocation.State == TouchLocationState.Pressed) || (isMouseConnected && currentMouseState.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (isDragging == false) { isDragging = true; } else { if (currentTouchPanelState.IsConnected) { xDifference = (currentTouchLocation.Position.X - lastTouchLocation.Position.X); yDifference = (currentTouchLocation.Position.Y - lastTouchLocation.Position.Y); } if (isMouseConnected) { xDifference = (currentMouseState.X - lastMouseState.X); yDifference = (currentMouseState.Y - lastMouseState.Y); } yaw = yaw - (xDifference * amount * rotationSpeed); pitch = pitch - (yDifference * amount * rotationSpeed); // Manual inline: forwardNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Forward; forwardNormalizedVector.X = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; forwardNormalizedVector.Y = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; forwardNormalizedVector.Z = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; forwardNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: rightNormalizedVector = cameraRotation.Right; rightNormalizedVector.X = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; rightNormalizedVector.Y = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; rightNormalizedVector.Z = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; rightNormalizedVector.Normalize(); // Manual inline: upNormalizedVector = cameraMatrixRotation.Up; upNormalizedVector.X = cameraMatrixRotation.Up.X; upNormalizedVector.Y = cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Y; upNormalizedVector.Z = cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Z; upNormalizedVector.Normalize(); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(ref rightNormalizedVector, pitch, out tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply(ref cameraMatrixRotation, ref tempRotationMatrix, out cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(ref upNormalizedVector, yaw, out tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply(ref cameraMatrixRotation, ref tempRotationMatrix, out cameraMatrixRotation); Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(ref forwardNormalizedVector, 0f, out tempRotationMatrix); Matrix.Multiply(ref cameraMatrixRotation, ref tempRotationMatrix, out cameraMatrixRotation); // Original code /* cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Normalize(); cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Normalize(); cameraMatrixRotation.Up.Normalize(); cameraMatrixRotation *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(cameraMatrixRotation.Right, pitch); cameraMatrixRotation *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(cameraMatrixRotation.Up, yaw); cameraMatrixRotation *= Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(cameraMatrixRotation.Forward, 0f); */ yaw = 0.0f; pitch = 0.0f; // Manual inline: forward = cameraRotation.Forward; forward.X = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.X; forward.Y = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Y; forward.Z = cameraMatrixRotation.Forward.Z; //// Manual inline: right = cameraRotation.Right; right.X = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.X; right.Y = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Y; right.Z = cameraMatrixRotation.Right.Z; UpdateLookAt(); //Restore the current matrix rotation cameraMatrixRotation = Matrix.Invert(Matrix.CreateLookAt(camera.Position, camera.LookAt, camera.UpVector)); } } lastTouchLocation = currentTouchLocation; lastMouseState = currentMouseState; } else { isDragging = false; } } }