Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method handles the migration of Manual TestCase
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">File Path of the ManualTestCase Excel sheet.</param>
        public void ProcessManualTestCaseFile(string filePath)
            //ClosedXML has been used here to read the excel files. The library can be found in Tosca Installation Directory at '%TRICENTIS_HOME%\ToscaCommander'.
            //Alternatively, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library or other third-party library can also be used.
            XLWorkbook workBook = new XLWorkbook(filePath);

            foreach (IXLWorksheet sheet in workBook.Worksheets)
                IXLRange usedRange  = sheet.RangeUsed();
                int      testCaseId = 0;
                int      testStepId = 0;
                for (int row = 2; row <= usedRange.RowCount(); row++)
                    for (int column = 1; column <= usedRange.ColumnCount(); column++)
                        string cellValue = usedRange.Row(row).Cell(column).Value.ToString();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cellValue))
                            switch (usedRange.Row(1).Cell(column).Value.ToString())
                            case "TestCase":
                                //Creates TestCase
                                testCaseId = Builder.CreateTestCase(cellValue, Definition.TestCasesFolderId);

                            case "Action":
                                //Creates ManualTestStep
                                testStepId = Builder.CreateManualTestStep(cellValue, testCaseId, null);

                            case "Input Parameter":
                                string value = string.IsNullOrEmpty(usedRange.Row(row).Cell(column + 1).Value.ToString())
                                        ? ""
                                        : usedRange.Row(row).Cell(column + 1).Value.ToString();
                                //Creates ManualTestStepValue with ActionMode as Input
                                Builder.CreateManualTestStepValue(cellValue, testStepId, value, ActionMode.Input.ToString(), null);

                            case "Expected Result":
                                //Creates ManualTestStepValue with ActionMode as Verify
                                Builder.CreateManualTestStepValue(cellValue, testStepId, "", ActionMode.Verify.ToString(), null);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method migrates the TestCase excel files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath">File path of the TestCase excel.</param>
        internal void ProcessTestScriptFile(string filepath)
            //ClosedXML has been used here to read the excel files. The library can be found in Tosca Installation Directory at '%TRICENTIS_HOME%\ToscaCommander'.
            //Alternatively, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel library or other third-party library can also be used.
            XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook(filepath);

            foreach (IXLWorksheet sheet in workbook.Worksheets)
                var xlRange    = sheet.RangeUsed();
                int pagenumber = 1;
                //Builder object provides all the methods to create Tosca Business Objects. Here we create a TestCase. Also, Definition object provide the root folder IDs for import.
                int  testCaseId        = builder.CreateTestCase(sheet.Name, definition.TestCasesFolderId);
                int  moduleId          = 0;
                int  testStepId        = 0;
                bool newModuleRequired = true;
                for (int row = 2; row <= xlRange.RowCount(); row++)
                    string keyword = null, locatorType = null, locatorValue = null, data = null;
                    for (int column = 1; column <= xlRange.ColumnCount(); column++)
                        string cellValue = xlRange.Row(row).Cell(column).Value.ToString();
                        switch (xlRange.Row(1).Cell(column).Value.ToString())
                        case "FunctionKeyword":
                            keyword = cellValue;

                        case "Locator Type":
                            locatorType = cellValue;

                        case "Locator Value":
                            locatorValue = cellValue;

                        case "Test Data":
                            data = cellValue;
                    int moduleAttributeId = 0;
                    if (keyword == "enter_URL")
                        //Creates SpecialExecutionTask (The 'Open URL' module from Standard Subset is reused here).
                        moduleId          = builder.CreateSpecialExecutionTask("Open URL", definition.ModulesFolderId, "Framework", "OpenUrl");
                        testStepId        = builder.CreateXTestStepFromXModule("Open URL", moduleId, testCaseId);
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateSpecialExecutionTaskAttribute("Url", moduleId);
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue(data, testStepId, moduleAttributeId, null);
                    if (keyword == "close_Window")
                        //Creates SpecialExecutionTask (The 'Window Operation' module from Standard Subset is reused here).
                        moduleId          = builder.CreateSpecialExecutionTask("TBox Window Operation", definition.ModulesFolderId, "Framework", "WindowOperation");
                        testStepId        = builder.CreateXTestStepFromXModule("Close Window", moduleId, testCaseId);
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateSpecialExecutionTaskAttribute("Caption", moduleId);
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue(data + "*", testStepId, moduleAttributeId, null);
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateSpecialExecutionTaskAttribute("Operation", moduleId);
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue("Close", testStepId, moduleAttributeId, null);
                    switch (keyword)
                    case "click_On_Button":
                        if (moduleId == 0 || newModuleRequired)
                            moduleId = builder.CreateXModule("Page" + pagenumber, definition.ModulesFolderId, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "Title", "*" }
                            testStepId        = builder.CreateXTestStepFromXModule("Page" + pagenumber, moduleId, testCaseId);
                            newModuleRequired = false;
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateXModuleAttribute(locatorValue, "Button",
                                                                           ActionMode.Input.ToString(), moduleId,
                                                                           new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { GetToscaType(locatorType), locatorValue }
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue("{CLICK}", testStepId, moduleAttributeId, ActionMode.Input.ToString());

                        newModuleRequired = true;

                    case "select":
                        if (moduleId == 0 || newModuleRequired)
                            moduleId = builder.CreateXModule("Page" + pagenumber, definition.ModulesFolderId, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "Title", "*" }
                            testStepId        = builder.CreateXTestStepFromXModule("Page" + pagenumber, moduleId, testCaseId);
                            newModuleRequired = false;
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateXModuleAttribute(locatorValue, "ComboBox",
                                                                           ActionMode.Input.ToString(), moduleId,
                                                                           new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { GetToscaType(locatorType), locatorValue }
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue(data, testStepId, moduleAttributeId, ActionMode.Input.ToString());

                    case "enter_Text":
                        if (moduleId == 0 || newModuleRequired)
                            moduleId = builder.CreateXModule("Page" + pagenumber, definition.ModulesFolderId, new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "Title", "*" }
                            testStepId        = builder.CreateXTestStepFromXModule("Page" + pagenumber, moduleId, testCaseId);
                            newModuleRequired = false;
                        moduleAttributeId = builder.CreateXModuleAttribute(locatorValue, "TextBox",
                                                                           ActionMode.Input.ToString(), moduleId,
                                                                           new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { GetToscaType(locatorType), locatorValue }
                        builder.SetXTestStepValue(data, testStepId, moduleAttributeId, ActionMode.Input.ToString());