Пример #1
    public Quaternion finalOrientation(float time, Vector3 position)
        float gF = findXOverTimeOrientation(_time0, _time1, time);

        position = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(position, _keypoint1._target1.transform.position, _keypoint1._target2.transform.position);

        Toricmanifold T1 = new Toricmanifold(position.x * Mathf.Rad2Deg, position.y * Mathf.Rad2Deg, position.z * Mathf.Rad2Deg, _keypoint1._target1, _keypoint1._target2);

        Vector2[] desPosT1 = _keypoint1.getDesiredScreenPositions();
        T1.SetDesiredPosition(desPosT1[0], desPosT1[1]);

        position = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(position, _keypoint2._target1.transform.position, _keypoint2._target2.transform.position);

        Toricmanifold T2 = new Toricmanifold(position.x * Mathf.Rad2Deg, position.y * Mathf.Rad2Deg, position.z * Mathf.Rad2Deg, _keypoint2._target1, _keypoint2._target2);

        Vector2[] desPosT2 = _keypoint2.getDesiredScreenPositions();
        T2.SetDesiredPosition(desPosT2[0], desPosT2[1]);

        Quaternion qT1 = T1.ComputeOrientation();
        Quaternion qT2 = T2.ComputeOrientation();

        //controlling motion along time
        Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(qT1, qT2, gF);

Пример #2
    private void StartComputing()
        ToricComputing tc             = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Vector2        projectedSizeA = tc.DistanceFromProjectedSize(sizeToReachA, 0.5f, target1).ToVector();
        Vector2        projectedSizeB = tc.DistanceFromProjectedSize(sizeToReachB, 0.5f, target1).ToVector();

        Debug.Log(projectedSizeA + ";" + projectedSizeB);
        Dictionary <float, Interval> alphas = tc._alphaComputer.getIntervalOfAcceptedAlpha(projectedSizeA, projectedSizeB);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <float, Interval> a in alphas)

        float[] keys = new float[alphas.Keys.Count];
        alphas.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
        theta = keys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, alphas.Keys.Count - 2)];
        Interval alphaRange;

        alphas.TryGetValue(theta, out alphaRange);
        alpha = alphaRange.getRandom();

Пример #3
    private void testGetAlphaFromDistance()
        ToricComputing tc = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Dictionary <float, Interval> alphaInv = tc._alphaComputer.getIntervalOfAcceptedAlpha(distanceToA, distanceToB);

        Interval alphaRange;

        float[] keys = new float[alphaInv.Keys.Count];
        alphaInv.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
        if (alphaInv.Keys.Count - 2 <= 0)
            throw new Exception("No intersection");
        theta = keys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, alphaInv.Keys.Count - 2)];
        alphaInv.TryGetValue(theta, out alphaRange);

        alpha  = alphaRange.getRandom() * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        theta *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        Toricmanifold test    = new Toricmanifold(alpha, theta, phi, target1, target2);
        Vector3       posTest = test.ToWorldPosition();
        Quaternion    rotTest = test.ComputeOrientation(tilt);
        GameObject    cube    = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

        Debug.Log("distance: " + (posTest - target1.transform.position).magnitude);
        Debug.Log("distance: " + (posTest - target2.transform.position).magnitude);

        cube.transform.position = posTest;
        cube.transform.rotation = rotTest;
Пример #4
     * Returns an interval of alpha values based on frames
     * inside which the targets can be projected.
     * @param desPosA the desired  onscreen position of target A around the frame is going to be constructed
     * @param desPosB the desired  onscreen position of target B around the frame is going to be constructed
     * @return a interval of accepted alpha values in degrees

    public Interval getAlphaIntervalFromOnscreenPositions(Vector2 desPosA, Vector2 desPosB)
        List <Vector2> verticesFrameTargetA = getFrameTarget(desPosA);
        List <Vector2> verticesFrameTargetB = getFrameTarget(desPosB);

        List <Vector3> VerticesInCamSpaceA = new List <Vector3>();
        List <Vector3> VerticesInCamSpaceB = new List <Vector3>();

        foreach (Vector2 vec in verticesFrameTargetA)
            Vector3 inCamSpace = ToricComputing.GetVectorInCameraSpace(vec);
        foreach (Vector2 vec in verticesFrameTargetB)
            Vector3 inCamSpace = ToricComputing.GetVectorInCameraSpace(vec);

        List <float> alphaValues = new List <float>();

        foreach (Vector3 pA in VerticesInCamSpaceA)
            foreach (Vector3 pB in VerticesInCamSpaceB)
                float alpha = Vector3.Angle(pA, pB) * Mathf.Deg2Rad;
        return(new Interval(Mathf.Min(alphaValues.ToArray()), Mathf.Max(alphaValues.ToArray())));
Пример #5
    private void testIntervalFromOnscreenPos()
        ToricComputing tc        = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Interval       alphaTest = tc._alphaComputer.getAlphaIntervalFromOnscreenPositions(screenPos1, screenPos2);

        alpha = alphaTest.getRandom();

Пример #6
    private void testAllConstraints()
        ToricComputing tc = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Toricmanifold  tm = tc.FinalConstraintCombination(samplingRate, vantageDirectionA, deviationAngleA, vantageDirectionB, deviationAngleB, distanceToA, distanceToB, screenPos1, screenPos2, visibilityInterval);

        Debug.Log("possiblePosition: " + tm.ToString());
        alpha = tm.getAlpha();
        theta = tm.getTheta();
        phi   = tm.getPhi();

Пример #7
    //private methods

    private Quaternion computeLookAtTransition()
        Vector3 forward, up;

            Vector3 pA3 = Vector3.Normalize(ToricComputing.GetVectorInCameraSpace(screenPositionA));
            Vector3 pB3 = Vector3.Normalize(ToricComputing.GetVectorInCameraSpace(screenPositionB));

            up      = Vector3.Cross(pB3, pA3).normalized;
            forward = (pA3 + pB3).normalized;
        return(Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up));
Пример #8
    private void testFromWorld()
        Toricmanifold test = new Toricmanifold(alpha, theta, phi, target1, target2);

        test.SetDesiredPosition(screenPos1, screenPos2);
        Vector3 worldPos = test.ToWorldPosition();

        Vector3       toricRep = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(worldPos, target1.transform.position, target2.transform.position);
        Toricmanifold test2    = new Toricmanifold(toricRep.x * Mathf.Rad2Deg, toricRep.y * Mathf.Rad2Deg, toricRep.z * Mathf.Rad2Deg, target1, target2);

        test2.SetDesiredPosition(screenPos1, screenPos2);
Пример #9
    private void testVantageAngleConstraintB()
        ToricComputing tc = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Dictionary <float, Interval> phisA = tc._vantageCons.getPositionFromVantageOneTarget(target2.transform.position, vantageDirectionB, deviationAngleB);

        float[] keys = new float[phisA.Keys.Count];
        phisA.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);

        phi = keys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, keys.Length - 2)];
        Interval betaRange;

        phisA.TryGetValue(phi, out betaRange);
        phi = phi * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        theta = 2 * (Mathf.PI - alpha * Mathf.Deg2Rad - betaRange.getRandom()) * Mathf.Rad2Deg;


Пример #10
    private void testVantageAngleConstraint()
        ToricComputing tc = new ToricComputing(target1, target2);
        Dictionary <float, Interval> phisA = tc.getThetaIntervallFromVantageBothTargets(vantageDirectionA, deviationAngleA, vantageDirectionB, deviationAngleB, 1 / samplingRate);

        float[] keys = new float[phisA.Keys.Count];
        phisA.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);

        phi = keys[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, keys.Length - 2)];
        Interval betaRange;

        phisA.TryGetValue(phi, out betaRange);
        phi = phi * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
        theta = betaRange.getRandom() * Mathf.Rad2Deg;


Пример #11
    private Vector3 calculateTrajectory(float x, Toricmanifold targetAB)
        Vector3[] targets = { targetAB._target1.transform.position, targetAB._target2.transform.position };
        Vector3   AB      = targets[1] - targets[0];

        Vector3 p0 = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(_keypoint1.ToWorldPosition(), targets[0], targets[1]);
        Vector3 p1 = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(_keypoint2.ToWorldPosition(), targets[0], targets[1]);

        float alphaInterpolated = p0.x * (1 - x) + p1.x * x;

        alphaInterpolated *= Mathf.Rad2Deg;

        Vector3 vantageA0  = _keypoint1.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0];
        float   distanceA0 = vantageA0.magnitude;

        vantageA0 = vantageA0.normalized;

        Vector3 vantageA1  = _keypoint2.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0];
        float   distanceA1 = vantageA1.magnitude;

        vantageA1 = vantageA1.normalized;
        Vector3 interpolatedVa        = (1 - x) * vantageA0 + x * vantageA1;
        float   interpolatedDistanceA = (1 - x) * distanceA0 + x * distanceA1;

        Vector3 vantageB0  = _keypoint1.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1];
        float   distanceB0 = vantageB0.magnitude;

        vantageB0 = vantageB0.normalized;

        Vector3 vantageB1  = _keypoint2.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1];
        float   distanceB1 = vantageB1.magnitude;

        vantageB1 = vantageB1.normalized;
        Vector3 interpolatedVb        = (1 - x) * vantageB0 + x * vantageB1;
        float   interpolatedDistanceB = (1 - x) * distanceB0 + x * distanceB1;

        float thetaInterpolatedA = 2 * Vector3.Angle(interpolatedVa, AB);
        float thetaInterpolatedB = 2 * (180 - Vector3.Angle(-AB, interpolatedVb) - alphaInterpolated);

        Vector3 upOnPlane = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(Vector3.up, AB);
        Vector3 VAonPlane = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(interpolatedVa, AB);
        Vector3 phiZero   = Vector3.Cross(upOnPlane, AB);

        float phiInterpolatedA = Vector3.SignedAngle(phiZero, VAonPlane, -AB);

        Toricmanifold intersectionTa = new Toricmanifold(alphaInterpolated, thetaInterpolatedA, phiInterpolatedA, targetAB._target1, targetAB._target2);

        float distanceAT = (intersectionTa.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0]).magnitude;

        upOnPlane = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(Vector3.up, AB);
        Vector3 VBonPlane = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(interpolatedVa, AB);

        phiZero = Vector3.Cross(upOnPlane, AB);

        float phiInterpolatedB = Vector3.SignedAngle(phiZero, VBonPlane, -AB);

        Toricmanifold intersectionTb = new Toricmanifold(alphaInterpolated, thetaInterpolatedB, phiInterpolatedB, targetAB._target1, targetAB._target2);

        float distanceBT = (intersectionTb.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1]).magnitude;

        float lambdaA = Mathf.Sin(Vector3.Angle(AB, interpolatedVa));
        float lambdaB = Mathf.Sin(Vector3.Angle(AB, interpolatedVb));

        Vector3 interpolatedTargets1  = targets[0] + interpolatedVa * 0.5f * (interpolatedDistanceA + distanceAT);
        Vector3 interpolatedeTargets2 = targets[1] + interpolatedVb * 0.5f * (interpolatedDistanceB + distanceBT);

        return(0.5f * (interpolatedTargets1 + interpolatedeTargets2));
Пример #12
    private Vector3 calculateTrajectory(float x, Toricmanifold targetAB)
        Vector3[] targets = { targetAB._target1.transform.position, targetAB._target2.transform.position };
        Vector3   AB      = targets[1] - targets[0];

        Vector3 p0 = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(_keypoint1.ToWorldPosition(), targets[0], targets[1]);
        Vector3 p1 = ToricComputing.FromWorldPosition(_keypoint2.ToWorldPosition(), targets[0], targets[1]);

        float alphaInterpolated = p0.x * x + p1.x * (1 - x);

        Vector3 vantageA0  = _keypoint1.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0];
        float   distanceA0 = vantageA0.magnitude;

        vantageA0 = vantageA0.normalized;

        Vector3 vantageA1  = _keypoint2.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0];
        float   distanceA1 = vantageA1.magnitude;

        vantageA0 = vantageA1.normalized;
        Vector3 interpolatedVa        = x * vantageA0 + (1 - x) * vantageA1;
        float   interpolatedDistanceA = x * distanceA0 + (1 - x) * distanceA1;

        Vector3 vantageB0  = _keypoint1.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1];
        float   distanceB0 = vantageB0.magnitude;

        vantageB0 = vantageB0.normalized;

        Vector3 vantageB1  = _keypoint2.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1];
        float   distanceB1 = vantageB1.magnitude;

        vantageB1 = vantageB1.normalized;
        Vector3 interpolatedVb        = x * vantageB0 + (1 - x) * vantageB1;
        float   interpolatedDistanceB = x * distanceB0 + (1 - x) * distanceB1;

        float thetaInterpolatedA = 2 * Vector3.Angle(interpolatedVa, AB);
        float thetaInterpolatedB = 2 * (Mathf.PI - Vector3.Angle(interpolatedVb, AB) - alphaInterpolated);

        Vector3 n = Vector3.Cross(interpolatedVa, AB).normalized;
        Vector3 z;

        Vector2 n2 = new Vector2(AB.x, AB.z);

        float tmp = n2[0];

        n2[0] = n2[1];
        n2[1] = -tmp;

        z = new Vector3(n2.x, 0, n2.y).normalized;
        float phiInterpolatedA = Vector3.SignedAngle(n, -AB, z) * Mathf.Deg2Rad - Mathf.PI / 2;

        Toricmanifold intersectionTa = new Toricmanifold(alphaInterpolated * Mathf.Rad2Deg, thetaInterpolatedA * Mathf.Rad2Deg, phiInterpolatedA * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetAB._target1, targetAB._target2);
        float         distanceAT     = (intersectionTa.ToWorldPosition() - targets[0]).magnitude;

        n = Vector3.Cross(interpolatedVb, AB).normalized;

        n2 = new Vector2(AB.x, AB.z);

        tmp   = n2[0];
        n2[0] = n2[1];
        n2[1] = -tmp;

        z = new Vector3(n2.x, 0, n2.y).normalized;
        float phiInterpolatedB = Vector3.SignedAngle(n, -AB, z) * Mathf.Deg2Rad - Mathf.PI / 2;

        Toricmanifold intersectionTb = new Toricmanifold(alphaInterpolated * Mathf.Rad2Deg, thetaInterpolatedB * Mathf.Rad2Deg, phiInterpolatedB * Mathf.Rad2Deg, targetAB._target1, targetAB._target2);
        float         distanceBT     = (intersectionTb.ToWorldPosition() - targets[1]).magnitude;

        float lambdaA = Mathf.Sin(Vector3.Angle(AB, interpolatedVa));
        float lambdaB = Mathf.Sin(Vector3.Angle(AB, interpolatedVb));

        return(0.5f * (targets[0] + targets[1] + interpolatedVa * ((interpolatedDistanceA + distanceAT * lambdaA) / (1 + lambdaA)) + interpolatedVb * ((interpolatedDistanceB + distanceBT * lambdaB) / (1 + lambdaB))));
Пример #13
 public String ToString()
     return("Alpha: " + _alpha.angle() + "Theta: " + _theta.angle() + "Phi: " + _phi.angle() + "Visibility: " + ToricComputing.visibilityCheck(this));