private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (other.gameObject.tag == "LightRangeCollider") { // add both torch scripts to lists for later use TorchColor thisTorchColor = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchColor>(); TorchSwitch thisTorchSwitch = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchSwitch>(); torchesColor.Remove(thisTorchColor); torchesSwitch.Remove(thisTorchSwitch); } }
private void UpdateLevelStartVariables() { GrabPlayerSpawnPositions(); torchesGO = GameObject.FindWithTag("Torches"); doorsGO = GameObject.FindWithTag("Doors"); messagesGO = GameObject.FindWithTag("Messages"); torchesColor = new TorchColor[torchesGO.transform.childCount]; torches = new TorchSwitch[torchesGO.transform.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < torchesGO.transform.childCount; i++) { torchesColor[i] = torchesGO.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <TorchColor>(); torches[i] = torchesGO.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <TorchSwitch>(); } torchSwitch16 = torches[2]; torchSwitch17 = torches[3]; torchColor16 = torchesColor[2]; torchColor17 = torchesColor[3]; doors = new DoorSwitch[doorsGO.transform.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < doorsGO.transform.childCount; i++) { doors[i] = doorsGO.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <DoorSwitch>(); } door04 = doors[1]; door06 = doors[3]; messages = new RevealMessage[messagesGO.transform.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < messagesGO.transform.childCount; i++) { messages[i] = messagesGO.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <RevealMessage>(); } message04a = messages[4]; message04b = messages[5]; message05a = messages[6]; message05b = messages[7]; message06a = messages[8]; message06b = messages[9]; }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { // collided with torch range collider if (other.gameObject.tag == "LightRangeCollider") { // add both torch scripts to lists for later use TorchColor thisTorchColor = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchColor>(); TorchSwitch thisTorchSwitch = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchSwitch>(); torchesColor.Add(thisTorchColor); torchesSwitch.Add(thisTorchSwitch); } // collided with torch range collider if (other.gameObject.tag == "LightRangeColliderBlock") { // add both torch scripts to lists for later use BlockLightColor thisBlockColor = other.transform.parent.GetComponent <BlockLightColor>(); blocksColor.Add(thisBlockColor); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { torchColorScript = transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchColor>(); torchSwitchScript = transform.parent.GetComponent <TorchSwitch>(); }
public void MakeBigAndChangeColor(Collider2D col) { if (sizeFactor < maxScaleFactor) { sizeFactor++; makeMeBig.startLifetime = 1f; makeMeBig.Emit(300); changeTorchType = true; FIREUIScript.ChangeColor(currentTorchType = col.gameObject.GetComponent<EreDayBeTorching>().colorMeHappy); hitCoolDown = Time.time; SizeFix(); } }