/// <summary> /// Updates the status indicator. /// </summary> public void UpdateStatus() { using (ToolDialog td = new ToolDialog(Tool, ModelElements)) { ToolStatus = td.ToolStatus; } }
protected string GetNextReturnMoneyDay(Guid userId) { string sql = @"SELECT TOP 1 Convert (VARCHAR(10),CycDate,120) AS CycDate, SUM(ISNULL(Amount,0)+ISNULL(InterestAmout,0)+ISNULL(TuandaiRedPacket,0) +ISNULL(PublisherRedPacket,0) ) AS TotalAmount FROM ( SELECT sd.CycDate, CASE WHEN sd.InvestType IN(3,2) THEN 0 ELSE sd.Amount END AS Amount, CASE WHEN sd.InvestType = 3 THEN 0 ELSE sd.InterestAmout END AS InterestAmout, CASE WHEN sd.InvestType = 3 THEN 0 ELSE ISNULL(sd.TuandaiRedPacket,0) END AS TuandaiRedPacket, CASE WHEN sd.InvestType = 3 THEN 0 ELSE ISNULL(sd.PublisherRedPacket,0) END AS PublisherRedPacket FROM dbo.SubscribeDetail sd with(nolock) WHERE isnull(sd.InvestType,0)!=1 and sd.SubscribeUserId=@UserId and sd.CycDate>getdate() union all select we.CycDate, we.Amount, we.InterestAmount,we.TuanDaiRedPacket, we.PublisherRedPacket from dbo.We_OrderDetail we where we.IsHandle=0 and we.UserId=@UserId and we.CycDate>getdate() )a GROUP BY Convert (VARCHAR(10),CycDate,120) having sum(isnull(Amount, 0) + isnull(InterestAmout, 0)+ isnull(TuandaiRedPacket, 0) + isnull(PublisherRedPacket, 0))>0 ORDER BY CycDate ASC"; var para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); para.Add("@UserId", userId); var item = PublicConn.QuerySingle <NextReturnMoneyDay>(sql, ref para); if (item != null) { return("<span>" + item.CycDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "<b>" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(item.TotalAmount) + "</b>元</span>"); } else { return("<span>无回款日</span>"); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取利率范围 /// </summary> /// <param name="beginRate"></param> /// <param name="endRate"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string getRateRank(object beginRate, object endRate) { string strBegin = ""; string strEnd = ""; if (beginRate == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(beginRate.ToString())) { strBegin = ""; } else { strBegin = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(beginRate); } if (endRate == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endRate.ToString())) { strEnd = ""; } else { strEnd = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(endRate); } if (strEnd == "" && strBegin == "") { return("不限"); } else if (strBegin == "" || strEnd == "") { return(strBegin == "" ? strEnd + "%" : strBegin + "%"); } else { return(strBegin + "% - " + strEnd + "%"); } }
private void GetContractInfo(string key) { string contactno = this.key; this.submodel = new SubscribeBLL().GetSubscribeInfoContractNo(contactno); if (submodel.AddDate < Convert.ToDateTime("2016-3-11")) { companyName = "广东俊特团贷网络信息服务股份有限公司"; } else { companyName = "东莞团贷网互联网科技服务有限公司"; } this.subBasicModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(submodel.SubscribeUserId.Value); //基本信息 this.proModel = projectbll.GetProjectDetailInfo(submodel.ProjectId.Value); //标信息 this.publisherModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(proModel.UserId.Value); var Params = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); Params.Add("@ProjectId", proModel.Id); string selSQL = @"select * from fq_ItemSetsProject with(nolock) where ProjectId=@ProjectId"; itemProjectInfo = PublicConn.QuerySingle <Fq_ItemSetsProjectInfo>(selSQL, ref Params); RepaymentTypeDesc = ToolStatus.ConvertRepaymentType(proModel.RepaymentType.Value); if (WebUserAuth.UserId == publisherModel.Id) { this.subBasicModel.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(subBasicModel.RealName, 1); //出借人 this.subBasicModel.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(subBasicModel.IdentityCard); //出借人身份证号 } else { this.itemProjectInfo.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(itemProjectInfo.RealName, 1); //借款人 this.itemProjectInfo.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(itemProjectInfo.IdentityCard); //出借人身份证号 } UserEnterpriseInfo userEnterprise = new Common.Contract().GetBorrowerGuaranteeEnterprise(proModel.UserId.Value, proModel.AddDate.Value, proModel.Type.Value); if (userEnterprise != null) { assureModel = new Common.Contract().GetAssureOrganizationByUserId(userEnterprise.UserId); } else { int gid = 0; int.TryParse(proModel.Guarantors, out gid); assureModel = new Common.Contract().GetAssureOrganizationById(gid); if (gid == 1 && DateTime.Now < DateTime.Parse("2013-11-27")) { assureModel.FullName = "东莞市俊特团贷网络信息服务有限公司"; } } //印章小图片 if (assureModel != null) { this.assureModel.image = this.GetSmallImage(this.assureModel.image); } }
protected string GetWePlanYearRate(WeProductDetailInfo item) { string formatStr = "<p class=\"c-ff881f {1}\">{0}<span class='c-ff881f f18px'>%</span></p>"; string fontSize = "f60px"; if (item.ProductName.ToUpper().Contains("计划D") || item.ProductName.ToUpper().Contains("计划E") || item.ProductName.ToUpper().Contains("计划F")) { fontSize = "f30px"; } string yearRate = ""; if (item.MinYearRate > 0 && !item.IsWeFQB) { yearRate = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(item.MinYearRate) + "-"; } yearRate += ToolStatus.DeleteZero(item.YearRate); if (item.ProductName.ToUpper().IndexOf("计划D") > -1 || item.ProductName.ToUpper().IndexOf("计划E") > -1) { yearRate += "+X"; } if (yearRate.IndexOf("+") != -1 || yearRate.IndexOf("-") != -1) { return(string.Format(formatStr, yearRate, fontSize)); } else { return(string.Format(formatStr, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(decimal.Parse(yearRate.Trim())), HasFloatDigt(decimal.Parse(yearRate)) ? "f50px" : "f60px")); } }
/// <summary> /// We返现标签 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string ShowWePubCach(WeProductDetailInfo model) { string pic = ""; //发标时就设置返现 if ((model.TuandaiCashRate ?? 0) > 0) { WebSettingBLL webSettingBll = new WebSettingBLL(); WebSettingInfo AllWeCachSet = webSettingBll.GetWebSettingInfo("421DBE8C-6435-4A9A-852A-EC51F0B0DDA8"); string cashFormat = AllWeCachSet.Param2Value; if ((model.CashLimitAmount ?? 0) > 0) { cashFormat = AllWeCachSet.Param1Value; } if (cashFormat.ToText() == "") { cashFormat = ((model.CashLimitAmount ?? 0) > 0 ? "起投{Amount}元," : "") + "返现{Rate}%"; } decimal limitAmount = model.CashLimitAmount ?? 0; string strLimitAmount = limitAmount >= 10000 ? ToolStatus.DeleteZero(limitAmount / 10000) + "万" : ToolStatus.DeleteZero(limitAmount / 1000) + "千"; pic += "<div class=\"rect_r f11px c-ffffff text-center\" style=\"width: auto;padding: 0px 10px;\">" + cashFormat.Replace("{Rate}", ToolStatus.DeleteZero(model.TuandaiCashRate)).Replace("{Amount}", strLimitAmount) + "</div>"; } return(pic); }
//获取充值记录分页数据 public void GetRechageShowList() { int pagesize = 15; int pageindex = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["pageIndex"], 1); if (pageindex < 1) { pageindex = 1; } Guid userId = WebUserAuth.UserId.Value; if (userId == null || userId == Guid.Empty) { PrintJson("0", "还未登录"); return; } int status = Tool.WEBRequest.GetFormInt("status", 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int totalcount = 0; ProjectBLL bll = new ProjectBLL(); IList <WXAccountRechare> list = bll.WXGetUserAccountRechare(status, userId, pagesize, pageindex, out totalcount); double divide = totalcount / pagesize; double floor = System.Math.Floor(divide); if (totalcount % pagesize != 0) { floor++; } int pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(floor);//总页数 if (list != null && list.Count() > 0) { int index = 1; sb.Append("{\"result\":\"1\",\"pagecount\":\"" + pageCount + "\",\"list\":["); foreach (WXAccountRechare temp in list) { sb.Append("{\"Amount\":\"" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(temp.Amount) + "\",\"AddDate\":\"" + (temp.AddDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")) + "\",\"StatusStr\":\"" + GetStatusIcon(temp.Status) + "\",\"DeviceType\":\"" + GetDeviceType(temp.From ?? 1)); if (index == list.Count()) { sb.Append("\"}]}"); } else { sb.Append("\"},"); } index++; } } else { sb.Append("{\"result\":\"0\",\"pagecount\":\"0\"}"); } this.Context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); this.Context.Response.End(); }
protected string GetMonthExitRate(int month) { WeProductFTBRateInfo rateInfo = FTBRateList.Where(p => p.MonthType == month).FirstOrDefault(); if (rateInfo != null) { return(ToolStatus.DeleteZero(rateInfo.YearRate) + "%"); } return("0%"); }
//加息金额 protected string GetPlusRateMoney() { decimal plusAmount = (subscribeInfo.TuandaiRedPacket ?? 0) + (subscribeInfo.PublisherRedPacket ?? 0); if (plusAmount > 0) { return(string.Format("<span class=\"f23px c-fd6040\">+ {0}</span>", ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(plusAmount))); } return(""); }
//加息利率显示 protected string GetProjectPlusRate() { decimal plusRate = subscribeInfo.AddInterestRate ?? 0; //(projectInfo.TuandaiRate ?? 0) + (projectInfo.PublisherRate ?? 0); if (plusRate > 0) { return(string.Format("<span class=\"rect_o pos-a\">加息{0}%</span>", ToolStatus.DeleteZero(plusRate))); } return(""); }
private static void redrawMap(ToolStatus __state) { if (__state.m_lineCurrent > 0 || (Singleton <TransportManager> .instance.m_lines.m_buffer[TLMController.instance.CurrentSelectedId].m_flags & TransportLine.Flags.Complete) == TransportLine.Flags.None) { TLMController.instance.setCurrentSelectedId(__state.m_lineCurrent); if (__state.m_lineCurrent > 0 && TLMConfigWarehouse.getCurrentConfigBool(TLMConfigWarehouse.ConfigIndex.AUTO_COLOR_ENABLED)) { TLMController.instance.AutoColor(__state.m_lineCurrent, true, true); } } }
protected string GetYearRate(WXProjectListInfo temp) { if (temp.TypeId == 18 || temp.TypeId == 23) { return(string.Format("{0}", temp.ProfitTypeId == 1 ? ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S) + "~" + ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_E) : ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S))); } else { return(ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.YearRate ?? 0)); } }
/// <summary> /// 剩余金额 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetLostMoneyString(WeProductDetailInfo model) { decimal amount = ((model.TotalQty ?? 0) - (model.OrderQty ?? 0)) * (model.UnitAmount ?? 0); if (amount > 10000) { return(ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(amount / 10000) + "万"); } else { return(ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(amount) + "元"); } }
public string GetWePlanYearRate(WeProductDetailInfo item) { string formatStr = "{0}<span style='font-size:14px;'>{1}%</span>"; string yearRate = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(item.YearRate); string addRateStr = ""; //1218当天标识 if (DateTime.Parse(preSellSet.Param1Value) <= item.StartDate && item.StartDate < DateTime.Parse(curSellSet.Param2Value) && item.IsPreSell) { addRateStr = "+至少1.5"; } return(string.Format(formatStr, CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(decimal.Parse(yearRate), 1), CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(decimal.Parse(yearRate), 2) + addRateStr)); }
protected int IsRegHasOneMonth = 1; //注册是否满一个月 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("/pages/downloadGuide.aspx", true); if (!this.IsPostBack) { var userId = WebUserAuth.UserId.Value; if (userId != null && userId != Guid.Empty) { GetIsProjectFreePaidUser(userId); GetUserVipMsg(userId); var userBll = new UserBLL(); var user = userBll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(userId); //2016.5.4号注册的加条件: 注册满1个月才能发资产标,即1个月零1天才能发资产标,一个月以内进入发标页面后弹框提示“您好,注册满一个月后才能发布资产标” if (user.AddDate >= DateTime.Parse("2016-05-04 12:00")) { IsRegHasOneMonth = user.AddDate.Value.AddMonths(1) < DateTime.Now ? 1 : 0; } this.options = new List <Tuple <int, decimal, decimal, int, string> >(); var result1 = WXInvest.CheckNetIssueConditions(userId); if (result1.Success) { var fund = userBll.GetUserFundAccountInfo(userId); var setting = WXInvest.GetJingSetting(); tuandaiFeeRate = user.Level == 1 ? setting.Param1Value.ToDecimal(0) : setting.Param2Value.ToDecimal(0); creditAmount = WXInvest.GetUserJingAvailableAmount(user, fund, setting, out maxDeadline); string text = string.Format("资产标(借款额度{0}元)", ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(creditAmount)); this.options.Add(new Tuple <int, decimal, decimal, int, string>(6, creditAmount, tuandaiFeeRate, maxDeadline, text)); this.deadLineDesc = string.Format("还款期限最高{0}个月", maxDeadline); } //资产标短期标配置 WebSettingBLL setbll = new WebSettingBLL(); WebSettingInfo deadlineDay = setbll.GetWebSettingInfo("78A758ED-6D5C-4991-A804-6601E50960AD"); minDeadlineDay = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(deadlineDay.Param1Value, 15); maxDeadlineDay = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(deadlineDay.Param2Value, 29); endDeadlineDay = deadlineDay.Param3Value.ToDateTime(DateTime.MaxValue); //var result2 = WXInvest.CheckStockIssueConditions(userId); //if (result2.Success) //{ // var setting = WXInvest.GetStockSetting(); // var tuandaiFeeRate = user.Level == 1 ? setting.Param1Value.ToDecimal(0) : setting.Param2Value.ToDecimal(0); // var amount = user.aviCreditGrantingAmount ?? 0; // var text = string.Format("资产标-综合授信(授信额度{0}元)", ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(amount)); // this.options.Add(new Tuple<int, decimal, decimal, int, string>(7, amount, tuandaiFeeRate, 24, text)); // if (!result1.Success) this.deadLineDesc = string.Format("还款期限最高{0}个月", 24); //} } } }
public string GetYearRate(decimal rate) { string formatStr = "<span class='f22px c-f77b00'>{0}</span>{1}%"; string yearRate = ""; yearRate += ToolStatus.DeleteZero(rate); if (yearRate.IndexOf(".") > -1) { return(string.Format(formatStr, CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(decimal.Parse(yearRate), 1), CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(decimal.Parse(yearRate), 2))); } else { return(string.Format(formatStr, yearRate, "")); } }
/// <summary> /// 加息标签 /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string ShowWeRank(WeProductDetailInfo model) { string pic = ""; if ((model.TuandaiRedRate ?? 0) > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.TuanDaiRedTitle)) { model.TuanDaiRedTitle = "加息"; } pic = "<div class=\"item_r1\">" + model.TuanDaiRedTitle + ToolStatus.DeleteZero(model.TuandaiRedRate) + "%</div>"; } return(pic); }
private static void OnToolGUIPos(ref TransportTool __instance, ref Event e) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && !isInsideUI) { TLMUtils.doLog("OnToolGUIPostTransportTool"); ToolStatus currentState = new ToolStatus(); TLMUtils.doLog("__state => {0} | tt_mode=> {1} | tt_lineCurrent => {2}", currentState, tt_mode, tt_lineCurrent); currentState.m_mode = (Mode)tt_mode.GetValue(__instance); currentState.m_lineCurrent = (ushort)tt_lineCurrent.GetValue(__instance); currentState.m_lineTemp = (ushort)tt_lineTemp.GetValue(__instance); TLMUtils.doLog("__state = {0} => {1}, newMode = {2}", lastState, currentState, currentState.m_mode); lastState = currentState; redrawMap(currentState); frameCountRedraw = 99; resetLength(); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取We计划分期宝的投资列表 /// </summary> public void GetWeFQBProjectList() { int pageindex = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(Context.Request.Form["pageIndex"], 1); if (pageindex < 1) { pageindex = 1; } Guid userid = WebUserAuth.UserId.Value; Guid weOrderId = WEBRequest.GetFormGuid("WeOrderId"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); WeOrderBLL webll = new WeOrderBLL(); int totalCount = 0; int pagesize = 10; List <SubMyInvestWeDetail_Info> dataList = webll.GetMyInvestWeFQBList(userid, weOrderId, pageindex, pagesize, out totalCount); int pageCount = GetPageCount(totalCount, pagesize); if (dataList.Count() > 0) { int index = 1; sb.Append("{\"result\":\"1\",\"pageCount\":\"" + pageCount + "\",\"list\":["); foreach (SubMyInvestWeDetail_Info model in dataList) { string Title = model.Title.Length > 20 ? model.Title.Substring(0, 20) + "..." : model.Title; sb.Append("{\"Title\":\"" + Title + "\",\"Amount\":\"" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(model.Amount) + "\",\"SubscribeId\":\"" + model.InvestId + "\",\"Type\":\"" + model.Type + "\",\"ProjectId\":\"" + model.ProjectId + "\",\"StatusDesc\":\"" + GetWeProjectStatusDesc(model) + "\",\"TotalRecord\":\"" + model.TotalRecord + "\",\"AddDate\":\"" + model.AddDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") + "\",\"RemarkMode\":\"" + GetRemarkMode(model.TenderMode, model.IsFromTran ? 1 : 0) + (index == dataList.Count() ? "\"}]}" : "\"},")); index++; } } else { sb.Append("{\"result\":\"0\",\"pageCount\":\"" + pageCount + "\"}"); } this.Context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); this.Context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新手标限制金额 /// </summary> private void GetLimitInvestMoney() { string sql = "SELECT Param1Value FROM WebSetting with(nolock) where id='FC5BAE60-716E-4344-9C10-F1E808064FC7'"; var para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); limitInvest = PublicConn.QuerySingle <decimal>(sql, ref para); if (limitInvest >= 10000) { limitInvestStr = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(Math.Floor(limitInvest / 10000)) + "万"; } else if (limitInvest >= 1000 && limitInvest < 10000) { limitInvestStr = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(Math.Floor(limitInvest / 1000)) + "千"; } else { limitInvestStr = Math.Floor(limitInvest).ToString(); } }
public void GetWithDrawalShowList() { int pagesize = 15; int pageindex = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["pageIndex"], 1); int status = Tool.SafeConvert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["status"], -1); if (pageindex < 1) { pageindex = 1; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int totalcount = 0; ProjectBLL bll = new ProjectBLL(); IList <WXAppWithdrewFund> list = bll.WXGetUserWithdrewFund(WebUserAuth.UserId.Value, pagesize, pageindex, status, out totalcount); if (list != null && list.Count() > 0) { int index = 1; sb.Append("{\"result\":\"1\",\"totalcount\":\"" + totalcount + "\",\"list\":["); foreach (WXAppWithdrewFund temp in list) { sb.Append("{\"Amount\":\"" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(temp.Amount ?? 0) + "\",\"AppDate\":\"" + (temp.AppDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm")) + "\",\"StatusStr\":\"" + this.GetWithdrawStatusIcon(temp.Status ?? 0)); if (index == list.Count()) { sb.Append("\"}]}"); } else { sb.Append("\"},"); } index++; } } else { sb.Append("{\"result\":\"0\",\"totalcount\":\"" + totalcount + "\"}"); } this.Context.Response.Write(sb.ToString()); this.Context.Response.End(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新手标限制金额 /// </summary> private void GetLimitInvestMoney() { WebSettingInfo setInfo = new WebSettingBLL().GetWebSettingInfo("28ED2C47-C151-47AA-9D58-63277C0483C1"); limitInvest = decimal.Parse(setInfo.Param1Value); limitInvestNum = setInfo.Param4Value.ToInt(3); IsNewHandNewRule = setInfo.Param5Value == "1"; if (limitInvest >= 10000) { limitInvestStr = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(Math.Floor(limitInvest / 10000)) + "万"; } else if (limitInvest >= 1000 && limitInvest < 10000) { limitInvestStr = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(Math.Floor(limitInvest / 1000)) + "千"; } else { limitInvestStr = Math.Floor(limitInvest).ToString(); } }
//获取利率 public static string GetProjectYearRate(WXProjectListInfo temp) { string strFormat = "{0}<span>{1}%</span>"; if (temp.TypeId == 18 || temp.TypeId == 23) { if (temp.ProfitTypeId == 1) { return(string.Format(strFormat, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S) + "~" + ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_E), "", "f21px")); } else { return(string.Format(strFormat, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S), "", "f27px")); } } else { return(string.Format(strFormat, CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(temp.YearRate ?? 0, 1), CommUtils.GetFloatDivideStr(temp.YearRate ?? 0, 2), "f27px")); } }
private static void OnToolGUIPos(ref TransportTool __instance, ref Event e) { if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && !isInsideUI) { TLMUtils.doLog("OnToolGUIPostTransportTool"); ToolStatus currentState = new ToolStatus(); TLMUtils.doLog("__state => {0} | tt_mode=> {1} | tt_lineCurrent => {2}", currentState, tt_mode, tt_lineCurrent); currentState.m_mode = (Mode)tt_mode.GetValue(__instance); currentState.m_lineCurrent = (ushort)tt_lineCurrent.GetValue(__instance); currentState.m_lineTemp = (ushort)tt_lineTemp.GetValue(__instance); TLMUtils.doLog("__state = {0} | {1}, newMode = {2}", lastState.m_mode, lastState.m_lineCurrent, currentState.m_mode); redrawMap(currentState); lastState = currentState; resetLength(); } if (TLMController.instance.LineCreationToolbox.isVisible()) { TLMController.instance.LineCreationToolbox.eachFrame(); } }
protected string GetProjectYearRate(WXProjectListInfo temp) { string strFormat = "<p class=\"c-ff881f {1}\">{0}<span class=\"c-ff881f f18px\">%</span></p>"; if (temp.TypeId == 18 || temp.TypeId == 23) { if (temp.ProfitTypeId == 1) { return(string.Format(strFormat, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S) + "~" + ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_E), "f30px")); } else { return(string.Format(strFormat, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.PreProfitRate_S), HasFloatDigt(temp.PreProfitRate_S) ? "f50px" : "f60px")); } } else { return(string.Format(strFormat, ToolStatus.DeleteZero(temp.YearRate), HasFloatDigt(temp.YearRate ?? 0) ? "f50px" : "f60px")); } }
/// <summary> /// 投资,收益 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetValue(int value, string type = "0") { BillInfo Info; if (type == "1") { Info = ReturnList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParaValue1 == value); } else { Info = InvestList.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ParaValue1 == value); } if (Info != null) { return(ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(Info.ParaValue3)); } else { return("0.00"); } }
protected string GetRepaymentTypeDesc(int repaymentType) { string repaymentTypeDesc = string.Empty; if (repaymentType == 1) { repaymentTypeDesc = "乙方须借款到期一次性归还全部借款本金及利息"; } else if (repaymentType == 2) { repaymentTypeDesc = "乙方须每月付息一次,借款到期一次性归还全部借款本金及剩余部分利息"; } else if (repaymentType == 4) { repaymentTypeDesc = "乙方须出借时支付利息,借款到期一次性归还全部借款本金"; } else { repaymentTypeDesc = ToolStatus.ConvertRepaymentType(repaymentType); } return(repaymentTypeDesc); }
protected string GetShowAmount(SubscribeInfo item) { string strResult = ""; if (item.Amount > 0) { strResult += "+ ¥" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(item.Amount); } if (item.InterestAmout > 0) { strResult += "+ ¥" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(item.InterestAmout); } if (item.TuandaiRedPacket > 0 || item.PublisherRedPacket > 0) { strResult += "+ ¥" + ToolStatus.ConvertLowerMoney(item.TuandaiRedPacket + item.PublisherRedPacket); } if (strResult.Length > 0) { strResult = strResult.Substring(2); } return(strResult); }
protected void GetWeAutoString(string projectTypes) { WeDeadlines = string.Empty; string sql = @"SELECT YearRate,Deadline FROM dbo.We_ProductType with(nolock) WHERE Id IN(" + projectTypes + ") order by YearRate"; var para = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); var weAuto = PublicConn.QueryBySql <SimpleWeAuto>(sql, ref para); if (weAuto != null) { WeMinRate = ToolStatus.DeleteZero(weAuto[0].YearRate); foreach (var item in weAuto) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(WeDeadlines)) { WeDeadlines = item.Deadline.ToString(); } else { WeDeadlines += "," + item.Deadline.ToString(); } } } }
public void finish() { toolStat = ToolStatus.FINISHED; shapeCreator.setToolDisplayStatus(ShapeCreator.ToolDisplayStatus.NORMAL); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the status indicator /// </summary> public void updateStatus() { ToolDialog td = new ToolDialog(_tool, base.ModelElements); _toolStatus = td.ToolStatus; }