public string PayFeeTool(int UserId = 0, decimal Amount = 0M, int PayType = 0) { if (UserId <= 0) { return(ApiReturnStr.getError(-100, "用户ID不能为0")); } if (Amount < 500M) { return(ApiReturnStr.getError(-100, "支付金额不能小于500")); } ToolPay model = null; Users user = userDao.Single(UserId); Logic.VipType vip = (Logic.VipType)user.VipType; decimal[] r = Constant.GetRate(PayType, vip); model = new ToolPay(Amount, r[0], 0, r[1], 0, 0); JObject data = new JObject(); data["Amount"] = model.Amount.ToString("F2"); data["Rate1"] = model.Rate1.perCent(); data["Rate2"] = model.Rate2.ToString("F2"); data["Rate3"] = model.Rate3.ToString("F2"); data["Rate4"] = model.Rate4.ToString("F2"); data["Rate5"] = model.Rate5.ToString("F2"); data["PayFee"] = model.PayFee.ToString("F2"); data["BasicFee"] = model.BasicFee.ToString("F2"); data["ExTargetFee"] = model.ExTargetFee.ToString("F2"); data["ActualAmount"] = model.ActualAmount.ToString("F2"); return(ApiReturnStr.getApiData(data)); }
public ActionResult tool() { decimal Amount = TQuery.GetDecimal("Amount", 10000); decimal Rate1 = TQuery.GetDecimal("Rate1", 0.0038M); decimal Rate3 = TQuery.GetDecimal("Rate3", 2M); decimal BasicRate1 = TQuery.GetDecimal("BasicRate1", 0.0038M); decimal BasicRate3 = TQuery.GetDecimal("BasicRate3", 2M); ToolPay model = new ToolPay(Amount == 0M ? 10000 : Amount, Rate1 == 0M ? 0.0043M : Rate1, Rate3 == 0 ? 2 : Rate3, BasicRate1 == 0M ? 0.0038M : BasicRate1, BasicRate3 == 0M ? 2M : BasicRate3); return(View(model)); }
public string hhhh() { var list = payRecordDao.GetQuery(" ChannelType=4 "); foreach (var item in list) { //ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, r[0], 0, r[1], 0, 0); ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(item.Amount, item.Rate, item.Fee3, 0.0040M, 1); item.Income = tp.Income; item.DrawIncome = tp.Rate3 - 1;//结算收益 payRecordDao.Update(item); } return(DateTime.Now.ToString()); }
public ActionResult Pay(int UserId, decimal Amount = 0) { if (UserId == 0 || Amount < 500M) { return(new RedirectResult($"/Prompt?state=-100&msg=参数错误&url=/debug/")); } var user = userDao.Single(UserId); Logic.VipType vip = (Logic.VipType)user.VipType; decimal[] r = Constant.GetRate(0, vip); ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, r[0], r[1], 0.0038M, 1M); PayRecord model = new PayRecord(); model.UserId = UserId; model.Amount = Amount; model.Platform = 1; model.Ip = ""; model.BankCard = "622202XXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; model.Fee = tp.PayFee; model.Rate = tp.Rate1; model.Fee3 = tp.Rate3; model.State = 10; model.DrawState = 10; model.WithDrawAmount = model.Amount - model.Fee;//结算金额 model.ActualAmount = tp.ActualAmount; model.DrawBankCard = "622222XXXXXX"; model.BankCode = "ICBC"; model.PayerName = user.RealName; model.PayerPhone = user.Mobile; model.ChannelType = 4; model.Income = tp.Income; model.DrawIncome = tp.Rate3 - 1;//结算收益 var result = payRecordDao.Insert(model); int backState = result > 0 ? 0 : -100; string message = result > 0 ? "操作成功" : "操作失败"; //交易成功回调 UsersDepository.NoticeSuccess(result, UserId); return(new RedirectResult($"/Prompt?state={backState}&msg={message}&url=/debug/")); }
public int Init(int UserId, decimal Amount, int Platform, string IP, string BankCard) { var yeepayUser = yeepayUserDao.Single("UserId=@UserId", new { UserId }); ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, yeepayUser.Rate1, yeepayUser.Rate2, yeepayUser.Rate3, yeepayUser.Rate4, yeepayUser.Rate5); PayRecord model = new PayRecord(); model.UserId = UserId; model.Amount = Amount; model.Platform = Platform; model.Ip = IP; model.BankCard = BankCard; model.Fee = tp.PayFee; model.Rate = tp.Rate1; model.Fee3 = tp.Rate3; model.DrawState = 0; //未发起 model.WithDrawAmount = model.Amount - model.Fee; //结算金额 model.ActualAmount = tp.ActualAmount; return(Insert(model)); }
public int Init(int UbkID, decimal Amount, int Platform, string IP, int ChannelType) { var ubk = userBankCardDao.Single(UbkID); var users = usersDao.Single(ubk.UserId); //提现卡 var ubkDraw = userBankCardDao.Single(" TypeId=0 and UserId=@UserId", new { ubk.UserId }); int TypeId = (int)Logic.KeyValueType.支付通道管理; //获得通道列表 var listChannelPay = MemcachHelper.Get <List <KeyValue> >(Constant.list_keyvalue_key + TypeId, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), () => { return(keyValueDao.GetQuery(" typeid=@TypeId ", new { TypeId }, "order by Sort desc,CTime desc")); }); //var kv = keyValueDao.Single("KeyId=@ChannelType and TypeId=@TypeId", new { ChannelType , TypeId }); var kv = listChannelPay.Find(m => m.KeyId == ChannelType && m.TypeId == TypeId); int payType = 0; payType = (kv != null && kv.Value2 == "1") ? 1 : 0;//确定通道 积分类型 JObject data = JObject.Parse(kv.Value); decimal BasicRate1 = data["Rate1"].ToDecimal(); decimal BasicRate3 = data["Rate3"].ToDecimal(); Logic.VipType vip = (Logic.VipType)users.VipType; decimal[] r = Constant.GetRate(payType, vip); //ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, r[0], 0, r[1], 0, 0); ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, r[0], r[1], BasicRate1, BasicRate3); //ToolPay tp = null; //switch ((Logic.ChannelType)ChannelType) //{ // case Logic.ChannelType.易宝: // var yeepayUser = yeepayUserDao.Single("UserId=@UserId", new { ubk.UserId }); // tp=new ToolPay(Amount, yeepayUser.Rate1, yeepayUser.Rate2, yeepayUser.Rate3, yeepayUser.Rate4, yeepayUser.Rate5); // break; // case Logic.ChannelType.荣邦科技积分: // var mUser = masgetUserDao.Single(" UserId=@UserId and TypeId=@ChannelType ", new { ubk.UserId, ChannelType }); // tp = new ToolPay(Amount, mUser.Rate1, 0, mUser.Rate3, 0, 0); // break; // case Logic.ChannelType.荣邦科技无积分: // var mUser2 = masgetUserDao.Single(" UserId=@UserId and TypeId=@ChannelType ", new { ubk.UserId, ChannelType }); // tp = new ToolPay(Amount, mUser2.Rate1, 0, mUser2.Rate3, 0, 0); // break; // default: // break; //} PayRecord model = new PayRecord(); model.UserId = ubk.UserId; model.Amount = Amount; model.Platform = Platform; model.Ip = IP; model.BankCard = ubk.BankCard; model.Fee = tp.PayFee; model.Rate = tp.Rate1; model.Fee3 = tp.Rate3; model.DrawState = 0; //未发起 model.WithDrawAmount = model.Amount - model.Fee; //结算金额 model.ActualAmount = tp.ActualAmount; model.DrawBankCard = ubkDraw.BankCard; model.BankCode = ubk.BankCode; model.PayerName = users.RealName; model.PayerPhone = ubk.Mobile; model.ChannelType = ChannelType; model.Income = tp.Income; model.DrawIncome = tp.Rate3 - BasicRate3;//结算收益 return(Insert(model)); }
/// <summary> /// 选择最优通道 /// 1.利润优先 /// 2.满足额度 /// 3.满足运营时间 /// </summary> /// <param name="BankId"></param> /// <param name="PayType"></param> public static ResultModelData <int> Optimal(int UserId, decimal Amount = 0, string BankCode = "", int PayType = 0, string mobile = "", int BankID = 0) { ResultModelData <int> result = new ResultModelData <int>(); //var bin= ITOrm.Utility.Helper.BankCardBindHelper.BankBinto(BankCard); //if (bin == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(bin.BankCode)) //{ // result.backState = -100; // result.message = "银行卡卡Bin识别失败"; // return result; //} //获得通道支持的银行 List <ViewBankQuota> listBankQuota = MemcachHelper.Get <List <ViewBankQuota> >(Constant.list_bank_quota_key, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), () => { return(viewBankQuotaDao.GetQuery(" state=0 ", null, " order by id asc ")); }); //筛选支持的BankCode的通道 并且 限额满足 并按限额排序 var listBank = listBankQuota.FindAll(m => m.BankCode == BankCode.Trim() && Amount <= m.SingleQuota).OrderByDescending(m => m.SingleQuota).ToList(); int TypeId = (int)Logic.KeyValueType.支付通道管理; //获得通道列表 var listChannelPay = MemcachHelper.Get <List <KeyValue> >(Constant.list_keyvalue_key + TypeId, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), () => { return(keyValueDao.GetQuery(" typeid=@TypeId ", new { TypeId }, "order by Sort desc,CTime desc")); }); bool isallnotChannel = true;//标记有积分通道,是否全部关闭 true 是全部关闭 foreach (var item in listChannelPay) { if (item.State == 0 && item.KeyId != 2) { isallnotChannel = false; } } //只获得可用通道 listChannelPay = listChannelPay.FindAll(m => m.State == 0); if (mobile.Substring(0, 3) == "177")//17号段的用户排除荣邦通道 { listChannelPay = listChannelPay.FindAll(m => m.KeyId != 1 && m.KeyId != 4); } //获得卡ID排除通道的配置 begin var listDebarBankChannel = MemcachHelper.Get <List <DebarBankChannel> >(Constant.debarbankchannel_key, DateTime.Now.AddDays(7), () => { return(debarBankChannelDao.GetQuery(" 1=1 ", null, "order by CTime desc")); }); var itemDebarBankChannel = listDebarBankChannel.FindAll(m => m.BankID == BankID); if (itemDebarBankChannel != null && itemDebarBankChannel.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in itemDebarBankChannel) { listChannelPay = listChannelPay.FindAll(m => m.KeyId != item.ChannelID); } } //获得卡ID排除通道的配置 end Users user = usersDao.Single(UserId); var rate = Constant.GetRate(PayType, (Logic.VipType)user.VipType); Dictionary <string, decimal> dic = new Dictionary <string, decimal>(); //遍历通道 取得可用通道 foreach (var item in listChannelPay) { JObject data = JObject.Parse(item.Value); DateTime StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + data["StartTime"]); DateTime EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + data["EndTime"]); decimal BasicRate1 = data["Rate1"].ToDecimal(); decimal BasicRate3 = data["Rate3"].ToDecimal(); //判断通道是否是积分类型 并且满足时间范围 并且该通道支持改银行 if (item.Value2 == PayType.ToString() && DateTime.Now > StartTime && DateTime.Now < EndTime && listBank.FindIndex(m => m.ChannelType == item.KeyId) > -1) { ToolPay tp = new ToolPay(Amount, rate[0], rate[1], BasicRate1, BasicRate3); dic.Add(item.KeyId.ToString(), tp.Income); } } if (dic.Count > 0)//计算最优利润 { decimal maxIncom = 0M; int optimalChannelType = 0; foreach (var item in dic) { if (maxIncom < item.Value || maxIncom == 0M) { maxIncom = item.Value; optimalChannelType = Convert.ToInt32(item.Key); } } result.backState = 0; result.message = $"匹配到最佳通道,收益:{maxIncom}"; result.Data = optimalChannelType; return(result); } if (isallnotChannel) { result.backState = -100; result.message = "通道额度已用尽,请明日再试"; return(result); } //未匹配成功,默认选第一条通道 foreach (var item in listChannelPay) { if (item.Value2 == PayType.ToString()) { result.backState = -100; result.message = "未匹配到通道,请修改金额不超限额或选择支持的银行试试"; result.Data = item.KeyId; JObject data = JObject.Parse(item.Value); DateTime StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + data["StartTime"]); DateTime EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + data["EndTime"]); if (DateTime.Now < StartTime) { result.message = "未到通道开启时间"; } if (DateTime.Now > EndTime) { result.message = "通道已关闭,请明天再试"; } break; } } return(result); }