Пример #1
        private IdentiferToken scanIdentifer()
            var  text    = "";
            var  isFirst = true;
            char c;

            while (_tokenizer.TryRead(out c))
                if (isFirst)
                    isFirst = false;

                    if (char.IsDigit(c))
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  $"The character {c.SQuote()} is not valid. An identifier must start with a letter.");

                    if (char.IsLetter(c))
                        text += c;

                        throw new FormatException(
                                  $"The character {c.SQuote()} is not valid. An identifier must start with a letter.");
                    if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '-')
                        text += c;


            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                throw new FormatException(
                          $"The text \"{text}\" is not a valid identifier because it is null or whitespace.");


            return(new IdentiferToken(text));
Пример #2
        private string scanUntil(char stopChar, bool throwIfNotFound = true)
            var  frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
            var  text  = "";
            char c;

            while (_tokenizer.TryRead(out c))
                if (c == stopChar || c == '\0')
                text += c;
            if (throwIfNotFound)
                throw new FormatException(
                          $"\"{_tokenizer.SourceText}\" (Index {frame.Index} - {_tokenizer.CurrentIndex}): " +
                          $"StopChar \'{stopChar}\' was not found.");

Пример #3
        public TextualStyle Parse()
            var textualStyle = new TextualStyle
                //ForegroundDescriptor = new LiteralMaterialDescriptor(Palette.Blue.P600)
            var selectorExpressionParts = _expression.Split(' ');

            foreach (var selectorExpressionPart in selectorExpressionParts)
                _tokenizer = new TokenizerOld(selectorExpressionPart);


                var beginFrame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();

                char c;
                if (!_tokenizer.TryRead(out c))
                    throw new FormatException("Could not read from tokenizer.");

                var cl = char.ToLower(c);
                if (cl == 't')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'t\' fontweight flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Thin);
                else if (cl == 'l')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'l\' fontweight flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Light);
                else if (cl == 'm')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'m\' fontweight flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Medium);
                else if (cl == 'b')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'b\' fontweight flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Bold);
                else if (cl == 'h')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'h\' fontweight flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontWeightProperty, FontWeights.Heavy);
                else if (cl == 'o')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'o\' fontstyle flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontStyleProperty, FontStyles.Oblique);
                else if (cl == 'i')
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                    if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s) after \'i\' fontstyle flag");

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.FontStyleProperty, FontStyles.Italic);
                else if (c == '-' || cl == 'p' || cl == 'a')
                    //TODO use new method .GetInsance for all code behind uses of Singleton xamlconverters
                    var descriptorConverter = new MaterialDescriptorConverter();
                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();

                    var strValue = scanUntil('#', false);

                    var value = descriptorConverter.ConvertFrom(strValue) as AbstractMaterialDescriptor;

                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.ForegroundDescriptorProperty, value);
                else if (cl == 'r')
                    TextRotation textRotation;
                    var          frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();

                    char c3;
                    if (!_tokenizer.TryRead(out c3))
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Expected rotation direction after \'r\' character. (\'r\' or \'l\').");

                    var c3l = char.ToLower(c3);
                    if (c3l == 'r')
                        var frame2 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                        if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame2) +
                                      $"Unexpected character(s) after rotation direction.");

                        textRotation = TextRotation.Right;
                    else if (c3l == 'l')
                        var frame2 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                        if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame2) +
                                      $"Unexpected character(s) after rotation direction.");

                        textRotation = TextRotation.Left;
                    else if (c3l == 'r')
                        var frame2 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                        if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame2) +
                                      $"Unexpected character(s) after rotation direction.");

                        textRotation = TextRotation.None;
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected rotation direction. Must be either \'l\', \'n\', or \'r\'.");
                    textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.TextRotationProperty, textRotation);
                else if (char.IsDigit(c) || c == '.')
                    var numericLiteral = scanNumericLiteral();

                    var frame3 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();

                    char c2;
                    if (!_tokenizer.TryRead(out c2))
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame3) +
                                  $"Expected font size unit type (\'em\' or \'%\') after relative font size numeric literal");

                    var c2l = char.ToLower(c2);
                    if (c2l == '%')
                        var frame2 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                        if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame2) +
                                      $"Unexpected character(s) after font size unit type");

                        var numericValue = double.Parse(numericLiteral.LiteralValue) / 100;
                        textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.RelativeFontSizeProperty, numericValue);
                    else if (c2l == 'e')
                        char c3;
                        if (!_tokenizer.TryRead(out c3))
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame3) +
                                      $"Expected font size unit type (\'em\' or \'%\') after relative font size numeric literal");
                        var c3l = char.ToLower(c3);
                        if (c3l == 'm')
                            var frame2 = _tokenizer.GetFrame();
                            if (_tokenizer.HasMore())
                                throw new FormatException(
                                          _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame2) +
                                          $"Unexpected character(s) after font size unit type");
                            var numericValue = double.Parse(numericLiteral.LiteralValue);
                            textualStyle.SetValue(TextualStyle.RelativeFontSizeProperty, numericValue);
                            throw new FormatException(
                                      _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame3) +
                                      $"Unexpected font size unit type. Must be either \'em\' or \'%\'");
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame3) +
                                  $"Unexpected unit type. Must be either \'em\' or \'%\'");

                    var frame = _tokenizer.GetFrame();

                    if (_tokenizer.Step(1) && _tokenizer.HasMore())
                        throw new FormatException(
                                  _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(frame) +
                                  $"Unexpected character(s).");
                    throw new FormatException(
                              _tokenizer.GetExceptionRangeText(beginFrame) +
                              $"Invalid character(s) in textualstyle expression.");