Пример #1
        private static void CreateMostBasicTokenSnippet()
            // using GuylianGilsing.JWT.Tokens;
            // using GuylianGilsing.JWT.Hashing;
            // using GuylianGilsing.JWT.Hashing.Algorithms;

            // Create a new token
            Token token = new Token();

            // Register payload claims
            token.payload.RegisterClaim("iss", "https://example.com");
            token.payload.RegisterClaim("sub", "code_snippet");
            token.payload.RegisterClaim("aud", "github");

            // Set the hashing algorithm
            token.hashAlgo = new Sha256Algo();

            // Set the secret key
            token.secretKey = new Key("MySuperSecretKey");

            // Sign the token
            TokenSigner signer      = new TokenSigner();
            string      signedToken = signer.Sign(token);

            // Sign the token with a seperate key
            string otherSignedToken = signer.Sign(token, new Key("OtherKey"));
Пример #2
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        TokenSigner tokenSigner = new TokenSigner();
        if (args == null || args.Length == 0)

            Console.WriteLine("First argument is the folder path.");
            Console.WriteLine("Second argument is the token pin.");

            if (args.Length == 2)
                tokenSigner.TokenPin = args[1];

            if (File.Exists(args[0] + @"\SourceDocumentJson.json") == false)
                Console.WriteLine("The file " + args[0] + @"\SourceDocumentJson.json is not exist");
                String cades = "";
                String SourceDocumentJson = File.ReadAllText(args[0] + @"\SourceDocumentJson.json");
                JObject request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JObject>(SourceDocumentJson, new JsonSerializerSettings()
                    FloatFormatHandling = FloatFormatHandling.String,
                    FloatParseHandling = FloatParseHandling.Decimal,
                    DateFormatHandling = DateFormatHandling.IsoDateFormat,
                    DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

                //Start serialize
                String canonicalString = tokenSigner.Serialize(request);
                File.WriteAllBytes(args[0] + @"\CanonicalString.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(canonicalString));
                // retrieve cades
                if (request["documentTypeVersion"].Value<string>() == "0.9")
                    cades = "ANY";
                    cades = tokenSigner.SignWithCMS(canonicalString);
                File.WriteAllBytes(args[0] + @"\Cades.txt", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(cades));
                JObject signaturesObject = new JObject(
                                       new JProperty("signatureType", "I"),
                                       new JProperty("value", cades));
                JArray signaturesArray = new JArray();
                request.Add("signatures", signaturesArray);
                String fullSignedDocument = "{\"documents\":[" + request.ToString() + "]}";
                File.WriteAllBytes(args[0] + @"\FullSignedDocument.json", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fullSignedDocument));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an IAccessTokenProvider with the supplied test credentials.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpClient">The httpClient that makes the request to the auth server</param>
        /// <param name="tokenProvisioningEndpoint">The auth server</param>
        /// <param name="keyId">The id of the security token</param>
        /// <param name="rsaParameters">The public and private key for the supplied key id</param>
        /// <returns>An IAccessTokenProvider with the supplied test credentials</returns>
        public static IAccessTokenProvider Create(HttpClient httpClient, String tokenProvisioningEndpoint, Guid keyId, RSAParameters rsaParameters)
#pragma warning disable 618
            IPrivateKeyProvider privateKeyProvider = new StaticPrivateKeyProvider(keyId, rsaParameters);
#pragma warning restore 618
            ITokenSigner                   tokenSigner          = new TokenSigner(privateKeyProvider);
            IAuthServiceClient             authServiceClient    = new AuthServiceClient(httpClient, new Uri(tokenProvisioningEndpoint));
            INonCachingAccessTokenProvider noCacheTokenProvider = new AccessTokenProvider(tokenSigner, authServiceClient);

            return(new CachedAccessTokenProvider(noCacheTokenProvider, Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan));
Пример #4
        public void DirectoryAllowed()
            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url         = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/abc/";
                t.SecurityKey = "SecurityKey";
                t.ExpiresAt   = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 08, 21, 15, 43, 07, TimeSpan.Zero);
                t.IsDirectory = true;

            url.ShouldBe <string>("https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/bcdn_token=e0fYj-NC_YeROS_0gTGvscP7HR_Du78I7WBVSDV8P4E&expires=1598024587/abc/");
Пример #5
        public void WithPathAllowed()
            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url         = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/abc/300kb.jpg";
                t.SecurityKey = "SecurityKey";
                t.ExpiresAt   = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 08, 21, 15, 43, 07, TimeSpan.Zero);
                t.TokenPath   = "/abc";

            url.ShouldBe <string>("https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/abc/300kb.jpg?token=xwPaUzEMSgOZ7yl86K55G7len9n1UMiuP36IAyw8Mjs&token_path=%2Fabc&expires=1598024587");
Пример #6
        public void WithIPAddressAllowed()
            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url         = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg";
                t.SecurityKey = "SecurityKey";
                t.ExpiresAt   = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 08, 21, 15, 43, 07, TimeSpan.Zero);
                t.UserIp      = "";

            url.ShouldBe <string>("https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg?token=xUWMwsZcXfzxMvTTFiKAN6if1WBhDZV1Shjt_GOrjG0&expires=1598024587");
Пример #7
        public void WithCountriesDisallowed()
            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url              = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg";
                t.SecurityKey      = "SecurityKey";
                t.CountriesBlocked = new List <string> {
                t.ExpiresAt = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 08, 21, 15, 43, 07, TimeSpan.Zero);

            url.ShouldBe <string>("https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg?token=bq6dlNKcoVbTrzCJepE5gHoC436eTtz97Ruk89V8tmU&token_countries_blocked=CA&expires=1598024587");
Пример #8
        public void WithCountriesAllowed()
            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url              = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg";
                t.SecurityKey      = "SecurityKey";
                t.CountriesAllowed = new List <string> {
                t.ExpiresAt = new DateTimeOffset(2020, 08, 21, 15, 43, 07, TimeSpan.Zero);
                t.TokenPath = "/";

            url.ShouldBe <string>("https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg?token=3ZdIIg1-PB_UOF62lQIqfT4MWr2ENIdd0KWnQVuej3w&token_countries=CA&token_path=%2F&expires=1598024587");
Пример #9
        public void WithIPAddressAllowed_ConvienenceMethod()
            var utcNowPlusOneHour = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

            var url = TokenSigner.SignUrl(t =>
                t.Url         = "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg";
                t.SecurityKey = "SecurityKey";
                t.ExpiresAt   = utcNowPlusOneHour;
                t.UserIp      = "";

            var urlConvienent = TokenSigner.SignUrl("SecurityKey", "https://token-tester.b-cdn.net/300kb.jpg", utcNowPlusOneHour, "");

            urlConvienent.ShouldBe <string>(url);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="ITokenSigner"/> instance which saves public keys to the provided <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKeyDataProvider">The <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/> for the local service</param>
        /// <param name="keyLifetime">The max time a private key and its tokens may be used for</param>
        /// <param name="keyRotationPeriod">How often to switch to signing with a new private key. The difference between this and <paramref name="keyLifetime"/> is the maximum token lifetime.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="ITokenSigner"/></returns>
        public static ITokenSigner Create(
            IPublicKeyDataProvider publicKeyDataProvider,
            TimeSpan keyLifetime,
            TimeSpan keyRotationPeriod
            IPrivateKeyProvider privateKeyProvider = RsaPrivateKeyProvider

            var tokenSigner = new TokenSigner(privateKeyProvider);

Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="ITokenSigner"/> instance which saves public keys to the provided <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKeyDataProvider">The <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/> for the local service</param>
        /// <param name="curve">The curve to use</param>
        /// <param name="keyLifetime">The max time a private key and its tokens may be used for</param>
        /// <param name="keyRotationPeriod">How often to switch to signing with a new private key. The difference between this and <paramref name="keyLifetime"/> is the maximum token lifetime.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="ITokenSigner"/></returns>
        public static ITokenSigner Create(
            IPublicKeyDataProvider publicKeyDataProvider,
            Curve curve,
            TimeSpan keyLifetime,
            TimeSpan keyRotationPeriod
            CngAlgorithm algorithm;

            switch (curve)
            case Curve.P521: {
                algorithm = CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP521;

            case Curve.P384: {
                algorithm = CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP384;

            case Curve.P256:
            default: {
                algorithm = CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP256;

            IPrivateKeyProvider privateKeyProvider = EcDsaPrivateKeyProvider

            var tokenSigner = new TokenSigner(privateKeyProvider);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an <see cref="ITokenSigner"/> instance which saves public keys to the provided <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="publicKeyDataProvider">The <see cref="IPublicKeyDataProvider"/> for the local service</param>
        /// <param name="curve">The curve to use</param>
        /// <param name="keyLifetime">The max time a private key and its tokens may be used for</param>
        /// <param name="keyRotationPeriod">How often to switch to signing with a new private key. The difference between this and <paramref name="keyLifetime"/> is the maximum token lifetime.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="ITokenSigner"/></returns>
        public static ITokenSigner Create(
            IPublicKeyDataProvider publicKeyDataProvider,
            Curve curve,
            TimeSpan keyLifetime,
            TimeSpan keyRotationPeriod
            ECCurve curveInternal;

            switch (curve)
            case Curve.P521: {
                curveInternal = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP256;

            case Curve.P384: {
                curveInternal = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP384;

            case Curve.P256:
            default: {
                curveInternal = ECCurve.NamedCurves.nistP521;

            IPrivateKeyProvider privateKeyProvider = EcDsaPrivateKeyProvider

            var tokenSigner = new TokenSigner(privateKeyProvider);

Пример #13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a new token
            Token token = new Token();

            // Register payload claims
            token.payload.RegisterClaim("iss", "https://example.com");

            // Set the hashing algorithm
            token.hashAlgo = new Sha256Algo();

            // Set the secret key
            token.secretKey = new Key("MyKey");

            // Sign the token
            TokenSigner signer      = new TokenSigner();
            string      signedToken = signer.Sign(token);


        public void init()
            // Configuration can be taken from app. settings, but also configured as properties.

            // Shared Secret
            string s = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["oauth2SharedSecret"];

            if (s != null)
                sharedSecret = s;

            // Optional
            string ha = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["oauth2HMACAlgorithm"];

            if (ha != null)
                hmacAlgorithm = ha;

            // Build necessary components
            HMACTokenSigner ts = new HMACTokenSigner();

            ts.Key = SharedSecret;
            if (HmacAlgorithm != null)
                ts.SignAlg = HmacAlgorithm;

            AESTokenEncrypter te = new AESTokenEncrypter();

            te.Key = SharedSecret;

            tokenSigner    = ts;
            tokenEncrypter = te;
 public AuditedTokenSignService(MilvanethDbContext context, ITimeService time, IConfigurationRoot root)
     _context = context;
     _time    = time;
     _signer  = new TokenSigner(GetTokenKey(root));