Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update or create a Nucleus build-up family from a GWA string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gwa"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void ReadBuildUp(string gwa, Model.Model model, GSAConversionContext context)
            // PROP_2D.2 | num | name | colour | axis | mat | type | thick | mass | bending | inplane | weight
            // PROP_2D.2 | num | name | colour | axis | mat | LOAD | support | edge

            var tr = new TokenReader(gwa);

            tr.Next();                // PROP_2D
            string gsaID = tr.Next(); // num

            var buildup = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <BuildUpFamily>(model, gsaID);

            if (buildup == null)
                buildup = model.Create.BuildUpFamily();

            buildup.Name = tr.Next();    // name
            tr.Next();                   // colour
            tr.Next();                   // axis

            string matID    = tr.Next(); // mat
            var    material = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Material>(model, matID);

            tr.Next();                                                       // type
            buildup.Layers.Add(new BuildUpLayer(tr.NextDouble(), material)); // thick

            context.IDMap.Add(buildup, gsaID);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update or create the properties of a Nucleus section family from a GWA string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gwa"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        public void ReadSection(string gwa, Model.Model model, GSAConversionContext context)
            // PROP_SEC | num | name | colour | mat | desc | principal | type | cost |
            // is_prop { | area | I11 | I22 | J | K1 | K2 } |
            // is_mod { | area_to_by | area_m | I11_to_by | I11_m | I22_to_by | I22_m | J_to_by | J_m | K1_to_by | K1_m | K2_to_by | K2_m | mass | stress } |
            // plate_type | calc_J

            var tr = new TokenReader(gwa);

            tr.Next();                // PROP_SEC
            string gsaID = tr.Next(); // num

            var sec = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <SectionFamily>(model, gsaID);

            if (sec == null)
                sec = model.Create.SectionFamily();

            sec.Name = tr.Next();        // name
            tr.Next();                   // colour
            string matID    = tr.Next(); // mat
            var    material = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Material>(model, matID);
            //TODO: profile description
            SectionProfile profile = ReadProfile(tr.Next(), context); //desc

            if (profile != null)
                profile.Material = material;
                sec.Profile      = profile;

            context.IDMap.Add(sec, gsaID);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the properties of a Nucleus node from a GWA string
        /// in NODE.2 version syntax
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <param name="gwa"></param>
        public void ReadNode(string gwa, Model.Model model, GSAConversionContext context)
            // NODE.2 | num | name | colour | x | y | z |
            // is_grid { | grid_plane | datum | grid_line_a | grid_line_b } | axis |
            // is_rest { | rx | ry | rz | rxx | ryy | rzz } |
            // is_stiff { | Kx | Ky | Kz | Kxx | Kyy | Kzz } |
            // is_mesh { | edge_length | radius | tie_to_mesh | column_rigidity | column_prop | column_node | column_angle | column_factor | column_slab_factor }

            var tr = new TokenReader(gwa);

            tr.Next();                            // NODE
            string gsaID = tr.Next();             // num

            string name = tr.Next();              // name

            tr.Next();                            // colour
            Vector position = tr.Next3AsVector(); // x | y | z

            var node = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Node>(model, gsaID);

            if (node == null)
                node = model.Create.Node(position);
                node.Position = position;

            node.Name = name;

            if (tr.NextIs("GRID"))
                tr.Skip(4); // is_grid { | grid_plane | datum | grid_line_a | grid_line_b }
            tr.Next();      // axis !!!TODO!!!
            Bool6D fixity = new Bool6D();

            if (tr.NextIs("REST")) // is_rest
                fixity = tr.Next6AsBool6D("1");
            SixVector stiffness = null;

            if (tr.NextIs("STIFF")) // is_stiff
                stiffness = tr.Next6AsSixVector();
            if (!fixity.AllFalse || (stiffness != null && !stiffness.IsZero()))
                var nodeSupport = new NodeSupport(fixity);
                if (stiffness != null)
                    nodeSupport.Stiffness = stiffness;
                //TODO: Axis
                node.Data.RemoveData <NodeSupport>(); //Clear restraints on existing nodes
            context.IDMap.Add(node, gsaID);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the properties of a Nucleus node from a GWA string
        /// in EL.2 version syntax
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element"></param>
        /// <param name="gwa"></param>
        public void ReadElement(string gwa, Model.Model model, GSAConversionContext context)
            // EL.2 | num | name | colour | type | prop | group | topo() | orient_node | orient_angle |
            // is_rls { | rls { | k } }
            // is_offset { | ox | oy | oz } | dummy

            Element element;

            var tr = new TokenReader(gwa);

            tr.Next();                                 // EL
            string gsaID = tr.Next();                  // num
            string name  = tr.Next();                  // name

            tr.Next();                                 // colour
            int    nodeCount = NodeCountOf(tr.Next()); // type
            string propID    = tr.Next();              // prop

            tr.NextInt();                              // group
            if (nodeCount == 0)
                return;                 //Not valid!
            else if (nodeCount == 2)
                // Linear element
                var linEl = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <LinearElement>(model, gsaID.ToString());
                if (linEl == null)
                    linEl = model.Create.LinearElement(null);
                element = linEl;
                var family = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <SectionFamily>(model, propID);
                if (family == null)
                    family = model.Create.SectionFamily();
                    context.IDMap.Add(family, propID);
                linEl.Family = family;
                Node n0 = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Node>(model, tr.Next()); // Start node
                Node n1 = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Node>(model, tr.Next()); // End node
                linEl.Geometry = new Line(n0, n1);
                //Panel element
                var panEl = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <PanelElement>(model, gsaID.ToString());
                if (panEl == null)
                    panEl = model.Create.PanelElement(null);
                element = panEl;
                var family = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <BuildUpFamily>(model, propID);
                if (family == null)
                    family = model.Create.BuildUpFamily();
                    context.IDMap.Add(family, propID);
                panEl.Family = family;
                var nodes = new NodeCollection();
                for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                    var node = context.IDMap.GetModelObject <Node>(model, tr.Next());
                    if (node != null && !nodes.Contains(node.GUID))
                panEl.Geometry = new Mesh(nodes, true);
            tr.Next(); // orient_node   TODO: Make orientation relative to this
            element.Orientation = Angle.FromDegrees(tr.NextDouble());
            var    verts  = element.ElementVertices;
            string is_rls = tr.Next(); // is_rls

            if (is_rls.EqualsIgnoreCase("RLS") || is_rls.EqualsIgnoreCase("STIFF"))
                for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                    string rls = tr.Next(); // rls
                    if (i < verts.Count)
                        Bool6D        fixity = Bool6D.FromTokensList(rls.ToCharArray(), 0, 'R');
                        ElementVertex v      = verts[i];
                        v.Releases = fixity;

                        if (is_rls.EqualsIgnoreCase("STIFF"))
                            for (int j = 0; j < rls.Length; j++)
                                char c = rls[j];
                                if (c.EqualsIgnoreCase('K'))
                                    v.Stiffness = v.Stiffness.With(j, tr.NextDouble()); // k
            if (tr.NextIs("OFFSET")) // is_offset
                for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
                    if (verts.Count > i)
                        var vert = verts[i];
                        vert.Offset = vert.Offset.WithX(tr.NextDouble()); // ox
                        vert.Offset = vert.Offset.WithY(tr.NextDouble()); // oy
                        vert.Offset = vert.Offset.WithZ(tr.NextDouble()); // oz
                //TODO: Local offsets
            // TODO: Dummy?
            context.IDMap.Add(element, gsaID);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse a Nucleus section profile from a GSA section description
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public SectionProfile ReadProfile(string description, GSAConversionContext context)
            var    tr   = new TokenReader(description, ' ', ',', '%');
            string type = tr.Next();

            if (type.EqualsIgnoreCase("CAT")) // Catalogue section
                // CAT <Type ID> <Sec name> <Date>
                string catName = tr.Next();
                // TODO: Try to find equivalent section in catalogue
            else if (type.EqualsIgnoreCase("STD")) // Standard section
                // STD <Shape(unit)> <Dimension> <Dimension>…
                double scale = 0.001; //Default mm
                string units = description.NextBracketed();
                if (units != null)
                    if (units.EqualsIgnoreCase("m"))
                        scale = 1;
                    else if (units.EqualsIgnoreCase("cm"))
                        scale = 0.01;
                    else if (units.EqualsIgnoreCase("in"))
                        scale = 0.0254;
                    //TODO: Others?

                string sType = tr.Next()?.Before('('); // <Shape(unit)>

                if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("R"))       // Rectangle R d, b
                    return(new RectangularProfile(tr.NextDouble() * scale, tr.NextDouble() * scale));
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("RHS")) // RHS d, b, tw, tf
                    return new RectangularHollowProfile()
                               Depth           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               Width           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               WebThickness    = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               FlangeThickness = tr.NextDouble() * scale
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("C")) // C d
                    return(new CircularProfile(tr.NextDouble() * scale));
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("CHS")) // CHS d, t
                    return(new CircularHollowProfile(tr.NextDouble() * scale, tr.NextDouble() * scale));
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("I")) // I d, b, tw, tf
                    return new SymmetricIProfile()
                               Depth           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               Width           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               WebThickness    = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               FlangeThickness = tr.NextDouble() * scale
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("T")) // T d, b, tw, tf
                    return new TProfile()
                               Depth           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               Width           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               WebThickness    = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               FlangeThickness = tr.NextDouble() * scale
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("CH")) // CH d, b, tw, tf
                    return new ChannelProfile()
                               Depth           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               Width           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               WebThickness    = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               FlangeThickness = tr.NextDouble() * scale
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("A")) // A d, b, tw, tf
                    return new AngleProfile()
                               Depth           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               Width           = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               WebThickness    = tr.NextDouble() * scale,
                               FlangeThickness = tr.NextDouble() * scale
                else if (sType.EqualsIgnoreCase("TR")) // TR d, bt, bb
                    return(new TrapezoidProfile(tr.NextDouble() * scale, tr.NextDouble() * scale, tr.NextDouble() * scale));
                //TODO: Other types go here