Пример #1
        public void AssignFromText(string text)
            //TMPro.TMP_InputField input = GetComponent<TMPro.TMP_InputField>();
            //Show.Log("assign "+text+" instead of "+input.text);
            UnityDataSheet uds = GetComponentInParent <UnityDataSheet>();

            if (uds == null)
                // this happens the first instant that the input field is created, before it is connected to the UI properly
                //Show.Log("missing "+nameof(UnityDataSheet)+" for "+transform.HierarchyPath());
            int col = transform.GetSiblingIndex();
            int row = uds.GetRowIndex(transform.parent.gameObject);

            Udash.ColumnSetting column = uds.GetColumn(col);
            if (column.canEdit)
                object value           = text;
                bool   validAssignment = true;
                if (column.type != null)
                    if (!CodeConvert.Convert(ref value, column.type))
                        errorMessage = "could not assign \"" + text + "\" to " + column.type;
                        uds.errLog.AddError(-1, errorMessage);
                        validAssignment = false;
                        uds.popup.Set("err", gameObject, errorMessage);
                if (validAssignment)
                    ITokenErrLog errLog = new TokenErrorLog();
                    validAssignment = column.SetValue(uds.GetItem(row), value, errLog);
                    if (errLog.HasError())
                        errorMessage    = errLog.GetErrorString();
                        validAssignment = false;
                        uds.popup.Set("err", gameObject, errorMessage);

                if (validAssignment)
                    uds.data.Set(row, col, value);
                    if (errorMessage == uds.popup.Message)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// how to execute an onClick action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scope"></param>
        public void OnClick()
            //Show.Log("onClick " + scope + "." + script.Stringify());
            TokenErrorLog tok = new TokenErrorLog();

            if (script.meta != null)
                object r = script.Resolve(tok, scope);
            if (tok.HasError())
Пример #3
        public GameObject UpdateRowData(DataSheetRow rObj, RowData rowData, float yPosition = float.NaN)
            object[]      columns   = rowData.columns;
            Vector2       rowCursor = Vector2.zero;
            RectTransform rect;
            // remove all columns from the row (probably temporarily)
            List <GameObject> unusedColumns = new List <GameObject>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rObj.transform.childCount; ++i)
                GameObject fieldUi = rObj.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                if (fieldUi == null)
                    throw new Exception("a null child in the row? wat");
            while (rObj.transform.childCount > 0)
                rObj.transform.GetChild(rObj.transform.childCount - 1).SetParent(null, false);
            TokenErrorLog errLog = new TokenErrorLog();

            for (int c = 0; c < data.columnSettings.Count; ++c)
                Udash.ColumnSetting colS    = data.columnSettings[c];
                GameObject          fieldUi = null;
                string columnUiName         = colS.data.columnUi.ResolveString(errLog, rowData.obj);
                if (columnUiName == null)
                    string errorMessage = "could not resolve column UI name from " + colS.data.columnUi + "\n" + errLog.GetErrorString();
                    columnUiName = colS.data.columnUi.ResolveString(errLog, rowData.obj);
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                // check if there's a version of it from earlier
                for (int i = 0; i < unusedColumns.Count; ++i)
                    if (unusedColumns[i].name.StartsWith(columnUiName))
                        fieldUi = unusedColumns[i];
                // otherwise create it
                if (fieldUi == null)
                    GameObject prefab = uiPrototypes.GetElement(columnUiName);
                    if (prefab == null)
                        columnUiName = colS.data.columnUi.ResolveString(errLog, rowData.obj);
                        throw new Exception("no such prefab \"" + columnUiName + "\" in data sheet initialization script. valid values: [" +
                                            uiPrototypes.transform.JoinToString() + "]\n---\n" + colS.data.columnUi + "\n---\n" + columnSetup);
                    fieldUi = Instantiate(prefab);

                if (colS.data.onClick.IsSyntax)
                    ClickableScriptedCell clickable = fieldUi.GetComponent <ClickableScriptedCell>();
                    if (fieldUi != null)
                    clickable = fieldUi.AddComponent <ClickableScriptedCell>();
                    clickable.Set(rowData.obj, colS.data.onClick);
                    clickable.debugMetaData = colS.data.onClick.StringifySmall();
                    if (!UiClick.AddOnButtonClickIfNotAlready(fieldUi, clickable, clickable.OnClick))
                        UiClick.AddOnPanelClickIfNotAlready(fieldUi, clickable, clickable.OnClick);

                fieldUi.transform.SetParent(rObj.transform, false);
                object value = columns[c];
                if (value != null)
                    UiText.SetText(fieldUi, value.ToString());
                    UiText.SetText(fieldUi, "");
                rect = fieldUi.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                rect.anchoredPosition = rowCursor;
                float w = rect.sizeDelta.x;
                if (colS.data.widthOfColumn > 0)
                    w = colS.data.widthOfColumn;
                    rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, w);
                rowCursor.x += w * rt.localScale.x;
            for (int i = 0; i < unusedColumns.Count; ++i)
            rect = rObj.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            rect.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, rowCursor.x);
            rect.transform.SetParent(contentRectangle, false);
            if (!float.IsNaN(yPosition))
                //rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, -yPosition);
                //rect.localPosition = new Vector2(0, -yPosition);
                rObj.LocalPosition = new Vector2(0, -yPosition);
        public void SetColumnHeader(ColumnHeader columnHeader, UnityDataSheet uds, int column)
            // unregister listeners before values change, since values are about to change.

            this.uds    = uds;
            this.column = column;
            cHeader     = columnHeader;
            TokenErrorLog errLog = new TokenErrorLog();
            // setup script value
            Token t = cHeader.columnSetting.fieldToken;
            //string textA = t.GetAsSmallText();
            //string textB = t.Stringify();
            //string textC = t.StringifySmall();
            //string textD = t.ToString();
            string text = t.GetAsBasicToken();

            //Show.Log("A: "+textA+"\nB:" + textB + "\nC:" + textC + "\nD:" + textD + "\nE:" + text);
            scriptValue.text = text;
            EventBind.On(scriptValue.onValueChanged, this, OnScriptValueEdit);
            // implicitly setup value types dropdown
            // setup column label
            object labelText = cHeader.columnSetting.data.label.Resolve(errLog, uds.data);

            if (errLog.HasError())
                popup.Set("err", defaultValue.gameObject, errLog.GetErrorString() + Proc.Now); return;
            columnLabel.text = labelText.StringifySmall();
            EventBind.On(columnLabel.onValueChanged, this, OnLabelEdit);
            // setup column width
            columnWidth.text = cHeader.columnSetting.data.widthOfColumn.ToString();
            EventBind.On(columnWidth.onValueChanged, this, OnColumnWidthEdit);
            // setup column index
            columnIndex.text = column.ToString();
            EventBind.On(columnIndex.onValueChanged, this, OnIndexEdit);
            // setup column type
            List <ModalConfirmation.Entry> entries = columnTypes.ConvertAll(c => {
                string dropdownLabel;
                if (c.uiField != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.name))
                    dropdownLabel = "/*" + c.name + "*/ " + c.uiField.name;
                    dropdownLabel = c.name;
                return(new ModalConfirmation.Entry(dropdownLabel, null));

            t = cHeader.columnSetting.data.columnUi;
            string fieldTypeText = t.ToString();            //cHeader.columnSetting.data.columnUi.GetAsBasicToken();//ResolveString(errLog, null);
            int    currentIndex  = columnTypes.FindIndex(c => fieldTypeText.StartsWith(c.uiField.name)) + 1;

            //Show.Log(currentIndex+" field  " + fieldTypeText);
            DropDownEvent.PopulateDropdown(fieldType, entries, this, SetFieldType, currentIndex, true);
            if (currentIndex == 0)
                DropDownEvent.SetCustomValue(fieldType.gameObject, fieldTypeText);
            TMP_InputField elementUiInputField = fieldType.GetComponentInChildren <TMP_InputField>();

            if (elementUiInputField != null)
                //Show.Log("bind to "+elementUiInputField.name);
                EventBind.On(elementUiInputField.onValueChanged, this, OnSetFieldTypeText);
            // setup default value
            object defVal = cHeader.columnSetting.defaultValue;

            if (defVal != null)
                defaultValue.text = defVal.ToString();
                defaultValue.text = "";
            EventBind.On(defaultValue.onValueChanged, this, OnSetDefaultValue);
            // setup column destroy option
            EventBind.On(trashColumn.onClick, this, ColumnRemove);