Пример #1
        public byte[] DecodeArrayByte(byte[] data)
            TokenD token = new TokenD(data);
            // token.initialize();

            /* Read the SOI marker. */
            getCMarkerWSQ(token, WSQConstants.SOI_WSQ);

            /* Read in supporting tables up to the SOF marker. */
            int marker = getCMarkerWSQ(token, WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOF);
            while (marker != WSQConstants.SOF_WSQ)
                getCTableWSQ(token, marker);
                marker = getCMarkerWSQ(token, WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOF);

            /* Read in the Frame Header. */
            WSQHelper.HeaderFrm frmHeaderWSQ = getCFrameHeaderWSQ(token);
            int width = frmHeaderWSQ.width;
            int height = frmHeaderWSQ.height;

            int ppi = getCPpiWSQ();

            /* Build WSQ decomposition trees. */
            buildWSQTrees(token, width, height);

            /* Decode the Huffman encoded buffer blocks. */
            int[] qdata = huffmanDecodeDataMem(token, width * height);

            /* Decode the quantize wavelet subband buffer. */
            float[] fdata = unquantize(token, qdata, width, height);

            /* Done with quantized wavelet subband buffer. */
            //noinspection UnusedAssignment
            qdata = null;

            wsqReconstruct(token, fdata, width, height);

            /* Convert floating point pixels to unsigned char pixels. */
            byte[] cdata = convertImage2Byte(fdata, width, height, frmHeaderWSQ.mShift, frmHeaderWSQ.rScale);
            ////noinspection UnusedAssignment
            //fdata = null;

            ////noinspection UnusedAssignment
            //token = null;

            //Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);
            //int pix = 0;
            //for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
            //    {
            //        bmp.SetPixel(j, i, Color.FromArgb(cdata[pix], cdata[pix], cdata[pix]));
            //        pix++;
            //    }

            return cdata; //new Bitmap(cdata, width, height, ppi, 8, 1);
Пример #2
        private void guardarLexema(Regla rule, TokenD lexem)
            //La regla es del tipo error
            if (rule.soy_error)
                //linea, columna, valor
                this.a_activo.errores_lexicos.Add(new Terror(lexem.valor, lexem.linea, lexem.columna, "Lexico", "Error grabado por el metodo error"));

            //si es no_guardar, tonces se omite
            if (rule.metodo.nombre_token.Equals("no_guardar"))

            //Primero buscar dentro las palabras reservadas
            foreach (String nombre_reserv in rule.reservadas.Keys)
                String valor_reserv = "";
                rule.reservadas.TryGetValue(nombre_reserv, out valor_reserv);
                if (valor_reserv.Equals(lexem.valor))
                    this.a_activo.tokens_lexicos.Add(new TokenD(nombre_reserv, lexem.valor, lexem.linea, lexem.columna));
            //Paso, no es reservada
            if (rule.metodo.nivel == 1)
                lexem.tipo         = "token";
                lexem.valor        = rule.metodo.nombre_token;
                lexem.nombre_token = rule.metodo.nombre_token;
            else if (rule.metodo.nivel == 2)
                lexem.nombre_token = rule.metodo.nombre_token;
                //valor ya lo trae por default
                lexem.tipo = rule.metodo.stipo;

            a_activo.tokens_lexicos.Add(new TokenD(lexem.nombre_token, lexem.valor, lexem.tipo, lexem.linea, lexem.columna));
Пример #3
 private void getCTableWSQ(TokenD token, int marker)
     switch (marker)
         case WSQConstants.DTT_WSQ:
         case WSQConstants.DQT_WSQ:
         case WSQConstants.DHT_WSQ:
         case WSQConstants.COM_WSQ:
             //shams: i don't use return value
             String str;
             str = getCComment(token);
             throw new SystemException("ERROR: getCTableWSQ : Invalid table defined : " + marker);
Пример #4
        private int getCMarkerWSQ(TokenD token, int type)
            if (token.pointer >= token.buffer.Length)
                throw new SystemException("Error, Invalid pointer : " + token.pointer);

            int marker = token.readShort();

            switch (type)
                case WSQConstants.SOI_WSQ:
                    if (marker != WSQConstants.SOI_WSQ)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : getCMarkerWSQ : No SOI marker : " + marker);

                    return marker;

                case WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOF:
                    if (marker != WSQConstants.DTT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.DQT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.DHT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.SOF_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.COM_WSQ)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : getc_marker_wsq : No SOF, Table, or comment markers : " + marker);

                    return marker;

                case WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOB:
                    if (marker != WSQConstants.DTT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.DQT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.DHT_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.SOB_WSQ
                            && marker != WSQConstants.COM_WSQ)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : getc_marker_wsq : No SOB, Table, or comment markers : " +
                    return marker;
                case WSQConstants.ANY_WSQ:
                    if ((marker & 0xff00) != 0xff00)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : getc_marker_wsq : no marker found : " + marker);

                    /* Added by MDG on 03-07-05 */
                    if ((marker < WSQConstants.SOI_WSQ) || (marker > WSQConstants.COM_WSQ))
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : getc_marker_wsq : not a valid marker : " + marker);

                    return marker;
                    throw new SystemException("ERROR : getc_marker_wsq : Invalid marker : " + marker);
Пример #5
        private int getCNextbitsWSQ(TokenD token, IntRef marker, IntRef bitCount, int bitsReq, IntRef nextByte)
            if (bitCount.value == 0)
                nextByte.value = token.readByte();

                bitCount.value = 8;
                if (nextByte.value == 0xFF)
                    int code2 = token.readByte();  /*stuffed byte of buffer*/

                    if (code2 != 0x00 && bitsReq == 1)
                        marker.value = (nextByte.value << 8) | code2;
                        return 1;
                    if (code2 != 0x00)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR: getCNextbitsWSQ : No stuffed zeros.");

            int bits, tbits;  /*bits of current buffer byte requested*/
            int bitsNeeded; /*additional bits required to finish request*/

            if (bitsReq <= bitCount.value)
                bits = (nextByte.value >> (bitCount.value - bitsReq)) & (WSQConstants.BITMASK[bitsReq]);
                bitCount.value -= bitsReq;
                nextByte.value &= WSQConstants.BITMASK[bitCount.value];
                bitsNeeded = bitsReq - bitCount.value; /*additional bits required to finish request*/
                bits = nextByte.value << bitsNeeded;
                bitCount.value = 0;
                tbits = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, bitsNeeded, nextByte);
                bits |= tbits;

            return bits;
Пример #6
        private WSQHelper.HeaderFrm getCFrameHeaderWSQ(TokenD token)
            WSQHelper.HeaderFrm headerFrm = new WSQHelper.HeaderFrm();

            //noinspection UnusedDeclaration
            int hdrSize = token.readShort(); /* header size */

            headerFrm.black = token.readByte();
            headerFrm.white = token.readByte();
            headerFrm.height = token.readShort();
            headerFrm.width = token.readShort();
            int scale = token.readByte(); /* exponent scaling parameter */
            int shrtDat = token.readShort(); /* buffer pointer */
            headerFrm.mShift = (float)shrtDat;
            while (scale > 0)
                headerFrm.mShift /= 10.0F;

            scale = token.readByte();
            shrtDat = token.readShort();
            headerFrm.rScale = (float)shrtDat;
            while (scale > 0)
                headerFrm.rScale /= 10.0F;

            headerFrm.wsqEncoder = token.readByte();
            headerFrm.software = token.readShort();

            return headerFrm;
Пример #7
        private WSQHelper.HuffmanTable getCHuffmanTable(TokenD token, int maxHuffcounts, int bytesLeft, bool readTableLen)
            WSQHelper.HuffmanTable huffmanTable = new WSQHelper.HuffmanTable();

            /* table_len */
            if (readTableLen)
                huffmanTable.tableLen = token.readShort();
                huffmanTable.bytesLeft = huffmanTable.tableLen - 2;
                bytesLeft = huffmanTable.bytesLeft;
                huffmanTable.bytesLeft = bytesLeft;

            /* If no bytes left ... */
            if (bytesLeft <= 0)
                throw new SystemException("ERROR : getCHuffmanTable : no huffman table bytes remaining");

            /* Table ID */
            huffmanTable.tableId = token.readByte();

            huffmanTable.huffbits = new int[WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS];
            int numHufvals = 0;
            /* L1 ... L16 */
            for (int i = 0; i < WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS; i++)
                huffmanTable.huffbits[i] = token.readByte();
                numHufvals += huffmanTable.huffbits[i];
            huffmanTable.bytesLeft -= WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS;

            if (numHufvals > maxHuffcounts + 1)
                throw new SystemException("ERROR : getCHuffmanTable : numHufvals is larger than MAX_HUFFCOUNTS");

            /* Could allocate only the amount needed ... then we wouldn't */
            /* need to pass MAX_HUFFCOUNTS. */
            huffmanTable.huffvalues = new int[maxHuffcounts + 1];

            /* V1,1 ... V16,16 */
            for (int i = 0; i < numHufvals; i++)
                huffmanTable.huffvalues[i] = token.readByte();
            huffmanTable.bytesLeft -= numHufvals;

            return huffmanTable;
Пример #8
        private float[] unquantize(TokenD token, int[] sip, int width, int height)
            float[] fip = new float[width * height];  /* floating point image */

            if (token.tableDQT.dqtDef != 1)
                throw new SystemException("ERROR: unquantize : quantization table parameters not defined!");

            float binCenter = token.tableDQT.binCenter; /* quantizer bin center */

            int sptr = 0;
            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < WSQConstants.NUM_SUBBANDS; cnt++)
                if (token.tableDQT.qBin[cnt] == 0.0)

                int fptr = (token.qtree[cnt].y * width) + token.qtree[cnt].x;

                for (int row = 0; row < token.qtree[cnt].leny; row++, fptr += width - token.qtree[cnt].lenx)
                    for (int col = 0; col < token.qtree[cnt].lenx; col++)
                        if (sip[sptr] == 0)
                            fip[fptr] = 0.0f;
                        else if (sip[sptr] > 0)
                            fip[fptr] = (token.tableDQT.qBin[cnt] * (sip[sptr] - binCenter)) + (token.tableDQT.zBin[cnt] / 2.0f);
                        else if (sip[sptr] < 0)
                            fip[fptr] = (token.tableDQT.qBin[cnt] * (sip[sptr] + binCenter)) - (token.tableDQT.zBin[cnt] / 2.0f);
                            throw new SystemException("ERROR : unquantize : invalid quantization pixel value");

            return fip;
Пример #9
        public void getCHuffmanTableWSQ(TokenD token)
            /* First time, read table len. */
            WSQHelper.HuffmanTable firstHuffmanTable = getCHuffmanTable(token, WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFCOUNTS_WSQ, 0, true);

            /* Store table into global structure list. */
            int tableId = firstHuffmanTable.tableId;
            token.tableDHT[tableId].huffbits = (int[])firstHuffmanTable.huffbits.Clone();
            token.tableDHT[tableId].huffvalues = (int[])firstHuffmanTable.huffvalues.Clone();
            token.tableDHT[tableId].tabdef = 1;

            int bytesLeft = firstHuffmanTable.bytesLeft;
            while (bytesLeft != 0)
                /* Read next table without rading table len. */
                WSQHelper.HuffmanTable huffmantable = getCHuffmanTable(token, WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFCOUNTS_WSQ, bytesLeft, false);

                /* If table is already defined ... */
                tableId = huffmantable.tableId;
                if (token.tableDHT[tableId].tabdef != 0)
                    throw new SystemException("ERROR : getCHuffmanTableWSQ : huffman table already defined.");

                /* Store table into global structure list. */
                token.tableDHT[tableId].huffbits = (int[])huffmantable.huffbits.Clone();
                token.tableDHT[tableId].huffvalues = (int[])huffmantable.huffvalues.Clone();
                token.tableDHT[tableId].tabdef = 1;
                bytesLeft = huffmantable.bytesLeft;
Пример #10
        private void buildWTree(TokenD token, int wtreelen, int width, int height)
            int lenx, lenx2, leny, leny2;  /* starting lengths of sections of
                                                  the image being split into subbands */
            token.wtree = new WavletTree[wtreelen];
            for (int i = 0; i < wtreelen; i++)
                token.wtree[i] = new WavletTree();
                token.wtree[i].invrw = 0;
                token.wtree[i].invcl = 0;

            token.wtree[2].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[4].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[7].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[9].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[11].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[13].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[16].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[18].invrw = 1;
            token.wtree[3].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[5].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[8].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[9].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[12].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[13].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[17].invcl = 1;
            token.wtree[18].invcl = 1;

            wtree4(token, 0, 1, width, height, 0, 0, 1);

            if ((token.wtree[1].lenx % 2) == 0)
                lenx = token.wtree[1].lenx / 2;
                lenx2 = lenx;
                lenx = (token.wtree[1].lenx + 1) / 2;
                lenx2 = lenx - 1;

            if ((token.wtree[1].leny % 2) == 0)
                leny = token.wtree[1].leny / 2;
                leny2 = leny;
                leny = (token.wtree[1].leny + 1) / 2;
                leny2 = leny - 1;

            wtree4(token, 4, 6, lenx2, leny, lenx, 0, 0);
            wtree4(token, 5, 10, lenx, leny2, 0, leny, 0);
            wtree4(token, 14, 15, lenx, leny, 0, 0, 0);

            token.wtree[19].x = 0;
            token.wtree[19].y = 0;
            if ((token.wtree[15].lenx % 2) == 0)
                token.wtree[19].lenx = token.wtree[15].lenx / 2;
                token.wtree[19].lenx = (token.wtree[15].lenx + 1) / 2;

            if ((token.wtree[15].leny % 2) == 0)
                token.wtree[19].leny = token.wtree[15].leny / 2;
                token.wtree[19].leny = (token.wtree[15].leny + 1) / 2;
Пример #11
        private int[] huffmanDecodeDataMem(TokenD token, int size)
            int[] qdata = new int[size];

            int[] maxcode = new int[WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS + 1];
            int[] mincode = new int[WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS + 1];
            int[] valptr = new int[WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFBITS + 1];

            IntRef marker = new IntRef(getCMarkerWSQ(token, WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOB));

            IntRef bitCount = new IntRef(0); /* bit count for getc_nextbits_wsq routine */
            IntRef nextByte = new IntRef(0); /*next byte of buffer*/
            int hufftableId = 0; /* huffman table number */
            int ip = 0;

            while (marker.value != WSQConstants.EOI_WSQ)

                if (marker.value != 0)
                    while (marker.value != WSQConstants.SOB_WSQ)
                        getCTableWSQ(token, marker.value);
                        marker.value = getCMarkerWSQ(token, WSQConstants.TBLS_N_SOB);
                    hufftableId = getCBlockHeader(token); /* huffman table number */

                    if (token.tableDHT[hufftableId].tabdef != 1)
                        throw new SystemException("ERROR : huffmanDecodeDataMem : huffman table undefined.");

                    /* the next two routines reconstruct the huffman tables */
                    WSQHelper.HuffCode[] hufftable = buildHuffsizes(token.tableDHT[hufftableId].huffbits, WSQConstants.MAX_HUFFCOUNTS_WSQ);

                    /* this routine builds a set of three tables used in decoding */
                    /* the compressed buffer*/
                    genDecodeTable(hufftable, maxcode, mincode, valptr, token.tableDHT[hufftableId].huffbits);

                    bitCount.value = 0;
                    marker.value = 0;

                /* get next huffman category code from compressed input buffer stream */
                int nodeptr = decodeDataMem(token, mincode, maxcode, valptr, token.tableDHT[hufftableId].huffvalues, bitCount, marker, nextByte);
                /* nodeptr  pointers for decoding */

                if (nodeptr == -1)

                if (nodeptr > 0 && nodeptr <= 100)
                    for (int n = 0; n < nodeptr; n++)
                        qdata[ip++] = 0; /* z run */
                else if (nodeptr > 106 && nodeptr < 0xff)
                    qdata[ip++] = nodeptr - 180;
                else if (nodeptr == 101)
                    qdata[ip++] = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 8, nextByte);

                else if (nodeptr == 102)
                    qdata[ip++] = -getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 8, nextByte);
                else if (nodeptr == 103)
                    qdata[ip++] = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 16, nextByte);
                else if (nodeptr == 104)
                    qdata[ip++] = -getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 16, nextByte);
                else if (nodeptr == 105)
                    int n = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 8, nextByte);
                    while (n-- > 0)
                        qdata[ip++] = 0;
                else if (nodeptr == 106)
                    int n = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 16, nextByte);
                    while (n-- > 0)
                        qdata[ip++] = 0;
                    throw new SystemException("ERROR: huffman_decode_data_mem : Invalid code (" + nodeptr + ")");

            return qdata;
Пример #12
        private void buildQTree(TokenD token, int qtreelen)
            token.qtree = new QuantTree[qtreelen];
            for (int i = 0; i < token.qtree.Length; i++)
                token.qtree[i] = new QuantTree();

            qtree16(token, 3, token.wtree[14].lenx, token.wtree[14].leny, token.wtree[14].x, token.wtree[14].y, 0, 0);
            qtree16(token, 19, token.wtree[4].lenx, token.wtree[4].leny, token.wtree[4].x, token.wtree[4].y, 0, 1);
            qtree16(token, 48, token.wtree[0].lenx, token.wtree[0].leny, token.wtree[0].x, token.wtree[0].y, 0, 0);
            qtree16(token, 35, token.wtree[5].lenx, token.wtree[5].leny, token.wtree[5].x, token.wtree[5].y, 1, 0);
            qtree4(token, 0, token.wtree[19].lenx, token.wtree[19].leny, token.wtree[19].x, token.wtree[19].y);
Пример #13
 private void buildWSQTrees(TokenD token, int width, int height)
     /* Build a W-TREE structure for the image. */
     buildWTree(token, WSQConstants.W_TREELEN, width, height);
     /* Build a Q-TREE structure for the image. */
     buildQTree(token, WSQConstants.Q_TREELEN);
Пример #14
        public void getCQuantizationTable(TokenD token)
            int tmp;
            tmp = token.readShort(); /* header size */
            int scale = token.readByte(); /* scaling parameter */
            int shrtDat = token.readShort(); /* counter and temp short buffer */

            token.tableDQT.binCenter = (float)shrtDat;
            while (scale > 0)
                token.tableDQT.binCenter /= 10.0F;

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt < Table_DQT.MAX_SUBBANDS; cnt++)
                scale = token.readByte();
                shrtDat = token.readShort();
                token.tableDQT.qBin[cnt] = (float)shrtDat;
                while (scale > 0)
                    token.tableDQT.qBin[cnt] /= 10.0F;

                scale = token.readByte();
                shrtDat = token.readShort();
                token.tableDQT.zBin[cnt] = (float)shrtDat;
                while (scale > 0)
                    token.tableDQT.zBin[cnt] /= 10.0F;

            token.tableDQT.dqtDef = (char)1;
Пример #15
        private void wtree4(TokenD token, int start1, int start2, int lenx, int leny, int x, int y, int stop1)
            int evenx, eveny;   /* Check length of subband for even or odd */
            int p1, p2;         /* w_tree locations for storing subband sizes and locations */

            p1 = start1;
            p2 = start2;

            evenx = lenx % 2;
            eveny = leny % 2;

            token.wtree[p1].x = x;
            token.wtree[p1].y = y;
            token.wtree[p1].lenx = lenx;
            token.wtree[p1].leny = leny;

            token.wtree[p2].x = x;
            token.wtree[p2 + 2].x = x;
            token.wtree[p2].y = y;
            token.wtree[p2 + 1].y = y;

            if (evenx == 0)
                token.wtree[p2].lenx = lenx / 2;
                token.wtree[p2 + 1].lenx = token.wtree[p2].lenx;
                if (p1 == 4)
                    token.wtree[p2].lenx = (lenx - 1) / 2;
                    token.wtree[p2 + 1].lenx = token.wtree[p2].lenx + 1;
                    token.wtree[p2].lenx = (lenx + 1) / 2;
                    token.wtree[p2 + 1].lenx = token.wtree[p2].lenx - 1;
            token.wtree[p2 + 1].x = token.wtree[p2].lenx + x;
            if (stop1 == 0)
                token.wtree[p2 + 3].lenx = token.wtree[p2 + 1].lenx;
                token.wtree[p2 + 3].x = token.wtree[p2 + 1].x;
            token.wtree[p2 + 2].lenx = token.wtree[p2].lenx;

            if (eveny == 0)
                token.wtree[p2].leny = leny / 2;
                token.wtree[p2 + 2].leny = token.wtree[p2].leny;
                if (p1 == 5)
                    token.wtree[p2].leny = (leny - 1) / 2;
                    token.wtree[p2 + 2].leny = token.wtree[p2].leny + 1;
                    token.wtree[p2].leny = (leny + 1) / 2;
                    token.wtree[p2 + 2].leny = token.wtree[p2].leny - 1;
            token.wtree[p2 + 2].y = token.wtree[p2].leny + y;
            if (stop1 == 0)
                token.wtree[p2 + 3].leny = token.wtree[p2 + 2].leny;
                token.wtree[p2 + 3].y = token.wtree[p2 + 2].y;
            token.wtree[p2 + 1].leny = token.wtree[p2].leny;
Пример #16
        private void wsqReconstruct(TokenD token, float[] fdata, int width, int height)
            if (token.tableDTT.lodef != 1)
                throw new SystemException("ERROR: wsq_reconstruct : Lopass filter coefficients not defined");

            if (token.tableDTT.hidef != 1)
                throw new SystemException("ERROR: wsq_reconstruct : Hipass filter coefficients not defined");

            int numPix = width * height;
            /* Allocate temporary floating point pixmap. */
            float[] fdataTemp = new float[numPix];

            /* Reconstruct floating point pixmap from wavelet subband buffer. */
            for (int node = WSQConstants.W_TREELEN - 1; node >= 0; node--)
                int fdataBse = (token.wtree[node].y * width) + token.wtree[node].x;
                joinLets(fdataTemp, fdata, 0, fdataBse, token.wtree[node].lenx, token.wtree[node].leny,
                        1, width,
                        token.tableDTT.hifilt, token.tableDTT.hisz,
                        token.tableDTT.lofilt, token.tableDTT.losz,
                joinLets(fdata, fdataTemp, fdataBse, 0, token.wtree[node].leny, token.wtree[node].lenx,
                        width, 1,
                        token.tableDTT.hifilt, token.tableDTT.hisz,
                        token.tableDTT.lofilt, token.tableDTT.losz,
Пример #17
        private void getCTransformTable(TokenD token)
            // read header Size;
            int tmp;
            tmp = token.readShort();

            token.tableDTT.hisz = token.readByte();
            token.tableDTT.losz = token.readByte();

            token.tableDTT.hifilt = new float[token.tableDTT.hisz];
            token.tableDTT.lofilt = new float[token.tableDTT.losz];

            int aSize;
            if (token.tableDTT.hisz % 2 != 0)
                aSize = (token.tableDTT.hisz + 1) / 2;
                aSize = token.tableDTT.hisz / 2;

            float[] aLofilt = new float[aSize];

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt <= aSize; cnt++)
                int sign = token.readByte();
                int scale = token.readByte();
                long shrtDat = token.readInt();
                aLofilt[cnt] = (float)shrtDat;

                while (scale > 0)
                    aLofilt[cnt] /= 10.0F;

                if (sign != 0)
                    aLofilt[cnt] *= -1.0F;

                if (token.tableDTT.hisz % 2 != 0)
                    token.tableDTT.hifilt[cnt + aSize] = intSign(cnt) * aLofilt[cnt];
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        token.tableDTT.hifilt[aSize - cnt] = token.tableDTT.hifilt[cnt + aSize];
                    token.tableDTT.hifilt[cnt + aSize + 1] = intSign(cnt) * aLofilt[cnt];
                    token.tableDTT.hifilt[aSize - cnt] = -1 * token.tableDTT.hifilt[cnt + aSize + 1];

            if (token.tableDTT.losz % 2 != 0)
                aSize = (token.tableDTT.losz + 1) / 2;
                aSize = token.tableDTT.losz / 2;

            float[] aHifilt = new float[aSize];

            for (int cnt = 0; cnt <= aSize; cnt++)
                int sign = token.readByte();
                int scale = token.readByte();
                long shrtDat = token.readInt();

                aHifilt[cnt] = (float)shrtDat;

                while (scale > 0)
                    aHifilt[cnt] /= 10.0F;

                if (sign != 0)
                    aHifilt[cnt] *= -1.0F;

                if (token.tableDTT.losz % 2 != 0)
                    token.tableDTT.lofilt[cnt + aSize] = intSign(cnt) * aHifilt[cnt];
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        token.tableDTT.lofilt[aSize - cnt] = token.tableDTT.lofilt[cnt + aSize];
                    token.tableDTT.lofilt[cnt + aSize + 1] = intSign(cnt + 1) * aHifilt[cnt];
                    token.tableDTT.lofilt[aSize - cnt] = token.tableDTT.lofilt[cnt + aSize + 1];

            token.tableDTT.lodef = 1;
            token.tableDTT.hidef = 1;
Пример #18
        private void moverme2(Regla regla, List <Caracter> listacaracteres, TokenD lexema, Indice piterador)
            int            i_original = piterador.i;
            int            iestado    = 0;
            Caracter       ccaracter;
            List <EstadoD> listaestados = regla.estadosD;

            for (piterador.i = i_original; piterador.i < listacaracteres.Count; piterador.i = piterador.i + 1)
                ccaracter = listacaracteres[piterador.i];
                Console.WriteLine("Iterador: " + piterador.i.ToString() + ". Caracter: " + ccaracter.caracter + ", Estado: " + iestado.ToString());
                EstadoD estado_actual = null;

                foreach (EstadoD item in listaestados)
                    if (item.num == iestado)
                        estado_actual = item;

                if (estado_actual == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Se arruino!!");

                iestado = this.estadoFuturo(estado_actual, ccaracter, regla);

                //Transicion, IMPosible, no hay camino a seguir
                if (iestado == -1)
                    //Error, pero si
                    //Es estado aceptacion, acepto el lexema, retrocedo el inidice en 1, salgo de la funcion
                    if ((estado_actual.aceptacion == true) || (lexema.aceptado == true))
                        lexema.aceptado = true;
                        piterador.i     = piterador.i - 1;
                        this.pintarCelda(estado_actual.num, Color.LightGreen, regla);

                    //Si llego aqui no estamos en estado de aceptacion, //ser rechaza el lexema
                    lexema.aceptado = false;
                    this.pintarCelda(estado_actual.num, Color.Red, regla);

                //Transicion, Posible, hay camino a seguir
                if (iestado > -1)
                    lexema.valor += ccaracter.caracter;
                    if (estado_actual.aceptacion)
                        this.pintarCelda(iestado, Color.LightGreen, regla);
                        lexema.aceptado = true;
                        this.pintarCelda(iestado, Color.Yellow, regla);
                        lexema.aceptado = false;
Пример #19
        private int decodeDataMem(TokenD token, int[] mincode, int[] maxcode, int[] valptr, int[] huffvalues, IntRef bitCount, IntRef marker, IntRef nextByte)
            short code = (short)getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 1, nextByte);   /* becomes a huffman code word  (one bit at a time)*/
            if (marker.value != 0)
                return -1;

            int inx;
            for (inx = 1; code > maxcode[inx]; inx++)
                int tbits = getCNextbitsWSQ(token, marker, bitCount, 1, nextByte);  /* becomes a huffman code word  (one bit at a time)*/
                code = (short)((code << 1) + tbits);

                if (marker.value != 0)
                    return -1;

            int inx2 = valptr[inx] + code - mincode[inx];  /*increment variables*/
            return huffvalues[inx2];
Пример #20
        private void qtree4(TokenD token, int start, int lenx, int leny, int x, int y)
            int evenx, eveny;    /* Check length of subband for even or odd */
            int p;               /* indicates subband information being stored */

            p = start;
            evenx = lenx % 2;
            eveny = leny % 2;

            token.qtree[p].x = x;
            token.qtree[p + 2].x = x;
            token.qtree[p].y = y;
            token.qtree[p + 1].y = y;
            if (evenx == 0)
                token.qtree[p].lenx = lenx / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 2].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 3].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p].lenx = (lenx + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 2].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 3].lenx = token.qtree[p + 1].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 1].x = x + token.qtree[p].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 3].x = token.qtree[p + 1].x;
            if (eveny == 0)
                token.qtree[p].leny = leny / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 2].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 3].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p].leny = (leny + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 2].leny = token.qtree[p].leny - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 3].leny = token.qtree[p + 2].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 2].y = y + token.qtree[p].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 3].y = token.qtree[p + 2].y;
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// La aplicacion tienen n automatas
        /// Se evalua si hay un posible camino dentro de cada automata
        ///     si es asi se mueve dentro del automata
        /// Si no hay camino o hay un error dentro un automata recien entrado
        /// se busca el siguiente automata para ser aceptado
        /// si se finaliza todos los automata y no fue aceptado se guarda un error del tipo DLEX, xq no
        /// no se puede aceptar la cadena en ninguna regla escrita
        /// el error es LEXICO, este se crea si la cadena se acepta en al regla de "error" escrito en el lenguaje dx
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listacaracteres"></param>
        private void moverme(List <Caracter> listacaracteres)
            Indice   iterador   = new Indice(0);
            int      i_anterior = iterador.i;
            TokenD   lexema;
            Caracter caracter;

            for (iterador.i = 0; iterador.i < listacaracteres.Count; iterador.i = iterador.i + 1)
                lexema     = new TokenD();
                i_anterior = iterador.i;

                //Buscar Camino dentro de la lista de reglas
                //Cada regla tiene asociada un automata
                List <Regla> reglas = this.arch.reglas;

                int index_reglas = 0;
                for (index_reglas = 0; index_reglas < reglas.Count; index_reglas++)
                    caracter = listacaracteres[i_anterior];
                    lexema   = new TokenD(caracter.linea, caracter.columna);

                    Regla regla = reglas[index_reglas];
                    //Obtener el estado 0
                    EstadoD estado_0 = regla.estadosD[0];
                    if (this.hayCamino(estado_0, caracter, regla))
                        this.moverme2(regla, listacaracteres, lexema, iterador);
                        if ((index_reglas + 1) == reglas.Count)
                            //Evaluar si yano queda mas automatas = error
                            //NO ENCONTRE CAMINO
                            //Aun hay automatas por recorrer

                    //Si llego aqui, el caracter si entro dentro un automata

                    //Si lexema = aceptado,
                    //guardo lexeman
                    //salgo del for y continuo con el sig. caracter
                    if (lexema.aceptado)
                        this.guardarLexema(regla, lexema);

                    //Si lexema = error && no quedan mas automatas
                    //guardo el error, retroceo el indice hasta el anterior aceptado
                    if (lexema.aceptado == false && (index_reglas + 1) == reglas.Count)
                        iterador.i = i_anterior;
                    //Si lexema = error && aun quedan mas automatas
                    //retrocedo el indice hasta el ultimo aceptado
                    if (lexema.aceptado == false)
                        if (i_anterior == listacaracteres.Count - 1)
                        iterador.i = i_anterior;
Пример #22
 private int getCBlockHeader(TokenD token)
     token.readShort(); /* block header size */
     return token.readByte();
Пример #23
 private string getCComment(TokenD token)
     int size = token.readShort() - 2;
     byte[] t = token.readBytes(size);
     return ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(t, 0, t.Length);
Пример #24
        private void qtree16(TokenD token, int start, int lenx, int leny, int x, int y, int rw, int cl)
            int tempx, temp2x;   /* temporary x values */
            int tempy, temp2y;   /* temporary y values */
            int evenx, eveny;    /* Check length of subband for even or odd */
            int p;               /* indicates subband information being stored */

            p = start;
            evenx = lenx % 2;
            eveny = leny % 2;

            if (evenx == 0)
                tempx = lenx / 2;
                temp2x = tempx;
                if (cl != 0)
                    temp2x = (lenx + 1) / 2;
                    tempx = temp2x - 1;
                    tempx = (lenx + 1) / 2;
                    temp2x = tempx - 1;

            if (eveny == 0)
                tempy = leny / 2;
                temp2y = tempy;
                if (rw != 0)
                    temp2y = (leny + 1) / 2;
                    tempy = temp2y - 1;
                    tempy = (leny + 1) / 2;
                    temp2y = tempy - 1;

            evenx = tempx % 2;
            eveny = tempy % 2;

            token.qtree[p].x = x;
            token.qtree[p + 2].x = x;
            token.qtree[p].y = y;
            token.qtree[p + 1].y = y;
            if (evenx == 0)
                token.qtree[p].lenx = tempx / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 2].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 3].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p].lenx = (tempx + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 2].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 3].lenx = token.qtree[p + 1].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 1].x = x + token.qtree[p].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 3].x = token.qtree[p + 1].x;
            if (eveny == 0)
                token.qtree[p].leny = tempy / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 2].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 3].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p].leny = (tempy + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 1].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 2].leny = token.qtree[p].leny - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 3].leny = token.qtree[p + 2].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 2].y = y + token.qtree[p].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 3].y = token.qtree[p + 2].y;

            evenx = temp2x % 2;

            token.qtree[p + 4].x = x + tempx;
            token.qtree[p + 6].x = token.qtree[p + 4].x;
            token.qtree[p + 4].y = y;
            token.qtree[p + 5].y = y;
            token.qtree[p + 6].y = token.qtree[p + 2].y;
            token.qtree[p + 7].y = token.qtree[p + 2].y;
            token.qtree[p + 4].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 5].leny = token.qtree[p].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 6].leny = token.qtree[p + 2].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 7].leny = token.qtree[p + 2].leny;
            if (evenx == 0)
                token.qtree[p + 4].lenx = temp2x / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 5].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 6].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 7].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 5].lenx = (temp2x + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 4].lenx = token.qtree[p + 5].lenx - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 6].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
                token.qtree[p + 7].lenx = token.qtree[p + 5].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 5].x = token.qtree[p + 4].x + token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 7].x = token.qtree[p + 5].x;

            eveny = temp2y % 2;

            token.qtree[p + 8].x = x;
            token.qtree[p + 9].x = token.qtree[p + 1].x;
            token.qtree[p + 10].x = x;
            token.qtree[p + 11].x = token.qtree[p + 1].x;
            token.qtree[p + 8].y = y + tempy;
            token.qtree[p + 9].y = token.qtree[p + 8].y;
            token.qtree[p + 8].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 9].lenx = token.qtree[p + 1].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 10].lenx = token.qtree[p].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 11].lenx = token.qtree[p + 1].lenx;
            if (eveny == 0)
                token.qtree[p + 8].leny = temp2y / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 9].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 10].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 11].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 10].leny = (temp2y + 1) / 2;
                token.qtree[p + 11].leny = token.qtree[p + 10].leny;
                token.qtree[p + 8].leny = token.qtree[p + 10].leny - 1;
                token.qtree[p + 9].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 10].y = token.qtree[p + 8].y + token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 11].y = token.qtree[p + 10].y;

            token.qtree[p + 12].x = token.qtree[p + 4].x;
            token.qtree[p + 13].x = token.qtree[p + 5].x;
            token.qtree[p + 14].x = token.qtree[p + 4].x;
            token.qtree[p + 15].x = token.qtree[p + 5].x;
            token.qtree[p + 12].y = token.qtree[p + 8].y;
            token.qtree[p + 13].y = token.qtree[p + 8].y;
            token.qtree[p + 14].y = token.qtree[p + 10].y;
            token.qtree[p + 15].y = token.qtree[p + 10].y;
            token.qtree[p + 12].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 13].lenx = token.qtree[p + 5].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 14].lenx = token.qtree[p + 4].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 15].lenx = token.qtree[p + 5].lenx;
            token.qtree[p + 12].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 13].leny = token.qtree[p + 8].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 14].leny = token.qtree[p + 10].leny;
            token.qtree[p + 15].leny = token.qtree[p + 10].leny;