Пример #1
        public void Can_use_Today_class_with_seconds()
            var time = Today.At(09, 01, 05);

            Assert.That(time, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 09, 01, 05)));
Пример #2
 public static void PrintDate()
 => WriteLine(Today.ToLongDateString());
Пример #3
        private void OnDoCommence(object sender, CommenceArgs e)
            if (DoInitialSummary != null)
                DoInitialSummary.Invoke(this, args);

            if (StartOfSimulation != null)
                StartOfSimulation.Invoke(this, args);

            if (CLEMInitialiseResource != null)
                CLEMInitialiseResource.Invoke(this, args);

            if (CLEMInitialiseActivity != null)
                CLEMInitialiseActivity.Invoke(this, args);

            if (CLEMValidate != null)
                CLEMValidate.Invoke(this, args);

            while (Today <= EndDate && !e.CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                if (DoWeather != null)
                    DoWeather.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoDailyInitialisation != null)
                    DoDailyInitialisation.Invoke(this, args);

                if (StartOfDay != null)
                    StartOfDay.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.Day == 1 && StartOfMonth != null)
                    StartOfMonth.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.DayOfYear == 1 && StartOfYear != null)
                    StartOfYear.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday && StartOfWeek != null)
                    StartOfWeek.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday && EndOfWeek != null)
                    EndOfWeek.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoManagement != null)
                    DoManagement.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoEnergyArbitration != null)
                    DoEnergyArbitration.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoSoilWaterMovement != null)
                    DoSoilWaterMovement.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoSoilTemperature != null)
                    DoSoilTemperature.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoSoilOrganicMatter != null)
                    DoSoilOrganicMatter.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoSurfaceOrganicMatterDecomposition != null)
                    DoSurfaceOrganicMatterDecomposition.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoUpdateWaterDemand != null)
                    DoUpdateWaterDemand.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoWaterArbitration != null)
                    DoWaterArbitration.Invoke(this, args);

                if (PrePhenology != null)
                    PrePhenology.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoPhenology != null)
                    DoPhenology.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoPotentialPlantGrowth != null)
                    DoPotentialPlantGrowth.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoPotentialPlantPartioning != null)
                    DoPotentialPlantPartioning.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoNutrientArbitration != null)
                    DoNutrientArbitration.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoActualPlantPartioning != null)
                    DoActualPlantPartioning.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoActualPlantGrowth != null)
                    DoActualPlantGrowth.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoUpdate != null)
                    DoUpdate.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoManagementCalculations != null)
                    DoManagementCalculations.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoStock != null)
                    DoStock.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoLifecycle != null)
                    DoLifecycle.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoReportCalculations != null)
                    DoReportCalculations.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today == EndDate && EndOfSimulation != null)
                    EndOfSimulation.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.Day == 31 && Today.Month == 12 && EndOfYear != null)
                    EndOfYear.Invoke(this, args);

                if (Today.AddDays(1).Day == 1 && EndOfMonth != null) // is tomorrow the start of a new month?
                    // CLEM events performed before APSIM EndOfMonth
                    if (CLEMStartOfTimeStep != null)
                        CLEMStartOfTimeStep.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMUpdateLabourAvailability != null)
                        CLEMUpdateLabourAvailability.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMUpdatePasture != null)
                        CLEMUpdatePasture.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMPastureReady != null)
                        CLEMPastureReady.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMDoCutAndCarry != null)
                        CLEMDoCutAndCarry.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalBreeding != null)
                        CLEMAnimalBreeding.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalMilkProduction != null)
                        CLEMAnimalMilkProduction.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMPotentialIntake != null)
                        CLEMPotentialIntake.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMGetResourcesRequired != null)
                        CLEMGetResourcesRequired.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalWeightGain != null)
                        CLEMAnimalWeightGain.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMCalculateManure != null)
                        CLEMCalculateManure.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMCollectManure != null)
                        CLEMCollectManure.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalDeath != null)
                        CLEMAnimalDeath.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalMilking != null)
                        CLEMAnimalMilking.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMCalculateEcologicalState != null)
                        CLEMCalculateEcologicalState.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalManage != null)
                        CLEMAnimalManage.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalStock != null)
                        CLEMAnimalStock.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalSell != null)
                        CLEMAnimalSell.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMDetachPasture != null)
                        CLEMDetachPasture.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMHerdSummary != null)
                        CLEMHerdSummary.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAgeResources != null)
                        CLEMAgeResources.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMAnimalBuy != null)
                        CLEMAnimalBuy.Invoke(this, args);
                    if (CLEMEndOfTimeStep != null)
                        CLEMEndOfTimeStep.Invoke(this, args);
                    EndOfMonth.Invoke(this, args);

                if (EndOfDay != null)
                    EndOfDay.Invoke(this, args);

                if (DoReport != null)
                    DoReport.Invoke(this, args);

                Today = Today.AddDays(1);
            Today = EndDate;
            Summary.WriteMessage(this, "Simulation terminated normally");
Пример #4
 public void Should_succeed_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_after_the_same_datetime()
Пример #5
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]   = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]  = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]    = new IsText();
     Functions["iserror"]   = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]     = new IsErr();
     Functions["iseven"]    = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]     = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"] = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]      = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]        = new Na();
     Functions["n"]         = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]   = new If();
     Functions["not"]  = new Not();
     Functions["and"]  = new And();
     Functions["or"]   = new Or();
     Functions["true"] = new True();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]    = new Rows()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["column"]  = new Column();
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]       = new Date();
     Functions["today"]      = new Today();
     Functions["now"]        = new Now();
     Functions["day"]        = new Day();
     Functions["month"]      = new Month();
     Functions["year"]       = new Year();
     Functions["time"]       = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]       = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]     = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]     = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]    = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]    = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]    = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]   = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]      = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]    = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"] = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]    = new Workday();
Пример #6
 public void Should_succeed_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_before_later_datetime()
Пример #7
        public void Should_fail_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_before_earlier_datetime()
            Action act = () => Today.Should().BeOnOrBefore(Yesterday);

            act.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>();
 public Month(Today parent)
     _parent = parent;
Пример #9
        public void Using_Today()
            var date = Today.At(09, 00);

            Assert.That(date, Is.EqualTo(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, 09, 00, 00)));
    protected void ddlDuration_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //date between you should use  date first and earlier date lateafter
        string Today, Yesterday, ThisYear;

        Today     = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
        Yesterday = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());
        ThisYear  = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.Year.ToString());

        //-------------------this week start...............
        DateTime d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7;
        DateTime weekstart, weekend;

        d1 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
        d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());
        d3 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2).ToShortDateString());
        d4 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3).ToShortDateString());
        d5 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-4).ToShortDateString());
        d6 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5).ToShortDateString());
        d7 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6).ToShortDateString());
        string ThisWeek = (System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString());

        if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Monday")
            weekstart = d1;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (Convert.ToString(ThisWeek) == "Tuesday")
            weekstart = d2;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Wednesday")
            weekstart = d3;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Thursday")
            weekstart = d4;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Friday")
            weekstart = d5;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
            weekstart = d6;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
            weekstart = d7;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        string thisweekstart = weekstart.ToShortDateString();
        string thisweekend   = weekend.ToShortDateString();

        //.................this week duration end.....................

        ///--------------------last week duration ....

        DateTime d17, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13;
        DateTime lastweekstart, lastweekend;

        d17 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7).ToShortDateString());
        d8  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-8).ToShortDateString());
        d9  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-9).ToShortDateString());
        d10 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10).ToShortDateString());
        d11 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-11).ToShortDateString());
        d12 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-12).ToShortDateString());
        d13 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-13).ToShortDateString());
        string thisday = (System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString());

        if (thisday.ToString() == "Monday")
            lastweekstart = d17;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (Convert.ToString(thisday) == "Tuesday")
            lastweekstart = d8;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Wednesday")
            lastweekstart = d9;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Thursday")
            lastweekstart = d10;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Friday")
            lastweekstart = d11;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Saturday")
            lastweekstart = d12;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
            lastweekstart = d13;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        string lastweekstartdate = lastweekstart.ToShortDateString();
        string lastweekenddate   = lastweekend.ToString();
        //---------------lastweek duration end.................

        //        Today
        //2	Yesterday
        //3	ThisWeek
        //4	LastWeek
        //5	ThisMonth
        //6	LastMonth
        //7	ThisQuarter
        //8	LastQuarter
        //9	ThisYear
        //10Last Year
        //------------------this month period-----------------

        DateTime thismonthstart     = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/1/" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
        string   thismonthstartdate = thismonthstart.ToShortDateString();
        string   thismonthenddate   = Today.ToString();
        //------------------this month period end................

        //-----------------last month period start ---------------

        int      lastmonthno     = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.Month.ToString()) - 1;
        string   lastmonthNumber = Convert.ToString(lastmonthno.ToString());
        DateTime lastmonth       = Convert.ToDateTime(lastmonthNumber.ToString() + "/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        string   lastmonthstart  = lastmonth.ToShortDateString();
        string   lastmonthend    = "";

        if (lastmonthNumber == "1" || lastmonthNumber == "3" || lastmonthNumber == "5" || lastmonthNumber == "7" || lastmonthNumber == "9" || lastmonthNumber == "11")
            lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/31/" + ThisYear.ToString();
        else if (lastmonthNumber == "4" || lastmonthNumber == "6" || lastmonthNumber == "8" || lastmonthNumber == "10" || lastmonthNumber == "12")
            lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/30/" + ThisYear.ToString();
            if (System.DateTime.IsLeapYear(Convert.ToInt32(ThisYear.ToString())))
                lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/29/" + ThisYear.ToString();
                lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/28/" + ThisYear.ToString();

        string lastmonthstartdate = lastmonthstart.ToString();
        string lastmonthenddate   = lastmonthend.ToString();

        //-----------------last month period end -----------------------

        //--------------------this quater period start ----------------

        int      thisqtr         = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.AddMonths(-2).Month.ToString());
        string   thisqtrNumber   = Convert.ToString(thisqtr.ToString());
        DateTime thisquater      = Convert.ToDateTime(thisqtrNumber.ToString() + "/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        string   thisquaterstart = thisquater.ToShortDateString();
        string   thisquaterend   = "";

        if (thisqtrNumber == "1" || thisqtrNumber == "3" || thisqtrNumber == "5" || thisqtrNumber == "7" || thisqtrNumber == "9" || thisqtrNumber == "11")
            thisquaterend = thisqtrNumber + "/31/" + ThisYear.ToString();
        else if (thisqtrNumber == "4" || thisqtrNumber == "6" || thisqtrNumber == "8" || thisqtrNumber == "10" || thisqtrNumber == "12")
            thisquaterend = thisqtrNumber + "/30/" + ThisYear.ToString();
            if (System.DateTime.IsLeapYear(Convert.ToInt32(ThisYear.ToString())))
                thisquaterend = thisqtrNumber + "/29/" + ThisYear.ToString();
                thisquaterend = thisqtrNumber + "/28/" + ThisYear.ToString();

        string thisquaterstartdate = thisquaterstart.ToString();
        string thisquaterenddate   = thisquaterend.ToString();

        // --------------this quater period end ------------------------

        // --------------last quater period start----------------------

        int    lastqtr       = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.AddMonths(-5).Month.ToString());// -5;
        string lastqtrNumber = Convert.ToString(lastqtr.ToString());
        int    lastqater3    = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.AddMonths(-3).Month.ToString());
        //DateTime lastqater3 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-3).Month.ToString());
        string   lasterquater3   = lastqater3.ToString();
        DateTime lastquater      = Convert.ToDateTime(lastqtrNumber.ToString() + "/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        string   lastquaterstart = lastquater.ToShortDateString();
        string   lastquaterend   = "";

        if (lastqtrNumber == "1" || lastqtrNumber == "3" || lastqtrNumber == "5" || lastqtrNumber == "7" || lastqtrNumber == "9" || lastqtrNumber == "11")
            lastquaterend = lasterquater3 + "/31/" + ThisYear.ToString();
        else if (lastqtrNumber == "4" || lastqtrNumber == "6" || lastqtrNumber == "8" || lastqtrNumber == "10" || lastqtrNumber == "12")
            lastquaterend = lasterquater3 + "/30/" + ThisYear.ToString();
            if (System.DateTime.IsLeapYear(Convert.ToInt32(ThisYear.ToString())))
                lastquaterend = lasterquater3 + "/29/" + ThisYear.ToString();
                lastquaterend = lasterquater3 + "/28/" + ThisYear.ToString();

        string lastquaterstartdate = lastquaterstart.ToString();
        string lastquaterenddate   = lastquaterend.ToString();

        //--------------last quater period end-------------------------

        //--------------this year period start----------------------
        DateTime thisyearstart = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        DateTime thisyearend   = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/" + ThisYear.ToString());

        string thisyearstartdate = thisyearstart.ToShortDateString();
        string thisyearenddate   = thisyearend.ToShortDateString();

        //---------------this year period end-------------------
        //--------------this year period start----------------------
        DateTime lastyearstart = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/" + System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString());
        DateTime lastyearend   = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/" + System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString());

        string lastyearstartdate = lastyearstart.ToShortDateString();
        string lastyearenddate   = lastyearend.ToShortDateString();

        //---------------this year period end-------------------

        string periodstartdate = "";
        string periodenddate   = "";

        if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Today")
            periodstartdate = Today.ToString();
            periodenddate   = Today.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Yesterday")
            periodstartdate = Yesterday.ToString();
            periodenddate   = Yesterday.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "This Week")
            periodstartdate = thisweekstart.ToString();
            periodenddate   = thisweekend.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Last Week")
            periodstartdate = lastweekstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = Today.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "This Month")
            periodstartdate = thismonthstart.ToShortDateString();
            periodenddate   = Today.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Last Month")
            periodstartdate = lastmonthstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = lastmonthenddate.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "This Quarter")
            periodstartdate = thisquaterstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = thisquaterenddate.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Last Quarter")
            periodstartdate = lastquaterstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = lastquaterenddate.ToString();

        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "This Year")
            periodstartdate = thisyearstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = thisyearenddate.ToString();
        else if (ddlDuration.SelectedItem.Text == "Last Year")
            periodstartdate = lastyearstartdate.ToString();
            periodenddate   = lastyearenddate.ToString();
            periodstartdate = "1/1/1900";
            periodenddate   = Today.ToString();
        if (periodstartdate.Length > 0)
            txtfrom.Text = periodstartdate;
            txtto.Text   = periodenddate;  // periodstartdate;
            // Session["MFDate"] = txtFromDate.Text;
            //  Session["MTDate"] = txtToDate.Text; // txtFromDate.Text;
            //  DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
Пример #11
        protected override void RunJournalCommand()
            if (Last)
                var journal   = OpenJournal();
                var lastEntry = journal.CreateIndex <JournalEntryFile>().SelectMany(x => x.Entries).OrderByDescending(x => x.EntryDate).FirstOrDefault();
                if (lastEntry == null)
                    throw new PSInvalidOperationException("No entries found!");

            var       fileSystem    = new FileSystem();
            var       journalWriter = new JournalWriter(fileSystem, Location);
            string    path;
            LocalDate entryDate;

            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case "Name":
                entryDate = EntryName.EndsWith(".md") ? Journal.FileNameWithExtensionPattern.Parse(EntryName).Value : Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(EntryName).Value;
                path      = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate);

            case "Date":
                entryDate = LocalDate.FromDateTime(Date);
                path      = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate);

            case "DateOffset":
                entryDate = Today.PlusDays(DateOffset);
                path      = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate);

            case "Entry":
                entryDate = Journal.FileNamePattern.Parse(Entry.EntryName).Value;
                path      = journalWriter.GetJournalEntryFilePath(entryDate);

                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (!fileSystem.File.Exists(path))
                throw new PSInvalidOperationException($"An entry does not exist for '{entryDate}'.");


            if (Wait)
                var result = Choice($"Reading entry for {entryDate}", "Continue on to next entry?", 0, "&Continue", "&Quit");
                if (result == 1)
                    ThrowTerminatingError("Pipeline terminated at user's request.", ErrorCategory.NotSpecified);
Пример #12
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["text"]        = new CStr();
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]  = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"] = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]   = new IsText();
     Functions["iserror"]  = new IsError();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]   = new If();
     Functions["not"]  = new Not();
     Functions["and"]  = new And();
     Functions["or"]   = new Or();
     Functions["true"] = new True();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]    = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]  = new Column();
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]  = new Choose();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]   = new Date();
     Functions["today"]  = new Today();
     Functions["now"]    = new Now();
     Functions["day"]    = new Day();
     Functions["month"]  = new Month();
     Functions["year"]   = new Year();
     Functions["time"]   = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]   = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"] = new Minute();
     Functions["second"] = new Second();
Пример #13
 public string TodayAsString() => Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
Пример #14
        public JsonResult groupbyAttendanceList(DateTime date, string param)
            var employees = db.Employee.GetAllWithRelatedData(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDeleted == false).ToList();
            var vm        = new List <vmGroupbyAttendance>();

            switch (param)
            case "department":
                foreach (var item in employees.GroupBy(g => g.DepartmentId))
                    var name     = "";
                    var total    = 0;
                    var absent   = 0;
                    var present  = 0;
                    var late     = 0;
                    var business = 0;
                    var leave    = 0;
                    name  = item.Select(x => x.Department.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    total = item.Select(x => x.Id).Count();
                    foreach (var employee in item)
                        //check leave
                        var isLeaveExists = db.LeaveApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isLeaveExists != null)
                            leave += 1;
                        //check business
                        var isBusinessExists = db.BusinessApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isBusinessExists != null)
                            business += 1;
                        //check late
                        var lateCount   = db.SystemPreference.GetFirstOrDefault().LateCount;
                        var shift       = employee.Shift.ShiftDetailsList.Where(x => x.DayName == Today.ToString("dddd")).FirstOrDefault();
                        var officeStart = Today.Add(DateTime.Parse(shift.OfficeStartTime).TimeOfDay);
                        var officeStart_with_lateAllow = officeStart.AddMinutes(lateCount);
                        var punch = db.AttendanceMachineDataFiltered.GetAllAsQueryable().Where(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.TransactionTime.Date == Today).OrderBy(o => o.TransactionTime).ToList().Take(1);
                        if (punch.Count() == 0)
                            absent += 1;
                        else if (punch.FirstOrDefault().TransactionTime > officeStart_with_lateAllow)
                            late    += 1;
                            present += 1;
                            present += 1;
                    vm.Add(new vmGroupbyAttendance {
                        Absent = absent, Business = business, Late = late, Leave = leave, Present = present, Name = name, Total = total

            case "designation":
                foreach (var item in employees.GroupBy(g => g.DesignationId))
                    var name     = "";
                    var total    = 0;
                    var absent   = 0;
                    var present  = 0;
                    var late     = 0;
                    var business = 0;
                    var leave    = 0;
                    name  = item.Select(x => x.Designation.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    total = item.Select(x => x.Id).Count();
                    foreach (var employee in item)
                        //check leave
                        var isLeaveExists = db.LeaveApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isLeaveExists != null)
                            leave += 1;
                        //check business
                        var isBusinessExists = db.BusinessApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isBusinessExists != null)
                            business += 1;
                        //check late
                        var lateCount   = db.SystemPreference.GetFirstOrDefault().LateCount;
                        var shift       = employee.Shift.ShiftDetailsList.Where(x => x.DayName == Today.ToString("dddd")).FirstOrDefault();
                        var officeStart = Today.Add(DateTime.Parse(shift.OfficeStartTime).TimeOfDay);
                        var officeStart_with_lateAllow = officeStart.AddMinutes(lateCount);
                        var punch = db.AttendanceMachineDataFiltered.GetAllAsQueryable().Where(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.TransactionTime.Date == Today).OrderBy(o => o.TransactionTime).ToList().Take(1);
                        if (punch.Count() == 0)
                            absent += 1;
                        else if (punch.FirstOrDefault().TransactionTime > officeStart_with_lateAllow)
                            late    += 1;
                            present += 1;
                            present += 1;
                    vm.Add(new vmGroupbyAttendance {
                        Absent = absent, Business = business, Late = late, Leave = leave, Present = present, Name = name, Total = total

            case "shift":
                foreach (var item in employees.GroupBy(g => g.ShiftId))
                    var name     = "";
                    var total    = 0;
                    var absent   = 0;
                    var present  = 0;
                    var late     = 0;
                    var business = 0;
                    var leave    = 0;
                    name  = item.Select(x => x.Shift.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                    total = item.Select(x => x.Id).Count();
                    foreach (var employee in item)
                        //check leave
                        var isLeaveExists = db.LeaveApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isLeaveExists != null)
                            leave += 1;
                        //check business
                        var isBusinessExists = db.BusinessApplication.GetFirstOrDefault(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.FromDate.Date == Today && x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Pending || x.Status == ApplicationStatus.Approved);
                        if (isBusinessExists != null)
                            business += 1;
                        //check late
                        var lateCount   = db.SystemPreference.GetFirstOrDefault().LateCount;
                        var shift       = employee.Shift.ShiftDetailsList.Where(x => x.DayName == Today.ToString("dddd")).FirstOrDefault();
                        var officeStart = Today.Add(DateTime.Parse(shift.OfficeStartTime).TimeOfDay);
                        var officeStart_with_lateAllow = officeStart.AddMinutes(lateCount);
                        var punch = db.AttendanceMachineDataFiltered.GetAllAsQueryable().Where(x => x.EmployeeId == employee.Id && x.TransactionTime.Date == Today).OrderBy(o => o.TransactionTime).ToList().Take(1);
                        if (punch.Count() == 0)
                            absent += 1;
                        else if (punch.FirstOrDefault().TransactionTime > officeStart_with_lateAllow)
                            late    += 1;
                            present += 1;
                            present += 1;
                    vm.Add(new vmGroupbyAttendance {
                        Absent = absent, Business = business, Late = late, Leave = leave, Present = present, Name = name, Total = total
Пример #15
 public static void PrintData() => WriteLine(Today.ToShortDateString());
        public List <RawDailySalesItem> GetDailyHistory(DateTime?When)
            List <RawDailySalesItem> Results = new List <RawDailySalesItem>();

            DateTime Today;

            if (When.HasValue)
                Today = When.Value.Date;
                Today = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1);
            DateTime Tomorrow = Today.AddDays(1);

            // need to resolve any merchant sequence number issues

            // now get the details

            var DailyHistories = from h in GiftEntity.Histories
                                 where h.WhenHappened > Today &&
                                 h.WhenHappened < Tomorrow &&
                                 h.ErrorCode == "APP  " &&
                                 h.TransType != "DYRP" && // keep the daily report out of this
                                 h.TransType != "SHIP"    // keep the card shipments out of the report
                                 orderby h.ID
                                                          //c.Card2 == WhichCard.ID
                                 select new
                ID               = h.ID,
                CardGUID         = h.CardGUID,
                TransType        = h.TransType,
                When             = h.WhenHappened,
                Amount           = h.Amount,
                PointsGranted    = 0,
                MerchWhere       = h.WhichMerchantGUID,
                Clrk             = h.Clerk,
                Text             = h.TransactionText,
                CardGUID2        = h.CardGUID2,
                CouponUsed       = "",
                CouponIssued     = "",
                PrizeAwardedGUID = "",
                InvoiceNumber    = h.InvoiceNumber

            foreach (var his in DailyHistories)
                RawDailySalesItem nHistory = new RawDailySalesItem();
                nHistory.ID         = his.ID;
                nHistory.CardNumber = (from c in GiftEntity.Cards
                                       where c.CardGUID == his.CardGUID
                                       select c.CardNumLast4).FirstOrDefault();
                nHistory.Amount = his.Amount;
                Merchant tMerchant = (from m in GiftEntity.Merchants
                                      where m.MerchantGUID == his.MerchWhere
                                      select m).FirstOrDefault();
                if (tMerchant != null)
                    nHistory.MerchantID = tMerchant.MerchantID;

                nHistory.TransType    = his.TransType;
                nHistory.WhenHappened = his.When;


Пример #17
 public void InitializeTest()
     Today     = DateTime.Today;
     Yesterday = Today.AddDays(-1);
     Tomorrow  = Today.AddDays(1);
Пример #18
        public bool ValidateTeamRecord(TeamProxy savedVersion)
            bool         staffChanged = true;
            bool         roleChanged  = true;
            bool         startChanged = true;
            bool         amendment    = false;
            ProjectTeams predecessor  = Predecessor();

            if (savedVersion == null)
                savedVersion = new TeamProxy();
            }                                                             // Prevents having to check for null each time
                amendment    = true;
                staffChanged = (savedVersion.StaffID != StaffID);
                roleChanged  = (savedVersion.RoleCode != RoleCode);
                startChanged = (savedVersion.FromDate != FromDate);
                string errorMessage = "";
                if (StaffMember == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please choose a staff member from the list, or use the 'Search' function.|No Staff Member";
                else if (ProjectRole == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please select a project role for the staff member.|No Role Selected";
                else if (FromDate == null)
                    errorMessage = "Please enter a date from which this user is (or was) part of the team.|No Start Date";
                else if (EffectiveTo < FromDate)
                    errorMessage = "The 'To' date cannot be after the 'From' date.|Invalid Dates";
                else if (amendment && (staffChanged || roleChanged) && savedVersion.IsHistoric)
                    errorMessage = "Past team members cannot be amended, except to change their dates.|Historic Record";
                else if (!StaffMember.Active && FromDate <= Today && EffectiveTo > Today)
                    errorMessage = StaffMember.StaffName + " is inactive and cannot be part of the current project team now, but can be added for a future date.|Inactive User";
                else if (IsDuplicate())
                    errorMessage = StaffMember.StaffName + " already has the same role in the project during this period. Please check the existing record.|Duplicate Record";
                else if (HasKeyRole && predecessor == null && FromDate > Project.StartDate)
                    errorMessage = ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, and is not covered at the start of the project. Please adjust the 'from' date, then (if appropriate) "
                                   + "add an initial " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " afterwards; the date of this record will then be adjusted automatically.|Key Role Not Covered";
                else if (HasKeyRole && Successor() == null & ToDate != null)
                    errorMessage = ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, and must always have a current record. Please leave the 'to' date blank, then (if appropriate) "
                                   + "add a subsequent " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " afterwards; the date of this record will then be adjusted automatically.|Key Role Not Covered";
                else if (amendment && roleChanged && savedVersion.HasKeyRole)
                    errorMessage = "The existing role (" + savedVersion.ProjectRole.RoleDescription + ") is a key role, and must always be filled during the project. Please ensure "
                                   + "continuity in that role (e.g. by selecting an alternative staff member for this record) before changing/adding this user's new project role.|Key Role Not Covered";
                if (errorMessage != "")
            catch (Exception generalException)
                MessageFunctions.Error("Error validating project team details", generalException);

                if (AlreadyOnProject())
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery(StaffMember.StaffName + " is already a project team member in a different capacity, or at a different time.");
                if (amendment && (staffChanged || roleChanged) && Project.StartDate < Today.AddMonths(-1))
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This change is more than a month after the start of the project, which suggests an addition rather than amendment is required.");
                if ((staffChanged || roleChanged) && IsUnusualRole())
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("The role of " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " appears unusual for this user, given their main job role.");
                if (startChanged && FromDate < Project.StartDate)
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This role starts before the project's official start date (which may be correct if involved in initialising the project).");
                if (startChanged && FromDate > Today.AddYears(1))
                    MessageFunctions.AddQuery("This role starts more than a year in the future.");
                if (HasKeyRole)
                    if (predecessor != null &&
                        ((FromDate != null && (predecessor.FromDate == null || predecessor.FromDate < FromDate))) &&
                        ((ToDate != null && (predecessor.ToDate == null || predecessor.ToDate > ToDate)))
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one internal " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this project already has another " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " throughout this period. The existing record will automatically be split into 'before' and 'after' sections.");
                    else if (ProjectFunctions.SubsumesStaff(this)) // Opposite scenario of above
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one internal " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this period entirely covers an existing " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " record. That record will therefore be automatically deleted, and other existing records' dates adjusted to avoid overlaps.");
                    else if (RoleOverlap()) // Only if not throwing above - i.e. there is at least one overlap, but no complete replacement or split
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery("Projects can only have one internal " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " at a time, and this project already has another " + ProjectRole.RoleDescription
                                                  + " during part of this period. Existing records' dates will be automatically adjusted to avoid overlaps.");
                    if (predecessor != null && predecessor.ToDate != null && EffectiveFrom.AddDays(-1) > predecessor.ToDate)
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery(ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, but this leaves a gap after the previous incumbent, so that record will be extended automatically. "
                                                  + "If that is not correct please adjust the 'from' date, or (after saving) add another interim record in between; existing dates will be adjusted to fit.");
                    if (Successor() != null && Successor().FromDate != null && EffectiveTo.AddDays(1) < Successor().FromDate)
                        MessageFunctions.AddQuery(ProjectRole.RoleDescription + " is a key role, but this leaves a gap to the next incumbent, so that record will be extended automatically. "
                                                  + "If that is not correct please adjust the 'to' date, or (after saving) add another interim record in between; existing dates will be adjusted to fit.");
            catch (Exception generalException)
                MessageFunctions.Error("Error validating project team details", generalException);
Пример #19
 public void Should_succeed_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_before_the_same_datetime()
Пример #20
 public static void PrintDate()
 => Console.WriteLine(Today.ToShortDateString());
Пример #21
 public void Should_succeed_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_after_earlier_datetime()
Пример #22
 public void Text18__GetValue(object sender, Stimulsoft.Report.Events.StiGetValueEventArgs e)
     e.Value = this.Text18.TextFormat.Format(CheckExcelValue(sender, "Date: " + Today.ToString("Y")));
Пример #23
        public void Should_fail_when_asserting_datetime_is_on_or_after_later_datetime()
            Action act = () => Today.Should().BeOnOrAfter(Tomorrow);

            act.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>();
Пример #24
    protected void filldatebyperiod()
        string Today, Yesterday, ThisYear;

        Today     = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
        Yesterday = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());
        ThisYear  = Convert.ToString(System.DateTime.Today.Year.ToString());

        DateTime d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7;
        DateTime weekstart, weekend;

        d1 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString());
        d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1).ToShortDateString());
        d3 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-2).ToShortDateString());
        d4 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-3).ToShortDateString());
        d5 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-4).ToShortDateString());
        d6 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5).ToShortDateString());
        d7 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-6).ToShortDateString());

        string ThisWeek = (System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString());

        if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Monday")
            weekstart = d1;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (Convert.ToString(ThisWeek) == "Tuesday")
            weekstart = d2;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Wednesday")
            weekstart = d3;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Thursday")
            weekstart = d4;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Friday")
            weekstart = d5;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (ThisWeek.ToString() == "Saturday")
            weekstart = d6;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
            weekstart = d7;
            weekend   = weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        string thisweekstart = weekstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["thisweekstart"] = thisweekstart;
        string thisweekend = weekend.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["thisweekend"] = thisweekend;

        //.................this week .....................

        DateTime d17, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13;
        DateTime lastweekstart, lastweekend;

        d17 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7).ToShortDateString());
        d8  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-8).ToShortDateString());
        d9  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-9).ToShortDateString());
        d10 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10).ToShortDateString());
        d11 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-11).ToShortDateString());
        d12 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-12).ToShortDateString());
        d13 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-13).ToShortDateString());
        string thisday = (System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString());

        if (thisday.ToString() == "Monday")
            lastweekstart = d17;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (Convert.ToString(thisday) == "Tuesday")
            lastweekstart = d8;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Wednesday")
            lastweekstart = d9;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Thursday")
            lastweekstart = d10;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Friday")
            lastweekstart = d11;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Saturday")
            lastweekstart = d12;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
            lastweekstart = d13;
            lastweekend   = lastweekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        string lastweekstartdate = lastweekstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["lastweekstart"] = lastweekstartdate;
        string lastweekenddate = lastweekend.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["lastweekend"] = lastweekenddate;

        //.................last week .....................

        DateTime d14, d15, d16, d171, d18, d19, d20;
        DateTime last2weekstart, last2weekend;

        d14  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-14).ToShortDateString());
        d15  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-15).ToShortDateString());
        d16  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-16).ToShortDateString());
        d171 = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-17).ToShortDateString());
        d18  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-18).ToShortDateString());
        d19  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-19).ToShortDateString());
        d20  = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Today.AddDays(-20).ToShortDateString());

        //string thisday = (System.DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek.ToString());
        if (thisday.ToString() == "Monday")
            last2weekstart = d14;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (Convert.ToString(thisday) == "Tuesday")
            last2weekstart = d15;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Wednesday")
            last2weekstart = d16;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Thursday")
            last2weekstart = d171;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Friday")
            last2weekstart = d18;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
        else if (thisday.ToString() == "Saturday")
            last2weekstart = d19;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);
            last2weekstart = d20;
            last2weekend   = last2weekstart.Date.AddDays(+6);

        string last2weekstartdate = last2weekstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["last2weekstart"] = last2weekstartdate;
        //string last2weekenddate = last2weekend.ToShortDateString();
        //ViewState["last2week"] = last2weekenddate;

        //------------------this month period-----------------

        DateTime thismonthstart     = Convert.ToDateTime(System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "/1/" + System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString());
        string   thismonthstartdate = thismonthstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["thismonthstartdate"] = thismonthstartdate;
        string thismonthenddate = Today.ToString();

        ViewState["thismonthenddate"] = thismonthenddate;

        //------------------this month period end................

        //-----------------last month period start ---------------

        // int last2monthno = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.Month.ToString()) - 2;

        int      lastmonthno     = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.Month.ToString()) - 1;
        string   lastmonthNumber = Convert.ToString(lastmonthno.ToString());
        DateTime lastmonth       = Convert.ToDateTime(lastmonthNumber.ToString() + "/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        string   lastmonthstart  = lastmonth.ToShortDateString();
        string   lastmonthend    = "";

        if (lastmonthNumber == "1" || lastmonthNumber == "3" || lastmonthNumber == "5" || lastmonthNumber == "7" || lastmonthNumber == "8" || lastmonthNumber == "10" || lastmonthNumber == "12")
            lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/31/" + ThisYear.ToString();
        else if (lastmonthNumber == "4" || lastmonthNumber == "6" || lastmonthNumber == "9" || lastmonthNumber == "11")
            lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/30/" + ThisYear.ToString();
            if (System.DateTime.IsLeapYear(Convert.ToInt32(ThisYear.ToString())))
                lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/29/" + ThisYear.ToString();
                lastmonthend = lastmonthNumber + "/28/" + ThisYear.ToString();

        string lastmonthstartdate = lastmonthstart.ToString();

        ViewState["lastmonthstartdate"] = lastmonthstartdate;
        string lastmonthenddate = lastmonthend.ToString();

        ViewState["lastmonthenddate"] = lastmonthenddate;

        //-----------------last month period end -----------------------

        int      last2monthno     = Convert.ToInt32(thismonthstart.Month.ToString()) - 2;
        string   last2monthNumber = Convert.ToString(last2monthno.ToString());
        DateTime last2month       = Convert.ToDateTime(last2monthNumber.ToString() + "/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        string   last2monthstart  = last2month.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["last2monthstart"] = last2monthstart;

        //-----------------last 2 month period end -----------------------

        //--------------this year period start----------------------

        DateTime thisyearstart = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/" + ThisYear.ToString());
        DateTime thisyearend   = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/" + ThisYear.ToString());

        string thisyearstartdate = thisyearstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["thisyearstartdate"] = thisyearstartdate;
        string thisyearenddate = thisyearend.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["thisyearenddate"] = thisyearenddate;

        //---------------this year period end-------------------

        //--------------last year period start----------------------

        DateTime lastyearstart = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/" + System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString());
        DateTime lastyearend   = Convert.ToDateTime("12/31/" + System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(-1).Year.ToString());

        string lastyearstartdate = lastyearstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["lastyearstartdate"] = lastyearstartdate;
        string lastyearenddate = lastyearend.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["lastyearenddate"] = lastyearenddate;

        //---------------last year period end-------------------

        DateTime last2yearstart     = Convert.ToDateTime("1/1/" + System.DateTime.Today.AddYears(-2).Year.ToString());
        string   last2yearstartdate = last2yearstart.ToShortDateString();

        ViewState["last2yearstartdate"] = last2yearstartdate;

        //---------------last 2 year period -------------------
Пример #25
        protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (txtDiscountCode.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
                spanErrorMsg.InnerText = "Discount Code cannot be empty.";
                spanErrorMsg.Visible   = true;

            //Validate the Discount Code.
            DiscountCode discountCode = GetBL <FinanceBL>().GetDiscountCode(txtDiscountCode.Text.Trim());

            if (discountCode == null)
                //Invalid Discount Code.
                spanErrorMsg.InnerText = "Invalid Discount Code.";
                spanErrorMsg.Visible   = true;

            if (discountCode.ExpireDate.Date < Today)
                //If it is expired
                spanErrorMsg.InnerText = "Discount Code has expired.";
                spanErrorMsg.Visible   = true;

            //If the usage limit has exceeded.
            var dicountCodeUsageList = GetBL <FinanceBL>().GetDiscountCodeUsages(discountCode.DiscountCodeID, true);

            if (dicountCodeUsageList.Count() == discountCode.InstanceCount)
                spanErrorMsg.InnerText = "This Discount code has reached its maximum instance count.";
                spanErrorMsg.Visible   = true;

            //if the new discount code is already being used
            if (dicountCodeUsageList.Where(dcu => dcu.CompanyId == CompanyId).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                spanErrorMsg.InnerText = "Discount Code has already been used by this company.";
                spanErrorMsg.Visible   = true;

            spanErrorMsg.Visible = false;
            DiscountCodeUsage newDiscountCodeUsage = new DiscountCodeUsage();

            newDiscountCodeUsage.DiscountCodeId  = discountCode.DiscountCodeID;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.CreatedDate     = newDiscountCodeUsage.LastUpdatedDate = Now;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.StartDate       = Today;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.EndDate         = Today.AddDays(discountCode.Duration * 7);
            newDiscountCodeUsage.CreatedByUserId = newDiscountCodeUsage.LastUpdatedByUserId = UserID;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.CompanyId       = CompanyId;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.IsAdminApplied  = true;
            newDiscountCodeUsage.IsActive        = true;
            GetBL <FinanceBL>().AddDiscountCodeUsageBySBAdmin(newDiscountCodeUsage, UserID);

Пример #26
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["concat"]      = new Concat();
     Functions["textjoin"]    = new Textjoin();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
     Functions["trim"]        = new Trim();
     Functions["clean"]       = new Clean();
     Functions["unicode"]     = new Unicode();
     Functions["unichar"]     = new Unichar();
     Functions["numbervalue"] = new NumberValue();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]             = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]            = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]           = new Asinh();
     Functions["acot"]            = new Acot();
     Functions["acoth"]           = new Acoth();
     Functions["cos"]             = new Cos();
     Functions["cot"]             = new Cot();
     Functions["coth"]            = new Coth();
     Functions["cosh"]            = new Cosh();
     Functions["csc"]             = new Csc();
     Functions["csch"]            = new Csch();
     Functions["power"]           = new Power();
     Functions["gcd"]             = new Gcd();
     Functions["lcm"]             = new Lcm();
     Functions["sec"]             = new Sec();
     Functions["sech"]            = new SecH();
     Functions["sign"]            = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]            = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]          = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]              = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]         = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]         = new Ceiling();
     Functions["ceiling.precise"] = new CeilingPrecise();
     Functions["ceiling.math"]    = new CeilingMath();
     Functions["iso.ceiling"]     = new IsoCeiling();
     Functions["combin"]          = new Combin();
     Functions["combina"]         = new Combina();
     Functions["count"]           = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]          = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]      = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]         = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]        = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]            = new Fact();
     Functions["factdouble"]      = new FactDouble();
     Functions["floor"]           = new Floor();
     Functions["floor.precise"]   = new FloorPrecise();
     Functions["floor.math"]      = new FloorMath();
     Functions["radians"]         = new Radians();
     Functions["roman"]           = new Roman();
     Functions["sin"]             = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]            = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]             = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]           = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]          = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]      = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]           = new Sumsq();
     Functions["sumxmy2"]         = new Sumxmy2();
     Functions["sumx2my2"]        = new SumX2mY2();
     Functions["sumx2py2"]        = new SumX2pY2();
     Functions["seriessum"]       = new Seriessum();
     Functions["stdev"]           = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]          = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]         = new StdevDotS();
     Functions["stdev.p"]         = new StdevDotP();
     Functions["subtotal"]        = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]             = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]             = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]           = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]              = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]             = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]            = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]          = new Median();
     Functions["min"]             = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]            = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]             = new Mod();
     Functions["mode"]            = new Mode();
     Functions["mode.sngl"]       = new ModeSngl();
     Functions["mround"]          = new Mround();
     Functions["average"]         = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]        = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]       = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]      = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]           = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]       = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]         = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]            = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"]     = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]            = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]         = new RankEq();
     Functions["rank.avg"]        = new RankAvg();
     Functions["percentile"]      = new Percentile();
     Functions["percentile.inc"]  = new PercentileInc();
     Functions["percentrank"]     = new Percentrank();
     Functions["percentrank.inc"] = new PercentrankInc();
     Functions["quotient"]        = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]           = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]             = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]            = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]            = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]           = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]           = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]            = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]           = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]             = new Var();
     Functions["var.s"]           = new VarDotS();
     Functions["varp"]            = new VarP();
     Functions["var.p"]           = new VarDotP();
     Functions["large"]           = new Large();
     Functions["small"]           = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]         = new Degrees();
     Functions["odd"]             = new Odd();
     Functions["even"]            = new Even();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     Functions["type"]       = new TypeFunction();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["ifs"]     = new Ifs();
     Functions["maxifs"]  = new MaxIfs();
     Functions["minifs"]  = new MinIfs();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     Functions["switch"]  = new Switch();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"]  = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"]  = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"]  = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]   = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]    = new Match();
     Functions["row"]      = new Row();
     Functions["rows"]     = new Rows();
     Functions["column"]   = new Column();
     Functions["columns"]  = new Columns();
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new RefAndLookup.Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset();
     // Date
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days"]             = new Days();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["workday.intl"]     = new WorkdayIntl();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["cumipmt"]    = new Cumipmt();
     Functions["cumprinc"]   = new Cumprinc();
     Functions["ddb"]        = new Ddb();
     Functions["effect"]     = new Effect();
     Functions["fvschedule"] = new FvSchedule();
     Functions["pduration"]  = new Pduration();
     Functions["rri"]        = new Rri();
     Functions["pmt"]        = new Pmt();
     Functions["ppmt"]       = new Ppmt();
     Functions["ipmt"]       = new Ipmt();
     Functions["ispmt"]      = new IsPmt();
     Functions["pv"]         = new Pv();
     Functions["fv"]         = new Fv();
     Functions["npv"]        = new Npv();
     Functions["rate"]       = new Rate();
     Functions["nper"]       = new Nper();
     Functions["nominal"]    = new Nominal();
     Functions["irr"]        = new Irr();
     Functions["mirr"]       = new Mirr();
     Functions["xirr"]       = new Xirr();
     Functions["sln"]        = new Sln();
     Functions["syd"]        = new Syd();
     Functions["xnpv"]       = new Xnpv();
     Functions["coupdays"]   = new Coupdays();
     Functions["coupdaysnc"] = new Coupdaysnc();
     Functions["coupdaybs"]  = new Coupdaybs();
     Functions["coupnum"]    = new Coupnum();
     Functions["coupncd"]    = new Coupncd();
     Functions["couppcd"]    = new Couppcd();
     Functions["price"]      = new Price();
     Functions["yield"]      = new Yield();
     Functions["duration"]   = new Duration();
     Functions["disc"]       = new Disc();
     Functions["bitand"]       = new BitAnd();
     Functions["bitor"]        = new BitOr();
     Functions["bitxor"]       = new BitXor();
     Functions["bitlshift"]    = new BitLshift();
     Functions["bitrshift"]    = new BitRshift();
     Functions["convert"]      = new ConvertFunction();
     Functions["bin2dec"]      = new Bin2Dec();
     Functions["bin2hex"]      = new Bin2Hex();
     Functions["bin2oct"]      = new Bin2Oct();
     Functions["dec2bin"]      = new Dec2Bin();
     Functions["dec2hex"]      = new Dec2Hex();
     Functions["dec2oct"]      = new Dec2Oct();
     Functions["hex2bin"]      = new Hex2Bin();
     Functions["hex2dec"]      = new Hex2Dec();
     Functions["hex2oct"]      = new Hex2Oct();
     Functions["oct2bin"]      = new Oct2Bin();
     Functions["oct2dec"]      = new Oct2Dec();
     Functions["oct2hex"]      = new Oct2Hex();
     Functions["delta"]        = new Delta();
     Functions["erf"]          = new Erf();
     Functions["erf.precise"]  = new ErfPrecise();
     Functions["erfc"]         = new Erfc();
     Functions["erfc.precise"] = new ErfcPrecise();
     Functions["besseli"]      = new BesselI();
     Functions["besselj"]      = new BesselJ();
     Functions["besselk"]      = new BesselK();
     Functions["bessely"]      = new BesselY();
Пример #27
  * @see https://www.openoffice.org/sc/excelfileformat.pdf
 private static Function[] ProduceFunctions()
     Function[] retval = new Function[368];
     retval[0]                        = new Count();                                          // COUNT
     retval[FunctionID.IF]            = new IfFunc();                                         //nominally 1
     retval[2]                        = LogicalFunction.ISNA;                                 // IsNA
     retval[3]                        = LogicalFunction.ISERROR;                              // IsERROR
     retval[FunctionID.SUM]           = AggregateFunction.SUM;                                //nominally 4
     retval[5]                        = AggregateFunction.AVERAGE;                            // AVERAGE
     retval[6]                        = AggregateFunction.MIN;                                // MIN
     retval[7]                        = AggregateFunction.MAX;                                // MAX
     retval[8]                        = new Row();                                            // ROW
     retval[9]                        = new Column();                                         // COLUMN
     retval[10]                       = new Na();                                             // NA
     retval[11]                       = new Npv();                                            // NPV
     retval[12]                       = AggregateFunction.STDEV;                              // STDEV
     retval[13]                       = NumericFunction.DOLLAR;                               // DOLLAR
     retval[14]                       = new Fixed();                                          // FIXED
     retval[15]                       = NumericFunction.SIN;                                  // SIN
     retval[16]                       = NumericFunction.COS;                                  // COS
     retval[17]                       = NumericFunction.TAN;                                  // TAN
     retval[18]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN;                                 // ATAN
     retval[19]                       = new Pi();                                             // PI
     retval[20]                       = NumericFunction.SQRT;                                 // SQRT
     retval[21]                       = NumericFunction.EXP;                                  // EXP
     retval[22]                       = NumericFunction.LN;                                   // LN
     retval[23]                       = NumericFunction.LOG10;                                // LOG10
     retval[24]                       = NumericFunction.ABS;                                  // ABS
     retval[25]                       = NumericFunction.INT;                                  // INT
     retval[26]                       = NumericFunction.SIGN;                                 // SIGN
     retval[27]                       = NumericFunction.ROUND;                                // ROUND
     retval[28]                       = new Lookup();                                         // LOOKUP
     retval[29]                       = new Index();                                          // INDEX
     retval[30]                       = new Rept();                                           // REPT
     retval[31]                       = TextFunction.MID;                                     // MID
     retval[32]                       = TextFunction.LEN;                                     // LEN
     retval[33]                       = new Value();                                          // VALUE
     retval[34]                       = new True();                                           // TRUE
     retval[35]                       = new False();                                          // FALSE
     retval[36]                       = new And();                                            // AND
     retval[37]                       = new Or();                                             // OR
     retval[38]                       = new Not();                                            // NOT
     retval[39]                       = NumericFunction.MOD;                                  // MOD
     retval[40]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNT");                 // DCOUNT
     retval[41]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSUM");                   // DSUM
     retval[42]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DAVERAGE");               // DAVERAGE
     retval[43]                       = new DStarRunner(DStarRunner.DStarAlgorithmEnum.DMIN); // DMIN
     retval[44]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DMAX");                   // DMAX
     retval[45]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEV");                 // DSTDEV
     retval[46]                       = AggregateFunction.VAR;                                // VAR
     retval[47]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DVAR");                   // DVAR
     retval[48]                       = TextFunction.TEXT;                                    // TEXT
     retval[49]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LINEST");                 // LINEST
     retval[50]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TREND");                  // TREND
     retval[51]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGEST");                 // LOGEST
     retval[52]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GROWTH");                 // GROWTH
     retval[53]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("GOTO");                   // GOTO
     retval[54]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("HALT");                   // HALT
     retval[56]                       = FinanceFunction.PV;                                   // PV
     retval[57]                       = FinanceFunction.FV;                                   // FV
     retval[58]                       = FinanceFunction.NPER;                                 // NPER
     retval[59]                       = FinanceFunction.PMT;                                  // PMT
     retval[60]                       = new Rate();                                           // RATE
     retval[61]                       = new Mirr();                                           // MIRR
     retval[62]                       = new Irr();                                            // IRR
     retval[63]                       = new Rand();                                           // RAND
     retval[64]                       = new Match();                                          // MATCH
     retval[65]                       = DateFunc.instance;                                    // DATE
     retval[66]                       = new TimeFunc();                                       // TIME
     retval[67]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.DAY;                            // DAY
     retval[68]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MONTH;                          // MONTH
     retval[69]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.YEAR;                           // YEAR
     retval[70]                       = WeekdayFunc.instance;                                 // WEEKDAY
     retval[71]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.HOUR;
     retval[72]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.MINUTE;
     retval[73]                       = CalendarFieldFunction.SECOND;
     retval[74]                       = new Now();
     retval[75]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("AREAS");         // AREAS
     retval[76]                       = new Rows();                                  // ROWS
     retval[77]                       = new Columns();                               // COLUMNS
     retval[FunctionID.OFFSET]        = new Offset();                                //nominally 78
     retval[79]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ABSREF");        // ABSREF
     retval[80]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RELREF");        // RELREF
     retval[81]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ARGUMENT");      // ARGUMENT
     retval[82]                       = TextFunction.SEARCH;
     retval[83]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TRANSPOSE");     // TRANSPOSE
     retval[84]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ERROR");         // ERROR
     retval[85]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("STEP");          // STEP
     retval[86]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("TYPE");          // TYPE
     retval[87]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ECHO");          // ECHO
     retval[88]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SetNAME");       // SetNAME
     retval[89]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("CALLER");        // CALLER
     retval[90]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DEREF");         // DEREF
     retval[91]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWS");       // WINDOWS
     retval[92]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SERIES");        // SERIES
     retval[93]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("DOCUMENTS");     // DOCUMENTS
     retval[94]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("ACTIVECELL");    // ACTIVECELL
     retval[95]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("SELECTION");     // SELECTION
     retval[96]                       = new NotImplementedFunction("RESULT");        // RESULT
     retval[97]                       = NumericFunction.ATAN2;                       // ATAN2
     retval[98]                       = NumericFunction.ASIN;                        // ASIN
     retval[99]                       = NumericFunction.ACOS;                        // ACOS
     retval[FunctionID.CHOOSE]        = new Choose();                                //nominally 100
     retval[101]                      = new Hlookup();                               // HLOOKUP
     retval[102]                      = new Vlookup();                               // VLOOKUP
     retval[103]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LINKS");         // LINKS
     retval[104]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INPUT");         // INPUT
     retval[105]                      = LogicalFunction.ISREF;                       // IsREF
     retval[106]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetFORMULA");    // GetFORMULA
     retval[107]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNAME");       // GetNAME
     retval[108]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SetVALUE");      // SetVALUE
     retval[109]                      = NumericFunction.LOG;                         // LOG
     retval[110]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXEC");          // EXEC
     retval[111]                      = TextFunction.CHAR;                           // CHAR
     retval[112]                      = TextFunction.LOWER;                          // LOWER
     retval[113]                      = TextFunction.UPPER;                          // UPPER
     retval[114]                      = TextFunction.PROPER;                         // PROPER
     retval[115]                      = TextFunction.LEFT;                           // LEFT
     retval[116]                      = TextFunction.RIGHT;                          // RIGHT
     retval[117]                      = TextFunction.EXACT;                          // EXACT
     retval[118]                      = TextFunction.TRIM;                           // TRIM
     retval[119]                      = new Replace();                               // Replace
     retval[120]                      = new Substitute();                            // SUBSTITUTE
     retval[121]                      = new Code();                                  // CODE
     retval[122]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NAMES");         // NAMES
     retval[123]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIRECTORY");     // DIRECTORY
     retval[124]                      = TextFunction.FIND;                           // Find
     retval[125]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CELL");          // CELL
     retval[126]                      = LogicalFunction.ISERR;                       // IsERR
     retval[127]                      = LogicalFunction.ISTEXT;                      // IsTEXT
     retval[128]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNUMBER;                    // IsNUMBER
     retval[129]                      = LogicalFunction.ISBLANK;                     // IsBLANK
     retval[130]                      = new T();                                     // T
     retval[131]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("N");             // N
     retval[132]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FOPEN");         // FOPEN
     retval[133]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FCLOSE");        // FCLOSE
     retval[134]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FSIZE");         // FSIZE
     retval[135]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FReadLN");       // FReadLN
     retval[136]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FRead");         // FRead
     retval[137]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWriteLN");      // FWriteLN
     retval[138]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FWrite");        // FWrite
     retval[139]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FPOS");          // FPOS
     retval[140]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEVALUE");     // DATEVALUE
     retval[141]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TIMEVALUE");     // TIMEVALUE
     retval[142]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SLN");           // SLN
     retval[143]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SYD");           // SYD
     retval[144]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DDB");           // DDB
     retval[145]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDEF");        // GetDEF
     retval[146]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REFTEXT");       // REFTEXT
     retval[147]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTREF");       // TEXTREF
     retval[FunctionID.INDIRECT]      = null;                                        // Indirect.Evaluate has different signature
     retval[149]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTER");      // REGISTER
     retval[150]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CALL");          // CALL
     retval[151]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddBAR");        // AddBAR
     retval[152]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddMENU");       // AddMENU
     retval[153]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddCOMMAND");    // AddCOMMAND
     retval[154]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLECOMMAND"); // ENABLECOMMAND
     retval[155]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHECKCOMMAND");  // CHECKCOMMAND
     retval[156]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RenameCOMMAND"); // RenameCOMMAND
     retval[157]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SHOWBAR");       // SHOWBAR
     retval[158]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEMENU");    // DELETEMENU
     retval[159]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETECOMMAND"); // DELETECOMMAND
     retval[160]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCHARTITEM");  // GetCHARTITEM
     retval[161]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DIALOGBOX");     // DIALOGBOX
     retval[162]                      = TextFunction.CLEAN;                          // CLEAN
     retval[163]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MDETERM");       // MDETERM
     retval[164]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MINVERSE");      // MINVERSE
     retval[165]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MMULT");         // MMULT
     retval[166]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FILES");         // FILES
     retval[167]                      = new IPMT();
     retval[168]                      = new PPMT();
     retval[169]                      = new Counta();                                         // COUNTA
     retval[170]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CANCELKEY");              // CANCELKEY
     retval[175]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INITIATE");               // INITIATE
     retval[176]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REQUEST");                // REQUEST
     retval[177]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("POKE");                   // POKE
     retval[178]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXECUTE");                // EXECUTE
     retval[179]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TERMINATE");              // TERMINATE
     retval[180]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESTART");                // RESTART
     retval[181]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HELP");                   // HELP
     retval[182]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetBAR");                 // GetBAR
     retval[183]                      = AggregateFunction.PRODUCT;                            // PRODUCT
     retval[184]                      = NumericFunction.FACT;                                 // FACT
     retval[185]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetCELL");                // GetCELL
     retval[186]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKSPACE");           // GetWORKSPACE
     retval[187]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWINDOW");              // GetWINDOW
     retval[188]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetDOCUMENT");            // GetDOCUMENT
     retval[189]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DPRODUCT");               // DPRODUCT
     retval[190]                      = LogicalFunction.ISNONTEXT;                            // IsNONTEXT
     retval[191]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetNOTE");                // GetNOTE
     retval[192]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NOTE");                   // NOTE
     retval[193]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVP");                 // STDEVP
     retval[194]                      = AggregateFunction.VARP;                               // VARP
     retval[195]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DSTDEVP");                // DSTDEVP
     retval[196]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DVARP");                  // DVARP
     retval[197]                      = NumericFunction.TRUNC;                                // TRUNC
     retval[198]                      = LogicalFunction.ISLOGICAL;                            // IsLOGICAL
     retval[199]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DCOUNTA");                // DCOUNTA
     retval[200]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETEBAR");              // DELETEBAR
     retval[201]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("UNREGISTER");             // UNREGISTER
     retval[204]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("USDOLLAR");               // USDOLLAR
     retval[205]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FindB");                  // FindB
     retval[206]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SEARCHB");                // SEARCHB
     retval[207]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ReplaceB");               // ReplaceB
     retval[208]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LEFTB");                  // LEFTB
     retval[209]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RIGHTB");                 // RIGHTB
     retval[210]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MIDB");                   // MIDB
     retval[211]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LENB");                   // LENB
     retval[212]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDUP;                              // ROUNDUP
     retval[213]                      = NumericFunction.ROUNDDOWN;                            // ROUNDDOWN
     retval[214]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ASC");                    // ASC
     retval[215]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DBCS");                   // DBCS
     retval[216]                      = new Rank();                                           // RANK
     retval[219]                      = new Address();                                        // AddRESS
     retval[220]                      = new Days360();                                        // DAYS360
     retval[221]                      = new Today();                                          // TODAY
     retval[222]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VDB");                    // VDB
     retval[227]                      = AggregateFunction.MEDIAN;                             // MEDIAN
     retval[228]                      = new Sumproduct();                                     // SUMPRODUCT
     retval[229]                      = NumericFunction.SINH;                                 // SINH
     retval[230]                      = NumericFunction.COSH;                                 // COSH
     retval[231]                      = NumericFunction.TANH;                                 // TANH
     retval[232]                      = NumericFunction.ASINH;                                // ASINH
     retval[233]                      = NumericFunction.ACOSH;                                // ACOSH
     retval[234]                      = NumericFunction.ATANH;                                // ATANH
     retval[235]                      = new DStarRunner(DStarRunner.DStarAlgorithmEnum.DGET); // DGet
     retval[236]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CreateOBJECT");           // CreateOBJECT
     retval[237]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("VOLATILE");               // VOLATILE
     retval[238]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LASTERROR");              // LASTERROR
     retval[239]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMUNDO");             // CUSTOMUNDO
     retval[240]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CUSTOMREPEAT");           // CUSTOMREPEAT
     retval[241]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORMULAConvert");         // FORMULAConvert
     retval[242]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetLINKINFO");            // GetLINKINFO
     retval[243]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TEXTBOX");                // TEXTBOX
     retval[244]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("INFO");                   // INFO
     retval[245]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GROUP");                  // GROUP
     retval[246]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetOBJECT");              // GetOBJECT
     retval[247]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DB");                     // DB
     retval[248]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PAUSE");                  // PAUSE
     retval[250]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESUME");                 // RESUME
     retval[252]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FREQUENCY");              // FREQUENCY
     retval[253]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("AddTOOLBAR");             // AddTOOLBAR
     retval[254]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("DELETETOOLBAR");          // DELETETOOLBAR
     retval[FunctionID.EXTERNAL_FUNC] = null;                                                 // ExternalFunction is a FreeREfFunction
     retval[256]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RESetTOOLBAR");           // RESetTOOLBAR
     retval[257]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EVALUATE");               // EVALUATE
     retval[258]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOLBAR");             // GetTOOLBAR
     retval[259]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetTOOL");                // GetTOOL
     retval[260]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SPELLINGCHECK");          // SPELLINGCHECK
     retval[261]                      = new Errortype();                                      // ERRORTYPE
     retval[262]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("APPTITLE");               // APPTITLE
     retval[263]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WINDOWTITLE");            // WINDOWTITLE
     retval[264]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVETOOLBAR");            // SAVETOOLBAR
     retval[265]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ENABLETOOL");             // ENABLETOOL
     retval[266]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PRESSTOOL");              // PRESSTOOL
     retval[267]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("REGISTERID");             // REGISTERID
     retval[268]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetWORKBOOK");            // GetWORKBOOK
     retval[269]                      = AggregateFunction.AVEDEV;                             // AVEDEV
     retval[270]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETADIST");               // BETADIST
     retval[271]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMALN");                // GAMMALN
     retval[272]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BETAINV");                // BETAINV
     retval[273]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("BINOMDIST");              // BINOMDIST
     retval[274]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIDIST");                // CHIDIST
     retval[275]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHIINV");                 // CHIINV
     retval[276]                      = NumericFunction.COMBIN;                               // COMBIN
     retval[277]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CONFIDENCE");             // CONFIDENCE
     retval[278]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CRITBINOM");              // CRITBINOM
     retval[279]                      = new Even();                                           // EVEN
     retval[280]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("EXPONDIST");              // EXPONDIST
     retval[281]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FDIST");                  // FDIST
     retval[282]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FINV");                   // FINV
     retval[283]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHER");                 // FISHER
     retval[284]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FISHERINV");              // FISHERINV
     retval[285]                      = NumericFunction.FLOOR;                                // FLOOR
     retval[286]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMADIST");              // GAMMADIST
     retval[287]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GAMMAINV");               // GAMMAINV
     retval[288]                      = NumericFunction.CEILING;                              // CEILING
     retval[289]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HYPGEOMDIST");            // HYPGEOMDIST
     retval[290]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGNORMDIST");            // LOGNORMDIST
     retval[291]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("LOGINV");                 // LOGINV
     retval[292]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NEGBINOMDIST");           // NEGBINOMDIST
     retval[293]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMDIST");               // NORMDIST
     retval[294]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSDIST");              // NORMSDIST
     retval[295]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMINV");                // NORMINV
     retval[296]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("NORMSINV");               // NORMSINV
     retval[297]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STANDARDIZE");            // STANDARDIZE
     retval[298]                      = new Odd();                                            // ODD
     retval[299]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERMUT");                 // PERMUT
     retval[300]                      = NumericFunction.POISSON;                              // POISSON
     retval[301]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TDIST");                  // TDIST
     retval[302]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("WEIBULL");                // WEIBULL
     retval[303]                      = new Sumxmy2();                                        // SUMXMY2
     retval[304]                      = new Sumx2my2();                                       // SUMX2MY2
     retval[305]                      = new Sumx2py2();                                       // SUMX2PY2
     retval[306]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CHITEST");                // CHITEST
     retval[307]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("CORREL");                 // CORREL
     retval[308]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("COVAR");                  // COVAR
     retval[309]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FORECAST");               // FORECAST
     retval[310]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("FTEST");                  // FTEST
     retval[311]                      = new Intercept();                                      // INTERCEPT
     retval[312]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PEARSON");                // PEARSON
     retval[313]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("RSQ");                    // RSQ
     retval[314]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("STEYX");                  // STEYX
     retval[315]                      = new Slope();                                          // SLOPE
     retval[316]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TTEST");                  // TTEST
     retval[317]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PROB");                   // PROB
     retval[318]                      = AggregateFunction.DEVSQ;                              // DEVSQ
     retval[319]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GEOMEAN");                // GEOMEAN
     retval[320]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("HARMEAN");                // HARMEAN
     retval[321]                      = AggregateFunction.SUMSQ;                              // SUMSQ
     retval[322]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("KURT");                   // KURT
     retval[323]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("SKEW");                   // SKEW
     retval[324]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("ZTEST");                  // ZTEST
     retval[325]                      = AggregateFunction.LARGE;                              // LARGE
     retval[326]                      = AggregateFunction.SMALL;                              // SMALL
     retval[327]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("QUARTILE");               // QUARTILE
     retval[328]                      = AggregateFunction.PERCENTILE;                         // PERCENTILE
     retval[329]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PERCENTRANK");            // PERCENTRANK
     retval[330]                      = new Mode();                                           // MODE
     retval[331]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TRIMMEAN");               // TRIMMEAN
     retval[332]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("TINV");                   // TINV
     retval[334]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("MOVIECOMMAND");           // MOVIECOMMAND
     retval[335]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetMOVIE");               // GetMOVIE
     retval[336]                      = TextFunction.CONCATENATE;                             // CONCATENATE
     retval[337]                      = NumericFunction.POWER;                                // POWER
     retval[338]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("PIVOTAddDATA");           // PIVOTAddDATA
     retval[339]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTTABLE");          // GetPIVOTTABLE
     retval[340]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTFIELD");          // GetPIVOTFIELD
     retval[341]                      = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTITEM");           // GetPIVOTITEM
     retval[342]                      = NumericFunction.RADIANS;
     ;                                                                                        // RADIANS
     retval[343] = NumericFunction.DEGREES;                                                   // DEGREES
     retval[344] = new Subtotal();                                                            // SUBTOTAL
     retval[345] = new Sumif();                                                               // SUMIF
     retval[346] = new Countif();                                                             // COUNTIF
     retval[347] = new Countblank();                                                          // COUNTBLANK
     retval[348] = new NotImplementedFunction("SCENARIOGet");                                 // SCENARIOGet
     retval[349] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPTIONSLISTSGet");                             // OPTIONSLISTSGet
     retval[350] = new NotImplementedFunction("IsPMT");                                       // IsPMT
     retval[351] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATEDIF");                                     // DATEDIF
     retval[352] = new NotImplementedFunction("DATESTRING");                                  // DATESTRING
     retval[353] = new NotImplementedFunction("NUMBERSTRING");                                // NUMBERSTRING
     retval[354] = new Roman();                                                               // ROMAN
     retval[355] = new NotImplementedFunction("OPENDIALOG");                                  // OPENDIALOG
     retval[356] = new NotImplementedFunction("SAVEDIALOG");                                  // SAVEDIALOG
     retval[357] = new NotImplementedFunction("VIEWGet");                                     // VIEWGet
     retval[358] = new NotImplementedFunction("GetPIVOTDATA");                                // GetPIVOTDATA
     retval[359] = new Hyperlink();                                                           // HYPERLINK
     retval[360] = new NotImplementedFunction("PHONETIC");                                    // PHONETIC
     retval[361] = new NotImplementedFunction("AVERAGEA");                                    // AVERAGEA
     retval[362] = MinaMaxa.MAXA;                                                             // MAXA
     retval[363] = MinaMaxa.MINA;                                                             // MINA
     retval[364] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVPA");                                     // STDEVPA
     retval[365] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARPA");                                       // VARPA
     retval[366] = new NotImplementedFunction("STDEVA");                                      // STDEVA
     retval[367] = new NotImplementedFunction("VARA");                                        // VARA
Пример #28
        private void DateExpression()
            switch (Peek(1).Kind)
            case TokenKind.TODAY:

            case TokenKind.TOMORROW:

            case TokenKind.YESTERDAY:

            case TokenKind.DAY_IDENTIFIER:
                DayDateIdent(Peek(1).Text, TokenKind.DAY);

            case TokenKind.NUMBER:
                var num = int.Parse(Peek(1).Text);
                switch (Peek(1).Kind)
                case TokenKind.DAY:
                case TokenKind.WEEK:
                case TokenKind.MONTH:
                case TokenKind.YEAR:

                case TokenKind.MONTH_MODIFIER:

            case TokenKind.NEXT:

            case TokenKind.PREVIOUS:

            //Get Or Time Year
            switch (Peek(1).Kind)
            case TokenKind.NUMBER:
                if (Peek(1).Kind == TokenKind.AT)

            case TokenKind.AT:

Пример #29
 public BuiltInFunctions()
     // Text
     Functions["len"]         = new Len();
     Functions["lower"]       = new Lower();
     Functions["upper"]       = new Upper();
     Functions["left"]        = new Left();
     Functions["right"]       = new Right();
     Functions["mid"]         = new Mid();
     Functions["replace"]     = new Replace();
     Functions["rept"]        = new Rept();
     Functions["substitute"]  = new Substitute();
     Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
     Functions["char"]        = new CharFunction();
     Functions["exact"]       = new Exact();
     Functions["find"]        = new Find();
     Functions["fixed"]       = new Fixed();
     Functions["proper"]      = new Proper();
     Functions["search"]      = new Search();
     Functions["text"]        = new Text.Text();
     Functions["t"]           = new T();
     Functions["hyperlink"]   = new Hyperlink();
     Functions["value"]       = new Value();
     // Numbers
     Functions["int"] = new CInt();
     // Math
     Functions["abs"]         = new Abs();
     Functions["asin"]        = new Asin();
     Functions["asinh"]       = new Asinh();
     Functions["cos"]         = new Cos();
     Functions["cosh"]        = new Cosh();
     Functions["power"]       = new Power();
     Functions["sign"]        = new Sign();
     Functions["sqrt"]        = new Sqrt();
     Functions["sqrtpi"]      = new SqrtPi();
     Functions["pi"]          = new Pi();
     Functions["product"]     = new Product();
     Functions["ceiling"]     = new Ceiling();
     Functions["count"]       = new Count();
     Functions["counta"]      = new CountA();
     Functions["countblank"]  = new CountBlank();
     Functions["countif"]     = new CountIf();
     Functions["countifs"]    = new CountIfs();
     Functions["fact"]        = new Fact();
     Functions["floor"]       = new Floor();
     Functions["sin"]         = new Sin();
     Functions["sinh"]        = new Sinh();
     Functions["sum"]         = new Sum();
     Functions["sumif"]       = new SumIf();
     Functions["sumifs"]      = new SumIfs();
     Functions["sumproduct"]  = new SumProduct();
     Functions["sumsq"]       = new Sumsq();
     Functions["stdev"]       = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdevp"]      = new StdevP();
     Functions["stdev.s"]     = new Stdev();
     Functions["stdev.p"]     = new StdevP();
     Functions["subtotal"]    = new Subtotal();
     Functions["exp"]         = new Exp();
     Functions["log"]         = new Log();
     Functions["log10"]       = new Log10();
     Functions["ln"]          = new Ln();
     Functions["max"]         = new Max();
     Functions["maxa"]        = new Maxa();
     Functions["median"]      = new Median();
     Functions["min"]         = new Min();
     Functions["mina"]        = new Mina();
     Functions["mod"]         = new Mod();
     Functions["average"]     = new Average();
     Functions["averagea"]    = new AverageA();
     Functions["averageif"]   = new AverageIf();
     Functions["averageifs"]  = new AverageIfs();
     Functions["round"]       = new Round();
     Functions["rounddown"]   = new Rounddown();
     Functions["roundup"]     = new Roundup();
     Functions["rand"]        = new Rand();
     Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
     Functions["rank"]        = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.eq"]     = new Rank();
     Functions["rank.avg"]    = new Rank(true);
     Functions["quotient"]    = new Quotient();
     Functions["trunc"]       = new Trunc();
     Functions["tan"]         = new Tan();
     Functions["tanh"]        = new Tanh();
     Functions["atan"]        = new Atan();
     Functions["atan2"]       = new Atan2();
     Functions["atanh"]       = new Atanh();
     Functions["acos"]        = new Acos();
     Functions["acosh"]       = new Acosh();
     Functions["var"]         = new Var();
     Functions["varp"]        = new VarP();
     Functions["large"]       = new Large();
     Functions["small"]       = new Small();
     Functions["degrees"]     = new Degrees();
     // Information
     Functions["isblank"]    = new IsBlank();
     Functions["isnumber"]   = new IsNumber();
     Functions["istext"]     = new IsText();
     Functions["isnontext"]  = new IsNonText();
     Functions["iserror"]    = new IsError();
     Functions["iserr"]      = new IsErr();
     Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
     Functions["iseven"]     = new IsEven();
     Functions["isodd"]      = new IsOdd();
     Functions["islogical"]  = new IsLogical();
     Functions["isna"]       = new IsNa();
     Functions["na"]         = new Na();
     Functions["n"]          = new N();
     // Logical
     Functions["if"]      = new If();
     Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
     Functions["ifna"]    = new IfNa();
     Functions["not"]     = new Not();
     Functions["and"]     = new And();
     Functions["or"]      = new Or();
     Functions["true"]    = new True();
     Functions["false"]   = new False();
     // Reference and lookup
     Functions["address"] = new Address();
     Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
     Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
     Functions["lookup"]  = new Lookup();
     Functions["match"]   = new Match();
     Functions["row"]     = new Row()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["rows"] = new Rows()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["column"] = new Column()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["columns"] = new Columns()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     Functions["choose"]   = new Choose();
     Functions["index"]    = new Index();
     Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
     Functions["offset"]   = new Offset()
         SkipArgumentEvaluation = true
     // Date
     Functions["DATEDIF"]          = new DATEDIF();
     Functions["date"]             = new Date();
     Functions["today"]            = new Today();
     Functions["now"]              = new Now();
     Functions["day"]              = new Day();
     Functions["month"]            = new Month();
     Functions["year"]             = new Year();
     Functions["time"]             = new Time();
     Functions["hour"]             = new Hour();
     Functions["minute"]           = new Minute();
     Functions["second"]           = new Second();
     Functions["weeknum"]          = new Weeknum();
     Functions["weekday"]          = new Weekday();
     Functions["days360"]          = new Days360();
     Functions["yearfrac"]         = new Yearfrac();
     Functions["edate"]            = new Edate();
     Functions["eomonth"]          = new Eomonth();
     Functions["isoweeknum"]       = new IsoWeekNum();
     Functions["workday"]          = new Workday();
     Functions["networkdays"]      = new Networkdays();
     Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
     Functions["datevalue"]        = new DateValue();
     Functions["timevalue"]        = new TimeValue();
     // Database
     Functions["dget"]     = new Dget();
     Functions["dcount"]   = new Dcount();
     Functions["dcounta"]  = new DcountA();
     Functions["dmax"]     = new Dmax();
     Functions["dmin"]     = new Dmin();
     Functions["dsum"]     = new Dsum();
     Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
     Functions["dvar"]     = new Dvar();
     Functions["dvarp"]    = new Dvarp();
     Functions["Pmt"]  = new PMT();
     Functions["Rate"] = new Rate();
Пример #30
 public void Today_Time_can_be_specified_with_At()
     Assert.That(Today.At(14), Is.EqualTo(8.May(2011).At(14)));
     Assert.That(Today.At(14, 30), Is.EqualTo(8.May(2011).At(14, 30)));
     Assert.That(Today.At(14, 30, 26), Is.EqualTo(8.May(2011).At(14, 30, 26)));