public void FindByAssigneePerson_FindOnlyOne_Arraysize1() { //arrange int personId = PersonSequencer.getNext(); string firstName = "Fredrik"; string familyName = "Persson"; Person assignee = new Person(personId, firstName, familyName); personId = PersonSequencer.getNext(); Person assignee2 = new Person(personId, "Clara", familyName); string description1 = "Walk the dog."; string description2 = "Cuddle with cat."; string description3 = "Take a walk."; ToDoSequencer.Reset(); ToDoItems todoItems = new ToDoItems(); todoItems.Clear(); //add 3 items todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee, description1); todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee2, description2); todoItems.AddToDoItem(null, description3); //act ToDo[] foundItemsArray = todoItems.FindByAssignee(assignee); //assert Assert.Single(foundItemsArray); }
public void FindByAssigneePerson_NullPerson_ReturnsUnassignedItems() { //findbyAssignee(null) will return the unassigned items //arrange int personId = PersonSequencer.getNext(); string firstName = "Fredrik"; string familyName = "Persson"; Person assignee1 = new Person(personId, firstName, familyName); personId = PersonSequencer.getNext(); Person assignee2 = new Person(personId, "Clara", familyName); Person assignee3 = null; string description1 = "Walk the dog."; string description2 = "Cuddle with cat."; string description3 = "Take a walk."; //TodoSequencer.reset(); ToDoItems todoItems = new ToDoItems(); todoItems.Clear(); //add 3 items todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee1, description1); todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee2, description2); todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee3, description3); //act ToDo[] foundItemsArray = todoItems.FindByAssignee(assignee3); //assert Assert.Single(foundItemsArray); }
public void FindByAssigneeInt_FindTwo_Arraysize2() { //arrange int personId = PersonSequencer.getNext(); string firstName = "Fredrik"; string familyName = "Persson"; Person assignee = new Person(personId, firstName, familyName); string description1 = "Walk the dog."; string description2 = "Cuddle with cat."; string description3 = "Take a walk."; ToDoSequencer.Reset(); ToDoItems todoItems = new ToDoItems(); todoItems.Clear(); //add 3 items todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee, description1); todoItems.AddToDoItem(assignee, description2); todoItems.AddToDoItem(null, description3); //act ToDo[] foundItemsArray = todoItems.FindByAssignee(personId); //assert Assert.Equal(2, foundItemsArray.Length); }
public void FindByAssigneeTest() { //Arrange People people = new People(); ToDoItems toDo = new ToDoItems(); PersonSequencer.Reset(); TodoSequencer.ResetID(); Person Jane = people.AddNewPerson(1, "Jane", "Doe"); Person John = people.AddNewPerson(2, "John", "Doe"); ToDo item1 = toDo.AddNewToDoNew(1, "Win lotto", false, Jane); ToDo item2 = toDo.AddNewToDoNew(2, "Learn to code", true, John); //Act ToDo[] result = toDo.FindByAssignee(1); ToDo[] result2 = toDo.FindByAssignee(2); //Assert Assert.Contains(item1, result); Assert.Contains(item2, result2); }