Пример #1
        private void Train(IList <Pair <string, IFileFilter> > trainTreebankPath, Pair <string, IFileFilter> devTreebankPath, string serializedPath)
            log.Info("Training method: " + op.TrainOptions().trainingMethod);
            IList <Tree> binarizedTrees = Generics.NewArrayList();

            foreach (Pair <string, IFileFilter> treebank in trainTreebankPath)
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(binarizedTrees, ReadBinarizedTreebank(treebank.First(), treebank.Second()));
            int nThreads = op.trainOptions.trainingThreads;

            nThreads = nThreads <= 0 ? Runtime.GetRuntime().AvailableProcessors() : nThreads;
            Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Common.Tagger tagger = null;
            if (op.testOptions.preTag)
                Timing retagTimer = new Timing();
                tagger = Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Common.Tagger.LoadModel(op.testOptions.taggerSerializedFile);
                RedoTags(binarizedTrees, tagger, nThreads);
            ICollection <string> knownStates    = FindKnownStates(binarizedTrees);
            ICollection <string> rootStates     = FindRootStates(binarizedTrees);
            ICollection <string> rootOnlyStates = FindRootOnlyStates(binarizedTrees, rootStates);

            log.Info("Known states: " + knownStates);
            log.Info("States which occur at the root: " + rootStates);
            log.Info("States which only occur at the root: " + rootStates);
            Timing transitionTimer = new Timing();
            IList <IList <ITransition> > transitionLists = CreateTransitionSequence.CreateTransitionSequences(binarizedTrees, op.compoundUnaries, rootStates, rootOnlyStates);
            IIndex <ITransition>         transitionIndex = new HashIndex <ITransition>();

            foreach (IList <ITransition> transitions in transitionLists)
            transitionTimer.Done("Converting trees into transition lists");
            log.Info("Number of transitions: " + transitionIndex.Size());
            Random   random      = new Random(op.trainOptions.randomSeed);
            Treebank devTreebank = null;

            if (devTreebankPath != null)
                devTreebank = ReadTreebank(devTreebankPath.First(), devTreebankPath.Second());
            PerceptronModel newModel = new PerceptronModel(this.op, transitionIndex, knownStates, rootStates, rootOnlyStates);

            newModel.TrainModel(serializedPath, tagger, random, binarizedTrees, transitionLists, devTreebank, nThreads);
            this.model = newModel;
 public static Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Maxent.Distsim InitLexicon(string path)
     lock (lexiconMap)
         Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Maxent.Distsim lex = lexiconMap[path];
         if (lex == null)
             Timing timer = new Timing();
             lex = new Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Maxent.Distsim(path);
             lexiconMap[path] = lex;
             timer.Done(log, "Loading distsim lexicon from " + path);
Пример #3
        public static ParserGrammar LoadModel(string path, params string[] extraFlags)
            ParserGrammar parser;

                Timing timing = new Timing();
                parser = IOUtils.ReadObjectFromURLOrClasspathOrFileSystem(path);
                timing.Done(logger, "Loading parser from serialized file " + path);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new RuntimeIOException(e);
            if (extraFlags.Length > 0)
        public virtual void ExecuteOneTrainingBatch(IList <Tree> trainingBatch, IdentityHashMap <Tree, byte[]> compressedParses, double[] sumGradSquare)
            Timing convertTiming = new Timing();

            convertTiming.Doing("Converting trees");
            IdentityHashMap <Tree, IList <Tree> > topParses = CacheParseHypotheses.ConvertToTrees(trainingBatch, compressedParses, op.trainOptions.trainingThreads);

            DVParserCostAndGradient gcFunc = new DVParserCostAndGradient(trainingBatch, topParses, dvModel, op);

            double[] theta = dvModel.ParamsToVector();
            switch (Minimizer)
            case (1):
                //maxFuncIter = 10;
                // 1: QNMinimizer, 2: SGD
                QNMinimizer qn = new QNMinimizer(op.trainOptions.qnEstimates, true);
                theta = qn.Minimize(gcFunc, op.trainOptions.qnTolerance, theta, op.trainOptions.qnIterationsPerBatch);

            case 2:
                //Minimizer smd = new SGDMinimizer();       double tol = 1e-4;      theta = smd.minimize(gcFunc,tol,theta,op.trainOptions.qnIterationsPerBatch);
                double lastCost  = 0;
                double currCost  = 0;
                bool   firstTime = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < op.trainOptions.qnIterationsPerBatch; i++)
                    double[] grad = gcFunc.DerivativeAt(theta);
                    currCost = gcFunc.ValueAt(theta);
                    log.Info("batch cost: " + currCost);
                    //          if(!firstTime){
                    //              if(currCost > lastCost){
                    //                  System.out.println("HOW IS FUNCTION VALUE INCREASING????!!! ... still updating theta");
                    //              }
                    //              if(Math.abs(currCost - lastCost) < 0.0001){
                    //                  System.out.println("function value is not decreasing. stop");
                    //              }
                    //          }else{
                    //              firstTime = false;
                    //          }
                    lastCost = currCost;
                    ArrayMath.AddMultInPlace(theta, grad, -1 * op.trainOptions.learningRate);

            case 3:
                // AdaGrad
                double eps      = 1e-3;
                double currCost = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < op.trainOptions.qnIterationsPerBatch; i++)
                    double[] gradf = gcFunc.DerivativeAt(theta);
                    currCost = gcFunc.ValueAt(theta);
                    log.Info("batch cost: " + currCost);
                    for (int feature = 0; feature < gradf.Length; feature++)
                        sumGradSquare[feature] = sumGradSquare[feature] + gradf[feature] * gradf[feature];
                        theta[feature]         = theta[feature] - (op.trainOptions.learningRate * gradf[feature] / (System.Math.Sqrt(sumGradSquare[feature]) + eps));

                throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported minimizer " + Minimizer);
Пример #5
        private void TrainModel(string serializedPath, Edu.Stanford.Nlp.Tagger.Common.Tagger tagger, Random random, IList <Tree> binarizedTrees, IList <IList <ITransition> > transitionLists, Treebank devTreebank, int nThreads, ICollection <string> allowedFeatures
            double bestScore     = 0.0;
            int    bestIteration = 0;
            PriorityQueue <ScoredObject <PerceptronModel> > bestModels = null;

            if (op.TrainOptions().averagedModels > 0)
                bestModels = new PriorityQueue <ScoredObject <PerceptronModel> >(op.TrainOptions().averagedModels + 1, ScoredComparator.AscendingComparator);
            IList <int> indices = Generics.NewArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < binarizedTrees.Count; ++i)
            Oracle oracle = null;

            if (op.TrainOptions().trainingMethod == ShiftReduceTrainOptions.TrainingMethod.Oracle)
                oracle = new Oracle(binarizedTrees, op.compoundUnaries, rootStates);
            IList <PerceptronModel.Update>           updates = Generics.NewArrayList();
            MulticoreWrapper <int, Pair <int, int> > wrapper = null;

            if (nThreads != 1)
                updates = Java.Util.Collections.SynchronizedList(updates);
                wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <int, Pair <int, int> >(op.trainOptions.trainingThreads, new PerceptronModel.TrainTreeProcessor(this, binarizedTrees, transitionLists, updates, oracle));
            IntCounter <string> featureFrequencies = null;

            if (op.TrainOptions().featureFrequencyCutoff > 1)
                featureFrequencies = new IntCounter <string>();
            for (int iteration = 1; iteration <= op.trainOptions.trainingIterations; ++iteration)
                Timing trainingTimer = new Timing();
                int    numCorrect    = 0;
                int    numWrong      = 0;
                Java.Util.Collections.Shuffle(indices, random);
                for (int start = 0; start < indices.Count; start += op.trainOptions.batchSize)
                    int end = Math.Min(start + op.trainOptions.batchSize, indices.Count);
                    Triple <IList <PerceptronModel.Update>, int, int> result = TrainBatch(indices.SubList(start, end), binarizedTrees, transitionLists, updates, oracle, wrapper);
                    numCorrect += result.second;
                    numWrong   += result.third;
                    foreach (PerceptronModel.Update update in result.first)
                        foreach (string feature in update.features)
                            if (allowedFeatures != null && !allowedFeatures.Contains(feature))
                            Weight weights = featureWeights[feature];
                            if (weights == null)
                                weights = new Weight();
                                featureWeights[feature] = weights;
                            weights.UpdateWeight(update.goldTransition, update.delta);
                            weights.UpdateWeight(update.predictedTransition, -update.delta);
                            if (featureFrequencies != null)
                                featureFrequencies.IncrementCount(feature, (update.goldTransition >= 0 && update.predictedTransition >= 0) ? 2 : 1);
                trainingTimer.Done("Iteration " + iteration);
                log.Info("While training, got " + numCorrect + " transitions correct and " + numWrong + " transitions wrong");
                double labelF1 = 0.0;
                if (devTreebank != null)
                    EvaluateTreebank evaluator = new EvaluateTreebank(op, null, new ShiftReduceParser(op, this), tagger);
                    labelF1 = evaluator.GetLBScore();
                    log.Info("Label F1 after " + iteration + " iterations: " + labelF1);
                    if (labelF1 > bestScore)
                        log.Info("New best dev score (previous best " + bestScore + ")");
                        bestScore     = labelF1;
                        bestIteration = iteration;
                        log.Info("Failed to improve for " + (iteration - bestIteration) + " iteration(s) on previous best score of " + bestScore);
                        if (op.trainOptions.stalledIterationLimit > 0 && (iteration - bestIteration >= op.trainOptions.stalledIterationLimit))
                            log.Info("Failed to improve for too long, stopping training");
                    if (bestModels != null)
                        bestModels.Add(new ScoredObject <PerceptronModel>(new PerceptronModel(this), labelF1));
                        if (bestModels.Count > op.TrainOptions().averagedModels)
                if (op.TrainOptions().saveIntermediateModels&& serializedPath != null && op.trainOptions.debugOutputFrequency > 0)
                    string            tempName = Sharpen.Runtime.Substring(serializedPath, 0, serializedPath.Length - 7) + "-" + Filename.Format(iteration) + "-" + Nf.Format(labelF1) + ".ser.gz";
                    ShiftReduceParser temp     = new ShiftReduceParser(op, this);
                // TODO: we could save a cutoff version of the model,
                // especially if we also get a dev set number for it, but that
                // might be overkill
                if (iteration % 10 == 0 && op.TrainOptions().decayLearningRate > 0.0)
                    learningRate *= op.TrainOptions().decayLearningRate;
            // end for iterations
            if (wrapper != null)
            if (bestModels != null)
                if (op.TrainOptions().cvAveragedModels&& devTreebank != null)
                    IList <ScoredObject <PerceptronModel> > models = Generics.NewArrayList();
                    while (bestModels.Count > 0)
                    double bestF1   = 0.0;
                    int    bestSize = 0;
                    for (int i_1 = 1; i_1 <= models.Count; ++i_1)
                        log.Info("Testing with " + i_1 + " models averaged together");
                        // TODO: this is kind of ugly, would prefer a separate object
                        AverageScoredModels(models.SubList(0, i_1));
                        ShiftReduceParser temp      = new ShiftReduceParser(op, this);
                        EvaluateTreebank  evaluator = new EvaluateTreebank(temp.GetOp(), null, temp, tagger);
                        double labelF1 = evaluator.GetLBScore();
                        log.Info("Label F1 for " + i_1 + " models: " + labelF1);
                        if (labelF1 > bestF1)
                            bestF1   = labelF1;
                            bestSize = i_1;
                    AverageScoredModels(models.SubList(0, bestSize));
            // TODO: perhaps we should filter the features and then get dev
            // set scores.  That way we can merge the models which are best
            // after filtering.
            if (featureFrequencies != null)
Пример #6
        // fill value & derivative
        protected internal override void Calculate(double[] theta)
            double localValue = 0.0;

            double[] localDerivative = new double[theta.Length];
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryW_dfsG;
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryW_dfsB;

            binaryW_dfsG = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            binaryW_dfsB = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryScoreDerivativesG;
            TwoDimensionalMap <string, string, SimpleMatrix> binaryScoreDerivativesB;

            binaryScoreDerivativesG = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            binaryScoreDerivativesB = TwoDimensionalMap.TreeMap();
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryW_dfsG;
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryW_dfsB;

            unaryW_dfsG = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();
            unaryW_dfsB = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryScoreDerivativesG;
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> unaryScoreDerivativesB;

            unaryScoreDerivativesG = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();
            unaryScoreDerivativesB = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorDerivativesG = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();
            IDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix> wordVectorDerivativesB = new SortedDictionary <string, SimpleMatrix>();

            foreach (TwoDimensionalMap.Entry <string, string, SimpleMatrix> entry in dvModel.binaryTransform)
                int numRows = entry.GetValue().NumRows();
                int numCols = entry.GetValue().NumCols();
                binaryW_dfsG.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols));
                binaryW_dfsB.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols));
                binaryScoreDerivativesG.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), new SimpleMatrix(1, numRows));
                binaryScoreDerivativesB.Put(entry.GetFirstKey(), entry.GetSecondKey(), new SimpleMatrix(1, numRows));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SimpleMatrix> entry_1 in dvModel.unaryTransform)
                int numRows = entry_1.Value.NumRows();
                int numCols = entry_1.Value.NumCols();
                unaryW_dfsG[entry_1.Key]            = new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols);
                unaryW_dfsB[entry_1.Key]            = new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols);
                unaryScoreDerivativesG[entry_1.Key] = new SimpleMatrix(1, numRows);
                unaryScoreDerivativesB[entry_1.Key] = new SimpleMatrix(1, numRows);
            if (op.trainOptions.trainWordVectors)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SimpleMatrix> entry_2 in dvModel.wordVectors)
                    int numRows = entry_2.Value.NumRows();
                    int numCols = entry_2.Value.NumCols();
                    wordVectorDerivativesG[entry_2.Key] = new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols);
                    wordVectorDerivativesB[entry_2.Key] = new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols);
            // Some optimization methods prints out a line without an end, so our
            // debugging statements are misaligned
            Timing scoreTiming = new Timing();

            scoreTiming.Doing("Scoring trees");
            int treeNum = 0;
            MulticoreWrapper <Tree, Pair <DeepTree, DeepTree> > wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <Tree, Pair <DeepTree, DeepTree> >(op.trainOptions.trainingThreads, new DVParserCostAndGradient.ScoringProcessor(this));

            foreach (Tree tree in trainingBatch)
            while (wrapper.Peek())
                Pair <DeepTree, DeepTree> result = wrapper.Poll();
                DeepTree      goldTree           = result.first;
                DeepTree      bestTree           = result.second;
                StringBuilder treeDebugLine      = new StringBuilder();
                Formatter     formatter          = new Formatter(treeDebugLine);
                bool          isDone             = (Math.Abs(bestTree.GetScore() - goldTree.GetScore()) <= 0.00001 || goldTree.GetScore() > bestTree.GetScore());
                string        done = isDone ? "done" : string.Empty;
                formatter.Format("Tree %6d Highest tree: %12.4f Correct tree: %12.4f %s", treeNum, bestTree.GetScore(), goldTree.GetScore(), done);
                if (!isDone)
                    // if the gold tree is better than the best hypothesis tree by
                    // a large enough margin, then the score difference will be 0
                    // and we ignore the tree
                    double valueDelta = bestTree.GetScore() - goldTree.GetScore();
                    //double valueDelta = Math.max(0.0, - scoreGold + bestScore);
                    localValue += valueDelta;
                    // get the context words for this tree - should be the same
                    // for either goldTree or bestTree
                    IList <string> words = GetContextWords(goldTree.GetTree());
                    // The derivatives affected by this tree are only based on the
                    // nodes present in this tree, eg not all matrix derivatives
                    // will be affected by this tree
                    BackpropDerivative(goldTree.GetTree(), words, goldTree.GetVectors(), binaryW_dfsG, unaryW_dfsG, binaryScoreDerivativesG, unaryScoreDerivativesG, wordVectorDerivativesG);
                    BackpropDerivative(bestTree.GetTree(), words, bestTree.GetVectors(), binaryW_dfsB, unaryW_dfsB, binaryScoreDerivativesB, unaryScoreDerivativesB, wordVectorDerivativesB);
            double[] localDerivativeGood;
            double[] localDerivativeB;
            if (op.trainOptions.trainWordVectors)
                localDerivativeGood = NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(theta.Length, binaryW_dfsG.ValueIterator(), unaryW_dfsG.Values.GetEnumerator(), binaryScoreDerivativesG.ValueIterator(), unaryScoreDerivativesG.Values.GetEnumerator(), wordVectorDerivativesG.Values
                localDerivativeB = NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(theta.Length, binaryW_dfsB.ValueIterator(), unaryW_dfsB.Values.GetEnumerator(), binaryScoreDerivativesB.ValueIterator(), unaryScoreDerivativesB.Values.GetEnumerator(), wordVectorDerivativesB.Values
                localDerivativeGood = NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(theta.Length, binaryW_dfsG.ValueIterator(), unaryW_dfsG.Values.GetEnumerator(), binaryScoreDerivativesG.ValueIterator(), unaryScoreDerivativesG.Values.GetEnumerator());
                localDerivativeB    = NeuralUtils.ParamsToVector(theta.Length, binaryW_dfsB.ValueIterator(), unaryW_dfsB.Values.GetEnumerator(), binaryScoreDerivativesB.ValueIterator(), unaryScoreDerivativesB.Values.GetEnumerator());
            // correct - highest
            for (int i = 0; i < localDerivativeGood.Length; i++)
                localDerivative[i] = localDerivativeB[i] - localDerivativeGood[i];
            // TODO: this is where we would combine multiple costs if we had parallelized the calculation
            value      = localValue;
            derivative = localDerivative;
            // normalizing by training batch size
            value = (1.0 / trainingBatch.Count) * value;
            ArrayMath.MultiplyInPlace(derivative, (1.0 / trainingBatch.Count));
            // add regularization to cost:
            double[] currentParams = dvModel.ParamsToVector();
            double   regCost       = 0;

            foreach (double currentParam in currentParams)
                regCost += currentParam * currentParam;
            regCost = op.trainOptions.regCost * 0.5 * regCost;
            value  += regCost;
            // add regularization to gradient
            ArrayMath.MultiplyInPlace(currentParams, op.trainOptions.regCost);
            ArrayMath.PairwiseAddInPlace(derivative, currentParams);
        /// <summary>Test the parser on a treebank.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Test the parser on a treebank. Parses will be written to stdout, and
        /// various other information will be written to stderr and stdout,
        /// particularly if <code>op.testOptions.verbose</code> is true.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="testTreebank">The treebank to parse</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The labeled precision/recall F<sub>1</sub> (EVALB measure)
        /// of the parser on the treebank.
        /// </returns>
        public virtual double TestOnTreebank(Treebank testTreebank)
            log.Info("Testing on treebank");
            Timing    treebankTotalTimer        = new Timing();
            TreePrint treePrint                 = op.testOptions.TreePrint(op.tlpParams);
            ITreebankLangParserParams tlpParams = op.tlpParams;
            ITreebankLanguagePack     tlp       = op.Langpack();
            PrintWriter pwOut;
            PrintWriter pwErr;

            if (op.testOptions.quietEvaluation)
                NullOutputStream quiet = new NullOutputStream();
                pwOut = tlpParams.Pw(quiet);
                pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(quiet);
                pwOut = tlpParams.Pw();
                pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(System.Console.Error);
            if (op.testOptions.verbose)
                pwErr.Print("Testing ");
            if (op.testOptions.evalb)
            PrintWriter pwFileOut = null;

            if (op.testOptions.writeOutputFiles)
                string fname = op.testOptions.outputFilesPrefix + "." + op.testOptions.outputFilesExtension;
                    pwFileOut = op.tlpParams.Pw(new FileOutputStream(fname));
                catch (IOException ioe)
            PrintWriter pwStats = null;

            if (op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation != null)
                    pwStats = op.tlpParams.Pw(new FileOutputStream(op.testOptions.outputkBestEquivocation));
                catch (IOException ioe)
            if (op.testOptions.testingThreads != 1)
                MulticoreWrapper <IList <IHasWord>, IParserQuery> wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <IList <IHasWord>, IParserQuery>(op.testOptions.testingThreads, new ParsingThreadsafeProcessor(pqFactory, pwErr));
                LinkedList <Tree> goldTrees = new LinkedList <Tree>();
                foreach (Tree goldTree in testTreebank)
                    IList <IHasWord> sentence = GetInputSentence(goldTree);
                    pwErr.Println("Parsing [len. " + sentence.Count + "]: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(sentence));
                    while (wrapper.Peek())
                        IParserQuery pq = wrapper.Poll();
                        goldTree = goldTrees.Poll();
                        ProcessResults(pq, goldTree, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint);
                // for tree iterator
                while (wrapper.Peek())
                    IParserQuery pq         = wrapper.Poll();
                    Tree         goldTree_1 = goldTrees.Poll();
                    ProcessResults(pq, goldTree_1, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint);
                IParserQuery pq = pqFactory.ParserQuery();
                foreach (Tree goldTree in testTreebank)
                    IList <CoreLabel> sentence = GetInputSentence(goldTree);
                    pwErr.Println("Parsing [len. " + sentence.Count + "]: " + SentenceUtils.ListToString(sentence));
                    pq.ParseAndReport(sentence, pwErr);
                    ProcessResults(pq, goldTree, pwErr, pwOut, pwFileOut, pwStats, treePrint);
            // for tree iterator
            //Done parsing...print the results of the evaluations
            treebankTotalTimer.Done("Testing on treebank");
            if (op.testOptions.quietEvaluation)
                pwErr = tlpParams.Pw(System.Console.Error);
            if (saidMemMessage)
            if (op.testOptions.evalb)
            if (numSkippedEvals != 0)
                pwErr.Printf("Unable to evaluate %d parser hypotheses due to yield mismatch\n", numSkippedEvals);
            // only created here so we know what parser types are supported...
            IParserQuery pq_1 = pqFactory.ParserQuery();

            if (summary)
                if (pcfgLB != null)
                    pcfgLB.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgChildSpecific != null)
                    pcfgChildSpecific.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgLA != null)
                    pcfgLA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgCB != null)
                    pcfgCB.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgDA != null)
                    pcfgDA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgTA != null)
                    pcfgTA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgLL != null && pq_1.GetPCFGParser() != null)
                    pcfgLL.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (depDA != null)
                    depDA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (depTA != null)
                    depTA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (depLL != null && pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null)
                    depLL.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factLB != null)
                    factLB.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factChildSpecific != null)
                    factChildSpecific.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factLA != null)
                    factLA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factCB != null)
                    factCB.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factDA != null)
                    factDA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factTA != null)
                    factTA.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (factLL != null && pq_1.GetFactoredParser() != null)
                    factLL.Display(false, pwErr);
                if (pcfgCatE != null)
                    pcfgCatE.Display(false, pwErr);
                foreach (IEval eval in evals)
                    eval.Display(false, pwErr);
                foreach (BestOfTopKEval eval_1 in topKEvals)
                    eval_1.Display(false, pwErr);
            // these ones only have a display mode, so display if turned on!!
            if (pcfgRUO != null)
                pcfgRUO.Display(true, pwErr);
            if (pcfgCUO != null)
                pcfgCUO.Display(true, pwErr);
            if (tsv)
                NumberFormat nf = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
                if (factLB != null)
                if (pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null && factDA != null)
                if (factLB != null)
                if (pcfgLB != null)
                if (pq_1.GetDependencyParser() != null && depDA != null)
                if (pq_1.GetPCFGParser() != null && factTA != null)
                if (factLB != null)
            double f1 = 0.0;

            if (factLB != null)
                f1 = factLB.GetEvalbF1();
            //Close files (if necessary)
            if (pwFileOut != null)
            if (pwStats != null)
            if (parserQueryEvals != null)
                foreach (IParserQueryEval parserQueryEval in parserQueryEvals)
                    parserQueryEval.Display(false, pwErr);