private async Task <bool> SaveTimetableBackup(TimetableObjectsList timetableObjects) { try { StorageFile saveFile = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync(filename, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting); using (Stream writeStream = await saveFile.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) { DataContractSerializer serializer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TimetableObjectsList)); serializer.WriteObject(writeStream, timetableObjects); await writeStream.FlushAsync(); writeStream.Dispose(); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Unable to save the timetable", e); } }
/* * Get the timetable asynchronous from the server. * Returns an empty list of objects if anything fails. */ public async Task <TimetableObjectsList> GetTimetable(string stgJhr, string stg, string stgGrp) { // TODO: Regex zum Prüfen der Werte if (stgJhr != null && stg != null && stgGrp != null && !stgJhr.Equals("") && !stg.Equals("") && !stgGrp.Equals("")) { try { string requestData = WebUtility.UrlEncode("StgJhr") + "=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(stgJhr) + "&" + WebUtility.UrlEncode("Stg") + "=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(stg) + "&" + WebUtility.UrlEncode("StgGrp") + "=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(stgGrp); Uri uri = new Uri("" + requestData); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(uri); string content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Debug.WriteLine(content); List <TimetableObject> timetableObjects = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <TimetableObject> >(content); TimetableObjectsList timetableObjectsList = new TimetableObjectsList(); timetableObjectsList.timetableObjects = timetableObjects; timetableObjectsList.timestamp = DateTime.Now; // backup timetable if connection fails the next time await SaveTimetableBackup(timetableObjectsList); return(timetableObjectsList); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString()); return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
public static async Task <XmlDocument> GetNextLessonXml() { // don´t download a new timetable, use the stored one TimetableObjectsList timetableObjects = await LoadTimetableBackup(); if (timetableObjects != null) { // find the next lesson TimetableObject nextLesson = null; DateTime now = DateTime.Now; DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo; Calendar cal = dtfi.Calendar; int weekNum = cal.GetWeekOfYear(now, dtfi.CalendarWeekRule, dtfi.FirstDayOfWeek); int weekParity = (weekNum % 2) == 0 ? 2 : 1; // 1 odd, 2 even // create sorted list of lessons Dictionary <String, int> timeToIntDictionary = new Dictionary <String, int>(); timeToIntDictionary.Add("07:30:00", 0); timeToIntDictionary.Add("09:20:00", 1); timeToIntDictionary.Add("11:10:00", 2); timeToIntDictionary.Add("13:20:00", 3); timeToIntDictionary.Add("15:10:00", 4); timeToIntDictionary.Add("17:00:00", 5); timeToIntDictionary.Add("18:40:00", 6); timeToIntDictionary.Add("20:20:00", 7); Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> > thisWeekDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> >(); Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> > nextWeekDictionary = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> >(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> dayDictionary = new Dictionary <int, TimetableObject>(); Dictionary <int, TimetableObject> dayDictionaryNext = new Dictionary <int, TimetableObject>(); for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) { dayDictionary.Add(k, null); dayDictionaryNext.Add(k, null); } thisWeekDictionary.Add(i, dayDictionary); nextWeekDictionary.Add(i, dayDictionaryNext); } foreach (TimetableObject timetableObject in timetableObjects.timetableObjects) { if (timetableObject.Week == 0) { //add to this and next week thisWeekDictionary[timetableObject.Day][timeToIntDictionary[timetableObject.BeginTime]] = timetableObject; nextWeekDictionary[timetableObject.Day][timeToIntDictionary[timetableObject.BeginTime]] = timetableObject; } else if (timetableObject.Week == weekParity) { // add to this week only thisWeekDictionary[timetableObject.Day][timeToIntDictionary[timetableObject.BeginTime]] = timetableObject; } else { // add to next week only nextWeekDictionary[timetableObject.Day][timeToIntDictionary[timetableObject.BeginTime]] = timetableObject; } } // search through the list int nextLessonInt = 8; // 8 = after last lesson if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 7, 30, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 0; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 9, 20, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 1; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 11, 10, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 2; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 13, 20, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 3; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 15, 10, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 4; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 17, 00, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 5; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 18, 40, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 6; } else if (now < new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, 20, 20, 0, DateTimeKind.Local)) { nextLessonInt = 7; } // is there a lesson on this day while (nextLesson == null && nextLessonInt < 8) { nextLesson = thisWeekDictionary[(int)now.DayOfWeek][nextLessonInt]; nextLessonInt++; } // if there is nothing on this day get next lesson in this week int j = 1; while (nextLesson == null && ((int)now.DayOfWeek) + j < 7) { nextLessonInt = 0; while (nextLesson == null && nextLessonInt < 8) { nextLesson = thisWeekDictionary[(int)now.DayOfWeek + j][nextLessonInt]; nextLessonInt++; } j++; } // if there is nothing in this week get next week int dayOfWeek = 0; while (nextLesson == null && dayOfWeek < 7) { nextLessonInt = 0; while (nextLesson == null && nextLessonInt < 8) { nextLesson = nextWeekDictionary[dayOfWeek][nextLessonInt]; nextLessonInt++; } dayOfWeek++; } // if it found nothing yet the timetable is totally empty... XmlDocument doc = null; if (nextLesson != null) { // build the tile TileBindingContentAdaptive bindingContent = new TileBindingContentAdaptive() { Children = { new TileText() { Text = "Nächste Stunde", Style = TileTextStyle.CaptionSubtle }, new TileText() { Text = nextLesson.LessonTag + " (" + nextLesson.Type + ")" }, new TileText() { Text = nextLesson.Rooms[0] + (nextLesson.Rooms.Count > 1 ? " u. a." : "") }, new TileText() { Text = nextLesson.BeginTime.Remove(5, 3) + " Uhr" } } }; TileContent content = new TileContent() { Visual = new TileVisual() { TileMedium = new TileBinding() { Branding = TileBranding.Name, Content = bindingContent }, TileLarge = new TileBinding() { Branding = TileBranding.Name, Content = bindingContent }, TileWide = new TileBinding() { Branding = TileBranding.Name, Content = bindingContent } } }; doc = content.GetXml(); } return(doc); } return(null); }
async Task LoadTimetables() { timetableModel = TimetableModel.GetInstance(); timetableUtils = new TimetableUtils(); settingsModel = SettingsModel.GetInstance(); TimetableObjectsList timetableObjects = await timetableModel.GetTimetable(settingsModel.StgJhr, settingsModel.Stg, settingsModel.StgGrp); if (timetableObjects != null) { // clear the timetables timetableUtils.clearTimetable(timetableThisWeek); timetableUtils.clearTimetable(timetableNextWeek); Lessons = timetableObjects.timetableObjects; UpdateLiveTile(); /*find out if current week is even or odd*/ int evenOdd = timetableUtils.isCurrentWeekEvenOrOdd(); foreach (TimetableObject timetableObject in Lessons) { int[] row = timetableUtils.getRowForTable(timetableObject); if (row[0] != -1 && row[1] != -1) { for (int currentRow = row[0]; currentRow <= row[1]; currentRow++) { // prepare the button for this lesson TimetableItem timetableItem = new TimetableItem(); string room = ""; if (timetableObject.Rooms.Count > 1) { room = timetableObject.Rooms[0] + " ..."; } else { room = timetableObject.Rooms[0]; } timetableItem.TextBlock.Text = timetableObject.LessonTag + "\n" + timetableObject.Type + "\n" + room; Grid.SetColumn(timetableItem, timetableObject.Day); Grid.SetRow(timetableItem, currentRow); // switch for the week number switch (timetableObject.Week) { /*lesson takes place every week*/ case 0: { timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableThisWeek, currentRow, timetableItem); // clone the button TimetableItem clone = new TimetableItem(); Grid.SetColumn(clone, timetableObject.Day); Grid.SetRow(clone, currentRow); clone.TextBlock.Text = timetableItem.TextBlock.Text; timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableNextWeek, currentRow, clone); break; } /*only at odd weeks*/ case 1: { /*if current week is even add it to next week*/ if (evenOdd == 0) { timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableNextWeek, currentRow, timetableItem); } else { timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableThisWeek, currentRow, timetableItem); } break; } /*only at even weeks*/ case 2: { /*if current week is even add it to this week*/ if (evenOdd == 0) { timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableThisWeek, currentRow, timetableItem); } else { timetableUtils.addLessonToWeek(timetableNextWeek, currentRow, timetableItem); } break; } default: { break; } } } } } // update timestamp timestampThisWeek.Text = timestampNextWeek.Text = "Stand: " + timetableObjects.timestamp.ToLocalTime().ToString(); } }