public void StartAirStrike() { if (airstrikeStart == null) { Debug.Log("Airstrike Start == null"); } else { Debug.Log("Airstrike Start position: " + airstrikeStart.transform.position); } if (airstrikeEnd == null) { Debug.Log("Airstrike End == null"); } else { Debug.Log("Airstrike End position: " + airstrikeEnd.transform.position); } GameObject obj = Instantiate(plane, airstrikeStart.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; JetFighter jetFighter = obj.GetComponent <JetFighter>(); jetFighter.StartMoving(airstrikeEnd.transform.position, Vector3.Distance(airstrikeStart.transform.position, airstrikeEnd.transform.position), 7.0f); TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(3.5f, FirstStrike); }
void Start() { _animators = GetComponentsInChildren <Animator>(); attackTimer = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); Calc_Reach_type(); Calc_Shase_type(); Calc_DEath_type(); }
public void BeginNextWave(float time) { //first time when we say survivorready this happens +5seconds GameManager.Instance.curgamestate = ARZState.WaveBuffer; // start next wave in time seconds TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(time, WMStartWave); }
void Start() { repeatTimer = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); GEtShaderRefs();// m.shader = shader_MobileBumpedSpecular; PopulateAvailableShaders(); _renderersOnThisZombie = GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>(); PopulateUniqueMAterials(); StartCoroutine(AUTOLOOP()); }
void Start() { gameState = GameState.LEVELSTART; print("Switched to gameState " + gameState); levelStartActive = false; levelWonActive = false; gameOver = false; currentLevel = 0; timerBehavior = timer.GetComponent <TimerBehavior>(); factoryBehavior = GameObject.Find("Factory").GetComponent <FactoryBehavior>(); worldManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <WorldManager>(); }
public void FirstStrike() { Instantiate(explosion, airstrikeStart.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); float distance = Vector3.Distance(airstrikeStart.transform.position, airstrikeEnd.transform.position); midStrikePosition = Vector3.MoveTowards(airstrikeStart.transform.position, airstrikeEnd.transform.position, distance * 0.5f); TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(explosionDelay, SecondStrike); t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(explosionDelay * 2.0f, FinalStrike); }
public void DOCountDouwn(int argNumber) { if (argNumber > 0 && argNumber < 11) { audioManager.PlayEvent("_" + argNumber.ToString()); CountdownTextBox.text = argNumber.ToString(); } if (argNumber == 1) { TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(1, HideCountDown); } }
void Update() { _timer -= Time.deltaTime; if (_timer <= 0f) { SpawnEnemy(); _timer = _spawnRate; } float rate = Mathf.Abs(1 - (TimerBehavior.GetTimer() / 24f)); _spawnRate = Mathf.Lerp(spawnRateStart, spawnRateEnd, rate); }
public void StartMoving(Vector3 targetPosition, float distance, float timeFlying) { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); audioManager = GetComponent <UAudioManager>(); TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(timeFlying, DoneFlying); transform.LookAt(new Vector3(targetPosition.x, transform.position.y, targetPosition.z)); transform.position += Vector3.up * height; transform.position += transform.forward * -10.0f; distance = distance + 20.0f; moveSpeed = distance / timeFlying; audioManager.PlayEvent("_FlyBy"); startMoving = true; }
IEnumerator FadeIn() { // turn alpha to 0 then show canvas focusedGroup.alpha = 0.0f; focusedCanvas.SetActive(true); while (focusedGroup.alpha < 1.0f) { focusedGroup.alpha += Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.FadeOutStartIn, StartFadeOut); }
public void LevelLoaded() { isLevelLoaded = true; // sort spawn points by distance SortSpawnPoints(); if (!isGridBuilt) { Debug.Log("creating grid"); CreateGrid(); } Debug.Log("yo, set first person gun !!"); TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(2.5f, SetGun); }
/// <summary> /// 设置一个重复调用的多次计时器 /// </summary> /// <param name="action"></param> /// <param name="time"></param> /// <param name="isIgnoreTimeScale"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int SetRepeatTimer(Action action, float time, bool isIgnoreTimeScale = true) { int tmpTimerID = -1; if (null != action && time > 0) { tmpTimerID = GetTimerID(); GameObject timerTmpObj = new GameObject(); GameObject.DontDestroyOnLoad(timerTmpObj); = timerName + tmpTimerID.ToString(); TimerBehavior timerBehavior = timerTmpObj.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); timerFuncDic.Add(tmpTimerID, action); timerObjects.Add(tmpTimerID, timerTmpObj); timerBehavior.BeginRepeatTimer(RepeatTimerEvent, tmpTimerID, time, isIgnoreTimeScale); } return(tmpTimerID); }
void Awake() { _myGunBools = new GunBools(false, false, true); _myGunEffect = GetComponent <GunEffects>(); _myGunAnimate = GetComponent <GunAnimate>(); _myMagazineMNGR = GetComponent <MagazineMNGR>();//GUNRELOAD_LINK_RELOAD_METER repeatTimer = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); if (gunType == GunType.UZI) { repeatTime = 0.05f; } else { repeatTime = 0f; } InitBarelTrans(); }
public void GM_Handle_WaveCompleteByPoppingNUMplusplus() { _scoreManager.Increment_WavesPlayedCNT(); // reset wave points _scoreManager.Reset_WavePoints(); //could add accuracy bonus here for each wave, if we pas points to this method // activate canvas spash _gameCanvas.WaveCompleteWeaponUpgare(); // load next wave and launch in 10 seconds _waveManager.WaveCompleted_soPopANewOne(); // activate next wave splash in 6 seconds TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.StartRomanIn, WaveStartedGraphics); }
public void RoomLoaded() { isRoomLoaded = true; if (_waveManager == null) { _waveManager = FindObjectOfType <WaveManager>(); } if (_waveManager.isWaveLoaded) { WorldAnchorStore.GetAsync(AnchorStoreReady); } else { // if wave is not loaded check back in a half second TimerBehavior t = new TimerBehavior(); t.StartTimer(0.5f, RoomLoaded); } }
public void ActivateDevRoom() { Debug.Log("Roomloader loaded devroom"); isRoomLoaded = true; if (_waveManager == null) { _waveManager = FindObjectOfType <WaveManager>(); } if (_waveManager.isWaveLoaded) { LoadObjectsFromDevRoom(); } else { // if wave is not loaded check back in a half second TimerBehavior t = new TimerBehavior(); t.StartTimer(0.5f, RoomLoaded); } }
public void KeepPlaying() { GameIsNotOver_IcanmakeZombies = true; currentWave.GetComponent <WaveStandard>().ResetSpawnStates(); isWaveLoaded = false; Destroy(currentWave); StemKitMNGR.CALL_ResetGunAndMeter(); if (!GameSettings.Instance.IsGameLong) { currentWave = Instantiate(ShortWaves[waveNum]); wave = currentWave.GetComponent <IWave>(); WS = GetCurrWave(); isWaveLoaded = true; TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.StartResetWaveIn, ResetWave); t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.StartWaveAgain, WMStartWave); } else { currentWave = Instantiate(waves[waveNum]); wave = currentWave.GetComponent <IWave>(); WS = GetCurrWave(); isWaveLoaded = true; TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.StartResetWaveIn, ResetWave); t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(GameSettings.Instance.StartWaveAgain, WMStartWave); } }
void Awake() { _instance = this; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { timer_text = GetComponentInChildren <TimerBehavior>(); deaths_text = GetComponentInChildren <DeathTextBehavior>(); }
void Start() { gameState = GameState.LEVELSTART; print("Switched to gameState " + gameState); levelStartActive = false; levelWonActive = false; gameOver = false; currentLevel = 0; timerBehavior = timer.GetComponent<TimerBehavior>(); factoryBehavior = GameObject.Find("Factory").GetComponent<FactoryBehavior>(); worldManager = GameObject.Find ("GameManager").GetComponent<WorldManager>(); }
void LoadObjects() { if (_waveManager.GetWave() == null) { TimerBehavior t = gameObject.AddComponent <TimerBehavior>(); t.StartTimer(0.5f, LoadObjects); return; } if (!IsInDevRoom()) { // gather all stored anchors string[] ids = anchorStore.GetAllIds(); for (int index = 0; index < ids.Length; index++) { if (ids[index] == AnchorName_StemBase) { if (curgamemode != ARZGameModes.GameNoStem) { reticle.gameObject.SetActive(false); // if anchor is stem system // instantiate stem system prefab it should have been set to left or right on start GameObject obj = Instantiate(stemSystemKit) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } _stmKitMngr = obj.GetComponent <StemKitMNGR>(); } } else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_ConsoleObject) { // if anchor is console object // instantiate console prefab GameObject obj = Instantiate(consoleObject) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_ScoreBoard) { // if anchor is scoreboard // instantiate scoreboard from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(scoreboard) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_Target) { // if anchor is scoreboard // instantiate scoreboard from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(target) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } TargCTRL = obj.GetComponent <TargetControle>(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_StartButton) { GameObject obj = Instantiate(startButton) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } StartCTRL = obj.GetComponent <StartButtonControle>(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- AnchorName_StartButton else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_metalBarrel) { // if anchor is weapons rack // instantiate weapons rack from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(metalBarrel) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } // obj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180.0f); or not // rack = obj.GetComponent<WeaponRack>(); } else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_roomModel) { // if anchor is weapons rack // instantiate weapons rack from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(roomModel) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } // obj.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180.0f); or not // rack = obj.GetComponent<WeaponRack>(); } else if (ids[index].Contains(AnchorName_AmmoBoxInfinite)) { // if anchor is infinite ammo box // instantiate infinite ammo box from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(infiniteAmmoBox) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } else if (ids[index] == AnchorName_PathFinder) { // if anchor is pathfinder // instantiate pathfinder from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(gridMap) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } Locate_Lines_ANC_Pivot(obj); } else if (ids[index].Contains(AnchorName_SpawnPoint)) { // if anchor is a spawn point // instantiate spawn point from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(spawnPoint) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // add spawn point to collection spawnPoints.Add(obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } else if (ids[index].Contains(AnchorName_HotSpot)) { // if anchor is a hotspot // instantiate hotspot from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(hotspot) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); // add spawn point to collection hotspots.Add(obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } else if (ids[index].Contains(AnchorName_MistEmitter)) { // if anchor is mist // instantiate mist from anchor data GameObject obj = Instantiate(mist) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], obj); mists.Add(obj); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = obj.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } } else if (ids[index].Contains(AnchorName_MistEnd)) { //MistMover MistMoverScript = FindObjectOfType<MistMover>(); //// if none exist then instantiate one //if (MistMoverScript == null) //{ // GameObject obj = Instantiate(mist) as GameObject; // MistMoverScript = obj.GetComponent<MistMover>(); //} // instantiate placeholder at world anchor position _placeHolderMistTarget = Instantiate(placeholder) as GameObject; anchorStore.Load(ids[index], _placeHolderMistTarget); // delete anchor component WorldAnchor attachedAnchor = _placeHolderMistTarget.GetComponent <WorldAnchor>(); if (attachedAnchor != null) { DestroyImmediate(attachedAnchor); } // add placeholder to airstrike object as air strike end //MistMoverScript.SetMistEnd(placeholderObject); } } } if (_placeHolderMistTarget == null) { DebugConsole.print("mist target is NULL!"); } LevelLoaded(); }