Пример #1
 /// Get a time unit's English name abbreviation<br>
 /// Example: {@link TimeUnit#DAYS} is 'days'<br>
 /// or: {@link TimeUnit#NANOSECONDS} is 'nano', 'nanos', or 'ns'<br>
 /// The version of abbreviation returned depends on the arguments
 /// @param unit the time unit to abbreviate
 /// @param shortest if true 'millis' is shortened to 'ms', 'nanos' to 'ns', etc. If false, the longer abbreviation is returned
 /// @param plural if true 'secs' instead of 'sec' or 'millis' instead of 'millis'.  If false, the singular version is returned
 /// @return the abbreviation
 public string Abbreviation(TimeUnit unit, bool shortest, bool plural)
     if (unit == TimeUnit.NANO)
         return(shortest ? "ns" : (plural ? "nanos" : "nano"));
     else if (unit == TimeUnit.MICRO)
         return(plural ? "microseconds" : "microsecond");
     else if (unit == TimeUnit.MILLI)
         return(shortest ? "ms" : (plural ? "millis" : "milli"));
     else if (unit == TimeUnit.SEC)
         return(plural ? "secs" : "sec");
         throw TimeUnitUtil.ThrowUnknownUnit(unit, null);
     //case DAYS: return (plural ? "days" : "day");
     //case HOURS: return (plural ? "hrs" : "hr");
     //case MICROSECONDS: return (plural ? "micros" : "micro");
     //case MINUTES: return (plural ? "mins" : "min");
Пример #2
 public static string ConvertWithAbbreviation(TimeUnit srcUnit, double srcDuration, TimeUnit dstUnit)
     return(TimeUnitUtil.Format(srcUnit, srcDuration, dstUnit != null ? dstUnit : TimeUnit.NANO, 3, true, true));
Пример #3
        /// Convert a time measurement from one unit to another and then to a decimal number with a certain number of decimal places
        /// @param srcUnit the units of the {@code srcDuration} (i.e. milliseconds or minutes)
        /// @param srcDuration the time period to convert
        /// @param dstUnit the units to convert {@code srcDuration} to (i.e. hours or nanoseconds)
        /// @param decimalPlaces the number of decimal places to display the converted value as (note: currently optimized for 2 and 3 decimal places)
        /// @return a string representing the source time period in {@code dstUnit} units to n-{@code decimalPlaces} of accuracy
        public string Format(TimeUnit srcUnit, double srcDuration, TimeUnit dstUnit, int decimalPlaces)
            double res = TimeUnitUtil.GetConversionMultiplier(srcUnit, dstUnit) * srcDuration;

            return(decimalPlaces == 3 ? string.Format(this.format3DecimalPlaces, res) : (decimalPlaces == 2 ? string.Format(this.format2DecimalPlaces, res) : string.Format(NewFormat(decimalPlaces), res)));