public async Task GetMensnc(IUser user = null) { try { var User = user ?? Context.Message.Author; var joined = (User as SocketGuildUser); var data = new EmbedBuilder(); DateTime date1 = joined.JoinedAt.Value.Date; DateTime date2 = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; var tim = (date1); string mnth1 = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(joined.JoinedAt.Value.Month); String dayStr = DaySufix.DSufix(joined.JoinedAt.Value.Day); var jdate = $"{mnth1} {dayStr}/{joined.JoinedAt.Value.Year} at {joined.JoinedAt.Value.ToString("hh:mm tt")}"; data.WithColor(new Color(0xB642f4)); data.WithAuthor(x => { x.WithIconUrl(User.GetAvatarUrl()); x.Name = $"{User.Username}'s Time on the server"; }); int years = Int32.Parse(TimeSufix.yearSufixs(date1)); int days = Int32.Parse(TimeSufix.daySufixs(date1)); if (years >= 1) { data.WithDescription($"**Joined**: {jdate}\n**{years.ToString()} years, {days.ToString()} days ago**"); } else { data.WithDescription($"**Joined**: {jdate}\n**{days.ToString()} days ago**"); } await ReplyAsync("", embed : data.Build()); } catch (Exception) { var time = user ?? Context.Message.Author; var joined = (time as SocketGuildUser); var data = new EmbedBuilder(); DateTime date1 = joined.JoinedAt.Value.Date; DateTime date2 = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; DateTime date3 = joined.JoinedAt.Value.Date; var tim = (date3); string mnth1 = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(joined.JoinedAt.Value.Month); var jdate = $"{mnth1} {joined.JoinedAt.Value.Day}/{joined.JoinedAt.Value.Year} at {joined.JoinedAt.Value.Hour}:{joined.JoinedAt.Value.Minute}"; data.WithColor(new Color(0xB642f4)); data.WithAuthor(x => { x.WithIconUrl(time.GetAvatarUrl()); x.Name = $"{time.Username}'s Time on the server"; }); data.AddField(x => { x.Name = "Joined"; x.Value = jdate; }); data.AddField(x => { x.Name = " "; x.Value = "Joined Today"; }); await ReplyAsync("", embed : data.Build()); } }
public async Task sayxync() { string mnth1 = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(Context.Guild.CreatedAt.Month); String dayStr = DaySufix.DSufix(Context.Guild.CreatedAt.Day); var jdate = $"{mnth1} {dayStr}/{Context.Guild.CreatedAt.Year} at {Context.Guild.CreatedAt.ToString("hh:mm tt")}"; var data = new EmbedBuilder(); data.WithAuthor(x => { x.IconUrl = Context.Guild.IconUrl; x.Name = "Server Info"; }); data.WithDescription(Context.Guild.Name); DateTime date1 = Context.Guild.CreatedAt.DateTime; int years = Int32.Parse(TimeSufix.yearSufixs(date1)); int days = Int32.Parse(TimeSufix.daySufixs(date1)); if (years >= 1) { data.WithDescription($"**Joined**: {jdate}\n**{years.ToString()} years, {days.ToString()} days ago**"); } else { data.WithDescription($"**Joined**: {jdate}\n**{days.ToString()} days ago**"); } data.WithColor(new Color(0xB642f4)); data.AddField(x => { x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Server Owner"; x.Value = $"<@{Context.Guild.OwnerId.ToString()}>"; }); data.AddField(x => { var users = Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync(); x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Members"; x.Value = users.Result.Count.ToString(); }); data.AddField(x => { var users = Context.Guild.GetUsersAsync(); x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "ID"; x.Value = Context.Guild.Id.ToString(); }); data.AddField(x => { x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Region"; x.Value = Context.Guild.VoiceRegionId; }); data.AddField(x => { x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Security"; x.Value = Context.Guild.MfaLevel.ToString(); }); data.AddField(x => { x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Verification Level"; x.Value = Context.Guild.VerificationLevel.ToString(); }); var rolle = Context.Guild.Roles.Count; data.AddField(x => { x.WithIsInline(true); x.Name = "Roles"; x.Value = rolle.ToString(); }); data.WithImageUrl($"{Context.Guild.Id}/{Context.Guild.IconId}.webp?size=1024"); await ReplyAsync("", embed : data.Build()); }