Пример #1
    public void ShowNote(DateTime selectedDate)
        NotesBLL notes = new NotesBLL();

        TimeKeeper.NotesDataTable note = notes.GetNoteByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]);

        string noteTitle = "Your Notes:";

        if (note.Count > 0)
            NotesLabel.Visible = true;

            TimeKeeper.NotesRow row = note[0];

            Session["NoteID"] = row.NotesId;

            if (note.NoteTextColumn.ToString().Length > 0)
                NotesLabel.Text = "<div id=\"notebox\"><h4>" + noteTitle + "</h4>" + row.NoteText.Replace("\n", "<br />") + "</div>";
            NotesLabel.Visible = false;
Пример #2
	public bool AddNote(int userID, string noteText)
		//Create a new NoteRow instance
		TimeKeeper.NotesDataTable Notes = new TimeKeeper.NotesDataTable();
		TimeKeeper.NotesRow note = Notes.NewNotesRow();

		note.UserId = userID;
		note.NoteText = noteText;

		//Add the new note
		int rowsAffected = Adaptor.Update(Notes);

		//Return true if precisely one row was inserted, otherwise false
		return rowsAffected == 1;
Пример #3
	public bool UpdateNote(int userID, string noteText, int noteID)
		TimeKeeper.NotesDataTable notes = Adaptor.GetNoteByNoteID(noteID);
		if (notes.Count == 0)
			return false;

		TimeKeeper.NotesRow note = notes[0];

		note.UserId = userID;
		note.NoteText = noteText;

		//Add the new note
		int rowsAffected = Adaptor.Update(note);

		//Return true if precisely one row was inserted, otherwise false
		return rowsAffected == 1;
Пример #4
    public void ShowNote()
        NotesBLL notes = new NotesBLL();

        TimeKeeper.NotesDataTable note = notes.GetNoteByUserID((int)Session["UserID"]);

        if (note.Count > 0)
            TimeKeeper.NotesRow row = note[0];

            Session["NoteID"] = row.NotesId;

            if (note.NoteTextColumn.ToString().Length > 0)
                NotesTextBox.Text = row.NoteText.ToString();
            NotesTextBox.Text = String.Empty;
            NoteLabel.Text    = "Empty";