Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateLevelChunk()
            Debug.unityLogger.Log(TAG, "CreateLevelChunk()");

            //--For each of the <color,list> objects in the construct data draw a list of objects
            //--according to the list <x,y> and color parameter.
            foreach (PixelData pixel in mCachedLevel[mChunkIndex].Values)
                if (pixel == null)
                    Debug.unityLogger.Log(TAG, "pixel is null");
                if (m_ColorToObjectDict == null)
                    Debug.unityLogger.Log(TAG, "m_ColorToObjectDict is null");

                //--Get the tile data from the color to object fictionary
                m_ColorToObjectDict.TryGetValue(pixel.color, out TilePainter tilePainter);

                if (tilePainter == null)
                    Debug.unityLogger.Log(TAG, "tile data not set in specified map: " + pixel.color);

                //--Get the tilemap type from the painter
                Tilemap tilemapToDrawUnto = mTilemapDefault;

                if (tilePainter.GetType().Equals(typeof(RuleTilePainter)))
                    TilemapType tileMapType = ((RuleTilePainter)tilePainter).GetTilemapType();

                    switch (tileMapType)
                    case TilemapType.TilemapPlatform:
                        tilemapToDrawUnto = mTilemapPlatform;

                    case TilemapType.TilemapSolid:
                        tilemapToDrawUnto = mTilemapSolid;

                //--Draw the objects unto the tilemap
                DrawPixelListInTilemap(ref tilemapToDrawUnto, pixel.points, tilePainter);

                //Cleam tile data pointer
                tilePainter = null;

            //--After we are done painting the batch we increment the chunk index
Пример #2
    public Cell GetNeighbourOfType(TilemapType tilemapType)
        _neighbours = new List <Cell> {
            Up, Down, Left, Right
        foreach (var neighbour in _neighbours)
            if (TilemapController.Instance.HasTile(tilemapType, BitMath.ToVector3Int(neighbour.Position)))

        Debug.LogError("No neighbour of type " + tilemapType + " in tile " + Position);
Пример #3
        public void SetColorOnTilemap(TilemapType tilemapType, Vector2Int tilePosition, Color newTileColor)
            if (!_tilemapsInitialized)

            TilemapType tilemapTypeFlagged = tilemapType | TilemapType.None;
            IEnumerable <UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap> tilemapsToModify = _tilemapTypesToTilemaps.Where(kvp => tilemapTypeFlagged.HasFlag(kvp.Key)).Select(kvp => kvp.Value);

            foreach (var tilemap in tilemapsToModify)
                tilemap.SetTileFlags(tilePosition.ToVector3Int(), TileFlags.None);
                tilemap.SetColor(tilePosition.ToVector3Int(), newTileColor);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the tile type of a block in this chunk, in the given Tilemap.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public TileType GetChunkTileType(Vector3Int position, TilemapType mapType)
        if (isUnloading)

        TileType[,] data = GetTypeMap(mapType);
        if (data == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;

        return(data[relativePosition.x, relativePosition.y]);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the tile type of a block in this chunk, in the given Tilemap.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    public void SetChunkTileType(Vector3Int position, TilemapType mapType, TileType type)
        if (isUnloading)

        TileType[,] data = GetTypeMap(mapType);
        if (data == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;

        data[relativePosition.x, relativePosition.y] = type;
Пример #6
        public Tilemap(int p_columns, int p_rows, int p_tilewidth, int p_tileheight, TilemapType p_tilemapType, int p_fill = -1)
            columns = p_columns;
            rows = p_rows;
            tilewidth = p_tilewidth;
            tileheight = p_tileheight;
            map = new int[p_columns, p_rows];
            for (int y = 0; y < p_rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < p_columns; x++)
                    map[x, y] = p_fill;

            type = p_tilemapType;
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the tile stored in the given Tilemap, on the given position.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public TileBase GetChunkTile(Vector3Int position, TilemapType mapType)
        if (isUnloading)

        Tilemap targetMap = GetMap(mapType);

        if (targetMap == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;

    /// <summary>
    /// Fills the given position in the given Tilemap with the given Tile.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <param name="tile"></param>
    public void SetChunkTile(Vector3Int position, TilemapType mapType, Tile tile)
        if (isUnloading)

        Tilemap targetMap = GetMap(mapType);

        if (targetMap == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;

        targetMap.SetTile(relativePosition, tile);
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the right Tilemap for the given TilemapType constant for this chunk.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private Tilemap GetMap(TilemapType mapType)
        if (isUnloading)

        switch (mapType)
        case TilemapType.BLOCKS_FRONT:

        case TilemapType.BLOCKS_BACK:

    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the color of the tile in the given Tilemap at the given position.
    /// NOTE: Tiles by default have TileFlags that prevent color changes, rotation
    /// lock etc. Make sure you unlock these tiles by changing its TileFlags or go
    /// into the inspector and visit your tiles, turn on debug mode and change it there,
    /// before using this function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="color"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    public void SetChunkTileColor(Vector3Int position, Color color,
                                  TilemapType mapType = TilemapType.BLOCKS_FRONT)
        if (isUnloading)

        Tilemap targetMap = GetMap(mapType);

        if (targetMap == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;

        targetMap.SetColor(relativePosition, color);
Пример #11
        public void SetTile(Vector3Int position, TileBase tile, TilemapType tilemapType)
            switch (tilemapType)
            case TilemapType.Road:
                roadTilemap.SetTile(position, tile);

            case TilemapType.Town:
                townTilemap.SetTile(position, tile);

            case TilemapType.Background:
                backgroundTilemap.SetTile(position, tile);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(tilemapType), tilemapType, null);
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the rotation of a given tile at the given position in the given Tilemap.
    /// NOTE: Tiles by default have TileFlags that prevent color changes, rotation
    /// lock etc. Make sure you unlock these tiles by changing its TileFlags or go
    /// into the inspector and visit your tiles, turn on debug mode and change it there,
    /// before using this function.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <param name="mapType"></param>
    /// <param name="rotation"></param>
    public void SetChunkTileRotation(Vector3Int position, TilemapType mapType, Vector3 rotation)
        if (isUnloading)

        Tilemap targetMap = GetMap(mapType);

        if (targetMap == null)

        Vector3Int relativePosition = position - Position;
        Quaternion matrixRotation   = Quaternion.Euler(rotation);
        Matrix4x4  matrix           = Matrix4x4.Rotate(matrixRotation);

        targetMap.SetTransformMatrix(relativePosition, matrix);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the actual level builder API, it is a given the json data holding the construct's information
        /// the scene the object should be deployed to and a holder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsonData"></param>
        /// <param name="scene"></param>
        /// <param name="holder"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private GameObject CreateConstruct(GameEvent chunk, CountDownRoot holder)
            //Get Bounds data
            ConstructData constructData = chunk.ConstructData;

            //int h = constructData.h;
            int w = constructData.w;

            int offset = constructData.Offset + (int)mScene.mScreenWidthInWorld;

            //float hRatio = scene.mScreenHeightInWorld / h;

            //float yOffset = scene.mScreenHeightInWorld / 2 + scene.transform.position.y;
            //float xOffset = scene.mScreenWidthInWorld / 2 + scene.transform.position.x;

            //--Instantiate a new grid
            GameObject grid = GameObject.Instantiate(m_GridPrefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);

            //--Set the grid as child of the scene
            grid.transform.parent = mScene.transform;

            //GameObject tilemapGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(m_TilemapPlatformPrefab, scene.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
            //Tilemap tilemap = tilemapGameObject.GetComponent<Tilemap>();
            //tilemap.SendMessage("SubscribeToRoot", holder);
            //Tilemap tilemap = grid.GetComponentInChildren<Tilemap>();

            //tilemap.transform.parent = grid.transform;

            //WorldFiniteObject wfo = tilemap.GetComponent<WorldFiniteObject>();

            //--For each of the <color,list> objects in the construct data draw a list of objects
            //--according to the list <x,y> and color parameter.
            foreach (PixelData pixel in constructData.data)
                if (pixel == null)
                    Debug.Log("pixel is null ");
                if (m_ColorToObjectDict == null)
                    Debug.Log("m_ColorToObjectDict is null ");

                //--Get the tile data from the color to object fictionary
                m_ColorToObjectDict.TryGetValue(pixel.color, out TilePainter tilePainter);

                if (tilePainter == null)
                    Debug.Log("tile data not set in specified map: " + pixel.color);

                GameObject tilemapTemplate = m_TilemapPrefab_Default;

                if (tilePainter.GetType().Equals(typeof(RuleTilePainter)))
                    TilemapType tileMapType = ((RuleTilePainter)tilePainter).GetTilemapType();

                    switch (tileMapType)
                    case TilemapType.TilemapPlatform:
                        tilemapTemplate = m_TilemapPrefab_Platform;

                    case TilemapType.TilemapSolid:
                        tilemapTemplate = m_TilemapPrefab_Solid;

                //get pixel collider type and get the corrseponfing tilemap .

                //--Generate a tilemap layer to draw the objects unto.
                GameObject tilemapGameObject = GameObject.Instantiate(tilemapTemplate, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                tilemapGameObject.transform.parent = grid.transform;
                tilemapGameObject.SendMessage("SubscribeToRoot", holder);

                Tilemap tilemap = tilemapGameObject.GetComponent <Tilemap>();

                //--Draw the objects unto the tilemap
                DrawPixelListInTilemap(ref tilemap, pixel.points, tilePainter, holder);

                //Cleam tile data pointer
                tilePainter = null;

                //--This is a hack, if the tilemap is empty (only coins for example which is a prefab)
                //--then I still want to know when the grid is out of bound, hence I draw this extra pixel
                PixelData pd = new PixelData("ff00ff", new List <Point>()
                    new Point(w, 0)
                m_ColorToObjectDict.TryGetValue(pd.color, out tilePainter);
                DrawPixelListInTilemap(ref tilemap,

                //--offset the tile map position
                grid.transform.position =
                    mScene.transform.position +
                    new Vector3(
                        offset * grid.GetComponent <Grid>().cellSize.x - 40,
                        mScene.mScreenHeightInWorld / 2 + 1);
                tilemap.transform.position = grid.transform.position;

            ////--This is a hack, if the tilemap is empty (only coins for example which is a prefab)
            ////--then I still want to know when the grid is out of bound, hence I draw this extra pixel
            //PixelData pd = new PixelData("ff00ff", new List<Point>() { new Point(w, 0) });
            //DrawPixelInTilemap(ref tilemap, pd, holder);

            //wfo.StartCoroutine("SetAsChildOfGrid", holder);

            ////--offset the tile map position
            //grid.transform.position =
            //    scene.transform.position +
            //    new Vector3(
            //        scene.mScreenWidthInWorld / 2,
            //        scene.mScreenHeightInWorld / 2 + 1);
            //tilemap.transform.position = grid.transform.position;

            //Debug.Log("Created constructat time: {0} at " + Time.time);

            Debug.unityLogger.Log(TAG, string.Format("Created chunk {3} in offset {0}, of size {1} at time {2}", offset, w, Time.time, chunk.mName));

            //--Updates the offset
            offset = offset += w;

            //If the tilemap doesnt have any tiles in it we want to desrtroy it
            //TODO optimize
            //if(tilemap.layoutGrid.transform.childCount == 0)
            //    wfo.DestroyMe();

Пример #14
 public void DeleteTile(TilemapType tilemapType, Vector3Int position)
     _tilemaps[tilemapType].SetTile(position, null);
Пример #15
 public bool HasTile(TilemapType tilemapType, Vector3Int position)
     return(_tilemaps[tilemapType].GetTile(position) != null);
Пример #16
 public void SetTile(TilemapType tilemapType, TileBase tile, Vector3Int position)
     _tilemaps[tilemapType].SetTile(position, tile);
Пример #17
    public static void PaintTilemap(Tilemap tilemap, float[,] heightMap, TilemapBiomeData tilemapBiomeData, TilemapType tilemapType)
        MapGenerator   mapGenerator   = MapGenerator.instance;
        EndlessTerrain endlessTerrain = EndlessTerrain.instance;
        Vector3Int     tileCoord;

        for (int x = tilemap.cellBounds.xMin; x < tilemap.cellBounds.xMax; x++)
            for (int y = tilemap.cellBounds.yMin; y < tilemap.cellBounds.yMax; y++)
                tileCoord = new Vector3Int(x, y, 0);
                tilemap.SetTile(tileCoord, DetermineTile(tilemap, heightMap, tileCoord, tilemapBiomeData, mapGenerator, tilemapType));
Пример #18
    static RuleTile DetermineTile(Tilemap tilemap, float[,] heightMap, Vector3Int tileCoord, TilemapBiomeData tilemapBiomeData, MapGenerator mapGenerator, TilemapType tilemapType)
        float heightMapValue = heightMap[tileCoord.x, tileCoord.y];

        Tile    newTile  = (Tile)tilemap.GetTile(tileCoord);
        Vector3 worldPos = tilemap.GetCellCenterWorld(tileCoord);

        if (tilemapType == TilemapType.Water)
            if (heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[1].height) // Deep Water
                if (tilemapBiomeData.deepWaterTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.deepWaterTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

        if (tilemapType == TilemapType.Ground)
            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[1].height && heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[2].height) // Shallow water
                if (tilemapBiomeData.shallowWaterTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.shallowWaterTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[2].height && heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[3].height) // Sand
                if (tilemapBiomeData.sandTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.sandTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[3].height && heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[4].height) // Grass 1
                if (tilemapBiomeData.shortGrassRuleTile != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.shortGrassTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[4].height && heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[5].height) // Grass 2
                if (tilemapBiomeData.tallGrassTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.tallGrassTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[5].height && heightMapValue <= mapGenerator.regions[6].height) // Rock 1
                if (tilemapBiomeData.rockyGroundTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.rockyGroundTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);

        if (tilemapType == TilemapType.Wall)
            if (heightMapValue > mapGenerator.regions[6].height)
                if (tilemapBiomeData.rockyMountainTiles != null)
                    GameTiles.instance.rockyMountainTiles.Add(worldPos, newTile);
                    return(tilemapBiomeData.rockyMountainTiles); // Rock 2
