Пример #1
    //Flip the block based on vertical axis.
    public void Flip()
        //for block with current width 1, flip does nothing
        if (width >= 2)
            //If width is odd, then midCol is the middle;
            //otherwhise it is the middle-right column.
            int midCol = width / 2;
            TileData[,] newTileData = new TileData[height, width];
            for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                    if (width % 2 == 1 && c == midCol)
                        newTileData[r, midCol] = new TileData(tiles[r, midCol]);
                        newTileData[r, c] = new TileData(tiles[r, width - 1 - c]);

            tiles = newTileData;
            //Do nothing for now
Пример #2
    // Set up connections between adjacent nodes
    private void setUpConnections(TileData[,] tileMap)
        for (int i = 0; i < worldSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < worldSize; j++)
                TileData tile = tileMap[i, j];
                tile.connections = new List <TileData>();

                // Check tile above
                if (IsInBounds(i, j + 1) && (tileMap[i, j + 1].type == TileType.None || tileMap[i, j + 1].type == TileType.Ground))
                    tile.connections.Add(tileMap[i, j + 1]);
                // Check tile below
                if (IsInBounds(i, j - 1) && (tileMap[i, j - 1].type == TileType.None || tileMap[i, j - 1].type == TileType.Ground))
                    tile.connections.Add(tileMap[i, j - 1]);
                // Check tile left
                if (IsInBounds(i - 1, j) && (tileMap[i - 1, j].type == TileType.None || tileMap[i - 1, j].type == TileType.Ground))
                    tile.connections.Add(tileMap[i - 1, j]);
                // Check tile right
                if (IsInBounds(i + 1, j) && (tileMap[i + 1, j].type == TileType.None || tileMap[i + 1, j].type == TileType.Ground))
                    tile.connections.Add(tileMap[i + 1, j]);
Пример #3
 public void DrawTiles(TileData[,] tileData)
     foreach (TileData td in tileData)
         Tiles[td.X, td.Y] = td.DrawTile(this);
Пример #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        if (mines < length * height && mines > 0)
            field = new TileData[length, height];
            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    field[i, j] = Instantiate(tile, canvas.transform).GetComponent <TileData>();
                    field[i, j].gameObject.transform.position = new Vector2(canvas.transform.position.x - length * 25 + i * 50, canvas.transform.position.y + height * 24 - j * 50);

            for (int i = 0; i < mines; i++)
                int x = Random.Range(0, length - 1);
                int y = Random.Range(0, height - 1);
                if (!field[x, y].GetMine())
                    field[x, y].ChangeMine(true);
                    //conditions.AddMines(field[x, y]);
    public void Setup()
        _tileMapData         = new TileMapData(MAP_SQUARE_SIZE, MAP_SQUARE_SIZE);
        TileData[,] tileData = _tileMapData.GetTileData();
        for (int x = 0; x < MAP_SQUARE_SIZE; x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < MAP_SQUARE_SIZE; z++)
                tileData [x, z] = GetGrassTileData();

        // Add un-walkable tiles in middle of tilemap
        tileData [4, 4] = GetWaterTileData();
        tileData [5, 4] = GetWaterTileData();
        tileData [6, 4] = GetWaterTileData();

        Graph graph = new Graph(MAP_SQUARE_SIZE, MAP_SQUARE_SIZE);

        _nodeGrapth = graph.GetGraph();

        _validStraightPathfinder = new Pathfinder(_tileMapData, _nodeGrapth);
        _validStraightPathfinder.GeneratePath(0, 0, 5, 0);

        _invalidPathfinder = new Pathfinder(_tileMapData, _nodeGrapth);
        _invalidPathfinder.GeneratePath(0, 0, 0, 0);

        _validIgnoreUnWalkablePathfinder = new Pathfinder(_tileMapData, _nodeGrapth);
        _validIgnoreUnWalkablePathfinder.GeneratePath(new Vector3(3, 0, 4), new Vector3(7, 0, 4));
    public void TestGetTileDataArray()
        TileData[,] tileDataArray = _tileMapData.GetTileData();

        Assert.AreEqual(MAP_SQUARE_SIZE, tileDataArray.GetLength(0));
        Assert.AreEqual(MAP_SQUARE_SIZE, tileDataArray.GetLength(1));
Пример #7
    //Generates a randomized 2D int Array, containing numbers 1-5.
    private static int[,] generateWeight(int seed, TileData[,] tiles)
        int length = tiles.GetLength(0);
        int height = tiles.GetLength(1);

        System.Random random = new System.Random(seed);
        int[,] weights = new int[length, height];

        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                if (tiles[i, j] == null)
                    weights[i, j] = random.Next(2, 8);
                else if (tiles[i, j].isBorder)
                    //Don't go through borders, if possible.
                    weights[i, j] = 5;
                    //If this is part of a Room, then set its weight to one, to prefer already existing paths.
                    weights[i, j] = 1;

Пример #8
    public void Load()
        isLoad = false;

        if (File.Exists(Application.dataPath + "/Planet.dat"))
            BinaryFormatter bf   = new BinaryFormatter();
            FileStream      file = File.Open(Application.dataPath + "/Planet.dat", FileMode.Open);

            PlanetData planetData = (PlanetData)bf.Deserialize(file);

            width  = planetData.width;
            height = planetData.height;

            data = new TileData[width, height];

            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                    data[i, j]           = new TileData();
                    data[i, j].type      = planetData.type[i, j];
                    data[i, j].amount    = planetData.amount[i, j];
                    data[i, j].endurance = planetData.endurance[i, j];

        isLoad = true;
Пример #9
    void SetTileType(TileData[,] tileArrData, float mapWidth, float mapHeight)
        // because we added elevation ?
        float elevation;

        for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++)
                elevation = tileArrData[i, j].Elevation;

                if (elevation < _tolerance)
                    tileArrData[i, j].TerrainType = TileData.TERRAIN_TYPE.SEA;
                else if (elevation < _tolerance + (2) * _shoreSize)
                    tileArrData[i, j].TerrainType = TileData.TERRAIN_TYPE.SHORE;
                    tileArrData[i, j].TerrainType = TileData.TERRAIN_TYPE.LAND;
Пример #10
        public TileMap(Game game, int Seed = -1)
            RND = new Random();
            //position = new Vector2(-576);
            ///position = new Vector2(-128);
            position = new Vector2();
            //tilesize = 48;
            tilesize = 16;
            //rows = 16;
            /*columns = 52;*/
            rows      = (int)Math.Ceiling(((-position.Y * 2) + game.stageBounds.bottom) / tilesize);
            columns   = (int)Math.Ceiling(((-position.X * 2) + game.stageBounds.right) / tilesize);
            data      = new TileData[columns, rows];
            tiles     = AnimationLoader.Get("images/land/brick");
            cracks    = AnimationLoader.Get("images/land/cracks");
            this.game = game;

            buffer = new HTMLCanvasElement();
            bg     = buffer.GetContext(CanvasTypes.CanvasContext2DType.CanvasRenderingContext2D);
            if (Seed < 0)
                this.Seed = RND.Next();
                this.Seed = Seed;
Пример #11
    public SerializedTilemap(string tilemapName, TileData[,] tiles, int width, int height, List <LiquidBody> liquidBodies)
        this.TilemapName = tilemapName;

        // figure out a way to parse all the tilemap information here
        List <SerializedTileData> serializedTileDataList = new List <SerializedTileData>();

        // read first tile for reference
        TileData tileData    = tiles[0, 0];
        GameTile gameTile    = tileData.currentTile;
        bool     placeable   = tileData.isTilePlaceable;
        int      repetitions = 1;

        // loop through tilemap to parse information
        for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j)
                // ignore first tile because already read
                if (!(i == 0 && j == 0))
                    tileData = tiles[i, j];

                    // if tile does not match current
                    if (gameTile != tileData.currentTile || placeable != tileData.isTilePlaceable)
                        // create and add a new serialized tile data
                        SerializedTileData serializedTileData = new SerializedTileData(gameTile, LiquidbodyController.Instance.GetBodyID(tileData.tilePosition), placeable, repetitions);

                        // update other values for future matching
                        gameTile    = tileData.currentTile;
                        placeable   = tileData.isTilePlaceable;
                        repetitions = 1;

        // add in the last set of tile data
        SerializedTileData lastSerializedTileData = new SerializedTileData(gameTile, LiquidbodyController.Instance.GetBodyID(tileData.tilePosition), placeable, repetitions);


        // turn list into array
        SerializedTileDatas = serializedTileDataList.ToArray();

        int index = 0;

        this.SerializedLiquidBodies = new SerializedLiquidBody[liquidBodies.Count];
        foreach (LiquidBody liquidBody in liquidBodies)
            this.SerializedLiquidBodies[index] = liquidBody.Serialize();
Пример #12
 public MapData(Offset mapOffset, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, TileData[,] tileArrData)
     _mapOffset   = mapOffset;
     _maxWidth    = maxWidth;
     _maxHeight   = maxHeight;
     _tileArrData = tileArrData;
Пример #13
 public WorldLoader(TileData[,] tileMap, bool[,] walkMap, int width, int height)
     this.tileMap = tileMap;
     this.walkMap = walkMap;
     this.width   = width;
     this.height  = height;
Пример #14
    public LevelData(int tileDepthInVertices, int tileWidthInVertices, int levelDepthInTiles, int levelWidthInTiles)
        tilesData = new TileData[tileDepthInVertices * levelDepthInTiles, tileWidthInVertices *levelWidthInTiles];

        this.tileDepthInVertices = tileDepthInVertices;
        this.tileWidthInVertices = tileWidthInVertices;
Пример #15
    void Start()
        width          = 32;
        height         = 32;
        player         = GameObject.Find("Player");
        this.pathLimit = 45;
        map            = new TileData[width, height];
        this.walkMap   = new bool[width, height];
        for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
                map[i, j]     = new TileData();
                walkMap[i, j] = true;

        Debug.Log("Creating wolrd?");
        this.worldLoader = GetComponent <WorldLoader>();
        worldLoader.intializeWorldData(map, walkMap, width, height);

        this.heightMap = GameObject.Find("Terrain").GetComponent <TerrainGenerator>().getHeightMap();
        Debug.Log(this.heightMap[1, 1]);
Пример #16
    public static TileData[,] Rotate(this TileData[,] matrix, int rotation)
        rotation = rotation % 360;
        int width  = matrix.GetLength(0);
        int height = matrix.GetLength(1);

        switch (rotation)
        case 0:

        case 90:
            matrix = Apply(matrix, height, false, width, true, (mat, y, x) => mat[x, y]);

        case 180:
            matrix = Apply(matrix, width, true, height, true, (mat, x, y) => mat[x, y]);

        case 270:
            matrix = Apply(matrix, height, true, width, false, (mat, y, x) => mat[x, y]);

            Debug.LogError("The rotation should be at a right angle");
Пример #17
    public LevelData(int tileDepthInVertices, int tileWidthInVertices, int mapDepthInTiles, int mapWidthInTiles)
        // build the tilesData matrix based on the level depth and width
        tilesData = new TileData[tileDepthInVertices * mapDepthInTiles, tileWidthInVertices *mapWidthInTiles];

        this.tileDepthInVertices = tileDepthInVertices;
        this.tileWidthInVertices = tileWidthInVertices;
Пример #18
 public PlannerSettings(short Width, short Height)
     TileMap           = new TileData[Width, Height];
     MainBackground    = BackgroundData.MainBackgroundType.Forest;
     hasMainBackground = true;
     this.WorldWidth   = Width;
     this.WorldHeight  = Height;
Пример #19
 public BoardData(int w, int h)
     width       = w;
     height      = h;
     Tiles       = new TileData[w, h];
     Player1Hand = new TileData[3];
     Player2Hand = new TileData[3];
Пример #20
 public TileMap(int width, int height, TileSet set)
     this.mapTiles = new TileData[width, height];
     this.tileSet  = set;
     this.w        = width;
     this.h        = height;
Пример #21
 public LevelData()
     tileData    = new TileData[1, 1];
     levelName   = null;
     levelNumber = 0;
     gridSizeX   = 1;
     gridSizeY   = 1;
Пример #22
 void Start()
     tiles        = new TileData[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
     spawnedTiles = new GameObject[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
Пример #23
 public TileMapData(int width, int height, float tileSize, int tileResolution, string tileSet, TileData[,] tileData)
     Width          = width;
     Height         = height;
     TileSize       = tileSize;
     TileResolution = tileResolution;
     TileSet        = tileSet;
     TileData       = tileData;
Пример #24
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public LevelData(int tileDepthInVertices, int levelDepthInTiles, float scale)
            // build the tilesData matrix based on the level depth and width
            tilesData = new TileData[tileDepthInVertices * levelDepthInTiles, tileDepthInVertices *levelDepthInTiles];

            this.tileDepthInVertices = tileDepthInVertices;

            this.scale = scale;
Пример #25
    public static void InitMapSize(int xSize, int ySize)
        mapSizeX = xSize;
        mapSizeY = ySize;

        mapData      = new TileData[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
        buildingData = new StructureData[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
        resourceData = new ResourceData[mapSizeX, mapSizeY];
Пример #26
 public void intializeWorldData(TileData[,] tileMap, bool[,] walkMap, int width, int height)
     this.tileMap   = tileMap;
     this.walkMap   = walkMap;
     this.width     = width;
     this.height    = height;
     this.heightMap = GameObject.Find("Terrain").GetComponent <TerrainGenerator>().getHeightMap();
Пример #27
    void CalculatePerlinNoise()
        _tiles = new TileData[width, height];

        // Calculate "raw" perlin noise for all the tiles
        float zMin = 1f;
        float zMax = 0f;

        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                _tiles[x, y] = new TileData(x, y);

                //Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int(centerMap ? x - width / 2 : x, centerMap ? y - height / 2 : y, 0);
                //Vector3 worldPos = grid.CellToWorld(pos);
                Vector3 worldPos = grid.CellToWorld(MapToCell(x, y));
                _tiles[x, y].worldX = worldPos.x;
                _tiles[x, y].worldY = worldPos.y;

                float z = Mathf.PerlinNoise((x + seed) / width / scale, (y + seed) / height / scale);
                _tiles[x, y].z = z;
                if (z < zMin)
                    zMin = z;
                else if (z > zMax)
                    zMax = z;

        // Normalize perlin noise
        _zLayers = _tilemaps.Length > 1 ? _tilemaps.Length : 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                float z = (_tiles[x, y].z - zMin) / (zMax - zMin);
                _tiles[x, y].z = z;
                if (_zLayers > 0)
                    float amount = 0f;
                    int   zLayer = 0;
                    float weight = zLayer < weights.Length ? weights[zLayer] : 1f;
                    while (amount + weight < z * _totalWeight)
                        amount += weight;
                        weight = zLayer < weights.Length ? weights[zLayer] : 1f;
                    _tiles[x, y].zLayer = zLayer < ruleTiles.Length ? zLayer : ruleTiles.Length - 1;
Пример #28
 public void AddModifiedTiles(TileData[,] tile)
     for (int x = 0; x < tile.GetLength(0); x++)
         for (int y = 0; y < tile.GetLength(1); y++)
             myModifiedTiles.Add(new Tuple <float, float, float>(tile[x, y].GetPosition().X, tile[x, y].GetPosition().Y, tile[x, y].GetPosition().Z), tile[x, y]);
Пример #29
        public void CreateData()
            TMData   = new TileMapData();
            TDHolder = TMData.BuildTileMapData(height, width);

            //TMData.ChangeTextureAt(2, 5, TileData.TEXTURE_DATA.WATER);

            Debug.Log("DONE Map Data");
Пример #30
 public LevelData(TileData[,] td, string name, int num, int x, int y, int pX, int pY)
     tileData    = td;
     levelName   = name;
     levelNumber = num;
     gridSizeX   = x;
     gridSizeY   = y;
     pStartX     = pX;
     pStartY     = pY;
Пример #31
 public LayerData(Int32 sizex, Int32 sizey)
     this.Name = String.Empty;
     this.BelowPlayer = true;
     this.Tiles = new TileData[sizex, sizey];
     for (var x = 0; x < sizex; x++) {
         for (var y = 0; y < sizey; y++) {
             this.Tiles[x, y] = new TileData();
Пример #32
        public Tileset(string id, SpriteSheet sheet, int width, int height)
            this.id				= id;
            this.sheet			= sheet;
            this.size			= new Point2I(width, height);
            this.defaultTile	= Point2I.Zero;
            this.tileData		= new TileData[width, height];

            // Create default tiledata.
            for (int x = 0; x < size.X; x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < size.Y; y++) {
                    tileData[x, y] = new TileData();
                    tileData[x, y].Tileset = this;
                    tileData[x, y].SheetLocation = new Point2I(x, y);
                    tileData[x, y].Sprite = new Sprite(sheet, x, y);
Пример #33
 public Zone(Area area)
     Random r = new Random();
     this.Grass = new TileData();
     this.Water = new TileData();
     Grass.Sprite = new Graphics.Sprite("grass");
     Water.Sprite = new Graphics.Sprite("water");
     this.area = area;
     this.World = area.World;
     tileMap = new TileData[(int)area.ZoneSize.X, (int)area.ZoneSize.Y];
     for (int y = 0; y < tileMap.GetLength(0); ++y)
         for (int x = 0; x < tileMap.GetLength(1); ++x)
             tileMap[y, x] = (x == 0) ? this.Grass : this.Water;
Пример #34
        private void SetupTiles()
            tiles = new List<SpriteRenderer>(cols * rows);
            tileData = new TileData[cols, rows];
            var pos = new Vector3(tileArea.xMin, tileArea.yMin);

            pos.x += TileWidth * 0.5f;
            pos.y += TileHeight * 0.5f;

            for(int x=0; x < cols; ++x)
                for(int y=0; y < rows; ++y)
                    var gObj = Instantiate(tilePrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                    gObj.name = tilePrefab.name + x + y;
                    gObj.transform.parent = transform;
                    tileData[x, y] = new TileData(1,
                        (y > groundLevel? 0 : 1));
                    pos.y += TileHeight;
                pos.x += TileWidth;
                pos.y = tileArea.yMin + TileHeight * 0.5f;

Пример #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialization procedures when first making the agent.
 /// </summary>
 private static void InitializeAgent()
     // If first learning trial, zero the Qtables
     if (Game.Instance.GameCounter == 0)
         boardSize = Game.Instance.BoardX;
         map = new TileData[boardSize, boardSize];
Пример #36
 void CopyTileIntoTileData()
     this.TileDataMap = new TileData[width,height];
     for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
             this.TileDataMap[i,j] = tileMap[i,j].TileData;
     this.TileDataList = tileList.ConvertAll(t => t.TileData);
 public TileCollection(int X, int Y)
     ProgramLog.Log("{3} {0}x{1}, {2}MB", X, Y, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TileData)) * X * Y / 1024 / 1024, Language.Languages.CreatingTileArrayOf);
     data = new TileData [X, Y];
 public TileCollection(int X, int Y)
     ProgramLog.Log ("Creating tile array of {0}x{1}, {2}MB", X, Y, Marshal.SizeOf (typeof(TileData)) * X * Y / 1024 / 1024);
     data = new TileData [X, Y];
Пример #39
 private void InitializeMapData()
     this.MapTileData = new TileData[this.ScenarioMap.MapDimensions.X, this.ScenarioMap.MapDimensions.Y];
     this.PenalizedMapData = new int[this.ScenarioMap.MapDimensions.X, this.ScenarioMap.MapDimensions.Y];
 public TileCollection(int X, int Y)
     Console.WriteLine ("Creating tile array of {0}x{1}", X, Y);
     data = new TileData [X, Y];
Пример #41
 internal void SetSize(int x, int y)
     this.Datas = new TileData[x, y];
Пример #42
 private void Init()
     tileMap = new TileData[ mapWidth , mapHeight ];