Пример #1
        public string GetTileUrl(TileCoordinate tile)
            //combine the user supplied values & defaults and override defaults
            NameValueCollection dict = new NameValueCollection();
            foreach (string item in DefaultQueryStringValues)
                dict[item] = DefaultQueryStringValues[item];
            foreach (string item in QueryStringValues)
                dict[item] = QueryStringValues[item];

            return TileHelper.GetAGSDynamicUrlAddress(MapServiceUrl, dict , new TileCoordinate()
                Level = tile.Level,
                Column = tile.Column,
                Row = tile.Row
Пример #2
    // Return false if there is no available spawn location, otherwise return true
    private bool GetRandomSpawnLocation(TileCoordinate targetCrop,
                                        out TileCoordinate spawnTile)
        TileCoordinate mapSize = GameController.TileMap.GetSize();

        // Hold the directions corresponding to the unoccupied spawn tiles
        // Ex: Direction.Left is the (unoccupied) tile that is left of the target tile
        List <Enemy.Direction> unoccupied = new List <Enemy.Direction>()

        // Get which spawn locations are still available
        OccupiedSpawns occupied;

        if (_occupiedSpawns.TryGetValue(targetCrop, out occupied))
            // Left tile is occupied
            if (occupied.IsLeftOccupied)

            // Right tile is occupied
            if (occupied.IsRightOccupied)

            // Up tile is occupied
            if (occupied.IsUpOccupied)

            // Down tile is occupied
            if (occupied.IsDownOccupied)

        // Randomly pick the spawn tile from remaining spawns
        spawnTile = new TileCoordinate();
        if (unoccupied.Count == 0)
        int randomPicked = _randomNum.Next(unoccupied.Count);

        switch (unoccupied[randomPicked])
        case Enemy.Direction.Left:
            spawnTile = new TileCoordinate(-1, targetCrop.CoordZ);
            occupied.IsLeftOccupied = true;

        case Enemy.Direction.Right:
            spawnTile = new TileCoordinate(mapSize.CoordX, targetCrop.CoordZ);
            occupied.IsRightOccupied = true;

        case Enemy.Direction.Up:
            spawnTile             = new TileCoordinate(targetCrop.CoordX, mapSize.CoordZ);
            occupied.IsUpOccupied = true;

        case Enemy.Direction.Down:
            spawnTile = new TileCoordinate(targetCrop.CoordX, -1);
            occupied.IsDownOccupied = true;

        // Update occupied tiles
        _occupiedSpawns.Add(targetCrop, occupied);

        Debug.Log("Spawn Location [x:" + spawnTile.CoordX + " z:" + spawnTile.CoordZ +
                  "] - for Target Crop: [x:" + targetCrop.CoordX + " z:" + targetCrop.CoordZ + "]");

Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Given an array of tiles and a starting coordinate,
    /// find all reachable tiles (and paths to get to those tiles).
    /// This is implemented using a modified form of Djikstra's algorithm.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tiles"></param>
    /// <param name="startCoord"></param>
    public static void FindReachableTiles(
        int rows,
        int cols,
        int[,] dist,
        Coordinate[,] prev,
        Tile[,] tiles,
        Coordinate startCoord,
        int movementPoints)
        var frontier = new MinHeap <TileCoordinateNode>();

        TileCoordinate startTileCoordinate = new TileCoordinate(
            tiles[startCoord.r, startCoord.c],

        TileCoordinateNode startNode = new TileCoordinateNode(startTileCoordinate, 0);


        for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
            for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
                Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(r, c);

                if (!coord.Equals(startCoord))
                    dist[coord.r, coord.c] = int.MaxValue;
                    prev[coord.r, coord.c] = null;
                    dist[coord.r, coord.c] = 0;
                    prev[coord.r, coord.c] = null; // doesn't matter for start coord

        while (frontier.HeapSize() > 0)
            TileCoordinateNode node           = frontier.Pop();
            TileCoordinate     tileCoordinate = node.tileCoordinate;
            Coordinate         coordinate     = tileCoordinate.coordinate;

            foreach (TileCoordinate adjacentTileCoord
                     in GetAdjacentTiles(tiles, coordinate))
                Coordinate adjacentCoord = adjacentTileCoord.coordinate;

                // watch for overflow here
                int calculatedDist = dist[coordinate.r, coordinate.c]
                                     + adjacentTileCoord.tile.movementCost;

                bool calculatedDistPreferrable
                    = dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] == int.MaxValue ||
                      calculatedDist < dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c];

                if (calculatedDistPreferrable && calculatedDist <= movementPoints)
                    dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] = calculatedDist;
                    prev[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] = coordinate;

                    TileCoordinateNode adjacentNode
                        = new TileCoordinateNode(adjacentTileCoord, calculatedDist);

                    if (!frontier.Contains(adjacentNode))
                        frontier.DecreaseKey(adjacentNode, adjacentNode);
Пример #4
    void ConnectClosestRooms(List <Room> allRooms, bool forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom = false)
        List <Room> roomListA = new List <Room>();
        List <Room> roomListB = new List <Room>();

        if (forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
            foreach (Room room in allRooms)
                if (room.isAccessibleFromMainRoom)
            roomListA = allRooms;
            roomListB = allRooms;

        int            bestDistance            = 0;
        TileCoordinate bestTileA               = new TileCoordinate();
        TileCoordinate bestTileB               = new TileCoordinate();
        Room           bestRoomA               = new Room();
        Room           bestRoomB               = new Room();
        bool           possibleConnectionFound = false;

        foreach (Room roomA in roomListA)
            if (!forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
                possibleConnectionFound = false;
                if (roomA.connectedRooms.Count > 0)

            foreach (Room roomB in roomListB)
                if (roomA == roomB || roomA.IsConected(roomB))//if the room is checking itself or is already connected to the room its checking then skip to the next loop

                for (int tileIndexA = 0; tileIndexA < roomA.edgeTiles.Count; tileIndexA++)
                    for (int tileIndexB = 0; tileIndexB < roomB.edgeTiles.Count; tileIndexB++)
                        TileCoordinate tileA = roomA.edgeTiles[tileIndexA];
                        TileCoordinate tileB = roomB.edgeTiles[tileIndexB];

                        int distanceBetweenRooms = (int)(Mathf.Pow(tileA.tileX - tileB.tileX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(tileA.tileY - tileB.tileY, 2)); // checking the distance between the two rooms (formula provided by tutorial)

                        if (distanceBetweenRooms < bestDistance || !possibleConnectionFound)                                                 // if the distance found is less than the current best distance
                                                                                                                                             //and a possible connection has not been found then a new best result has been identified
                                                                                                                                             //and a new set of results need to be applied
                            bestDistance            = distanceBetweenRooms;
                            possibleConnectionFound = true;
                            bestTileA = tileA;
                            bestTileB = tileB;
                            bestRoomA = roomA;
                            bestRoomB = roomB;
            if (possibleConnectionFound && !forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)//if the room has  a possible connection and isnt set to be forced to connect then crate the best passage
                CreatePassage(bestRoomA, bestRoomB, bestTileA, bestTileB);

        if (possibleConnectionFound && forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)// if a possible connection has been found and is set to force accessibilty thn craete teh bassage and rerun the method
            CreatePassage(bestRoomA, bestRoomB, bestTileA, bestTileB);
            ConnectClosestRooms(allRooms, true);

        if (!forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
            ConnectClosestRooms(allRooms, true);
Пример #5
 public void SetTile(TileCoordinate tilePos, TileType type)
     _tiles[GetTileIndex(tilePos)] = type;
     _tileMap.UpdateCropArray(tilePos, type);
Пример #6
 public LayerHandler(ref Scene scene)
     Scene          = scene;
     TileCoordinate = new TileCoordinate();
     Loader         = new LayerLoader();
    /// <summary>
    /// Loops through all rooms and finds and connects the closest rooms
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="allRooms"></param>
    /// <param name="forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom"></param>
    protected virtual void ConnectClosestRooms(List <Room> allRooms, bool forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom = false)
        List <Room> roomListA = new List <Room>();
        List <Room> roomListB = new List <Room>();

        if (forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
            foreach (Room room in allRooms)
                if (room.IsAccessibleFromMainRoom)
            roomListA = allRooms;
            roomListB = allRooms;

        int            bestDistance            = 0;
        TileCoordinate bestTileA               = new TileCoordinate();
        TileCoordinate bestTileB               = new TileCoordinate();
        Room           bestRoomA               = new Room();
        Room           bestRoomB               = new Room();
        bool           possibleConnectionFound = false;

        foreach (Room roomA in roomListA)
            if (!forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
                possibleConnectionFound = false;
                if (roomA.ConnectedRooms.Count > 0)

            foreach (Room roomB in roomListB)
                if (roomA == roomB || roomA.IsConnected(roomB))

                for (int tileIndexA = 0; tileIndexA < roomA.EdgeTiles.Count; tileIndexA++)
                    for (int tileIndexB = 0; tileIndexB < roomB.EdgeTiles.Count; tileIndexB++)
                        TileCoordinate tileA = roomA.EdgeTiles[tileIndexA];
                        TileCoordinate tileB = roomB.EdgeTiles[tileIndexB];
                        int            distanceBetweenRooms = (int)(Mathf.Pow(tileA.TileX - tileB.TileX, 2) + Mathf.Pow(tileA.TileY - tileB.TileY, 2));

                        if (distanceBetweenRooms < bestDistance || !possibleConnectionFound)
                            bestDistance            = distanceBetweenRooms;
                            possibleConnectionFound = true;
                            bestTileA = tileA;
                            bestTileB = tileB;
                            bestRoomA = roomA;
                            bestRoomB = roomB;
            if (possibleConnectionFound && !forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
                CreatePassage(bestRoomA, bestRoomB, bestTileA, bestTileB);

        if (possibleConnectionFound && forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
            CreatePassage(bestRoomA, bestRoomB, bestTileA, bestTileB);
            ConnectClosestRooms(allRooms, true);

        if (!forceAccessibilityFromMainRoom)
            ConnectClosestRooms(allRooms, true);
Пример #8
    // Initialize the tile map's data (all the tiles)
    private void CreateLevel()
        _mapData = new TileData(this, _levelData.TileLayout.width,

        // Clear existing entities
        foreach (Transform child in transform)

        // Create the map's tiles and entities
        for (int x = 0; x < _levelData.TileLayout.width; ++x)
            for (int z = 0; z < _levelData.TileLayout.height; ++z)
                TileCoordinate tilePos = new TileCoordinate(x, z);

        GameObject player = CreateEntity(_levelData.PlayerSpawn,
                                         ( GameObject )Resources.Load("PlayerChar"));

        _player = player.GetComponent <Player>();

        Debug.Log("height:" + _levelData.TileLayout.height);
        Debug.Log("width:" + _levelData.TileLayout.width);

        // Create left map border shadow
        float      HalfTileSize = _tileSize / 2;
        GameObject leftShadow   = Instantiate(ShadowObject);

        leftShadow.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, _levelData.TileLayout.height, 1);
        leftShadow.transform.position   = new Vector3(HalfTileSize, SHADOW_Y_OFFSET,
                                                      _levelData.TileLayout.height / 2.0f);
        leftShadow.transform.parent = transform;

        // Create right map border shadow
        GameObject rightShadow = Instantiate(ShadowObject);

        rightShadow.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, _levelData.TileLayout.height, 1);
        rightShadow.transform.position   = new Vector3(_levelData.TileLayout.width - HalfTileSize,
                                                       SHADOW_Y_OFFSET, _levelData.TileLayout.height / 2.0f);
        rightShadow.transform.parent      = transform;
        rightShadow.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180, 0);

        // Create top map border shadow
        GameObject topShadow = Instantiate(ShadowObject);

        topShadow.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, _levelData.TileLayout.width, 1);
        topShadow.transform.position   = new Vector3(_levelData.TileLayout.width / 2.0f,
                                                     SHADOW_Y_OFFSET, _levelData.TileLayout.height - HalfTileSize);
        topShadow.transform.parent      = transform;
        topShadow.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 90, 0);

        // Create bottom map border shadow
        GameObject bottomShadow = Instantiate(ShadowObject);

        bottomShadow.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, _levelData.TileLayout.width, 1);
        bottomShadow.transform.position   = new Vector3(_levelData.TileLayout.width / 2.0f,
                                                        SHADOW_Y_OFFSET, HalfTileSize - 0.01f);
        bottomShadow.transform.parent      = transform;
        bottomShadow.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(90, -90, 0);
Пример #9
 public static string GetWMSUrlAddress(string wmsVersion, string MapServiceUrl, NameValueCollection dict, TileCoordinate tileCoordinate)
     return GetWMSUrlAddress(wmsVersion, MapServiceUrl, dict, tileCoordinate.Level, tileCoordinate.Row, tileCoordinate.Column);
Пример #10
 public static string GetOSMTileUrlAddressWithSubdomains(string baseUrl, List<string> subDomains, TileCoordinate tile)
     return GetOSMTileUrlAddressWithSubdomains(baseUrl, subDomains, tile.Level, tile.Row, tile.Column);
Пример #11
 public static string GetOSMTileUrlAddress(string baseUrl, TileCoordinate tile)
     return GetOSMTileUrlAddress(baseUrl, tile.Level, tile.Row, tile.Column);
Пример #12
 public static string GetAGSDynamicUrlAddress(string baseUrl, NameValueCollection dict, TileCoordinate tile)
     return GetAGSDynamicUrlAddress(baseUrl, dict, tile.Level, tile.Row, tile.Column);
 private void RenderCursor(int dimension, TileCoordinate newMouseCoordinate)
     _mark.Height = dimension;
     _mark.Width  = dimension;
     RenderCursorElement(_mark, dimension, newMouseCoordinate);
Пример #14
 public VisualizationCommand(Vector2Int coordinate)
     Coordinate = coordinate;
Пример #15
        private void ProcessNodeDepthFirst(ref PathfindingResult results, Map map, TileCoordinate targetCoords, TileCoordinate nodeCoords, TileCoordinate prevNodeCoords)
            if (results.IsResultFound)
            var aggregator = new PathAggregator(nodeCoords, prevNodeCoords);

            if (results.Aggregator.ContainsKey(nodeCoords))

            results.Visualizations.Enqueue(new VisualizationCommand(nodeCoords));
            results.Aggregator.Add(nodeCoords, prevNodeCoords);
            if (nodeCoords == targetCoords)
                results.IsResultFound = true;
            var neighbours = map.GetNeighbouringTiles(nodeCoords);

            foreach (var potentialNeighbour in neighbours)
                if (!potentialNeighbour.HasValue)
                ProcessNodeDepthFirst(ref results, map, targetCoords, potentialNeighbour.Value, nodeCoords);
Пример #16
 public static bool IsNewTileCoordinate(TileCoordinate newMouseCoordinate, TileCoordinate lastMouseCoordinate)
     return(newMouseCoordinate != lastMouseCoordinate);
Пример #17
 public string GetTileUrl(TileCoordinate tile)
     return TileHelper.GetOSMTileUrlAddressWithSubdomains(UrlTemplate, SubDomains, tile);
    private void BuildRiver(int levelDepth, int levelWidth, Vector3 riverOrigin, LevelData levelData)
        HashSet <Vector3> visitedCoordinates = new HashSet <Vector3>();
        // the first coordinate is the river origin
        Vector3 currentCoordinate = riverOrigin;
        bool    foundWater        = false;

        while (!foundWater)
            // convert from Level Coordinate System to Tile Coordinate System and retrieve the corresponding TileData
            TileCoordinate tileCoordinate = levelData.ConvertToTileCoordinate((int)currentCoordinate.z, (int)currentCoordinate.x);
            TileData       tileData       = levelData.tilesData[tileCoordinate.tileZIndex, tileCoordinate.tileXIndex];

            // save the current coordinate as visited

            // check if we have found water
            if (tileData.chosenHeightTerrainTypes[tileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex, tileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex].name == "water")
                // if we found water, we stop
                foundWater = true;
                // change the texture of the tileData to show a river
                tileData.texture.SetPixel(tileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex, tileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex, this.riverColor);

                // pick neighbor coordinates, if they exist
                List <Vector3> neighbors = new List <Vector3>();
                if (currentCoordinate.z > 0)
                    neighbors.Add(new Vector3(currentCoordinate.x, 0, currentCoordinate.z - 1));
                if (currentCoordinate.z < levelDepth - 1)
                    neighbors.Add(new Vector3(currentCoordinate.x, 0, currentCoordinate.z + 1));
                if (currentCoordinate.x > 0)
                    neighbors.Add(new Vector3(currentCoordinate.x - 1, 0, currentCoordinate.z));
                if (currentCoordinate.x < levelWidth - 1)
                    neighbors.Add(new Vector3(currentCoordinate.x + 1, 0, currentCoordinate.z));

                // find the minimum neighbor that has not been visited yet and flow to it
                float   minHeight   = float.MaxValue;
                Vector3 minNeighbor = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                foreach (Vector3 neighbor in neighbors)
                    // convert from Level Coordinate System to Tile Coordinate System and retrieve the corresponding TileData
                    TileCoordinate neighborTileCoordinate = levelData.ConvertToTileCoordinate((int)neighbor.z, (int)neighbor.x);
                    TileData       neighborTileData       = levelData.tilesData[neighborTileCoordinate.tileZIndex, neighborTileCoordinate.tileXIndex];

                    // if the neighbor is the lowest one and has not been visited yet, save it
                    float neighborHeight = tileData.heightMap[neighborTileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex, neighborTileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex];
                    if (neighborHeight < minHeight && !visitedCoordinates.Contains(neighbor))
                        minHeight   = neighborHeight;
                        minNeighbor = neighbor;
                // flow to the lowest neighbor
                currentCoordinate = minNeighbor;
Пример #19
 public string GetTileUrl(TileCoordinate tile)
     var gtile = TileHelper.ConvertTMSTileCoordinateToGoogleTileCoordinate(tile.Level, tile.Column, tile.Row);
     return TileHelper.GetOSMTileUrlAddress(MapServiceUrl, new TileCoordinate() {
         Level = tile.Level,
         Column = gtile.X,
         Row = gtile.Y
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="upperLeft">
 ///            the upper left tile coordinate </param>
 /// <param name="amountTilesHorizontal">
 ///            the amount of columns </param>
 /// <param name="amountTilesVertical">
 ///            the amount of rows </param>
 public TileGridLayout(TileCoordinate upperLeft, int amountTilesHorizontal, int amountTilesVertical) : base()
     this.upperLeft             = upperLeft;
     this.amountTilesHorizontal = amountTilesHorizontal;
     this.amountTilesVertical   = amountTilesVertical;
Пример #21
    // Check whether this enemy is currently on the targetFinalPos tile
    protected bool IsOnTargetTile()
        TileCoordinate dist = HelperFunctions.GetTileDistance(currentTilePos, targetFinalPos);

        return(dist.CoordX == 0 && dist.CoordZ == 0);
Пример #22
 // Calculate the tile index from its tile coordinates
 public int GetTileIndex(TileCoordinate tilePos)
     return(tilePos.CoordZ * _sizeX + tilePos.CoordX);
Пример #23
 // Set the targetFinalPos that this enemy should move toward
 public void SetTargetTile(TileCoordinate tile)
     targetFinalPos = tile;
Пример #24
        private void Hm_UriRequested(HttpMapTileDataSource sender, MapTileUriRequestedEventArgs args)
            var res = TileCoordinate.ReverseGeoPoint(args.X, args.Y, args.ZoomLevel);

            args.Request.Uri = new Uri($"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?center={res.Latitude},{res.Longitude}&zoom={args.ZoomLevel}&maptype=traffic&size=256x256&key={AppCore.GoogleMapAPIKey}", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
Пример #25
    public void GenerateTrees(int levelDepth, int levelWidth, float distanceBetweenVertices, LevelData levelData)
        // generate a tree noise map using Perlin Noise
        float[,] treeMap = this.noiseMapGeneration.GenerateSimplexNoiseMap(levelDepth, levelWidth, this.levelScale, 0, 0, seed, this.waves);

        float levelSizeX = levelWidth * distanceBetweenVertices;
        float levelSizeZ = levelDepth * distanceBetweenVertices;

        for (int zIndex = 0; zIndex < levelDepth; zIndex++)
            for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < levelWidth; xIndex++)
                // convert from Level Coordinate System to Tile Coordinate System and retrieve the corresponding TileData
                TileCoordinate tileCoordinate = levelData.ConvertToTileCoordinate(zIndex, xIndex);
                TileData       tileData       = levelData.tileData[tileCoordinate.tileZIndex, tileCoordinate.tileXIndex];
                int            tileWidth      = tileData.heightMap.GetLength(1);

                // calculate the mesh vertex index
                Vector3[] meshVertices = tileData.mesh.vertices;
                int       vertexIndex  = tileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex * tileWidth + tileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex;

                // get the terrain type of this coordinate
                TerrainType terrainType = tileData.chosenHeightTerrainTypes[tileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex, tileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex];

                // get the biome of this coordinate
                Biome biome = tileData.chosenBiomes[tileCoordinate.coordinateZIndex, tileCoordinate.coordinateXIndex];

                // check if it is a water terrain. Trees cannot be placed over the water
                if (terrainType.name != "water")
                    float treeValue = treeMap[zIndex, xIndex];

                    int terrainTypeIndex = terrainType.index;

                    // compares the current tree noise value to the neighbor ones
                    int   neighborZBegin = (int)Mathf.Max(0, zIndex - this.neighborRadius[biome.index]);
                    int   neighborZEnd   = (int)Mathf.Min(levelDepth - 1, zIndex + this.neighborRadius[biome.index]);
                    int   neighborXBegin = (int)Mathf.Max(0, xIndex - this.neighborRadius[biome.index]);
                    int   neighborXEnd   = (int)Mathf.Min(levelWidth - 1, xIndex + this.neighborRadius[biome.index]);
                    float maxValue       = 0f;
                    for (int neighborZ = neighborZBegin; neighborZ <= neighborZEnd; neighborZ++)
                        for (int neighborX = neighborXBegin; neighborX <= neighborXEnd; neighborX++)
                            float neighborValue = treeMap[neighborZ, neighborX];
                            // saves the maximum tree noise value in the radius
                            if (neighborValue >= maxValue)
                                maxValue = neighborValue;

                    // if the current tree noise value is the maximum one, place a tree in this location
                    if (treeValue == maxValue)
                        Vector3    treePosition = new Vector3(xIndex * distanceBetweenVertices, meshVertices[vertexIndex].y, zIndex * distanceBetweenVertices);
                        GameObject tree         = Instantiate(this.treePrefab[biome.index], treePosition, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                        tree.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f);
Пример #26
 Vector3 CoordToWorldPoint(TileCoordinate tile)// change the coordinate to a vector 3 location
     return(new Vector3(-width / 2 + .5f + tile.tileX, -height / 2 + .5f + tile.tileY));
Пример #27
 // Get the type of the tile at the given (x, z) tile coordinate
 public TileData.TileType GetTile(TileCoordinate tilePos)
Пример #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Given an array of tiles and a starting coordinate,
    /// find all reachable tiles (and paths to get to those tiles).
    /// This is implemented using a modified form of Djikstra's algorithm.
    /// We return a dictionary of <option, tuple<cost-to-option, path-to-option>>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tiles"></param>
    /// <param name="startCoord"></param>
    public static Dictionary <Coordinate, Tuple <int, List <Coordinate> > > FindReachableTiles(
        Unit unit,
        Tile[,] tiles)
        int rows = Util.GetRows(tiles);
        int cols = Util.GetCols(tiles);

        int[,] dist        = new int[rows, cols];
        Coordinate[,] prev = new Coordinate[rows, cols];

        var frontier = new MinHeap <TileCoordinateNode>();

        TileCoordinate startTileCoordinate = new TileCoordinate(
            tiles[unit.location.r, unit.location.c],

        TileCoordinateNode startNode = new TileCoordinateNode(startTileCoordinate, 0);


        for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
            for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
                Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(r, c);

                if (!coord.Equals(unit.location))
                    dist[coord.r, coord.c] = int.MaxValue;
                    prev[coord.r, coord.c] = null;
                    dist[coord.r, coord.c] = 0;
                    prev[coord.r, coord.c] = null; // doesn't matter for start coord

        while (frontier.HeapSize() > 0)
            TileCoordinateNode node           = frontier.Pop();
            TileCoordinate     tileCoordinate = node.tileCoordinate;
            Coordinate         coordinate     = tileCoordinate.coordinate;

            foreach (TileCoordinate adjacentTileCoord
                     in GetAllowableAdjacentTiles(tiles, coordinate, unit.board, unit.team))
                Coordinate adjacentCoord = adjacentTileCoord.coordinate;

                // watch for overflow here
                int calculatedDist = dist[coordinate.r, coordinate.c]
                                     + adjacentTileCoord.tile.movementCost;

                bool calculatedDistPreferrable
                    = dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] == int.MaxValue ||
                      calculatedDist < dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c];

                if (calculatedDistPreferrable && calculatedDist <= unit.movementPoints)
                    dist[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] = calculatedDist;
                    prev[adjacentCoord.r, adjacentCoord.c] = coordinate;

                    TileCoordinateNode adjacentNode
                        = new TileCoordinateNode(adjacentTileCoord, calculatedDist);

                    if (!frontier.Contains(adjacentNode))
                        frontier.DecreaseKey(adjacentNode, adjacentNode);

        // djikstra finished
        // now processing and adding to the return dict

        var answer = new Dictionary <Coordinate, Tuple <int, List <Coordinate> > >();

        for (int r = 0; r < rows; ++r)
            for (int c = 0; c < cols; ++c)
                Coordinate targetCoord      = new Coordinate(r, c);
                int        distanceToTarget = dist[r, c];

                // cell must also be empty, unless it is the starting coord
                if (distanceToTarget != int.MaxValue &&
                    (targetCoord.Equals(unit.location) ||
                     unit.board[targetCoord.r, targetCoord.c] is null))
                     * Console.WriteLine($"Distance from {unit.currentLocation}" +
                     *  $" to {targetCoordinate}" +
                     *  $" is: {distanceToTarget}");

                    //string ans = targetCoordinate.ToString();
                    List <Coordinate> pathToTarget = new List <Coordinate>();

                    Coordinate currentCoord = targetCoord;

                    // all paths lead to the starting coordinate
                    // and the starting coordinate's prev is null
                    while (prev[currentCoord.r, currentCoord.c] != null)
                        // ans = $"{prev[targetCoordinate.r, targetCoordinate.c]}, {ans}";
                        pathToTarget.Insert(0, prev[currentCoord.r, currentCoord.c]);

                        currentCoord = prev[currentCoord.r, currentCoord.c];


                    // Console.WriteLine($"path to {targetCoord}: {String.Join(", ", pathToTarget)}");

                        new Tuple <int, List <Coordinate> >(

Пример #29
 // Set the type of the tile at the given (x, z) tile coordinate
 // and recreate the mesh to reflect the changes
 public void SetTile(TileCoordinate tilePos, TileData.TileType type)
     _mapData.SetTile(tilePos, type);
Пример #30
        private PathfindingResult CalculatePathDepthFirst(Map map, TileCoordinate from, TileCoordinate to)
            var result = new PathfindingResult();

            result.Path           = new List <Vector2Int>();
            result.UnvisitedSet   = new HashSet <TileCoordinate>();
            result.VisitedSet     = new HashSet <TileCoordinate>();
            result.Aggregator     = new Dictionary <Vector2Int, Vector2Int>();
            result.Visualizations = new Queue <VisualizationCommand>();
            result.targetTile     = to;

            ProcessNodeDepthFirst(ref result, map, to, from, new TileCoordinate(-1, -1));

Пример #31
 // Return the vector corresponding to the tile coordinate (x, z)
 public Vector3 GetPositionAtTile(TileCoordinate tilePos)
     return(new Vector3(tilePos.CoordX * _tileSize + _tileSize / 2, 0,
                        tilePos.CoordZ * _tileSize + _tileSize / 2));
Пример #32
 public PathfindingResult CalculatePath(Map map, TileCoordinate @from, TileCoordinate to)
     return(CalculatePathDepthFirst(map, from, to));
Пример #33
 public WalkMove(IChecker checker, TileCoordinate startLocation, TileCoordinate endLocation) : base(checker)
     this._startLocation = startLocation;
     this._endLocation   = endLocation;