Пример #1
    public void LoadOverworldTiles()

        for (int i = 0; i < 160; i++)
            all_maps[i] = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MapSave>(File.ReadAllText("ProjectDirectory//Overworld//Maps//Map" + i.ToString("D3") + ".json"));

            overworld.AllMapTilesFromMap(i, all_maps[i].tiles);
            if (i == 159)
                string s    = "";
                int    tpos = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                        Tile32 map16 = new Tile32(all_maps[i].tiles[(x * 2), (y * 2)], all_maps[i].tiles[(x * 2) + 1, (y * 2)], all_maps[i].tiles[(x * 2), (y * 2) + 1], all_maps[i].tiles[(x * 2) + 1, (y * 2) + 1]);
                        s += "[" + map16.tile0.ToString("D4") + "," + map16.tile1.ToString("D4") + "," + map16.tile2.ToString("D4") + "," + map16.tile3.ToString("D4") + "] ";
                    s += "\r\n";
                File.WriteAllText("TileDebug2.txt", s);
        byte[] largemaps = getLargeMaps();

        WriteLog("Overworld tiles data loaded properly", Color.Green);
Пример #2
     * Move to the given orientation looking from the current position.
     * @note returns input position when going out-of-bounds.
     * @param position The position to move from.
     * @param orientation The orientation to move in.
     * @return The new position, or the old in case of out-of-bounds.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_MoveByOrientation(Tile32 position, byte orientation)
        short[] xOffsets = { 0, 256, 256, 256, 0, -256, -256, -256 }; //[8]
        short[] yOffsets = { -256, -256, 0, 256, 256, 256, 0, -256 }; //[8]
        ushort  x;
        ushort  y;

        x = Tile_GetX(position);
        y = Tile_GetY(position);

        orientation = Orientation_Orientation256ToOrientation8(orientation);

        x += (ushort)xOffsets[orientation];
        y += (ushort)yOffsets[orientation];

        if (x > 16384 || y > 16384)

        position.x = x;
        position.y = y;

Пример #3
     * Start an Animation.
     * @param commands List of commands for the Animation.
     * @param tile The tile to do the Animation on.
     * @param layout The layout of tiles for the Animation.
     * @param houseID The house of the item being Animation.
     * @param iconGroup In which IconGroup the sprites of the Animation belongs.
    internal static void Animation_Start(AnimationCommandStruct[] commands, Tile32 tile, ushort tileLayout, byte houseID, byte iconGroup)
        var   animation = g_animations;
        var   packed    = Tile_PackTile(tile);
        CTile t;
        int   i;

        t = g_map[packed];

        for (i = 0; i < ANIMATION_MAX; i++)
        { //, animation++) {
            if (animation[i].commands != null)

            animation[i].tickNext   = g_timerGUI;
            animation[i].tileLayout = tileLayout;
            animation[i].houseID    = houseID;
            animation[i].current    = 0;
            animation[i].iconGroup  = iconGroup;
            animation[i].commands   = commands;
            animation[i].tile       = tile;

            s_animationTimer = 0;

            t.houseID      = houseID;
            t.hasAnimation = true;
Пример #4
     * Centers the offset of the tile.
     * @param tile The tile to center.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_Center(Tile32 tile)
        Tile32 result;

        result   = tile;
        result.x = (ushort)((result.x & 0xff00) | 0x80);
        result.y = (ushort)((result.y & 0xff00) | 0x80);

Пример #5
     * Unpacks a 12 bits packed tile to a 32 bits tile class.
     * @param packed The uint16 containing the 12 bits packed tile information.
     * @return The unpacked tile.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_UnpackTile(ushort packed)
        var tile = new Tile32
            x = (ushort)((((packed >> 0) & 0x3F) << 8) | 0x80),
            y = (ushort)((((packed >> 6) & 0x3F) << 8) | 0x80)

Пример #6
     * Adds two tiles together.
     * @param from The origin.
     * @param diff The difference.
     * @return The new coordinates.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_AddTileDiff(Tile32 from, Tile32 diff)
        var result = new Tile32
            x = (ushort)(from.x + diff.x),
            y = (ushort)(from.y + diff.y)

Пример #7
     * Calculates the distance between the two given tiles.
     * @param from The origin.
     * @param to The destination.
     * @return The longest distance between the X or Y coordinates, plus half the shortest.
    internal static ushort Tile_GetDistance(Tile32 from, Tile32 to)
        var distance_x = (ushort)Math.Abs(from.x - to.x);
        var distance_y = (ushort)Math.Abs(from.y - to.y);

        if (distance_x > distance_y)
            return((ushort)(distance_x + (distance_y / 2)));
        return((ushort)(distance_y + (distance_x / 2)));
Пример #8
     * Remove fog in the radius around the given tile.
     * @param tile The tile to remove fog around.
     * @param radius The radius to remove fog around.
    internal static void Tile_RemoveFogInRadius(Tile32 tile, ushort radius)
        ushort packed;
        ushort x, y;
        short  i, j;

        /* TODO this code could be simplified */
        packed = Tile_PackTile(tile);

        if (!Map_IsValidPosition(packed))

        /* setting tile from its packed position equals removing the
         * non integer part */
        x = Tile_GetPackedX(packed);
        y = Tile_GetPackedY(packed);
        Tile_MakeXY(ref tile, x, y);

        for (i = (short)-radius; i <= radius; i++)
            for (j = (short)-radius; j <= radius; j++)
                var t = new Tile32();

                if (x + i is < 0 or >= 64)
                if (y + j is < 0 or >= 64)

                var xi = (ushort)(x + i);
                var yj = (ushort)(y + j);

                packed = Tile_PackXY(xi, yj);
                Tile_MakeXY(ref t, xi, yj);

                if (Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(tile, t) > radius)

                Map_UnveilTile(packed, (byte)g_playerHouseID);
Пример #9
    public void AllMapTilesFromMap(int mapid, ushort[,] tiles, bool large = false)
        string s    = "";
        int    tpos = mapid * 256;

        for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
                map16tiles[tpos] = new Tile32(tiles[(x * 2), (y * 2)], tiles[(x * 2) + 1, (y * 2)], tiles[(x * 2), (y * 2) + 1], tiles[(x * 2) + 1, (y * 2) + 1]);
                s += "[" + map16tiles[tpos].tile0.ToString("D4") + "," + map16tiles[tpos].tile1.ToString("D4") + "," + map16tiles[tpos].tile2.ToString("D4") + "," + map16tiles[tpos].tile3.ToString("D4") + "] ";
            s += "\r\n";
        File.WriteAllText("TileDebug.txt", s);
Пример #10
    public void createMap32TilesFrom16()
        t32Unique    = new Tile32[10000];
        tiles32count = 0;
        //40960 = numbers of 32x32 tiles

        const int nullVal = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < 40960; i++)
            short foundIndex = nullVal;
            for (int j = 0; j < tiles32count; j++)
                if (t32Unique[j].tile0 == map16tiles[i].tile0)
                    if (t32Unique[j].tile1 == map16tiles[i].tile1)
                        if (t32Unique[j].tile2 == map16tiles[i].tile2)
                            if (t32Unique[j].tile3 == map16tiles[i].tile3)
                                foundIndex = (short)j;

            if (foundIndex == nullVal)
                t32Unique[tiles32count] = new Tile32(map16tiles[i].tile0, map16tiles[i].tile1, map16tiles[i].tile2, map16tiles[i].tile3);

        Console.WriteLine("Nbr of tiles32 = " + tiles32count);
Пример #11
     * Fire a bullet or missile from a (rocket) turret.
     * Stack: *none*
     * Variables: 2 - Target to shoot at.
     * @param script The script engine to operate on.
     * @return The time between this and the next time firing.
    internal static ushort Script_Structure_Fire(ScriptEngine script)
        CStructure s;
        CUnit      u;
        var        position = new Tile32();
        ushort     target;
        ushort     damage;
        ushort     fireDelay;
        ushort     type;

        s = g_scriptCurrentStructure;

        target = script.variables[2];
        if (target == 0)

        if (s.o.type == (byte)StructureType.STRUCTURE_ROCKET_TURRET && Tile_GetDistance(Tools_Index_GetTile(target), s.o.position) >= 0x300)
            type      = (ushort)UnitType.UNIT_MISSILE_TURRET;
            damage    = 30;
            fireDelay = Tools_AdjustToGameSpeed(g_table_unitInfo[(ushort)UnitType.UNIT_LAUNCHER].fireDelay, 1, 0xFFFF, true);
            type      = (ushort)UnitType.UNIT_BULLET;
            damage    = 20;
            fireDelay = Tools_AdjustToGameSpeed(g_table_unitInfo[(ushort)UnitType.UNIT_TANK].fireDelay, 1, 0xFFFF, true);

        position.x = (ushort)(s.o.position.x + 0x80);
        position.y = (ushort)(s.o.position.y + 0x80);
        u          = Unit_CreateBullet(position, (UnitType)type, s.o.houseID, damage, target);

        if (u == null)

        u.originEncoded = Tools_Index_Encode(s.o.index, IndexType.IT_STRUCTURE);

Пример #12
     * Start a Explosion on a tile.
     * @param explosionType Type of Explosion.
     * @param position The position to use for init.
    internal static void Explosion_Start(ushort explosionType, Tile32 position)
        ExplosionCommandStruct[] commands;
        ushort packed;
        byte   i;

        if (explosionType > (ushort)ExplosionType.EXPLOSION_SPICE_BLOOM_TREMOR)
        commands = g_table_explosion[explosionType];

        packed = Tile_PackTile(position);


        for (i = 0; i < EXPLOSION_MAX; i++)
            CExplosion e;

            e = g_explosions[i];

            if (e.commands != null)

            e.commands                 = commands;
            e.current                  = 0;
            e.spriteID                 = 0;
            e.position                 = position;
            e.isDirty                  = false;
            e.timeOut                  = g_timerGUI;
            s_explosionTimer           = 0;
            g_map[packed].hasExplosion = true;

Пример #13
    public void DecompressAllMapTiles()
        //locat functions
        int genPointer(int address, int i) => PointerRead.LongRead_LoHiBank(address + i * 3);

        byte[] Decomp(int pointer, ref int compressedSize)
        => Decompress.ALTTPDecompressOverworld(ROM.DATA, pointer, 1000, ref compressedSize);

        int npos = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < 160; i++)
            int p1 = genPointer(ConstantsReader.GetAddress("compressedAllMap32PointersHigh"), i),
                p2 = genPointer(ConstantsReader.GetAddress("compressedAllMap32PointersLow"), i);

            int ttpos = 0, compressedSize1 = 0, compressedSize2 = 0;

            bytes = Decomp(p2, ref compressedSize1),
            bytes2 = Decomp(p1, ref compressedSize2);

            for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
                for (int x = 0, tpos; x < 16; x++, npos++, ttpos++)
                    tpos = (ushort)((bytes2[ttpos] << 8) + bytes[ttpos]);
                    if (tpos < tiles32.Count)
                        map16tiles[npos] = new Tile32(tiles32[tpos].tile0, tiles32[tpos].tile1, tiles32[tpos].tile2, tiles32[tpos].tile3);
                        Console.WriteLine("Found 0,0,0,0");
                        map16tiles[npos] = new Tile32(0, 0, 0, 0);
Пример #14
     * Get the tile from given tile at given maximum distance in random direction.
     * @param tile The origin.
     * @param distance The distance maximum.
     * @param center Wether to center the offset of the tile.
     * @return The tile.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_MoveByRandom(Tile32 tile, ushort distance, bool center)
        ushort x;
        ushort y;
        var    ret = new Tile32();
        byte   orientation;
        ushort newDistance;

        if (distance == 0)

        x = Tile_GetX(tile);
        y = Tile_GetY(tile);

        newDistance = Tools_Random_256();
        while (newDistance > distance)
            newDistance /= 2;
        distance = newDistance;

        orientation = Tools_Random_256();
        x          += (ushort)(((_stepX[orientation] * distance) / 128) * 16);
        y          -= (ushort)(((_stepY[orientation] * distance) / 128) * 16);

        if (x > 16384 || y > 16384)

        ret.x = x;
        ret.y = y;

        return(center ? Tile_Center(ret) : ret);
Пример #15
     * Get the tile from given tile at given distance in given direction.
     * @param tile The origin.
     * @param orientation The direction to follow.
     * @param distance The distance.
     * @return The tile.
    internal static Tile32 Tile_MoveByDirection(Tile32 tile, short orientation, ushort distance)
        int diffX, diffY;
        int roundingOffsetX, roundingOffsetY;

        distance = Math.Min(distance, (ushort)0xFF);

        if (distance == 0)

        diffX = _stepX[orientation & 0xFF];
        diffY = _stepY[orientation & 0xFF];

        /* Always round away from zero */
        roundingOffsetX = diffX < 0 ? -64 : 64;
        roundingOffsetY = diffY < 0 ? -64 : 64;

        tile.x += (ushort)((diffX * distance + roundingOffsetX) / 128);
        tile.y -= (ushort)((diffY * distance + roundingOffsetY) / 128);

Пример #16
  * Check whether a tile is valid.
  * @param tile The tile32 to check for validity.
  * @return True if valid, false if not.
 /*extern bool Tile_IsValid(tile32 tile);*/
 /*#define Tile_IsValid(tile) (((tile).x & 0xc000) == 0 && ((tile).y & 0xc000) == 0)*/
 internal static bool Tile_IsValid(Tile32 tile) => ((tile.x | tile.y) & 0xc000) == 0;
Пример #17
    internal ScriptEngine script;               /*!< The script engine instance of this Structure. */

    internal CObject()
        flags    = new ObjectFlags();
        script   = new ScriptEngine();
        position = new Tile32();
Пример #18
  * Make a tile32 from an X- and Y-position.
  * @param x The X-position.
  * @param y The Y-position.
  * @return A tile32 at the top-left corner of the X- and Y-position.
 /*extern tile32 Tile_MakeXY(uint16 x, uint16 y);*/
 internal static void /*tile32*/ Tile_MakeXY(ref Tile32 tile, ushort X, ushort Y)
     tile.x = (ushort)(X << 8);
     tile.y = (ushort)(Y << 8);
     //return tile;
Пример #19
  * Calculates the rounded up distance between the two given packed tiles.
  * @param from The origin.
  * @param to The destination.
  * @return The longest distance between the X or Y coordinates, plus half the shortest.
 internal static ushort Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(Tile32 from, Tile32 to) => (ushort)((Tile_GetDistance(from, to) + 0x80) >> 8);
Пример #20
     * Get to direction to follow to go from \a from to \a to.
     * @param from The origin.
     * @param to The destination.
     * @return The direction.
    internal static sbyte Tile_GetDirection(Tile32 from, Tile32 to)
        int    dx;
        int    dy;
        ushort i;
        int    gradient;
        ushort baseOrientation;
        bool   invert;
        ushort quadrant = 0;

        dx = to.x - from.x;
        dy = to.y - from.y;

        if (Math.Abs(dx) + Math.Abs(dy) > 8000)
            dx /= 2;
            dy /= 2;

        if (dy <= 0)
            quadrant |= 0x2;
            dy        = -dy;

        if (dx < 0)
            quadrant |= 0x1;
            dx        = -dx;

        baseOrientation = orientationOffsets[quadrant];
        invert          = false;
        gradient        = 0x7FFF;

        if (dx >= dy)
            if (dy != 0)
                gradient = (dx << 8) / dy;
            invert = true;
            if (dx != 0)
                gradient = (dy << 8) / dx;

        for (i = 0; i < directions.Length /*lengthof(directions)*/; i++)
            if (directions[i] <= gradient)

        if (!invert)
            i = (ushort)(64 - i);

        if (quadrant is 0 or 3)
            return((sbyte)((baseOrientation + 64 - i) & 0xFF));

        return((sbyte)((baseOrientation + i) & 0xFF));
Пример #21
  * Returns the X-position of the tile.
  * @param tile The tile32 to get the X-position from.
  * @return The X-position of the tile.
 /*extern uint16 Tile_GetX(tile32 tile);*/
 internal static ushort Tile_GetX(Tile32 tile) => tile.x;
Пример #22
     * Loop over all houses, preforming various of tasks.
    internal static void GameLoop_House()
        var    find = new PoolFindStruct();
        CHouse h; // = NULL;
        var    tickHouse                = false;
        var    tickPowerMaintenance     = false;
        var    tickStarport             = false;
        var    tickReinforcement        = false;
        var    tickMissileCountdown     = false;
        var    tickStarportAvailability = false;

        if (g_debugScenario)

        if (s_tickHouseHouse <= g_timerGame)
            tickHouse        = true;
            s_tickHouseHouse = g_timerGame + 900;

        if (g_tickHousePowerMaintenance <= g_timerGame)
            tickPowerMaintenance        = true;
            g_tickHousePowerMaintenance = g_timerGame + 10800;

        if (s_tickHouseStarport <= g_timerGame)
            tickStarport        = true;
            s_tickHouseStarport = g_timerGame + 180;

        if (s_tickHouseReinforcement <= g_timerGame)
            tickReinforcement        = true;
            s_tickHouseReinforcement = (uint)(g_timerGame + (g_debugGame ? 60 : 600));

        if (s_tickHouseMissileCountdown <= g_timerGame)
            tickMissileCountdown        = true;
            s_tickHouseMissileCountdown = g_timerGame + 60;

        if (s_tickHouseStarportAvailability <= g_timerGame)
            tickStarportAvailability        = true;
            s_tickHouseStarportAvailability = g_timerGame + 1800;

        if (tickMissileCountdown && g_houseMissileCountdown != 0)
            Sound_Output_Feedback((ushort)(g_houseMissileCountdown + 41));

            if (g_houseMissileCountdown == 0)
                Unit_LaunchHouseMissile(Map_FindLocationTile(4, (byte)g_playerHouseID));

        if (tickStarportAvailability)
            ushort type;

            /* Pick a random unit to increase starport availability */
            type = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, (ushort)(UnitType.UNIT_MAX - 1));

            /* Increase how many of this unit is available via starport by one */
            if (g_starportAvailable[type] is not 0 and < 10)
                if (g_starportAvailable[type] == -1)
                    g_starportAvailable[type] = 1;

        if (tickReinforcement)
            CUnit nu = null;
            int   i;

            for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
                ushort locationID;
                bool   deployed;
                CUnit  u;

                if (g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID == (ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID)
                if (g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft == 0)
                if (--g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft != 0)

                u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID);

                locationID = g_scenario.reinforcement[i].locationID;
                deployed   = false;

                if (locationID >= 4)
                    if (nu == null)
                        nu = Unit_Create((ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID, (byte)UnitType.UNIT_CARRYALL, u.o.houseID, Tile_UnpackTile(Map_FindLocationTile((ushort)(Tools_Random_256() & 3), u.o.houseID)), 100);

                        if (nu != null)
                            nu.o.flags.byScenario = true;
                            Unit_SetDestination(nu, Tools_Index_Encode(Map_FindLocationTile(locationID, u.o.houseID), IndexType.IT_TILE));

                    if (nu != null)
                        u.o.linkedID                       = nu.o.linkedID;
                        nu.o.linkedID                      = (byte)u.o.index;
                        nu.o.flags.inTransport             = true;
                        g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID = (ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID;
                        deployed = true;
                        /* Failed to create carry-all, try again in a short moment */
                        g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft = 1;
                    deployed = Unit_SetPosition(u, Tile_UnpackTile(Map_FindLocationTile(locationID, u.o.houseID)));

                if (deployed && g_scenario.reinforcement[i].repeat != 0)
                    var tile = new Tile32
                        x = 0xFFFF,
                        y = 0xFFFF

                    u = Unit_Create((ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID, u.o.type, u.o.houseID, tile, 0);

                    if (u != null)
                        g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID   = u.o.index;
                        g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft = g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeBetween;

        find.houseID = (byte)HouseType.HOUSE_INVALID;
        find.index   = 0xFFFF;
        find.type    = 0xFFFF;

        while (true)
            h = House_Find(find);
            if (h == null)

            if (tickHouse)
                /* ENHANCEMENT -- Originally this code was outside the house loop, which seems very odd.
                 *  This problem is considered to be so bad, that the original code has been removed. */
                if (h.index != (byte)g_playerHouseID)
                    if (h.creditsStorage < h.credits)
                        h.credits = h.creditsStorage;
                    var maxCredits = Math.Max(h.creditsStorage, g_playerCreditsNoSilo);
                    if (h.credits > maxCredits)
                        h.credits = maxCredits;

                        GUI_DisplayText(String_Get_ByIndex(Text.STR_INSUFFICIENT_SPICE_STORAGE_AVAILABLE_SPICE_IS_LOST), 1);

                if (h.index == (byte)g_playerHouseID)
                    if (h.creditsStorage > g_playerCreditsNoSilo)
                        g_playerCreditsNoSilo = 0;

                    if (g_playerCreditsNoSilo == 0 && g_campaignID > 1 && h.credits != 0)
                        if (h.creditsStorage != 0 && ((h.credits * 256 / h.creditsStorage) > 200))
                            GUI_DisplayText(String_Get_ByIndex(Text.STR_SPICE_STORAGE_CAPACITY_LOW_BUILD_SILOS), 0);

                    if (h.credits < 100 && g_playerCreditsNoSilo != 0)
                        GUI_DisplayText(String_Get_ByIndex(Text.STR_CREDITS_ARE_LOW_HARVEST_SPICE_FOR_MORE_CREDITS), 0);

            if (tickHouse)

            if (tickStarport && h.starportLinkedID != (ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID)
                CUnit u = null;

                if ((short)h.starportTimeLeft < 0)
                    h.starportTimeLeft = 0;

                if (h.starportTimeLeft == 0)
                    CStructure s;

                    s = Structure_Get_ByIndex(g_structureIndex);
                    if (s.o.type == (byte)StructureType.STRUCTURE_STARPORT && s.o.houseID == h.index)
                        u = Unit_CreateWrapper(h.index, UnitType.UNIT_FRIGATE, Tools_Index_Encode(s.o.index, IndexType.IT_STRUCTURE));
                        var find2 = new PoolFindStruct
                            houseID = h.index,
                            index   = 0xFFFF,
                            type    = (ushort)StructureType.STRUCTURE_STARPORT

                        while (true)
                            s = Structure_Find(find2);
                            if (s == null)
                            if (s.o.linkedID != 0xFF)

                            u = Unit_CreateWrapper(h.index, UnitType.UNIT_FRIGATE, Tools_Index_Encode(s.o.index, IndexType.IT_STRUCTURE));

                    if (u != null)
                        u.o.linkedID          = (byte)h.starportLinkedID;
                        h.starportLinkedID    = (ushort)UnitIndex.UNIT_INDEX_INVALID;
                        u.o.flags.inTransport = true;


                    h.starportTimeLeft = (ushort)((u != null) ? g_table_houseInfo[h.index].starportDeliveryTime : 1);

            if (tickHouse)

                if (h.timerUnitAttack != 0)
                if (h.timerSandwormAttack != 0)
                if (h.timerStructureAttack != 0)
                if (h.harvestersIncoming > 0 && Unit_CreateWrapper(h.index, UnitType.UNIT_HARVESTER, 0) != null)

            if (tickPowerMaintenance)
                var powerMaintenanceCost = (ushort)((h.powerUsage / 32) + 1);
                h.credits -= Math.Min(h.credits, powerMaintenanceCost);
Пример #23
    internal ushort[][] ai_structureRebuild; //[5][2]          /*!< An array for the AI which stores the type and position of a destroyed structure, for rebuilding. */

    internal CHouse()
        flags               = new HouseFlags();
        palacePosition      = new Tile32();
        ai_structureRebuild = new ushort[][] { new ushort[2], new ushort[2], new ushort[2], new ushort[2], new ushort[2] };
Пример #24
  * Returns the Y-position of the tile.
  * @param tile The tile32 to get the Y-position from.
  * @return The Y-position of the tile.
 /*extern uint16 Tile_GetY(tile32 tile);*/
 internal static ushort Tile_GetY(Tile32 tile) => tile.y;
Пример #25
  * Packs a 32 bits tile class into a 12 bits packed tile.
  * @param tile The tile32 to get it's Y-position from.
  * @return The tile packed into 12 bits.
 /*extern uint16 Tile_PackTile(tile32 tile);*/
 internal static ushort Tile_PackTile(Tile32 tile) => (ushort)((Tile_GetPosY(tile) << 6) | Tile_GetPosX(tile));
Пример #26
  * Returns the Y-position of the tile.
  * @param tile The tile32 to get the Y-position from.
  * @return The Y-position of the tile.
 /*extern uint8 Tile_GetPosY(tile32 tile);*/
 internal static byte Tile_GetPosY(Tile32 tile) => (byte)((tile.y >> 8) & 0x3f);