Пример #1
    public Tile[,] loadChunkFromText(TextAsset file, int chunkX, int chunkY)
        Tile[,] chunk = new Tile[chunkSize, chunkSize];

        string[] lines = file.text.Split('\n');

        for (int y = 0; y < chunkSize; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < chunkSize; x++)
                char thisChar = lines [chunkSize - y - 1][x];                   //in unity, higher Y means up, but in text higher y means down so we need ot reverse it

                Tile.Cover cover = Tile.Cover.None;
                if (thisChar == '#')
                    cover = Tile.Cover.Full;
                if (thisChar == '*')
                    cover = Tile.Cover.Part;

                chunk [x, y] = new Tile(cover, Tile.SpawnProperty.None, GameManagerTacticsInterface.instance.gm);

Пример #2
    public void setPotentialTargetInfoTextForAttack(Unit unit, int base_damage)
        string text = "Card +" + base_damage + "\n";

        //check my charms
        for (int i = Owner.Charms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            text += Owner.Charms [i].getDamageModifierText(this, unit);

        //check if the unit has any charms that would alter damage values
        int totalPrevention = 0;

        for (int i = unit.Charms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            text            += unit.Charms [i].getDamagePreventionText(this, Owner);
            totalPrevention += unit.Charms [i].getDamageTakenMod(this, Owner);

        //calculate cover
        Tile.Cover coverVal = Owner.board.getCover(Owner, unit);
        text += getInfoStringForCover(coverVal);

        //print the total
        int totalDamage = calculateAttackDamageToUnit(unit, base_damage) + totalPrevention;

        //set the target info text
        Owner.GM.targetInfoText.turnOn(text, totalDamage, unit);
Пример #3
    public Tile[,] loadLevelFromText(TextAsset file)
        string[] lines = file.text.Split('\n');
        int      gridW = lines [0].Length;
        int      gridH = lines.Length;

        Tile[,] grid = new Tile[gridW, gridH];

        for (int y = 0; y < gridH; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < gridW; x++)
                char thisChar = lines [gridH - y - 1][x];               //in unity, higher Y means up, but in text higher y means down so we need ot reverse it

                Tile.Cover cover = Tile.Cover.None;
                if (thisChar == '#')
                    cover = Tile.Cover.Full;
                if (thisChar == '*')
                    cover = Tile.Cover.Part;

                //should anything be able to spawn on this tiles? (or is it the exit?)
                Tile.SpawnProperty spawnProperty = Tile.SpawnProperty.None;
                if (thisChar == 'P')
                    spawnProperty = Tile.SpawnProperty.Player;
                if (thisChar == 'F')
                    spawnProperty = Tile.SpawnProperty.Foe;
                if (thisChar == 'G')
                    spawnProperty = Tile.SpawnProperty.Exit;
                if (thisChar == '$')
                    spawnProperty = Tile.SpawnProperty.StoreKey;

                //make the tile
                grid [x, y] = new Tile(cover, spawnProperty, GameManagerTacticsInterface.instance.gm);
                grid [x, y].finalizeSetup(x, y);

Пример #4
    public string getInfoStringForCover(Tile.Cover coverVal)
        if (coverVal == Tile.Cover.Full)
            return("Full Cover: x0.5");
        if (coverVal == Tile.Cover.Part)
            return("Part Cover: -1");

        return("No Cover");
Пример #5
    void turnOnCoverIcons()
        //do nothing if this tile is cover
        if ((int)tile.CoverVal > 0)

        //go through and check adjacent tiles
        for (int i = 0; i < coverIconSpriteRend.Length; i++)
            if (tile.Adjacent [i] != null)
                if ((int)tile.Adjacent [i].CoverVal > 0)
                    coverIconSpriteRend [i].enabled = true;
                    coverIconSpriteRend [i].sprite  = coverIconSprites [(int)tile.Adjacent [i].CoverVal];

        //if the lowest cover (from AI units) to this spot is none, than we are exposed
        List <Unit> enemies     = GameManagerTacticsInterface.instance.gm.getAIUnits();
        int         lowestCover = (int)Tile.Cover.Full;

        foreach (Unit enemy in enemies)
            if (enemy.getIsVisibleToPlayer())
                List <Tile> visible = GameManagerTacticsInterface.instance.gm.board.getTilesInVisibleRange(enemy.CurTile, enemy.getSightRange() + 1);
                if (visible.Contains(tile))
                    Tile.Cover thisCover = GameManagerTacticsInterface.instance.gm.board.getCover(enemy.CurTile, tile);
                    if ((int)thisCover < lowestCover)
                        lowestCover = (int)thisCover;

        Color colToUse = lowestCover == (int)Tile.Cover.None ? coverColExposed : coverColorGood;

        for (int i = 0; i < coverIconSpriteRend.Length; i++)
            coverIconSpriteRend [i].color = colToUse;
Пример #6
    void AddCover(TileInput tileInput)
        Tile tile = GetTile(Vector3Int.RoundToInt(tileInput.transform.position));

        tile.TileObject = tileInput.gameObject;
        if (tile == null)
        Tile.Cover c = tile.cover;
        c.negativeX = Math.Max(c.negativeX, tileInput.negativeX);
        c.positiveX = Math.Max(c.positiveX, tileInput.positiveX);
        c.negativeY = Math.Max(c.negativeY, tileInput.negativeY);
        c.positiveY = Math.Max(c.positiveY, tileInput.positiveY);
        c.negativeZ = Math.Max(c.negativeX, tileInput.negativeZ);
        c.positiveZ = Math.Max(c.positiveZ, tileInput.positiveZ);
Пример #7
    public int calculateAttackDamageToUnit(Unit unit, int base_damage)
        int damageVal = base_damage;

        for (int i = Owner.Charms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            damageVal += Owner.Charms [i].getDamageMod(this, unit);

        Tile.Cover coverVal = Owner.board.getCover(Owner, unit);
        damageVal = Owner.board.getNewDamageValFromCover(damageVal, coverVal);

        if (damageVal < 0)
            damageVal = 0;

        //Debug.Log ("cover: " + coverVal + "  damage: " + damageVal);

Пример #8
    //checking move values

    public int GenericMovementCardCheckMoveVal(MoveInfo move, Board board, float maxRange)
        Unit unit    = board.units [move.unitID];
        int  moveVal = 0;

        Tile  targetTile          = board.Grid [move.targetTilePos.x, move.targetTilePos.y];
        float highestPreferedDist = unit.aiProfile.preferedDistToClosestEnemy + unit.aiProfile.acceptableDistanceRangeToClosestEnemy;

        //let's figure out who our enemies are
        Profiler.BeginSample("sorting allies and foes for move");
        List <Unit> enemies      = new List <Unit> ();
        bool        rootingForAI = !unit.isPlayerControlled;

        foreach (Unit u in board.units)
            if (u.isPlayerControlled == rootingForAI)

        //let's get the closest distance for this target
        float newCloseDist = 99999;
        float curCloseDist = 99999;

        foreach (Unit foe in enemies)
            float dist = board.dm.getDist(move.targetTilePos, foe.CurTile.Pos);
            if (dist < newCloseDist)
                newCloseDist = dist;

            float curDist = board.dm.getDist(unit.CurTile.Pos, foe.CurTile.Pos);
            if (curDist < curCloseDist)
                curCloseDist = curDist;

        //avoid moves that are further away than the max prefered dist and further away than we are now
        //no cowards!
        if (!(newCloseDist > highestPreferedDist && newCloseDist > curCloseDist))

        //if the move would put us at just about the maximum distance, that's cool too. Again, no cowards
        float moveDist = owner.board.dm.getDist(unit.CurTile.Pos, move.targetTilePos);

        if (moveDist > maxRange - 1 && newCloseDist < curCloseDist)

        //is there cover (or would the move put us very close to a foe since many units like that)
        Tile.Cover lowestCover = targetTile.getHighestAdjacentCover();
        bool       nextToFoe   = newCloseDist < 2.5f;

        if ((int)lowestCover > (int)Tile.Cover.None || nextToFoe)

//		if (moveVal == 2) {
//			targetTile.setHighlighted (true, Color.green);
//		}
//		if (moveVal == 1) {
//			targetTile.setHighlighted (true, Color.yellow);
//		}
//		if (moveVal == 0) {
//			targetTile.setHighlighted (true, Color.red);
//		}
