public string GetKpiTypeData(List <KPIPointDataItem> pKpiDataInfo, string pLabelPrefix, string pLabelSuffix, string pKpiText, int pTypeCount, string[] pTypeName, string[] pTypeLabel, string[] pTypeIcon, string pDefaultLegend, string pDefaultIcon) { var lstData = new List <KPIPointData>(); foreach (var kpiDataItem in pKpiDataInfo) {//点 KPI KPIPointData kpiData = new KPIPointData(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreID)) { = kpiDataItem.StoreID; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreName)) { kpiData.title = kpiDataItem.StoreName; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreAddress)) { kpiData.address = kpiDataItem.StoreAddress; } kpiData.xytype = kpiDataItem.GPSType; kpiData.x = kpiDataItem.Longitude; kpiData.y = kpiDataItem.Latitude; if (kpiDataItem.KPIData != null) { kpiData.kpi = kpiDataItem.KPIData; var tempKpiLabel = kpiDataItem.KPILabel; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLabelPrefix)) { kpiData.kpilabel = pLabelPrefix; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tempKpiLabel)) { kpiData.kpilabel += kpiDataItem.KPIData; } else { kpiData.kpilabel += tempKpiLabel; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLabelSuffix)) { kpiData.kpilabel += pLabelSuffix; } ; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter1)) { kpiData.kpifilter1 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter1; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter2)) { kpiData.kpifilter2 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter2; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter3)) { kpiData.kpifilter3 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter3; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter4)) { kpiData.kpifilter4 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter4; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter5)) { kpiData.kpifilter5 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter5; } //弹出框 kpiData.poptype = kpiDataItem.PopWindowType; kpiData.popwidth = kpiDataItem.PopWindowWidth; kpiData.popheight = kpiDataItem.PopWindowHeight; kpiData.poptitle = kpiDataItem.PopWindowTitle; kpiData.popurl = kpiDataItem.PopWindowUrl; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiData.popurl)) { //这些先写死 //kpiData.popwidth = "500"; //kpiData.popheight = "350"; //kpiData.poptitle = string.Empty; kpiData.popurl = string.Format(@"/Module/MapAnalysis/Common/StoreInfo.aspx?sid={0}&kpilabel={1}&kpitext={2}",, kpiData.kpilabel, pKpiText); } lstData.Add(kpiData); } //设置阀值 List <Threshold> lstThreshold = new List <Threshold>(); Threshold threshold1 = new Threshold(); threshold1.level = "4"; threshold1.type = "6"; threshold1.defaultimage = pDefaultIcon; threshold1.defaulttext = pDefaultLegend; List <ThresholdItem> lstThresholdItem = new List <ThresholdItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < pTypeCount; i++) { ThresholdItem thresholdItem = new ThresholdItem(); thresholdItem.image = pTypeIcon[i]; thresholdItem.text = pTypeName[i]; thresholdItem.textlabel = pTypeLabel[i]; lstThresholdItem.Add(thresholdItem); } threshold1.threshold = lstThresholdItem.ToArray(); lstThreshold.Add(threshold1); var orderedItems = lstData.OrderBy(item => item.kpi); KPIInformation kpiInformation = new KPIInformation(); kpiInformation.Data = lstData.ToArray(); kpiInformation.Thresholds = lstThreshold.ToArray(); var tempJsonString = kpiInformation.ToJSON(); return(tempJsonString); }
public string GetKpiData(BoundLevel pLevel, List <KPIFlatDataItem> pKpiDataInfo, string pKpiLabelPrefix, string pKpiLabelSuffix, DataValueFormat pDataValueFormat, string pStyleCode, string pStyleSubCode) { Color[] pFlatColors = GetRenderColors(pStyleCode, pStyleSubCode); pKpiDataInfo.Sort(KpiDataCompare); double dMinValue = 0;// Convert.ToDouble(pKpiDataInfo[0].KPIData); for (int i = 0; i < pKpiDataInfo.Count; i++) { if (pKpiDataInfo[i].KPIData != null) { dMinValue = Convert.ToDouble(pKpiDataInfo[i].KPIData); break; } } double dMaxValue = Convert.ToDouble(pKpiDataInfo[pKpiDataInfo.Count - 1].KPIData); List <Threshold> lstThreshold = new List <Threshold>(); //分成5段 double dInterval = (dMaxValue - dMinValue) / 5.0; if (dInterval < 0.01 && dInterval > 0)//最小间隔为0.1 { dInterval = 0.01; } Threshold threshold1 = new Threshold(); List <ThresholdItem> lstThresholdItem = new List <ThresholdItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double startValue; double endValue; if (i == 0) {//起始值使用最小值 startValue = dMinValue; } else { startValue = dMinValue + dInterval * i; } if (i == 4) {//结束值使用最大值 endValue = dMaxValue; } else { endValue = dMinValue + dInterval * (i + 1); } if (startValue == 0 && endValue == 0)//忽略无数据的KPI { continue; } string startLabel = KPIBuilderUtils.GetFormatedValue(startValue.ToString(), pDataValueFormat); string endLabel = KPIBuilderUtils.GetFormatedValue(endValue.ToString(), pDataValueFormat); //阀值处理 ThresholdItem thresholdItem = new ThresholdItem(); if (pFlatColors.Length > i) { thresholdItem.color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToHtml(pFlatColors[i]).Replace("#", "0x"); } else { thresholdItem.color = "0xFF0000"; } thresholdItem.start = startValue.ToString(); thresholdItem.end = endValue.ToString(); if ((pDataValueFormat & DataValueFormat.Int) != 0) { if (thresholdItem.start.IndexOf(".") > -1) { thresholdItem.start = thresholdItem.start.Substring(0, thresholdItem.start.IndexOf(".")); } if (thresholdItem.end.IndexOf(".") > -1) { thresholdItem.end = thresholdItem.end.Substring(0, thresholdItem.end.IndexOf(".")); } } thresholdItem.startlabel = startLabel; thresholdItem.endlabel = endLabel; thresholdItem.size = (20 + i * 2).ToString(); if (Convert.ToDouble(thresholdItem.start) >= dMaxValue && lstThresholdItem.Count > 0) { continue;//由于误差原因,可能超过最大值。 } lstThresholdItem.Add(thresholdItem); } //删除重复的分段阀值 List <ThresholdItem> lstNewThresholdItem = new List <ThresholdItem>(); lstNewThresholdItem.Add(lstThresholdItem[0]); for (int i = 1; i < lstThresholdItem.Count; i++) { if (lstThresholdItem[i - 1].start != lstThresholdItem[i].start || lstThresholdItem[i - 1].end != lstThresholdItem[i].end) { lstNewThresholdItem.Add(lstThresholdItem[i]); } } threshold1.threshold = lstNewThresholdItem.ToArray(); if (pStyleCode.ToUpper() == "SB") { threshold1.type = "3"; //气泡渲染要添加透明效果 foreach (var item in threshold1.threshold) { item.alpha = "0.8"; } threshold1.defaultalpha = "0.8"; } else { threshold1.type = "1"; } threshold1.level = ((int)pLevel).ToString(); threshold1.defaultcolor = "0xFFFFFF"; threshold1.defaultimage = ""; threshold1.defaultsize = "20"; threshold1.defaulttext = "无数据"; lstThreshold.Add(threshold1); //计算气泡大小 var lstData = new List <KPIFlatData>(); foreach (var kpiDataItem in pKpiDataInfo) { //过滤无效的数据 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIData) || kpiDataItem.Ignore) { continue; } //lstThreshold double dValue = Convert.ToDouble(kpiDataItem.KPIData); //过滤太小的数值 //if (dValue < 0.01) // continue; //省市县KPI KPIFlatData kpiData = new KPIFlatData(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.DataID)) { = kpiDataItem.DataID; } kpiData.kpi = kpiDataItem.KPIData; kpiData.kpilabel = KPIBuilderUtils.GetFormatedValue(kpiData.kpi, pDataValueFormat); kpiData.kpimark = kpiData.kpilabel; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pKpiLabelPrefix)) { kpiData.kpilabel = pKpiLabelPrefix + kpiData.kpilabel; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pKpiLabelSuffix)) { kpiData.kpilabel = kpiData.kpilabel + pKpiLabelSuffix; } lstData.Add(kpiData); } KPIInformation jsonKpiData = new KPIInformation(); jsonKpiData.Data = lstData.ToArray(); jsonKpiData.Thresholds = lstThreshold.ToArray(); return(jsonKpiData.ToJSON()); }
public string GetKpiValueData(List <KPIPointDataItem> pKpiDataInfo, string pLabelPrefix, string pLabelSuffix, string pKpiText, string[] pValueIcon, string pDefaultLegend, string pDefaultIcon) { var lstData = new List <KPIPointData>(); foreach (var kpiDataItem in pKpiDataInfo) {//点 KPI KPIPointData kpiData = new KPIPointData(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreID)) { = kpiDataItem.StoreID; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreName)) { kpiData.title = kpiDataItem.StoreName; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.StoreAddress)) { kpiData.address = kpiDataItem.StoreAddress; } kpiData.xytype = kpiDataItem.GPSType; kpiData.x = kpiDataItem.Longitude; kpiData.y = kpiDataItem.Latitude; if (kpiDataItem.KPIData != null) { kpiData.kpi = kpiDataItem.KPIData; var tempKpiLabel = kpiDataItem.KPILabel; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLabelPrefix)) { kpiData.kpilabel = pLabelPrefix; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tempKpiLabel)) { kpiData.kpilabel += kpiDataItem.KPIData; } else { kpiData.kpilabel += tempKpiLabel; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pLabelSuffix)) { kpiData.kpilabel += pLabelSuffix; } ; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter1)) { kpiData.kpifilter1 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter1; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter2)) { kpiData.kpifilter2 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter2; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter3)) { kpiData.kpifilter3 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter3; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter4)) { kpiData.kpifilter4 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter4; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(kpiDataItem.KPIFilter5)) { kpiData.kpifilter5 = kpiDataItem.KPIFilter5; } //这些先写死 kpiData.popwidth = "500"; kpiData.popheight = "350"; kpiData.poptitle = string.Empty; kpiData.popurl = string.Format(@"/Module/MapAnalysis/Common/StoreInfo.aspx?sid={0}&kpilabel={1}&kpitext={2}",, kpiData.kpilabel, pKpiText); lstData.Add(kpiData); } //设置阀值 List <Threshold> lstThreshold = new List <Threshold>(); Threshold threshold1 = new Threshold(); List <ThresholdItem> lstThresholdItem = new List <ThresholdItem>(); //找出最大最小值 double dMaxValue, dMinValue; double dFirstValue = Convert.ToDouble(pKpiDataInfo[0].KPIData); dMaxValue = dFirstValue; dMinValue = dFirstValue; foreach (var pointItem in pKpiDataInfo) { //KPIPointData pointItem = (KPIPointData)item; double dCurrentValue = Convert.ToDouble(pointItem.KPIData); if (dCurrentValue > dMaxValue) { dMaxValue = dCurrentValue; } if (dCurrentValue < dMinValue) { dMinValue = dCurrentValue; } } double dInterval = (dMaxValue - dMinValue) / 5; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { ThresholdItem thresholdItem = new ThresholdItem(); thresholdItem.image = pValueIcon[i]; thresholdItem.start = (dMinValue + dInterval * i).ToString("0.00"); thresholdItem.startlabel = (dMinValue + dInterval * i).ToString("0.00"); thresholdItem.end = (dMinValue + dInterval * (i + 1)).ToString("0.00"); thresholdItem.endlabel = (dMinValue + dInterval * (i + 1)).ToString("0.00"); lstThresholdItem.Add(thresholdItem); } //删除重复阀值 List <ThresholdItem> lstNewThresholdItem = new List <ThresholdItem>(); lstNewThresholdItem.Add(lstThresholdItem[0]); for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { if (lstThresholdItem[i - 1].start != lstThresholdItem[i].start || lstThresholdItem[i - 1].end != lstThresholdItem[i].end) { lstNewThresholdItem.Add(lstThresholdItem[i]); } } threshold1.threshold = lstNewThresholdItem.ToArray(); threshold1.level = "4"; threshold1.type = "5"; threshold1.defaultcolor = "0x000000"; threshold1.defaultimage = pDefaultIcon; threshold1.defaulttext = pDefaultLegend; lstThreshold.Add(threshold1); var orderedItems = lstData.OrderBy(item => item.kpi); KPIInformation kpiInformation = new KPIInformation(); kpiInformation.Data = lstData.ToArray(); kpiInformation.Thresholds = lstThreshold.ToArray(); var tempJsonString = kpiInformation.ToJSON(); return(tempJsonString); }
//Create the Graph and configure is proprties private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc) { GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane; List <ThresholdItem> listCurrentThresholds = this.ReadFromDBThresholdType(cmbBoxDeviceType.SelectedItem.ToString()); // Set the titles and axis labels per selection myPane.Title.Text = cmbBoxDeviceType.GetItemText(cmbBoxDeviceType.SelectedItem); myPane.XAxis.Title.Text = "Thresholds"; myPane.YAxis.Title.Text = ""; myPane.CurveList.Clear();// clear the graph for (int i = 0; i < listCurrentThresholds.Count(); ++i) { ThresholdItem item = listCurrentThresholds[i]; =" ", String.Empty);//remove whitespaces LineItem myLine = new LineItem( + "Threshold", new double[] { ((float)(i * 2 + 1)) / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2) - (1.0 / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2 + 1)), ((float)(i * 2 + 1)) / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2) + (1.0 / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2 + 1)) }, new double[] { item.value, item.value }, Color.Black, SymbolType.Diamond, 3.0f); myLine.IsX2Axis = true; myPane.CurveList.Add(myLine); } List <BarItem> listBarItems = new List <BarItem>(); //Create Random colors to show on Graph Color[] barColors = new Color[] { //set of orange Color.FromArgb(49, 130, 189), Color.FromArgb(49, 163, 84), Color.FromArgb(99, 99, 99), Color.Azure, Color.Bisque, Color.Coral, Color.Crimson, Color.ForestGreen, Color.Lavender, Color.Navy }; for (int idx = 0; idx < listDevices.SelectedItems.Count; ++idx) { DeviceItem currDevice = (DeviceItem)listDevices.SelectedItems[idx]; String currDeviceName =; //Get one point for each threshold according to the device type. PointPairList listDeviceValues = GetDeviceData(listCurrentThresholds,; //use this to add line width 3.0F BarItem myCurve = new BarItem(currDeviceName, listDeviceValues, barColors[idx % barColors.Count()]); listBarItems.Add(myCurve); } for (int idx = 0; idx < listCurrentThresholds.Count(); ++idx) { ThresholdItem item = listCurrentThresholds[idx]; =" ", String.Empty);//remove whitespaces //myPane.CurveList.Average try { double avg = listBarItems.Where(v => v.Points.Count > idx) .Select(v => v.Points[idx].Y).Average(); double stdDev = Math.Sqrt(listBarItems.Where(v => v.Points.Count > idx) .Select(v => v.Points[idx].Y) .Average(v => Math.Pow(v - avg, 2))); //MessageBox.Show("i:" + idx + " stdDev: " + stdDev); LineItem myLine = new LineItem( + "Deviation", new double[] { ((float)(idx * 2 + 1)) / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2) - (1.0 / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2 + 1)), ((float)(idx * 2 + 1)) / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2) + (1.0 / (listCurrentThresholds.Count() * 2 + 1)) }, new double[] { stdDev, stdDev }, Color.FromArgb(240, 59, 32), SymbolType.Diamond, 3.0f); myLine.IsX2Axis = true; myPane.CurveList.Add(myLine); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { } catch (NullReferenceException) { } } myPane.CurveList.AddRange(listBarItems); // Fill the axis background with a color gradient myPane.Chart.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, 45F); // Fill the pane background with a color gradient myPane.Fill = new Fill(Color.White, Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 255), 45F); //This informs ZedGraph to use the labels supplied by the user in Axis.Scale.TextLabels //Axis.Default.Type = AxisType.Text; //Show tooltips when the mouse hovers over a point zgc.IsShowPointValues = true; zgc.PointValueEvent += new ZedGraphControl.PointValueHandler(MyPointValueHandler); // Set the XAxis to date type myPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Text; string[] thresholdNames = new string[listCurrentThresholds.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < thresholdNames.Count(); ++i) { thresholdNames[i] = listCurrentThresholds[i].name; } myPane.XAxis.Scale.TextLabels = thresholdNames; myPane.XAxis.IsVisible = true; myPane.X2Axis.Scale.Min = 0; myPane.X2Axis.Scale.Max = 1; myPane.X2Axis.IsVisible = false; myPane.YAxis.MajorGrid.IsVisible = true; myPane.YAxis.MinorGrid.IsVisible = true; // Calculate the Axis Scale Ranges axisChangeZedGraph(zgc); //refrsh the graph }