Пример #1
        public MainForm()
            // Load global settings
            this.mGlobalSettings = new GlobalSettings();
            this.mLocalSettings  = LocalSettings.GetInstance();

            // Restore the size
            Size = mLocalSettings.m_size;
            if ((Size.Height < 100) || (Size.Width < 200))
                Size lsize = new Size();
                lsize.Height = 500;
                lsize.Width  = 800;

                this.Size = lsize;

            //register the viewer manager classes
            //qq there must be a better way of doing this, it seems a bit
            //   odd. Could use reflection. Might be a little slow or have
            //   unexpected side-effects. It's nice to be able to control
            //   the order the tabs appear in, too.
            ViewTabActions.Tag  = ActionsViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabXML.Tag      = XMLViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabFlat.Tag     = FlatViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabImg.Tag      = ImageViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabBump.Tag     = BumpViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabSteering.Tag = SteeringViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabCamera.Tag   = CameraViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabGrid.Tag     = GridViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTab3D.Tag       = ThreeDeeViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabVRAM.Tag     = VRAMViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTab3dEditor.Tag = ThreeDeeEditor.InitialiseViewer(this);
            ViewTabHistory.Tag  = HistoryViewer.InitialiseViewer(this);

            //auto-load last level
            if (mLocalSettings.LastOpenedFile != null)
                LoadInternal(mLocalSettings.LastOpenedType, mLocalSettings.LastOpenedFile);
Пример #2
            public IEnumerable <GLTK.Entity> GetEntities(Chunk xiRootChunk, eTextureMode xiTextureMode, eTexMetaDataEntries xiSelectedMetadata)
                //a bit hacky:
                if (this.TreeNode.Checked)
                    return(new Entity[0]);

                Entity lWeaponEntity = ((Level)xiRootChunk).GetObjtById(TMDChunk.OBJT_ID_FOR_WEAPONS_BOX)
                                       .GetEntity(xiRootChunk, xiTextureMode, xiSelectedMetadata, this);

                // Set the position.
                Point lWeaponPosition = ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(this.OriginPosition);

                lWeaponEntity.Position = new Point(lWeaponPosition.x, lWeaponPosition.y, -lWeaponPosition.z);

                List <GLTK.Entity> lRet = new List <Entity>();

Пример #3
            public IEnumerable <GLTK.Entity> GetEntities(Chunk xiRootChunk, eTextureMode xiTextureMode, eTexMetaDataEntries xiSelectedMetadata)
                //a bit hacky:
                if (this.TreeNode.Checked)
                    return(new Entity[0]);

                List <GLTK.Entity> lRet  = new List <Entity>();
                TMDChunk           lObjt = ((Level)xiRootChunk).GetObjtById(this.ObjtType);

                if (lObjt != null)
                    Entity lE = lObjt.GetEntity(xiRootChunk, xiTextureMode, xiSelectedMetadata, this);

                    //nasty, but required because the PS 3D world coords are left-handed,
                    //and the OpenGl 3D coords are right handed
                    lE.Scale(1, 1, -1);

                    if (this.RotationVector.Norm() != 0)
                        //the rotation is z-y-x
                        lE.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(-this.RotationVector.Z / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.ZAxis);
                        lE.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(-this.RotationVector.Y / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.YAxis);
                        lE.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(-this.RotationVector.X / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.XAxis);

                    lE.Position = ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(this.OriginPosition);

                    //return to right handed coords
                    lE.Scale(1, 1, -1);


Пример #4
        public void Serialize(string filePath, ThreeDeeViewer threeDeeViewer, MainForm mMainForm)
            using (TextWriter stream = new StreamWriter(filePath))
                stream.WriteLine("#VRML V2.0 utf8");
                foreach (Entity entity in mScene.Entities)
                    Matrix localTransf = entity.Transform;

                    Vector translation;
                    Vector rotationAxis;
                    double rotationAmount;
                    Vector scale;
                    localTransf.Decompose(out translation, out rotationAxis, out rotationAmount, out scale);

                    stream.WriteLine("Transform {");
                    stream.WriteLine("  rotation {0} {1} {2} {3}", rotationAxis[0], rotationAxis[1], rotationAxis[2], rotationAmount);
                    stream.WriteLine("  scale {0} {1} {2}", scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
                    stream.WriteLine("  translation {0} {1} {2}", translation[0], translation[1], translation[2]);

                    stream.WriteLine("  children [");

                    foreach (Mesh mesh in entity.Meshes)
                        stream.WriteLine("    Shape {");
                        stream.WriteLine("      geometry IndexedFaceSet {");
                        stream.WriteLine("        coord Coordinate {");
                        stream.WriteLine("          point [");
                        foreach (Vertex v in mesh.Vertices)
                            stream.WriteLine("            {0} {1} {2},", v.Position.x, v.Position.y, v.Position.z);
                        stream.WriteLine("          ]");
                        stream.WriteLine("        }");
                        stream.WriteLine("        coordIndex [");
                        writeCoordIndexAscending(stream, mesh);
                        stream.WriteLine("        ]");

                        if (mesh.RenderMode == RenderMode.Textured)
                            stream.WriteLine("        texCoord TextureCoordinate {");
                            stream.WriteLine("          point [");
                            foreach (Vertex v in mesh.Vertices)
                                stream.WriteLine("            {0} {1},", v.TexCoordX, 1 - v.TexCoordY);
                            stream.WriteLine("          ]");
                            stream.WriteLine("        }");
                            stream.WriteLine("        texCoordIndex [");
                            writeCoordIndexAscending(stream, mesh);
                            stream.WriteLine("        ]");

                        stream.WriteLine("        solid TRUE");
                        stream.WriteLine("      }");
                        stream.WriteLine("      appearance Appearance {");
                        stream.WriteLine("        material Material {");
                        stream.WriteLine("           diffuseColor 0 1 1");
                        stream.WriteLine("        }");
                        if (mesh.RenderMode == RenderMode.Textured)
                            stream.WriteLine("        texture ImageTexture {");
                            stream.WriteLine("           url \"{0}\"", ImageUrl(mesh, filePath).Replace('\\', '/'));
                            stream.WriteLine("        }");
                        stream.WriteLine("      }");
                        stream.WriteLine("    }");
                    stream.WriteLine("  ]");
Пример #5
        public Entity GetEntity(Chunk xiRootChunk, eTextureMode xiTextureMode, eTexMetaDataEntries xiSelectedMetadata, object xiMeshOwner)
            MMEdEntity             lAcc                     = new MMEdEntity(xiMeshOwner);
            Mesh                   lColouredMesh            = null;
            Dictionary <int, Mesh> lPageIdToTexturedMeshMap = new Dictionary <int, Mesh>();
            List <Mesh>            lTranslucentMeshes       = new List <Mesh>();

            //qq move all this into Face class?
            //qq add quad mode meshes (needs separate meshes currently...)
            Vertex[] lVBuff = new Vertex[4];
            foreach (Face f in Faces)
                if (!f.IsUnknownType())
                    for (int v = 0; v < f.mVertexIds.Length; v++)
                        lVBuff[v] = new Vertex(ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(Vertices[f.mVertexIds[v]]));

                        if (v < f.mNormalIds.Length)
                            lVBuff[v].Normal = ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(Normals[f.mNormalIds[v]]).GetPositionVector().Normalise();
                            lVBuff[v].Normal = ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(Normals[f.mNormalIds[0]]).GetPositionVector().Normalise();

                        if (f.mColors != null && v < f.mColors.Length)
                            lVBuff[v].Color = Utils.PSRGBColorToColor(f.mColors[v]);
                        else if (f.mColors != null)
                            lVBuff[v].Color = Utils.PSRGBColorToColor(f.mColors[0]);

                        //tex coords
                        if (f.mTexCoords != null && v < f.mTexCoords.Length)
                            lVBuff[v].TexCoordX = f.mTexCoords[v].X / (double)VRAMViewer.TEX_PAGE_WIDTH;
                            lVBuff[v].TexCoordY = f.mTexCoords[v].Y / (double)VRAMViewer.TEX_PAGE_HEIGHT;

                    // Create a new mesh if appropriate, or add this face to an existing mesh
                    // First check if it's tex or solid?
                    Mesh lMesh;
                    if (f.mTexCoords != null)
                        if (!lPageIdToTexturedMeshMap.ContainsKey(f.mTexPage))
                            lMesh = new OwnedMesh(xiMeshOwner);
                            lPageIdToTexturedMeshMap[f.mTexPage] = lMesh;

                            if (xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTextures ||
                                xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata)
                                lMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.Textured;
                                lMesh.Texture    = AbstractRenderer.ImageToTextureId(
                                    VRAMViewer.GetInstance().GetTexturePage(xiRootChunk, f.mTexPage));
                                lMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.Wireframe;
                            lMesh = lPageIdToTexturedMeshMap[f.mTexPage];
                        if (f.IsTranslucent())
                            lMesh = new OwnedMesh(xiMeshOwner);
                            if (xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTextures ||
                                xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata)
                                lMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.TranslucentFilled;
                                lMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.Wireframe;
                            if (lColouredMesh == null)
                                lColouredMesh = new OwnedMesh(xiMeshOwner);

                                if (xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTextures ||
                                    xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata)
                                    lColouredMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.Filled;
                                    lColouredMesh.RenderMode = RenderMode.Wireframe;
                            lMesh = lColouredMesh;

                    if (f.mVertexIds.Length == 3)
                        lMesh.AddFace(lVBuff[0], lVBuff[1], lVBuff[2]);
                    else //4
                        lMesh.AddFace(lVBuff[0], lVBuff[1], lVBuff[2]);
                        lMesh.AddFace(lVBuff[0], lVBuff[2], lVBuff[3]);

            foreach (Mesh lTexturedMesh in lPageIdToTexturedMeshMap.Values)
            if (lColouredMesh != null)

            lAcc.Scale(1, 1, -1);

Пример #6
        private GLTK.Entity GetSurfaceEntity(Level xiLevel, eTextureMode xiTextureMode, eTexMetaDataEntries xiSelectedMetadata)
            // notes:
            // invert the textures along the y-axis
            // use level co-ords, so z is down

            // The surface
            Entity lSurface = new MMEdEntity(this);

            Font  lNumberFont = null;
            Brush lNumberFGBrush = null, lNumberBGBrush = null;
            Pen   lWaypointPen = null, lKeyWaypointPen = null;

            if (xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata)
                lNumberFont     = new Font(FontFamily.GenericMonospace, 10);
                lNumberFGBrush  = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
                lNumberBGBrush  = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                lWaypointPen    = new Pen(Color.Black, 1f);
                lKeyWaypointPen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2f);

            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                    Mesh lSquare = new OwnedMesh(this, PolygonMode.Quads);
                        new Vertex(new Point(x, y, -GetTerrainHeightSafe(x, y)), 0, 0),
                        new Vertex(new Point(x + 1, y, -GetTerrainHeightSafe(x + 1, y)), 1, 0),
                        new Vertex(new Point(x + 1, y + 1, -GetTerrainHeightSafe(x + 1, y + 1)), 1, 1),
                        new Vertex(new Point(x, y + 1, -GetTerrainHeightSafe(x, y + 1)), 0, 1));

                    switch (xiTextureMode)
                    case eTextureMode.WireFrame:
                        lSquare.RenderMode = RenderMode.Wireframe;

                    // normal textures, optionally with metadata drawn on
                    case eTextureMode.NormalTextures:
                    case eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata:
                        TIMChunk lTIM = xiLevel.GetTileById(TextureIds[x][y]);

                        if (lTIM != null)
                            //some TIMs can't be loaded yet: they're null
                            Bitmap lTexture = lTIM.ToBitmap();
                            if (xiTextureMode == eTextureMode.NormalTexturesWithMetadata &&
                                TexMetaData != null)
                                byte lVal = TexMetaData[x][y][(int)xiSelectedMetadata];

                                if (lVal != 0)
                                    // we create a new bitmap based on the given texture
                                    // a) so that we can modify it freely
                                    // and b) to change it from indexed to full colour mode, to allow us
                                    // to draw on it (otherwise we'll get an exception)
                                    lTexture = new Bitmap(lTexture);

                                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(lTexture);

                                    string lText = lVal.ToString();

                                    SizeF size = g.MeasureString(lText, lNumberFont);

                                    float xf = lTexture.Width / 2.0f - size.Width / 2.0f;
                                    float yf = lTexture.Height / 2.0f - size.Height / 2.0f;

                                    g.FillRectangle(lNumberBGBrush, xf, yf, size.Width, size.Height);


                                    if (xiSelectedMetadata == eTexMetaDataEntries.Waypoint)
                                        Pen lPen = xiLevel.WaypointIsKeyWaypoint(lVal)
                          ? lKeyWaypointPen
                          : lWaypointPen;

                                            0, 0, lTexture.Width - 1, lTexture.Height - 1);

                            lSquare.Texture = AbstractRenderer.ImageToTextureId(lTexture);

                    //draw the bumpmap textures on:
                    case eTextureMode.BumpmapTextures:
                        if (TexMetaData != null)
                            BumpImageChunk lBIC = xiLevel.GetBumpById(TexMetaData[x][y][(int)eTexMetaDataEntries.Bumpmap]);

                            if (lBIC != null)
                                Bitmap lTexture = lBIC.ToBitmap();
                                lSquare.Texture = AbstractRenderer.ImageToTextureId(lTexture);

                    default: throw new Exception("Unexpected case");
                    } //end switch


            lSurface.Scale(ScaleX, ScaleY, 1.0);
            if (RotationVector.Norm() != 0)
                //the rotation is z-y-x
                lSurface.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(RotationVector.Z / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.ZAxis);
                lSurface.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(-RotationVector.Y / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.YAxis);
                lSurface.RotateAboutWorldOrigin(-RotationVector.X / 1024.0 * Math.PI / 2.0, Vector.XAxis);

            Point lNewPos = ThreeDeeViewer.Short3CoordToPoint(OriginPosition);

            lSurface.Position = new Point(lNewPos.x, lNewPos.y, -lNewPos.z);
