Пример #1
 public BoardController(
     ForumServices forumServices,
     SearchServices searchServices,
     ThreadServices threadServices,
     PostServices postServices,
     PollServices pollServices,
     GlobalServices globalServices,
     IRepository <OnlineUser> onlineUserRepository,
     IRepository <OnlineGuest> onlineGuestRepository,
     IRepository <User> userRepository,
     UserServices usersServices,
     RoleServices roleServices,
     MessageServices messageServices,
     PermissionServices permissionServices,
     FileServices fileServices,
     User currentUser,
     Theme currentTheme)
     _forumServices         = forumServices;
     _searchServices        = searchServices;
     _threadServices        = threadServices;
     _postServices          = postServices;
     _pollServices          = pollServices;
     _onlineUserRepository  = onlineUserRepository;
     _onlineGuestRepository = onlineGuestRepository;
     _userRepository        = userRepository;
     _userServices          = usersServices;
     _roleServices          = roleServices;
     _messageServices       = messageServices;
     _permissionServices    = permissionServices;
     _fileServices          = fileServices;
     _currentUser           = currentUser;
     _currentTheme          = currentTheme;
Пример #2
        private void ListTitle_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            int rowindex = e.RowIndex;
            int comIndex = e.ColumnIndex;

            if (rowindex >= 0 && comIndex != 0)
                ps.MessageBoxShow(this.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0)), "正在获取目录,请稍后...");
                string bookName   = listTitle.CurrentRow.Cells["Title"].Value.ToString();      //获取书名
                string pathurl    = listTitle.CurrentRow.Cells["Path"].Value.ToString();       //获取目录URL
                string contentUrl = listTitle.CurrentRow.Cells["Historyurl"].Value.ToString(); //获取具体内容URL
                if (comIndex == 1)
                    SoTitle objForm = new SoTitle()
                        sFrom    = sFrom,
                        titleUrl = pathurl,
                        bookName = bookName,
                        pShow    = pShow
                    //再主窗体中加载  章节窗体
                else if (comIndex == 2)
                    if (contentUrl == "")
                    latch = new CountdownEvent(1);
                    ThreadServices threadClass = new ThreadServices()
                        mainThread = new ThreadServices.WebDataDelegate(GetChapterData)
                    void starter()

                    new Thread(starter).Start();
                    ThreadRefund(pathurl, contentUrl, bookName);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StreakServices"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="apiKey">The API key.</param>
 /// <param name="apiBaseUrl">The API base URL.</param>
 /// <param name="includeRawResponse">if set to <c>true</c> [include raw JSON response from Streak API].</param>
 public StreakServices(string apiKey, string apiBaseUrl, bool includeRawResponse)
     Users     = new UserServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Pipelines = new PipelineServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Boxes     = new BoxServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Stages    = new StageServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Fields    = new FieldServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Tasks     = new TaskServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Tasks     = new TaskServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Files     = new FileServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Threads   = new ThreadServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Comments  = new CommentServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
     Snippets  = new SnippetServices(apiKey, apiBaseUrl, includeRawResponse);
Пример #4
 public PostController(
     IRepository<Smiley> smileyRepository,
     ForumServices forumServices,
     PostServices postServices,
     ThreadServices threadServices,
     FileServices fileServices,
     PollServices pollServices,
     EmailServices emailServices,
     PermissionServices permissionServices,
     ParseServices parseServices,
     User currentUser)
     _smileyRepository = smileyRepository;
     _forumServices = forumServices;
     _postServices = postServices;
     _threadServices = threadServices;
     _fileServices = fileServices;
     _pollServices = pollServices;
     _emailServices = emailServices;
     _permissionServices = permissionServices;
     _parseServices = parseServices;
     _currentUser = currentUser;