Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a set of cameras onto a RenderTexture, and submit the frame to the HMD.
        /// </summary>
        private void RenderHmdCameras(
            EVREye eye,
            SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform hmdTransform,
            SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform hmdEyeTransform,
            RenderTexture hmdEyeRenderTexture,
            Texture_t hmdEyeTexture)
             * hmdEyeTransform is in a coordinate system that follows the headset, where
             * the origin is the headset device position. Therefore the eyes are at a constant
             * offset from the device. hmdEyeTransform does not change (per eye).
             *      hmdEyeTransform.x+  towards the right of the headset
             *      hmdEyeTransform.y+  towards the top the headset
             *      hmdEyeTransform.z+  towards the front of the headset
             * hmdTransform is in a coordinate system set in physical space, where the
             * origin is the initial seated position. Or for room-scale, the physical origin of the room.
             *      hmdTransform.x+     towards the right
             *      hmdTransform.y+     upwards
             *      hmdTransform.z+     towards the front
             *  Scene.InitialPosition and Scene.InitialRotation are the Unity world coordinates where
             *  we initialize the VR scene, i.e. the origin of a coordinate system that maps
             *  1-to-1 with physical space.
             *  1. Calculate the position of the eye in the physical coordinate system.
             *  2. Transform the calculated position into Unity world coordinates, offset from
             *     InitialPosition and InitialRotation.

            // position of the eye in the VR reference frame
            Vector3 positionToEye = hmdTransform.pos + hmdTransform.rot * hmdEyeTransform.pos;

            // update position of the cameras
            Scene.Instance.UpdateScene(eye, hmdTransform, hmdEyeTransform);

            // render the set of cameras
            for (int i = 0; i < Scene.Instance.NumVRCameras; i++)
                Types.CameraData camData = Scene.Instance.VRCameras[i];

                // set projection matrix
                camData.camera.projectionMatrix = (eye == EVREye.Eye_Left) ?
                                                  camData.hmdProjectionMatrixL : camData.hmdProjectionMatrixR;

                // set texture to render to, then render
                camData.camera.targetTexture = hmdEyeRenderTexture;

            hmdEyeTexture.handle = hmdEyeRenderTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();

            // Submit frames to HMD
            EVRCompositorError vrCompositorError = OpenVR.Compositor.Submit(eye, ref hmdEyeTexture, ref hmdTextureBounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);

            if (vrCompositorError != EVRCompositorError.None)
                throw new Exception("Submit (" + eye + ") failed: (" + (int)vrCompositorError + ") " + vrCompositorError.ToString());
Пример #2
        public void RenderFrame(params IVRDrawable[] drawables)
            if (graphics == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot render a frame until graphics are initialized");

            EyeTextures eyeTextures = graphics.RenderToTextures(

            Texture_t leftEye  = eyeTextures.LeftEye;
            Texture_t rightEye = eyeTextures.RightEye;

            // send to the headset
            VRTextureBounds_t bounds = new VRTextureBounds_t()
                uMin = 0, vMin = 0, uMax = 1f, vMax = 1f
            };                                                                                               // is this right?
            EVRCompositorError compErr = OpenVR.Compositor.Submit(EVREye.Eye_Left, ref leftEye, ref bounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);

            if (compErr != EVRCompositorError.None)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to submit image to compositor: {compErr}");
            compErr = OpenVR.Compositor.Submit(EVREye.Eye_Right, ref rightEye, ref bounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);
            if (compErr != EVRCompositorError.None)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Failed to submit image to compositor: {compErr}");
Пример #3
    /// <summary>
    /// Update our texture if we are a RenderTexture.
    /// This is called every frame where nothing else changes, so that we still push RenderTexture updates if needed.
    /// </summary>
    private void UpdateTexture(bool refresh = false)
        if (!(OverlayTexture is RenderTexture) && !refresh)
            return;                                                 // This covers the null check for OverlayTexture
        if (_justUpdated)
        if (refresh && OverlayTexture == null)
        var overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;

        if (overlay == null)

        var tex = new Texture_t
            handle      = OverlayTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(),
            eType       = SteamVR.instance.graphicsAPI,
            eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto

        overlay.SetOverlayTexture(_handle, ref tex);
Пример #4
        public override RenderTarget2D CreateRenderTargetForEye(int eye)
            uint width  = 0;
            uint height = 0;

            m_System.GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize(ref width, ref height);

            var pp = Application.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters;

            var renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(Game.GraphicsDevice, (int)width, (int)height, false, SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8, pp.MultiSampleCount, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);

            m_Textures[eye] = new Texture_t();

            var info   = typeof(RenderTarget2D).GetField("_texture", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var handle = info.GetValue(renderTarget) as SharpDX.Direct3D11.Resource;
            m_Textures[eye].handle = handle.NativePointer;
            m_Textures[eye].eType  = ETextureType.DirectX;
            var info      = typeof(RenderTarget2D).GetField("glTexture", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic);
            var glTexture = (int)info.GetValue(renderTarget);
            m_Textures[eye].handle = new System.IntPtr(glTexture);
            m_Textures[eye].eType  = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            m_Textures[eye].eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Gamma;
            m_TextureBounds[eye].uMin   = 0;
            m_TextureBounds[eye].uMax   = 1;
            m_TextureBounds[eye].vMin   = 0;
            m_TextureBounds[eye].vMax   = 1;

Пример #5
        void Setup()
            InternalOverlay = new Overlay("vrub.desktop." + _screenIndex, "Desktop " + _screenIndex, 2.5f, true, false);
            InternalOverlay.SetTextureSize(_screenObject.Bounds.Width, _screenObject.Bounds.Height);


            _glTextureId = GL.GenTexture();

            _textureData             = new Texture_t();
            _textureData.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Linear;
            _textureData.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            _textureData.handle      = (IntPtr)_glTextureId;

            _desktopDuplicator = new DesktopDuplicator(_screenIndex);


            frameGetter      = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GetFrame));
            frameGetter.Name = "Desktop " + _screenIndex + " Frame Getter";

            Logger.Debug("[DESKTOP] Display " + _screenIndex + " setup complete");
Пример #6
        public bool OnRender(double deltaTime)
            if (_renderTexture == null)
                // _texture = new Texture(_overlayHandle);
                _renderTexture = new RenderTexture(1024, 1024);

                // Create SteamVR texture
                _vrTexture = new Texture_t
                    eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL,
                    eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto,
                    handle      = (IntPtr)_renderTexture.GetTexture()

            if (_texture == null)
            _elapsedTime += deltaTime;
            if (_texture == null)
                return(false);                  // This can somehow still happen for some reason?
            GraphicsCompanion.SetViewportDimensions(_renderTexture.GetWidth(), _renderTexture.GetHeight(), _texture?.Width ?? 1, _texture?.Height ?? 1);
Пример #7
        public void present()
            var error = EVRCompositorError.None;
            VRTextureBounds_t bounds = new VRTextureBounds_t();

            bounds.uMin = 0.0f;
            bounds.uMax = 1.0f;
            bounds.vMin = 0.0f;
            bounds.vMax = 1.0f;

            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                Texture_t tex = new Texture_t();
                tex.handle      = (IntPtr)(myRenderTargets[i].buffers[FramebufferAttachment.ColorAttachment0].id());
                tex.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Gamma;
                tex.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;

                error = OpenVR.Compositor.Submit((EVREye)i, ref tex, ref bounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);

                if (error != EVRCompositorError.None)
                    Warn.print("Error submtting texture to OpenVR: {0}", error);
Пример #8
        public override void Start()
            Bitmap bmp       = new Bitmap(@"Resources\hl3.jpg");
            int    textureID = GL.GenTexture();

            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData TextureData =
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textureID);
            GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, 0, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, TextureData.Scan0);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.Nearest);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Nearest);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int)TextureWrapMode.Repeat);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int)TextureWrapMode.Repeat);


            Texture_t texture = new Texture_t();

            texture.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            texture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
            texture.handle      = (IntPtr)textureID;
            OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(this.Handle, ref texture);
Пример #9
        public static void OnePixelTexture(out Texture_t texture, out int glTextureId, int Width, int Height)
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
            glTextureId         = GL.GenTexture();
            texture             = new Texture_t();
            texture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Linear;
            texture.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            texture.handle      = (IntPtr)glTextureId;

            Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1);

            bmp.SetPixel(0, 0, Color.Transparent);
            bmp = new Bitmap(bmp, new Size(Width, Height)); // We do this to stretch it out.

            BitmapData bmpData = bmp.LockBits(
                new Rectangle(0, 0, Width, Height),

            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, glTextureId);
            GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, Width, Height, 0, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bmpData.Scan0);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.Linear);
            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Linear);
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);

Пример #10
    static public void SetOverride(
        Texture front  = null,
        Texture back   = null,
        Texture left   = null,
        Texture right  = null,
        Texture top    = null,
        Texture bottom = null)
        var compositor = OpenVR.Compositor;

        if (compositor != null)
            var handles  = new Texture[] { front, back, left, right, top, bottom };
            var textures = new Texture_t[6];
            for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                textures[i].handle      = (handles[i] != null) ? handles[i].GetNativeTexturePtr() : System.IntPtr.Zero;
                textures[i].eType       = SteamVR.instance.graphicsAPI;
                textures[i].eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
            var error = compositor.SetSkyboxOverride(textures);
            if (error != EVRCompositorError.None)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to set skybox override with error: " + error);
                if (error == EVRCompositorError.TextureIsOnWrongDevice)
                    Debug.LogError("Set your graphics driver to use the same video card as the headset is plugged into for Unity.");
                else if (error == EVRCompositorError.TextureUsesUnsupportedFormat)
                    Debug.LogError("Ensure skybox textures are not compressed and have no mipmaps.");
Пример #11
 public void SetThumbnailTexture(Texture_t texture)
     if (!IsDashboardOverlay)
     AssertNoError(OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(thumbnailHandle, ref texture));
Пример #12
             * Set an overlay's texture to a unity Texture
            public void SetTexture(Texture texture)
                var tex = new Texture_t();

                tex.handle      = texture.GetNativeTexturePtr();
                tex.eType       = OpenVR_Utils.textureType;
                tex.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
                ReportError(overlay.SetOverlayTexture(handle, ref tex));
Пример #13
        public void SetTexture(ref Texture_t texture)
            EVROverlayError err = SteamVR_WebKit.OverlayManager.SetOverlayTexture(_handle, ref texture);

            if (err != EVROverlayError.None)
                Console.WriteLine("Failed to send texture: " + err.ToString());
Пример #14
        protected virtual void SetupTextures()
            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0);
            _glTextureId = GL.GenTexture();

            _textureData             = new Texture_t();
            _textureData.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Linear;
            _textureData.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            _textureData.handle      = (IntPtr)_glTextureId;
Пример #15
        private void updateOverlay()
            var overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;

            if (overlay == null)
            var error = overlay.SetOverlayCurvature(_overlay, OVERLAY_CURVATURE);

            if (error != EVROverlayError.None)
                LogError("Error setting overlay curvature.");
            error = overlay.ShowOverlay(_overlay);
            if (error == EVROverlayError.InvalidHandle || error == EVROverlayError.UnknownOverlay)
                LogDebug("Invalid Handle or UnknownOverlay");
                if (overlay.FindOverlay(OVERLAY_KEY, ref _overlay) != EVROverlayError.None)
            Texture_t tex = new Texture_t();

            // We need to blit the _guiTexture into a secondary texture upside down
            // and pass the second texture into the overlay instead to get the gui
            // to display right-side up. Alternative to this was using a negative scale
            // on the immediate children of the canvas, but that results in having inverted
            // mouse cursor controls.
            Graphics.Blit(_guiTexture, _overlayTexture, new Vector2(1, -1), new Vector2(0, 1));
            tex.handle      = _overlayTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();
            tex.eType       = SteamVR.instance.textureType;
            tex.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
            overlay.SetOverlayTexture(_overlay, ref tex);
            overlay.SetOverlayAlpha(_overlay, 1.0f);
            if (VRPlayer.instance != null)
                // Passing the same transform to this RigidTransform constructor returns a RigidTransform
                // with the same position but inverse rotation. We then offset it in the Z direction, which creates
                // the result of having a screen "z" units offset in front of the player. The screen will be at a fixed
                // distance in front of the character and drawn over top of everything else regardless of distance,
                // hence "overlay". This is great for the GUI because things like minimap and health won't ever be
                // obstructed by world objects, regardless of whether or not the GUI element is behind the object with
                // regard to distance from the camera.
                var   offset = new SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform(VRPlayer.instance.transform, VRPlayer.instance.transform);
                float width  = 4;
                overlay.SetOverlayWidthInMeters(_overlay, width);
                offset.pos.z += 2f;
                offset.pos.y += 1f;
                offset.pos.x += 0.5f;
                var t = offset.ToHmdMatrix34();
                overlay.SetOverlayTransformAbsolute(_overlay, SteamVR.settings.trackingSpace, ref t);
Пример #16
        public HmdVector2_t Load(string base64png)
            if (_glWindow == null)
                _glWindow = new GameWindow();                    // Init OpenGL
            var size = new HmdVector2_t();

                // Loading image from incoming base64 encoded string
                var imageBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64png);
                var bmp        = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(imageBytes));
                bmp.RotateFlip(RotateFlipType.RotateNoneFlipY); // Flip it for OpenGL

                // Lock bits so we can supply them to the texture
                var bmpBits = bmp.LockBits(
                    new Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),

                // Create OpenGL texture
                var textureId = GL.GenTexture();
                _oldTextureId = (IntPtr)textureId;
                GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, textureId);
                GL.TexStorage2D(TextureTarget2d.Texture2D, 1, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8, bmp.Width, bmp.Height);
                GL.TexSubImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, 0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height, PixelFormat.Bgra, PixelType.UnsignedByte, bmpBits.Scan0);

                // Create SteamVR texture
                Texture_t texture = new Texture_t();
                texture.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
                texture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
                texture.handle      = (IntPtr)textureId;

                // Assign texture
                var error = OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(_overlayHandle, ref texture); // Overlay handle exist and works when setting the overlay directly from file instead of with texture.
                if (error != EVROverlayError.None)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SetOverlayTexture error: {Enum.GetName(error.GetType(), error)}");
                    size.v0 = bmp.Width;
                    size.v1 = bmp.Height;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Exception when loading texture: {e.Message}");
Пример #17
            public EVROverlayError SetTexture(int textureHandle)
                FTexture = new Texture_t()
                    handle      = new IntPtr(textureHandle),
                    eType       = EGraphicsAPIConvention.API_DirectX,
                    eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Linear

                return(FOverlay.SetOverlayTexture(FHandle, ref FTexture));
Пример #18
        public static bool SubmitOverlay(ulong overlayId, Texture texture)
            var tex = new Texture_t
                eType       = EGraphicsAPIConvention.API_DirectX,
                eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto,
                handle      = texture.NativeResource.NativePointer,

            return(Valve.VR.OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(overlayId, ref tex) == EVROverlayError.None);
Пример #19
        public static bool SubmitOverlay(ulong overlayId, Texture texture)
            var tex = new Texture_t
                eType       = ETextureType.Vulkan,
                eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto,
                handle      = texture.SharedHandle, //texture.NativeResource.NativePointer,

            return(Valve.VR.OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(overlayId, ref tex) == EVROverlayError.None);
Пример #20
        public void RenderBitmap()
            Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                int?OldID = TextureID;

                TextureID = GL.GenTexture();

                if (OldID.HasValue)

                if (CurrentBitmap != null)
                    using (System.Drawing.Bitmap iconOriginal = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(CurrentBitmap.Width, Math.Min(Math.Abs(CurrentBitmap.Height - (int)CurrentHeight), CalmpHeight), CurrentBitmap.PixelFormat))
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(iconOriginal))
                            if (DynSize)
                                this.SetOverlaySize((iconOriginal.Width / 15.0f) * 0.0254f); //PPI to Meters
                            g.DrawImage(CurrentBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, iconOriginal.Width, iconOriginal.Height), new Rectangle(0, (int)CurrentHeight, iconOriginal.Width, iconOriginal.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData TextureData =
                                    new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, iconOriginal.Width, iconOriginal.Height),

                            GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureID.Value);
                            GL.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgba, TextureData.Width, TextureData.Height, 0, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.PixelFormat.Rgba, PixelType.UnsignedByte, TextureData.Scan0);
                            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int)TextureMinFilter.Nearest);
                            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int)TextureMagFilter.Nearest);
                            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int)TextureWrapMode.Clamp);
                            GL.TexParameter(TextureTarget.Texture2D, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int)TextureWrapMode.Clamp);


                            WPFTexture             = new Texture_t();
                            WPFTexture.eType       = EGraphicsAPIConvention.API_OpenGL;
                            WPFTexture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
                            WPFTexture.handle      = (IntPtr)TextureID.Value;

                            if (Controller != null)
                                OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(this.Handle, ref WPFTexture);
Пример #21
        internal VRSystem()
            if (!OpenVR.IsRuntimeInstalled())
                throw new Exception("VR Runtime not installed");
            if (!OpenVR.IsHmdPresent())
                throw new Exception("HMD not found");
            EVRInitError error = EVRInitError.None;

            vrContext = OpenVR.Init(ref error);
            if (error != EVRInitError.None)

            compositor  = OpenVR.Compositor;
            RenderModel = OpenVR.GetGenericInterface(OpenVR.IVRRenderModels_Version, ref error);
            if (RenderModel == IntPtr.Zero)

            controllerSystem = new VRControllerSystem(vrContext);

            leftTexture             = new Texture_t();
            leftTexture.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            leftTexture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Gamma;

            rightTexture             = new Texture_t();
            rightTexture.eType       = ETextureType.OpenGL;
            rightTexture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Gamma;
            vrContext.GetRecommendedRenderTargetSize(ref height, ref width);

            bound      = new VRTextureBounds_t();
            bound.uMin = 0;
            bound.vMin = 0;
            bound.vMax = 1;
            bound.uMax = 1;

             * var errProp = new ETrackedPropertyError();
             * var str = new StringBuilder();
             * vrContext.GetStringTrackedDeviceProperty(OpenVR.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd, ETrackedDeviceProperty.Prop_TrackingSystemName_String, str, 100, ref errProp);
Пример #22
        public override void Evaluate(int SpreadMax, CVRSystem system)
            if ((FHandleIn.IsChanged || FColorSpaceIn.IsChanged) && FHandleIn[0] > 0)
                FTexture = new Texture_t()
                    handle      = new IntPtr(FHandleIn[0]),
                    eType       = ETextureType.DirectX,
                    eColorSpace = FColorSpaceIn[0]

            //set tex
            VRTextureBounds_t boundsL;
            VRTextureBounds_t boundsR;

            if (FIsOUIn[0])
                boundsL = FOUTexBoundsL;
                boundsR = FOUTexBoundsR;
                boundsL = FSBSTexBoundsL;
                boundsR = FSBSTexBoundsR;

            var compositor = OpenVR.Compositor;
            var error      = compositor.Submit(EVREye.Eye_Left, ref FTexture, ref boundsL, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);

            if (error != EVRCompositorError.None)
            error = compositor.Submit(EVREye.Eye_Right, ref FTexture, ref boundsR, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default);
            if (error != EVRCompositorError.None)

            //let OpenVR know we are done for this frame
            if (FPostPresentHandoff[0])
Пример #23
    private void UpdateOverlay()
        var overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;

        if (overlay == null)
        if (OverlayTexture != null)
            var error = overlay.ShowOverlay(_handle);
            if (error == EVROverlayError.InvalidHandle || error == EVROverlayError.UnknownOverlay)
                if (overlay.FindOverlay(Key + gameObject.GetInstanceID(), ref _handle) != EVROverlayError.None)
            var tex = new Texture_t
                handle      = OverlayTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(),
                eType       = SteamVR.instance.graphicsAPI,
                eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto
            overlay.SetOverlayColor(_handle, 1f, 1f, 1f);
            overlay.SetOverlayTexture(_handle, ref tex);
            overlay.SetOverlayAlpha(_handle, Alpha);
            var textureBounds = new VRTextureBounds_t
                uMin = (0 + UvOffset.x) * UvOffset.z,
                vMin = (1 + UvOffset.y) * UvOffset.w,
                uMax = (1 + UvOffset.x) * UvOffset.z,
                vMax = (0 + UvOffset.y) * UvOffset.w
            overlay.SetOverlayTextureBounds(_handle, ref textureBounds);
            var vrcam  = SteamVR_Render.Top();
            var offset = new SteamVR_Utils.RigidTransform(OverlayReference.transform, transform);
            offset.pos.x /= OverlayReference.transform.localScale.x;
            offset.pos.y /= OverlayReference.transform.localScale.y;
            offset.pos.z /= OverlayReference.transform.localScale.z;
            var t = offset.ToHmdMatrix34();
            overlay.SetOverlayTransformTrackedDeviceRelative(_handle, 0, ref t);
Пример #24
 private void RenderUI()
     if (m_overlayHandle != OpenVR.k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid)
         UI_Camera.targetTexture = m_overlayTarget;
         var texture = new Texture_t
             handle      = m_overlayTarget.GetNativeTexturePtr(),
             eType       = SteamVR.instance.textureType,
             eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto
         UI_Camera.targetTexture = null;
         OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(m_overlayHandle, ref texture);
Пример #25
        void Update()
            if (overlayHandle != OpenVR.k_ulOverlayHandleInvalid)
                var texture = new Texture_t();
                texture.handle      = UI_ref.m_UIRenderTarget.GetNativeTexturePtr();
                texture.eType       = SteamVR.instance.textureType;
                texture.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
                OpenVR.Overlay.SetOverlayTexture(overlayHandle, ref texture);

                if (VRInput.GetActionDown(InputAction.Crouch))
Пример #26
        public static void Overlay_Send()
            var   overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;
            ulong handle  = 0;

            if (overlay.FindOverlay("Trans", ref handle) != EVROverlayError.None &&
                overlay.CreateOverlay("Trans", "Trans", ref handle) == EVROverlayError.None)
                overlay.SetOverlayAlpha(handle, 0.5f);
                overlay.SetOverlayWidthInMeters(handle, 2f);
                overlay.SetOverlayInputMethod(handle, VROverlayInputMethod.None);
            if (handle != 0)
                var m = Matrix.Scaling(1f);
                m *= Matrix.Translation(0, -0.5f, -2f);
                var hm34 = new HmdMatrix34_t
                    m0  = m.M11,
                    m1  = m.M21,
                    m2  = m.M31,
                    m3  = m.M41,
                    m4  = m.M12,
                    m5  = m.M22,
                    m6  = m.M32,
                    m7  = m.M42,
                    m8  = m.M13,
                    m9  = m.M23,
                    m10 = m.M33,
                    m11 = m.M43,
                overlay.SetOverlayTransformTrackedDeviceRelative(handle, OpenVR.k_unTrackedDeviceIndex_Hmd, ref hm34);
                var texture = new Texture_t
                    handle = m_BackBuffer2.NativePointer
                overlay.SetOverlayTexture(handle, ref texture);

                if (!transof)
Пример #27
 // Token: 0x06005F2A RID: 24362 RVA: 0x00215304 File Offset: 0x00213704
 private void OnGUI()
     if (SteamVR_LoadLevel._active != this)
     if (this.progressBarEmpty != null && this.progressBarFull != null)
         if (this.progressBarOverlayHandle == 0UL)
             this.progressBarOverlayHandle = this.GetOverlayHandle("progressBar", (!(this.progressBarTransform != null)) ? base.transform : this.progressBarTransform, this.progressBarWidthInMeters);
         if (this.progressBarOverlayHandle != 0UL)
             float num    = (this.async == null) ? 0f : this.async.progress;
             int   width  = this.progressBarFull.width;
             int   height = this.progressBarFull.height;
             if (this.renderTexture == null)
                 this.renderTexture = new RenderTexture(width, height, 0);
             RenderTexture active = RenderTexture.active;
             RenderTexture.active = this.renderTexture;
             if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                 GL.Clear(false, true, Color.clear);
             GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)width, (float)height));
             GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)width, (float)height), this.progressBarEmpty);
             GUI.DrawTextureWithTexCoords(new Rect(0f, 0f, num * (float)width, (float)height), this.progressBarFull, new Rect(0f, 0f, num, 1f));
             RenderTexture.active = active;
             CVROverlay overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;
             if (overlay != null)
                 Texture_t texture_t = default(Texture_t);
                 texture_t.handle      = this.renderTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr();
                 texture_t.eType       = SteamVR.instance.textureType;
                 texture_t.eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto;
                 overlay.SetOverlayTexture(this.progressBarOverlayHandle, ref texture_t);
Пример #28
        public static bool Submit(int eyeIndex, Texture texture, ref RectangleF viewport)
            var tex = new Texture_t
                eType       = ETextureType.DirectX,
                eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto,
                handle      = texture.NativeResource.NativePointer,
            var bounds = new VRTextureBounds_t
                uMin = viewport.X,
                uMax = viewport.Width,
                vMin = viewport.Y,
                vMax = viewport.Height,

            return(Valve.VR.OpenVR.Compositor.Submit(eyeIndex == 0 ? EVREye.Eye_Left : EVREye.Eye_Right, ref tex, ref bounds, EVRSubmitFlags.Submit_Default) == EVRCompositorError.None);
Пример #29
        private void InitOverlay()
            var overlay = OpenVR.Overlay;

            if (overlay == null)
            if (OverlayTexture != null)
                var error = overlay.ShowOverlay(_handle);
                if (error == EVROverlayError.InvalidHandle || error == EVROverlayError.UnknownOverlay)
                    if (overlay.FindOverlay(key, ref _handle) != EVROverlayError.None)
                var tex = new Texture_t
                    handle      = OverlayTexture.GetNativeTexturePtr(),
                    eType       = SteamVR.instance.textureType,
                    eColorSpace = EColorSpace.Auto
                overlay.SetOverlayColor(_handle, 1f, 1f, 1f);
                overlay.SetOverlayTexture(_handle, ref tex);
                overlay.SetOverlayAlpha(_handle, Alpha);
                var textureBounds = new VRTextureBounds_t
                    uMin = (0 + UvOffset.x) * UvOffset.z,
                    vMin = (1 + UvOffset.y) * UvOffset.w,
                    uMax = (1 + UvOffset.x) * UvOffset.z,
                    vMax = (0 + UvOffset.y) * UvOffset.w
                overlay.SetOverlayTextureBounds(_handle, ref textureBounds);
                enabled = true;
Пример #30
        public void SetTexture(ref Texture_t texture)
            EVROverlayError err = NexHudEngine.OverlayManager.SetOverlayTexture(_handle, ref texture);

            if (err != EVROverlayError.None)
                NexHudEngine.Log("Failed to send texture: " + err.ToString());

            if (_hasBackSide)
                err = NexHudEngine.OverlayManager.SetOverlayTexture(_backSideHandle, ref texture);

                if (err != EVROverlayError.None)
                    NexHudEngine.Log("Failed to send texture: " + err.ToString());
Пример #31
 public abstract EVRCompositorError SetSkyboxOverride(Texture_t [] pTextures);
Пример #32
 public override EVRCompositorError SetSkyboxOverride(Texture_t [] pTextures)
     EVRCompositorError result = VRNativeEntrypoints.VR_IVRCompositor_SetSkyboxOverride(m_pVRCompositor,pTextures,(uint) pTextures.Length);
     return result;
Пример #33
 public override EVRCompositorError Submit(EVREye eEye,ref Texture_t pTexture,ref VRTextureBounds_t pBounds,EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags)
     EVRCompositorError result = VRNativeEntrypoints.VR_IVRCompositor_Submit(m_pVRCompositor,eEye,ref pTexture,ref pBounds,nSubmitFlags);
     return result;
Пример #34
 public override EVROverlayError SetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle,ref Texture_t pTexture)
     EVROverlayError result = VRNativeEntrypoints.VR_IVROverlay_SetOverlayTexture(m_pVROverlay,ulOverlayHandle,ref pTexture);
     return result;
Пример #35
 public abstract EVROverlayError SetOverlayTexture(ulong ulOverlayHandle,ref Texture_t pTexture);
Пример #36
 public abstract EVRCompositorError Submit(EVREye eEye,ref Texture_t pTexture,ref VRTextureBounds_t pBounds,EVRSubmitFlags nSubmitFlags);