// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Do this until the dropdown menu is updated with anomalies if (drop.options.Count == 0) { drop.transform.Find("Label").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = ""; // Add the anomalies to the dropdown list foreach (string device in SQLConnect.anomDevices) { drop.options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData(device)); } // This will onoly happen once if (drop.options.Count != 0) { // Update the dropdown caption to be the number of anomalies detected if (drop.options[0].text != "0 Anomalies") { drop.transform.Find("Label").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = drop.options.Count.ToString() + " Anomalies"; } else { drop.transform.Find("Label").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text = drop.options[0].text; } // When anomaly detection is done, have the system alert the user to the number of anomalies detected TextToSpeechControl.Speech(drop.transform.Find("Label").gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text.Split()[0] + " devices with anomalies"); } } }
public void OnTextScan() { TextToSpeechControl.Speech("Scanning text"); SQLConnect.ID = "Scanning"; #if !UNITY_EDITOR MediaFrameQrProcessing.Wrappers.IPAddressScanner.ScanFirstCameraForIPAddress( result => { UnityEngine.WSA.Application.InvokeOnAppThread(() => { Debug.Log("scanned"); SQLConnect.ID = result?.ToString() ?? "not found"; if (SQLConnect.ID == "not found") { TextToSpeechControl.Speech("Scan failed"); } else { TextToSpeechControl.Speech("Scan successful"); MoveToView.flag = true; } }, false); }, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); #endif }
private void DeviceQuery(IRestResponse <NestedResults <Telemetry> > response) { if (!response.IsError) { Telemetry[] items = response.Data.results; if (deviceSkip != 0) { device.AddRange(items.ToList()); } else { device = items.ToList(); // set for first page of results } deviceSkip += 50; if (deviceSkip < response.Data.count) { CustomQuery deviceQuery = new CustomQuery(filter, "eventprocessedutctime, deviceid", 50, deviceSkip, select); StartCoroutine(_table.Query <Telemetry>(deviceQuery, DeviceQuery)); } else { ProgressRing.flag2 = false; if (device.Count() == 0) { flag = false; } else { foreach (string element in attributes) { graphVals[element] = dataPoints(device, element); } GetStats(4, graphVals); TextToSpeechControl.Speech(getNumAnomalies(device).ToString() + " anomalous data points detected"); /*textToSpeech.SpeakText(getNumAnomalies(device).ToString() + " anomalous data points detected");*/ } } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Read Nested Results Error Status:" + response.StatusCode.ToString() + " Url: " + response.Url); } }