protected override void Apply(TextLayout layout, bool enable, int slice) { var res = layout.SetFontStyle([slice], new TextRange(ffrom[slice], fto[slice])); layout.SetFontWeight(this.w[slice], new TextRange(ffrom[slice], fto[slice])); layout.SetFontStretch(this.s[slice], new TextRange(ffrom[slice], fto[slice])); }
public D2D_TextElements CreateNewTextElements(UText t) { var textLayout = new TextLayout(dwFact, t.text, new TextFormat( dwFact,, t.font.bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, t.font.italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, TranslateFontSize(t.font.size)) { ParagraphAlignment = Translate(t.valign), TextAlignment = Translate(t.halign), WordWrapping = t.wrapped ? WordWrapping.Wrap : WordWrapping.NoWrap }, t.width, t.height); // Set font ranges... textLayout just created, dont worry about any leftover ranges. foreach (var sr in t.SafeGetStyleRanges) { var tr = new TextRange(sr.start, sr.length); if (sr.fontOverride != null) { UFont ft = (UFont)sr.fontOverride; textLayout.SetFontFamilyName(, tr); textLayout.SetFontSize(TranslateFontSize(ft.size), tr); textLayout.SetFontStyle(ft.italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, tr); textLayout.SetFontWeight(ft.bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, tr); } if (sr.fgOverride != null || sr.bgOverride != null) { ClientTextEffect cte = new ClientTextEffect(); if (sr.fgOverride != null) { cte.fgBrush = CreateBrush(sr.fgOverride); } if (sr.bgOverride != null) { cte.bgBrush = CreateBrush(sr.bgOverride); } textLayout.SetDrawingEffect(cte, tr); } } // Set renderer with a default brush var def = new USolidBrush() { color = new Color(0) }; var textRenderer = new D2D_ClientTextRenderer(realRenderer.renderTarget, new ClientTextEffect() { fgBrush = CreateBrush(def) }); var ret = new D2D_TextElements(textLayout, textRenderer); realRenderer.renderTarget.Disposed += new EventHandler <EventArgs>((o, e) => t.Invalidate()); return(ret); }
int DrawLinePortion(Context cr, ChunkStyle style, TextLayout layout, DocumentLine line, int visualOffset, int logicalLength) { int logicalColumn = line.GetLogicalColumn(editor, visualOffset); int logicalEndColumn = logicalColumn + logicalLength; int visualEndOffset = line.GetVisualColumn(editor, logicalEndColumn); int visualLength = visualEndOffset - visualOffset; int indexOffset = visualOffset - 1; layout.SetFontStyle(style.FontStyle, indexOffset, visualLength); layout.SetFontWeight(style.FontWeight, indexOffset, visualLength); if (style.Underline) { layout.SetUnderline(indexOffset, visualLength); } layout.SetForeground(style.Foreground, indexOffset, visualLength); return(visualEndOffset); }
/// <summary> /// 取得字符对应的宽度 /// </summary> /// <param name="character"></param> /// <returns></returns> private float GetCharacterWidth(Character character) { DWriteFactory dwFactory = new DWriteFactory(SharpDX.DirectWrite.FactoryType.Shared); Vector2 offset = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat(dwFactory, character.font.FontFamily.Name, character.font.Bold ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Bold : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Regular, character.font.Italic ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Italic : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Normal, character.font.Size); TextLayout textLayout = new TextLayout(dwFactory, "好" + character.content, textFormat, this.pageWidth, this.pageHeight); textLayout.SetUnderline(character.font.Underline, new TextRange(0, character.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(character.font.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, character.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(character.font.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, character.content.Length)); ClusterMetrics[] clusterMetrics = textLayout.GetClusterMetrics(); float result = 0.0f; float prefixCharWidth = clusterMetrics[0].Width; foreach (ClusterMetrics v in clusterMetrics) { result += v.Width; } dwFactory.Dispose(); textFormat.Dispose(); textLayout.Dispose(); dwFactory = null; textFormat = null; textLayout = null; return(result - prefixCharWidth); }
public virtual void Texts(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, double x, double y) { ctx.Save(); ctx.Translate(x, y); ctx.SetColor(Colors.Black); var col1 = new Rectangle(); var col2 = new Rectangle(); var text = new TextLayout(); text.Font = this.Font.WithSize(24); Console.WriteLine(text.Font.Size); // first text text.Text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,"; var size1 = text.GetSize(); col1.Width = size1.Width; col1.Height += size1.Height + 10; ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, 0, 0); // proofing width; test should align with text above ctx.SetColor(Colors.DarkMagenta); text.Text = "consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy"; text.Width = col1.Width; var size2 = text.GetSize(); ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, 0, col1.Bottom); col1.Height += size2.Height + 10; ctx.SetColor(Colors.Black); // proofing scale, on second col ctx.Save(); ctx.SetColor(Colors.Red); col2.Left = col1.Right + 10; text.Text = "eirmod tempor invidunt ut."; var scale = 1.2; text.Width = text.Width / scale; var size3 = text.GetSize(); col2.Height = size3.Height * scale; col2.Width = size3.Width * scale + 5; ctx.Scale(scale, scale); ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, col2.Left / scale, col2.Top / scale); ctx.Restore(); // proofing heigth, on second col ctx.Save(); ctx.SetColor(Colors.DarkCyan); text.Text = "Praesent ac lacus nec dolor pulvinar feugiat a id elit."; var size4 = text.GetSize(); text.Height = size4.Height / 2; text.Trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis; ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 5); ctx.SetLineWidth(1); ctx.SetColor(Colors.Blue); ctx.Rectangle(new Rectangle(col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 5, text.Width, text.Height)); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.Restore(); // drawing col line ctx.SetLineWidth(1); ctx.SetColor(Colors.Black.WithAlpha(.5)); ctx.MoveTo(col1.Right + 5, col1.Top); ctx.LineTo(col1.Right + 5, col1.Bottom); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.MoveTo(col2.Right + 5, col2.Top); ctx.LineTo(col2.Right + 5, col2.Bottom); ctx.Stroke(); ctx.SetColor(Colors.Black); // proofing rotate, and printing size to see the values ctx.Save(); text.Font = this.Font.WithSize(10); text.Text = string.Format("Size 1 {0}\r\nSize 2 {1}\r\nSize 3 {2} Scale {3}", size1, size2, size3, scale); text.Width = -1; // this clears textsize text.Height = -1; ctx.Rotate(5); // maybe someone knows a formula with angle and textsize to calculyte ty var ty = 30; ctx.DrawTextLayout(text, ty, col1.Bottom + 10); ctx.Restore(); // scale example here: ctx.Restore(); TextLayout tl0 = new TextLayout(this); tl0.Font = this.Font.WithSize(10); tl0.Text = "This text contains attributes."; tl0.SetUnderline(0, "This".Length); tl0.SetForeground(new Color(0, 1.0, 1.0), "This ".Length, "text".Length); tl0.SetBackground(new Color(0, 0, 0), "This ".Length, "text".Length); tl0.SetFontWeight(FontWeight.Bold, "This text ".Length, "contains".Length); tl0.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, "This text ".Length, "contains".Length); tl0.SetStrikethrough("This text contains ".Length, "attributes".Length); ctx.DrawTextLayout(tl0, col2.Left, col2.Bottom + 100); // Text boces y = 180; // Without wrapping TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(this); tl.Text = "Stright text"; DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y); // With wrapping tl = new TextLayout(this); tl.Text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; tl.Width = 100; DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y); // With blank lines tl = new TextLayout(this); tl.Text = "\nEmpty line above\nLine break above\n\nEmpty line above\n\n\nTwo empty lines above\nEmpty line below\n"; tl.Width = 200; DrawText(ctx, tl, ref y); }
public override BuiltRichText BuildText(IList <RichTextNode> nodes, int width, float sizeMultiplier = 1) { var paragraphs = new List <List <RichTextNode> >(); paragraphs.Add(new List <RichTextNode>()); int first = 0; while (nodes[first] is RichTextParagraphNode && first < nodes.Count) { first++; } DWrite.TextAlignment ta = CastAlignment((nodes[first] as RichTextTextNode).Alignment); paragraphs[paragraphs.Count - 1].Add(nodes[first]); foreach (var node in nodes.Skip(first + 1)) { if (node is RichTextParagraphNode) { paragraphs.Add(new List <RichTextNode>()); } else { var n = (RichTextTextNode)node; var align = CastAlignment(n.Alignment); if (align != ta && paragraphs[paragraphs.Count - 1].Count > 0) { paragraphs.Add(new List <RichTextNode>()); } paragraphs[paragraphs.Count - 1].Add(node); ta = align; } } string lastFont = null; float lastSize = 0; //Format text var layouts = new List <TextLayout>(); for (int j = 0; j < paragraphs.Count; j++) { var p = paragraphs[j]; var builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var n in p) { builder.Append(((RichTextTextNode)n).Contents); } var layout = new TextLayout( dwFactory, builder.ToString(), new TextFormat( dwFactory, string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastFont) ? "Arial" : lastFont, lastSize > 0 ? lastSize : 12 ), width, float.MaxValue ); if (p.Count > 0) { layout.TextAlignment = CastAlignment(((RichTextTextNode)p[0]).Alignment); } int startIdx = 0; foreach (var n in p) { var text = (RichTextTextNode)n; var range = new TextRange(startIdx, text.Contents.Length); if (text.Bold) { layout.SetFontWeight(FontWeight.Bold, range); } if (text.Italic) { layout.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, range); } if (text.Underline) { layout.SetUnderline(true, range); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text.FontName)) { layout.SetFontFamilyName(text.FontName, range); lastFont = text.FontName; } if (text.FontSize > 0) { layout.SetFontSize(text.FontSize, range); lastSize = text.FontSize; } layout.SetDrawingEffect(new ColorDrawingEffect(text.Color), range); startIdx += text.Contents.Length; } layouts.Add(layout); } //Return var built = new DirectWriteBuiltText(this) { Layout = layouts, Width = width }; built.CacheQuads(); return(built); }
public void DrawMessages() { if (msgs.Count == 0) { return; } lastText = text; text = ""; foreach (OSDMessage msg in msgs) { text += msg.msg + "\r\n"; } text = text.Trim(); if (text == "") { return; } if (lastText == text && !requiresUpdate) { msgs.Clear(); Draw(); return; } Utilities.Dispose(ref layout); if (brushes.Count > 0) { foreach (var brush in brushes) { SolidColorBrush tmp = brush; Utilities.Dispose(ref tmp); } brushes = new List <SolidColorBrush>(); } layout = new TextLayout(renderer.factoryWrite, text, format, hookViewport ? renderer.GetViewport.Width : renderer.HookControl.Width, hookViewport ? renderer.GetViewport.Height : renderer.HookControl.Height); // Fix Styling int curPos = 0; foreach (OSDMessage msg in msgs) { if (msg.styles == null) { curPos += msg.msg.Length + 2; continue; } foreach (SubStyle style in msg.styles) { switch ( { case SubStyles.BOLD: layout.SetFontWeight(FontWeight.Bold, new TextRange(curPos + style.from, style.len)); break; case SubStyles.ITALIC: layout.SetFontStyle(FontStyle.Italic, new TextRange(curPos + style.from, style.len)); break; case SubStyles.UNDERLINE: layout.SetUnderline(true, new TextRange(curPos + style.from, style.len)); break; case SubStyles.STRIKEOUT: layout.SetStrikethrough(true, new TextRange(curPos + style.from, style.len)); break; case SubStyles.COLOR: SolidColorBrush brush2dtmp = new SolidColorBrush(renderer.rtv2d, (Color)style.value); brushes.Add(brush2dtmp); layout.SetDrawingEffect(brush2dtmp.NativePointer, new TextRange(curPos + style.from, style.len)); break; } } curPos += msg.msg.Length + 2; } CreateRectangle(); msgs.Clear(); Draw(); requiresUpdate = false; }
/// <summary> /// 从rss生成图像 /// </summary> /// <param name="channel">从rss源获得的数据</param> /// <param name="path">保存图像的路径</param> private void GetImageFromRss(object obj) { ImageObj image = (ImageObj)obj; RssInfo rssInfo = image.rssInfo; RssMedia rssMedia = image.rssMedia; string fileName = ""; if (rssInfo == null || rssMedia == null) { return; } List <Page> pages = GetPageListFromRss(rssInfo, rssMedia); var wicFactory = new ImagingFactory(); var d2dFactory = new SharpDX.Direct2D1.Factory(); var dwFactory = new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(); var renderTargetProperties = new RenderTargetProperties(RenderTargetType.Default, new SharpDX.Direct2D1.PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, SharpDX.Direct2D1.AlphaMode.Unknown), 0, 0, RenderTargetUsage.None, FeatureLevel.Level_DEFAULT); var wicBitmap = new SharpDX.WIC.Bitmap(wicFactory, pageWidth, pageHeight, SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.Format32bppBGR, BitmapCreateCacheOption.CacheOnLoad); var d2dRenderTarget = new WicRenderTarget(d2dFactory, wicBitmap, renderTargetProperties); d2dRenderTarget.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.PerPrimitive; var solidColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(this.backgroundColor.R, this.backgroundColor.G, this.backgroundColor.B, this.backgroundColor.A)); var textBodyBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssBodyProp. TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextColor.A)); var titleColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextColor.A)); var publishDateColorBrush = new SolidColorBrush(d2dRenderTarget, new SharpDX.Color(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.R, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.G, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.B, rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextColor.A)); TextLayout textLayout; try { int count = 0; foreach (Page page in pages) { d2dRenderTarget.BeginDraw(); d2dRenderTarget.Clear(new SharpDX.Color(this.backgroundColor.R, this.backgroundColor.G, this.backgroundColor.B, this.backgroundColor.A)); foreach (Line line in page.lines) { foreach (Block block in line.content) { TextFormat textFormat = new TextFormat(dwFactory, block.font.FontFamily.Name, block.font.Size); textLayout = new TextLayout(dwFactory, block.content, textFormat, block.width, block.height); switch (block.type) { case RssBodyType.Title: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssTitleProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, titleColorBrush); break; case RssBodyType.Time: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssPublishTimeProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, publishDateColorBrush); break; case RssBodyType.Body: textLayout.SetUnderline(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Underline, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontStyle(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Italic ? FontStyle.Italic : FontStyle.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); textLayout.SetFontWeight(rssMedia.RssBodyProp.TextFont.Bold ? FontWeight.Bold : FontWeight.Normal, new TextRange(0, block.content.Length)); d2dRenderTarget.DrawTextLayout(new Vector2(block.left,, textLayout, textBodyBrush); break; default: break; } textFormat.Dispose(); textFormat = null; } } d2dRenderTarget.EndDraw(); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } fileName = string.Format("{0}{1}.jpg", path, DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString()); var stream = new WICStream(wicFactory, fileName, NativeFileAccess.Write); var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder(wicFactory); encoder.Initialize(stream); var bitmapFrameEncode = new BitmapFrameEncode(encoder); bitmapFrameEncode.Initialize(); bitmapFrameEncode.SetSize(pageWidth, pageHeight); var pixelFormatGuid = SharpDX.WIC.PixelFormat.FormatDontCare; bitmapFrameEncode.SetPixelFormat(ref pixelFormatGuid); bitmapFrameEncode.WriteSource(wicBitmap); bitmapFrameEncode.Commit(); encoder.Commit(); bitmapFrameEncode.Dispose(); encoder.Dispose(); stream.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("*********image count is : " + count++); //发送单个图片生成事件 if (SingleGenerateCompleteEvent != null) { SingleGenerateCompleteEvent(fileName); } } //发送生成完成事件 if (GenerateCompleteEvent != null) { GenerateCompleteEvent(path); //停止线程,从字典删除 StopGenerate(rssMedia.CachePath); } } catch (ThreadAbortException aborted) { Trace.WriteLine("rss 图片生成线程终止 : " + aborted.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.WriteLine("rss 图片生成遇到bug : " + ex.Message); } finally { wicFactory.Dispose(); d2dFactory.Dispose(); dwFactory.Dispose(); wicBitmap.Dispose(); d2dRenderTarget.Dispose(); solidColorBrush.Dispose(); textBodyBrush.Dispose(); titleColorBrush.Dispose(); publishDateColorBrush.Dispose(); rssInfo.Dispose(); rssMedia.Dispose(); wicFactory = null; d2dFactory = null; dwFactory = null; wicBitmap = null; d2dRenderTarget = null; solidColorBrush = null; textBodyBrush = null; titleColorBrush = null; publishDateColorBrush = null; rssInfo = null; rssMedia = null; pages.Clear(); pages = null; } }
protected override void DoApply(TextLayout layout, TextRange range) { layout.SetFontStyle(this.Style, range); }