/// <summary>
        /// Returns HTML for an &lt;input&gt; HTML element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputType">The type of input to produce</param>
        /// <param name="fieldConfiguration">The field configuration to use for attributes and format string</param>
        /// <returns>The HTML of the input element</returns>
        protected IHtmlContent GetInputHtml(TextInputType inputType, IReadonlyFieldConfiguration fieldConfiguration)
            if (inputType == TextInputType.Password)
                return(FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.PasswordFor(FieldGenerator.FieldProperty, fieldConfiguration.HtmlAttributes));

            var attrs = new HtmlAttributes(fieldConfiguration.HtmlAttributes);

            if (!attrs.Attributes.ContainsKey("type"))
                attrs = attrs.Attr(type => inputType.ToString().ToLower());

            IHtmlContent htmlContent;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldConfiguration.FormatString))
                htmlContent = FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor(
                htmlContent = FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor(

Пример #2
        public EditableText(TextEditingController controller, FocusNode focusNode, TextStyle style,
                            Color cursorColor, bool obscureText = false, bool autocorrect                           = false,
                            TextAlign textAlign                       = TextAlign.left, TextDirection?textDirection = null,
                            float?textScaleFactor                     = null, int?maxLines          = 1,
                            bool autofocus                            = false, Color selectionColor = null, TextSelectionControls selectionControls = null,
                            TextInputType keyboardType                = null, TextInputAction?textInputAction = null,
                            TextCapitalization textCapitalization     = TextCapitalization.none,
                            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null, VoidCallback onEditingComplete = null,
                            ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null, SelectionChangedCallback onSelectionChanged = null,
                            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null, bool rendererIgnoresPointer                 = false,
                            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null, bool unityTouchKeyboard = false,
                            Key key = null) : base(key)
            D.assert(controller != null);
            D.assert(focusNode != null);
            D.assert(style != null);
            D.assert(cursorColor != null);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            this.keyboardType = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);

            this.scrollPadding          = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.controller             = controller;
            this.focusNode              = focusNode;
            this.obscureText            = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect            = autocorrect;
            this.style                  = style;
            this.textAlign              = textAlign;
            this.textDirection          = textDirection;
            this.textScaleFactor        = textScaleFactor;
            this.textInputAction        = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization     = textCapitalization;
            this.cursorColor            = cursorColor;
            this.maxLines               = maxLines;
            this.autofocus              = autofocus;
            this.selectionColor         = selectionColor;
            this.onChanged              = onChanged;
            this.onSubmitted            = onSubmitted;
            this.onSelectionChanged     = onSelectionChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete      = onEditingComplete;
            this.rendererIgnoresPointer = rendererIgnoresPointer;
            this.selectionControls      = selectionControls;
            this.unityTouchKeyboard     = unityTouchKeyboard;
            if (maxLines == 1)
                this.inputFormatters = new List <TextInputFormatter>();
                if (inputFormatters != null)
                this.inputFormatters = inputFormatters;
Пример #3
 public InputField(
     Key key = null,
     TextEditingController controller = null,
     FocusNode focusNode                       = null,
     bool obscureText                          = false,
     bool autocorrect                          = true,
     bool enabled                              = true,
     TextStyle style                           = null,
     TextAlign textAlign                       = TextAlign.left,
     int maxLines                              = 1,
     bool autofocus                            = false,
     string hintText                           = null,
     TextStyle hintStyle                       = null,
     string labelText                          = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle                      = null,
     Color cursorColor                         = null,
     float cursorWidth                         = 2,
     Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
     TextInputAction textInputAction           = TextInputAction.none,
     TextInputType keyboardType                = null,
     float height                              = 44.0f,
     InputFieldClearButtonMode clearButtonMode = InputFieldClearButtonMode.never,
     bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
     Color selectionColor                      = null,
     ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
     ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
     EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null
     ) : base(key)
     this.controller                 = controller;
     this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
     this.focusNode                  = focusNode;
     this.obscureText                = obscureText;
     this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
     this.enabled                    = enabled;
     this.style                      = style;
     this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
     this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
     this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
     this.hintText                   = hintText;
     this.hintStyle                  = hintStyle;
     this.labelText                  = labelText;
     this.labelStyle                 = labelStyle;
     this.height                     = height;
     this.clearButtonMode            = clearButtonMode;
     this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
     this.selectionColor             = selectionColor ?? new Color(0x667FAACF);
     this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
     this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
     this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(1.0f);
     this.textInputAction            = textInputAction;
     this.keyboardType               = keyboardType;
     this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
     this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
     this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding;
Пример #4
 public SearchDelegate(
     string searchFieldLabel         = null,
     TextInputType keyboardType      = null,
     TextInputAction textInputAction = TextInputAction.search
     this.searchFieldLabel = searchFieldLabel;
     this.keyboardType     = keyboardType;
     this.textInputAction  = textInputAction;
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Utwórz nowe pole edytowalne.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture">kolor tła pola</param>
 /// <param name="font">czcionka tekstu</param>
 /// <param name="showCursor"><value>true</value> oznacza pokazywanie kursowa, <value>false</value> brak</param>
 /// <param name="textColor">kolor czcionki</param>
 /// <param name="textInputType">rodzaj pola <value>Hasło</value> oznacza zamianę wpisywanych znaków na symbole "*"</param>
 /// <param name="buttonColor">kolor tła przycisku</param>
 /// <param name="maxCharacters">maksymalna ilość znaków</param>
 public TextInput(Texture2D texture, SpriteFont font, bool showCursor,
                  Color textColor, TextInputType textInputType, Color buttonColor, int maxCharacters = Int32.MaxValue)
     _maxCharacters = maxCharacters;
     TextInputType  = textInputType;
     _font          = font;
     _texture       = texture;
     TextValue      = String.Empty;
     ShowCursor     = showCursor;
     _textColor     = textColor;
     _button        = new Button(BState.Up, texture, buttonColor, new Vector2(0, 0), new Vector2(1, 1), 0.0f, 2.0f, Color.Black);
Пример #6
        protected override bool Init(object controller, object binding, DefinitionFile definition)
            if (!base.Init(controller, binding, definition))

            DefinitionFileWithStyle file = new DefinitionFileWithStyle(definition, typeof(UiEditBoxBase));

            Hint = DefinitionResolver.GetSharedString(Controller, Binding, file["Hint"]) ?? new SharedString();

            _maxLength           = DefinitionResolver.Get(Controller, Binding, file["MaxLength"], int.MaxValue);
            _inputType           = DefinitionResolver.Get(Controller, Binding, file["InputType"], TextInputType.NormalText);
            _lostFocusCancels    = DefinitionResolver.Get(Controller, Binding, file["CancelOnLostFocus"], false);
            _focusedShared       = DefinitionResolver.GetShared(Controller, Binding, file["IsFocused"], false);
            _focusedShared.Value = false;

            string filter = DefinitionResolver.GetString(Controller, Binding, file["Filter"]);

            if (!filter.IsNullOrEmpty())
                _filter = new List <char>(filter.ToCharArray());

            _focusedShared.ValueChanged += (bool focused) =>
                if (focused)
                    CurrentlyFocused = this;
                else if (CurrentlyFocused == this)
                    CurrentlyFocused = null;

            if (_inputType == TextInputType.Password)
                _password = new SharedString();

            RegisterDelegate("TextApply", file["TextApply"]);
            RegisterDelegate("TextChanged", file["TextChanged"]);
            RegisterDelegate("TextCancel", file["TextCancel"]);

            RegisterDelegate("LostFocus", file["LostFocus"]);
            RegisterDelegate("Return", file["Return"]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Inflates the views in the layout.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">the current context for the view.</param>
        private void Init(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs)
            LayoutInflater inflater = context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService) as LayoutInflater;

            inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.MyEditTextView, this);

            #region Finding Views
            TitleTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.myedittext_tv_title);
            ErrorTextView = FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.myedittext_tv_error);
            InputEditText = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.myedittext_et_input);

            // Default values
            Error     = "";
            InputType = TextInputType.Text;

            if (attrs != null)
                TypedArray typedArray = Context.ObtainStyledAttributes(attrs, Resource.Styleable.MyEditText);

                if (typedArray.HasValue(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_title))
                    Title = typedArray.GetString(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_title);

                if (typedArray.HasValue(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_input))
                    Input = typedArray.GetString(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_input);

                if (typedArray.HasValue(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_inputHint))
                    InputHint = typedArray.GetString(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_inputHint);

                if (typedArray.HasValue(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_error))
                    Error = typedArray.GetString(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_error);

                if (typedArray.HasValue(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_inputType))
                    InputType = (TextInputType)typedArray.GetInt(Resource.Styleable.MyEditText_inputType, (int)TextInputType.Text);

Пример #8
        UIKeyboardType TypeFromContext(TextInputType context)
            switch (context & TextInputType.TypeFilter)
            case TextInputType.Email:

            case TextInputType.Digits:

            case TextInputType.Numeric:

Пример #9
        protected Nancy.ViewEngines.Razor.IHtmlString GetInputHtml(TextInputType inputType)
            ///TODO: GB fix this so it renders the password with the correct attributes:
            if (inputType == TextInputType.Password)
                return(new NonEncodedHtmlString(string.Format(@"<input type=""password"" id="""" name="""" class="""" />")));
            //return FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.PasswordFor(FieldGenerator.FieldProperty, FieldConfiguration.HtmlAttributes);

            var attrs = new HtmlAttributes(FieldConfiguration.HtmlAttributes);

            attrs.Attr(type => inputType.ToString().ToLower());
                ? FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor(FieldGenerator.FieldProperty, FieldConfiguration.FormatString, attrs.ToDictionary())
                : FieldGenerator.HtmlHelper.TextBoxFor(FieldGenerator.FieldProperty, attrs.ToDictionary()));
Пример #10
        UITextAutocapitalizationType AutoCapitalizationFromContext(TextInputType context)
            switch (context & TextInputType.TypeFilter)
            case TextInputType.FirstLetterUppercase:

            case TextInputType.Uppercase:

            case TextInputType.MultilineText:

Пример #11
        InputTypes TypeFromContext(TextInputType context)
            InputTypes value = Android.Text.InputTypes.TextFlagNoSuggestions | Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText;

            switch (context & TextInputType.TypeFilter)
            case TextInputType.Email:
                value = InputTypes.TextVariationEmailAddress | Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText;

            case TextInputType.FirstLetterUppercase:
                value = InputTypes.TextFlagCapWords | Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText;

            case TextInputType.Digits:
                value = InputTypes.ClassNumber | InputTypes.NumberFlagSigned;

            case TextInputType.Numeric:
                value = InputTypes.NumberFlagDecimal | InputTypes.ClassNumber;

            case TextInputType.NormalText:
                value = InputTypes.TextVariationNormal | Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText;

            case TextInputType.Uppercase:
                value = InputTypes.TextFlagCapCharacters | InputTypes.ClassText;

            case TextInputType.PasswordClass:
                value = InputTypes.TextVariationPassword | Android.Text.InputTypes.ClassText;

            case TextInputType.MultilineText:
                value = InputTypes.TextFlagMultiLine | Android.Text.InputTypes.TextFlagImeMultiLine;

            if (context.HasFlag(TextInputType.NoSuggestions))
                value |= InputTypes.TextFlagNoSuggestions | InputTypes.TextVariationVisiblePassword;

Пример #12
        InputScopeName NameFromContext(TextInputType context)
            switch (context & TextInputType.TypeFilter)
            case TextInputType.FirstLetterUppercase:

            case TextInputType.Numeric:

            case TextInputType.Uppercase:

            case TextInputType.Email:

            case TextInputType.Digits:

Пример #13
 public TextFormField(
     Key key = null,
     TextEditingController controller = null,
     string initialValue                   = null,
     FocusNode focusNode                   = null,
     InputDecoration decoration            = null,
     TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
     TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
     TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
     TextStyle style             = null,
     TextDirection?textDirection = null,
     TextAlign textAlign         = TextAlign.left,
     bool autofocus                            = false,
     bool obscureText                          = false,
     bool autocorrect                          = true,
     bool autovalidate                         = false,
     bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
     int maxLines                              = 1,
     int?maxLength                             = null,
     VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
     ValueChanged <string> onFieldSubmitted    = null,
     FormFieldSetter <string> onSaved          = null,
     FormFieldValidator <string> validator     = null,
     List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
     bool enabled                              = true,
     float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
     Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
     Color cursorColor                         = null,
     Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
     EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
     bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
     InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter    = null
     ) : base(
         key: key,
         initialValue: controller != null ? controller.text : (initialValue ?? ""),
         onSaved: onSaved,
         validator: validator,
         autovalidate: autovalidate,
         enabled: enabled,
         builder: (FormFieldState <string> field) => {
     _TextFormFieldState state           = (_TextFormFieldState)field;
     InputDecoration effectiveDecoration = (decoration ?? new InputDecoration())
     return(new TextField(
                controller: state._effectiveController,
                focusNode: focusNode,
                decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith(errorText: field.errorText),
                keyboardType: keyboardType,
                textInputAction: textInputAction,
                style: style,
                textAlign: textAlign,
                textDirection: textDirection ?? TextDirection.ltr,
                textCapitalization: textCapitalization,
                autofocus: autofocus,
                obscureText: obscureText,
                autocorrect: autocorrect,
                maxLengthEnforced: maxLengthEnforced,
                maxLines: maxLines,
                maxLength: maxLength,
                onChanged: field.didChange,
                onEditingComplete: onEditingComplete,
                onSubmitted: onFieldSubmitted,
                inputFormatters: inputFormatters,
                enabled: enabled,
                cursorWidth: cursorWidth,
                cursorRadius: cursorRadius,
                cursorColor: cursorColor,
                scrollPadding: scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f),
                keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance,
                enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection,
                buildCounter: buildCounter
         ) {
     D.assert(initialValue == null || controller == null);
     D.assert(maxLines > 0);
     D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);
     this.controller = controller;
Пример #14
        public TextField(Key key = null,
                         TextEditingController controller = null,
                         FocusNode focusNode                   = null,
                         InputDecoration decoration            = null,
                         bool noDecoration                     = false,
                         TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
                         TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
                         TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
                         TextStyle style             = null,
                         StrutStyle strutStyle       = null,
                         TextAlign textAlign         = TextAlign.left,
                         TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
                         bool autofocus                            = false,
                         bool obscureText                          = false,
                         bool autocorrect                          = false,
                         int?maxLines                              = 1,
                         int?minLines                              = null,
                         bool expands                              = false,
                         int?maxLength                             = null,
                         bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
                         ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
                         VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
                         ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
                         List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
                         bool?enabled                              = null,
                         float?cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
                         Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
                         Color cursorColor                         = null,
                         Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
                         EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
                         DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
                         bool?enableInteractiveSelection           = null,
                         GestureTapCallback onTap                  = null,
                         InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter    = null,
                         ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null
                         ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert((maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines),
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength == TextField.noMaxLength || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller         = controller;
            this.focusNode          = focusNode;
            this.decoration         = noDecoration ? null : (decoration ?? new InputDecoration());
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.strutStyle                 = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textDirection              = textDirection;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.minLines                   = minLines;
            this.expands                    = expands;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior          = dragStartBehavior;
            this.buildCounter               = buildCounter;
            this.scrollPhysics              = scrollPhysics;
Пример #15
 public TextInput(string label, string value, bool isRequired, TextInputType type)
     : this(label, value, isRequired)
     Type = type;
Пример #16
        public TextField(Key key = null,
                         TextEditingController controller = null,
                         FocusNode focusNode                   = null,
                         InputDecoration decoration            = null,
                         bool noDecoration                     = false,
                         TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
                         TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
                         TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
                         TextStyle style       = null,
                         StrutStyle strutStyle = null,
                         TextAlign textAlign   = TextAlign.left,
                         TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical = null,
                         TextDirection textDirection         = TextDirection.ltr,
                         bool readOnly = false,
                         ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null,
                         bool?showCursor  = null,
                         bool autofocus   = false,
                         bool obscureText = false,
                         bool autocorrect = false,
                         SmartDashesType?smartDashesType = null,
                         SmartQuotesType?smartQuotesType = null,
                         bool enableSuggestions          = true,
                         int?maxLines                              = 1,
                         int?minLines                              = null,
                         bool expands                              = false,
                         int?maxLength                             = null,
                         bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
                         ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
                         VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
                         ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
                         List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
                         bool?enabled                              = null,
                         float?cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
                         Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
                         Color cursorColor                         = null,
                         BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle       = BoxHeightStyle.tight,
                         BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle         = BoxWidthStyle.tight,
                         Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
                         EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
                         DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
                         bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
                         GestureTapCallback onTap                  = null,
                         InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter    = null,
                         ScrollController scrollController         = null,
                         ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null
                         ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert((maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines),
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength == noMaxLength || maxLength > 0);
            D.assert(!obscureText || maxLines == 1, () => "Obscured fields cannot be multiline.");

            this.smartDashesType =
                smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled);
            this.smartQuotesType =
                smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled);

            this.controller         = controller;
            this.focusNode          = focusNode;
            this.decoration         = noDecoration ? null : (decoration ?? new InputDecoration());
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.strutStyle                 = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textAlignVertical          = textAlignVertical;
            this.textDirection              = textDirection;
            this.readOnly                   = readOnly;
            this.showCursor                 = showCursor;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.enableSuggestions          = enableSuggestions;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.minLines                   = minLines;
            this.expands                    = expands;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.selectionHeightStyle       = selectionHeightStyle;
            this.selectionWidthStyle        = selectionWidthStyle;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.toolbarOptions             = toolbarOptions ?? (obscureText
                                      ? new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true
                                      : new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     copy: true,
                                                                     cut: true,
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true

            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior          = dragStartBehavior;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.buildCounter     = buildCounter;
            this.scrollPhysics    = scrollPhysics;
            this.scrollController = scrollController;
Пример #17
 public static void SetInputTextType(DependencyObject d, TextInputType value)
     d.SetValue(InputTextTypeProperty, value);
Пример #18
        public NativeInput(Rectangle position, TextInputType keyboardContext, string text, int textSize, Align align, ITextEdit controller)
            if (CurrentFocus != null)

            _inputType = keyboardContext;

            _controller  = controller;
            CurrentFocus = this;

            text = text.Replace('\n', '\r');

            var    info  = DisplayInformation.GetForCurrentView();
            double scale = info.RawPixelsPerViewPixel;

            double fontSize = textSize;

            if (keyboardContext == TextInputType.Password)
                _usePasswordBox = true;
                _passwordBox.PasswordChanged += HandleEditingChangedPassword;
                _passwordBox.LostFocus       += HandleEditingDidEnd;
                _passwordBox.KeyUp           += HandleKeyUp;

                Canvas.SetLeft(_passwordBox, (position.X + 2) / scale);

                _passwordBox.Width  = (position.Width - 4) / scale;
                _passwordBox.Height = _passwordBox.MinHeight;
                Canvas.SetTop(_passwordBox, (position.Center.Y / scale - _passwordBox.Height / 2));

                _passwordBox.FontSize = fontSize;

                _passwordBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

                _usePasswordBox = false;

                _textBox.TextChanged += HandleEditingChanged;
                _textBox.LostFocus   += HandleEditingDidEnd;
                _textBox.KeyUp       += HandleKeyUp;

                Canvas.SetLeft(_textBox, (position.X + 2) / scale);

                _textBox.Width = (position.Width - 2) / scale;

                switch (align & Align.Horz)
                case Align.Left:
                    _textBox.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Left;

                case Align.Right:
                    _textBox.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Right;

                case Align.Center:
                    _textBox.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center;

                _textBox.InputScope = _inputScope;

                _textBox.IsTextPredictionEnabled = !keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.NoSuggestions);
                _uppercase = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.Uppercase);

                if (keyboardContext == TextInputType.MultilineText)
                    _textBox.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                    _textBox.AcceptsReturn            = true;
                    _textBox.TextWrapping             = TextWrapping.Wrap;
                    _multiline = true;

                    Canvas.SetTop(_textBox, (position.Y + 2) / scale);
                    _textBox.Height = (position.Height - 4) / scale;
                    _textBox.VerticalContentAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    _textBox.AcceptsReturn            = false;
                    _textBox.TextWrapping             = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.Wrap) ? TextWrapping.Wrap : TextWrapping.NoWrap;

                    _multiline = false;

                    _textBox.Height = _textBox.MinHeight;
                    Canvas.SetTop(_textBox, (position.Center.Y / scale - _textBox.Height / 2));


                CoreDispatcher dispatcher = CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().Dispatcher;

                _textBox.FontSize   = fontSize;
                _textBox.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Пример #19
        public NativeInput(Rectangle position, TextInputType keyboardContext, string text, int textSize, Align align, ITextEdit controller)
            if (CurrentFocus != null)

            _controller  = controller;
            CurrentFocus = this;

            if (_textField == null)

            text = text.Replace('\n', '\r');

            Bottom      = position.Bottom + (int)Platform.PointsToPixels(10);
            position.Y += AppMain.Current.SetFocus(this);

            float x      = Platform.PixelsToPoints(position.X) + 1;
            float y      = Platform.PixelsToPoints(position.Y) + 2;
            float width  = Platform.PixelsToPoints(position.Width) - 2;
            float height = Platform.PixelsToPoints(position.Height) - 4;

            if (keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.PasswordClass))
                keyboardContext &= ~(TextInputType.NoSuggestions);

            if (keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.MultilineText))
                _useTextView = true;

                _textView.Frame                  = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(x, y, width, height);
                _textView.BackgroundColor        = new UIColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
                _textView.TextColor              = new UIColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
                _textView.Opaque                 = true;
                _textView.KeyboardType           = TypeFromContext(keyboardContext);
                _textView.AutocapitalizationType = AutoCapitalizationFromContext(keyboardContext);

                _textView.KeyboardType = UIKeyboardType.Default;

                _textView.AutocorrectionType = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.NoSuggestions) ?  UITextAutocorrectionType.No :  UITextAutocorrectionType.Default;

                _textView.SecureTextEntry = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.PasswordClass);

                _textView.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", textSize);

                _textView.Ended += HandleEnded;
                _textField.Frame                  = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(x, y, width, height);
                _textField.BackgroundColor        = new UIColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
                _textField.TextColor              = new UIColor(0, 0, 0, 255);
                _textField.Opaque                 = true;
                _textField.KeyboardType           = TypeFromContext(keyboardContext);
                _textField.AutocapitalizationType = AutoCapitalizationFromContext(keyboardContext);


                _textField.AutocorrectionType = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.NoSuggestions) ?  UITextAutocorrectionType.No :  UITextAutocorrectionType.Default;
                _textField.SecureTextEntry    = keyboardContext.HasFlag(TextInputType.PasswordClass);

                _textField.ClearsOnBeginEditing = false;

                _textField.Font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", textSize);

                switch (align & Align.Horz)
                case Align.Center:
                    _textField.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;

                case Align.Left:
                    _textField.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Left;

                case Align.Right:
                    _textField.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Right;

                _textField.EditingChanged += HandleEditingChanged;
                _textField.EditingDidEnd  += HandleEditingDidEnd;

                _textField.ShouldReturn = delegate
                    if ((keyboardContext & TextInputType.TypeFilter) != TextInputType.MultilineText)


Пример #20
 public InputField(
     Key key = null,
     TextEditingController controller = null,
     FocusNode focusNode    = null,
     bool obscureText       = false,
     bool autocorrect       = true,
     bool enabled           = true,
     Decoration decoration  = null,
     TextStyle style        = null,
     TextAlign textAlign    = TextAlign.left,
     Alignment alignment    = null,
     int?maxLines           = 1,
     int?minLines           = null,
     int?maxLength          = null,
     bool maxLengthEnforced = true,
     bool autofocus         = false,
     List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
     Widget prefix                   = null,
     Widget suffix                   = null,
     string hintText                 = null,
     float?hintTextWidth             = null,
     TextStyle hintStyle             = null,
     string labelText                = null,
     TextStyle labelStyle            = null,
     Color cursorColor               = null,
     float cursorWidth               = 2,
     Radius cursorRadius             = null,
     TextInputAction textInputAction = TextInputAction.none,
     TextInputType keyboardType      = null,
     float?height = 44.0f,
     InputFieldClearButtonMode clearButtonMode = InputFieldClearButtonMode.never,
     bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
     Color selectionColor              = null,
     ValueChanged <string> onChanged   = null,
     ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted = null,
     EdgeInsets scrollPadding          = null
     ) : base(key: key)
     D.assert(maxLines == null || minLines == null || maxLines >= minLines);
     this.controller                 = controller;
     this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
     this.focusNode                  = focusNode;
     this.obscureText                = obscureText;
     this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
     this.enabled                    = enabled;
     this.decoration                 = decoration;
     this.style                      = style;
     this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
     this.alignment                  = alignment ?? Alignment.center;
     this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
     this.minLines                   = minLines;
     this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
     this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
     this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
     this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
     this.prefix                     = prefix;
     this.suffix                     = suffix;
     this.hintText                   = hintText;
     this.hintTextWidth              = hintTextWidth;
     this.hintStyle                  = hintStyle;
     this.labelText                  = labelText;
     this.labelStyle                 = labelStyle;
     this.height                     = height;
     this.clearButtonMode            = clearButtonMode;
     this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
     this.selectionColor             = selectionColor ?? new Color(0x667FAACF);
     this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
     this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
     this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(1.0f);
     this.textInputAction            = textInputAction;
     this.keyboardType               = keyboardType;
     this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
     this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
     this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding;
Пример #21
        public CupertinoTextField(
            Key key = null,
            TextEditingController controller = null,
            FocusNode focusNode        = null,
            BoxDecoration decoration   = null,
            EdgeInsets padding         = null,
            string placeholder         = null,
            TextStyle placeholderStyle = null,
            Widget prefix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode prefixMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            Widget suffix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode suffixMode      = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            OverlayVisibilityMode clearButtonMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.never,
            TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
            TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
            TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
            TextStyle style                           = null,
            StrutStyle strutStyle                     = null,
            TextAlign textAlign                       = TextAlign.left,
            bool autofocus                            = false,
            bool obscureText                          = false,
            bool autocorrect                          = true,
            int?maxLines                              = 1,
            int?minLines                              = null,
            bool expands                              = false,
            int?maxLength                             = null,
            bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
            VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
            bool?enabled                              = null,
            float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
            Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
            Color cursorColor                         = null,
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
            DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
            ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || minLines == null || maxLines >= minLines,
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller       = controller;
            this.focusNode        = focusNode;
            this.decoration       = decoration ?? CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kDefaultRoundedBorderDecoration;
            this.padding          = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(6.0f);
            this.placeholder      = placeholder;
            this.placeholderStyle = placeholderStyle ?? new TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w300,
                color: CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kInactiveTextColor
            this.prefix             = prefix;
            this.prefixMode         = prefixMode;
            this.suffix             = suffix;
            this.suffixMode         = suffixMode;
            this.clearButtonMode    = clearButtonMode;
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style              = style;
            this.strutStyle         = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign          = textAlign;
            this.autofocus          = autofocus;
            this.obscureText        = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect        = autocorrect;
            this.maxLines           = maxLines;
            this.minLines           = minLines;
            this.expands            = expands;
            this.maxLength          = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced  = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged          = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete  = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted        = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters    = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled            = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth        = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorRadius       = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(2.0f);
            this.cursorColor        = cursorColor;
            this.keyboardAppearance = keyboardAppearance;
            this.scrollPadding      = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior  = dragStartBehavior;
            this.scrollPhysics      = scrollPhysics;
            this.keyboardType       = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
Пример #22
        public TextFormField(
            Key key = null,
            TextEditingController controller = null,
            string initialValue                   = null,
            FocusNode focusNode                   = null,
            InputDecoration decoration            = null,
            TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
            TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
            TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
            TextStyle style                     = null,
            StrutStyle strutStyle               = null,
            TextDirection?textDirection         = null,
            TextAlign textAlign                 = TextAlign.left,
            TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical = null,
            bool autofocus = false,
            bool readOnly  = false,
            ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null,
            bool?showCursor  = null,
            bool obscureText = false,
            bool autocorrect = true,
            SmartDashesType?smartDashesType = null,
            SmartQuotesType?smartQuotesType = null,
            bool enableSuggestions          = true,
            bool autovalidate                         = false,
            bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
            int?maxLines                              = 1,
            int?minLines                              = null,
            bool expands                              = false,
            int?maxLength                             = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
            GestureTapCallback onTap                  = null,
            VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onFieldSubmitted    = null,
            FormFieldSetter <string> onSaved          = null,
            FormFieldValidator <string> validator     = null,
            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
            bool enabled                              = true,
            float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
            Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
            Color cursorColor                         = null,
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
            bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
            InputCounterWidgetBuilder buildCounter    = null,
            ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null
            ) : base(
                key: key,
                initialValue: controller != null ? controller.text : (initialValue ?? ""),
                onSaved: onSaved,
                validator: validator,
                autovalidate: autovalidate,
                enabled: enabled,
                builder: (FormFieldState <string> field) => {
            _TextFormFieldState state           = (_TextFormFieldState)field;
            InputDecoration effectiveDecoration = (decoration ?? new InputDecoration())

            void onChangedHandler(string value)
                if (onChanged != null)


            return(new TextField(
                       controller: state._effectiveController,
                       focusNode: focusNode,
                       decoration: effectiveDecoration.copyWith(errorText: field.errorText),
                       keyboardType: keyboardType,
                       textInputAction: textInputAction,
                       style: style,
                       strutStyle: strutStyle,
                       textAlign: textAlign,
                       textAlignVertical: textAlignVertical,
                       textDirection: textDirection ?? TextDirection.ltr,
                       textCapitalization: textCapitalization,
                       autofocus: autofocus,
                       toolbarOptions: toolbarOptions,
                       readOnly: readOnly,
                       showCursor: showCursor,
                       obscureText: obscureText,
                       autocorrect: autocorrect,
                       smartDashesType: smartDashesType ??
                       (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled),
                       smartQuotesType: smartQuotesType ??
                       (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled),
                       enableSuggestions: enableSuggestions,
                       maxLengthEnforced: maxLengthEnforced,
                       maxLines: maxLines,
                       minLines: minLines,
                       expands: expands,
                       maxLength: maxLength,
                       onChanged: onChangedHandler,
                       onTap: onTap,
                       onEditingComplete: onEditingComplete,
                       onSubmitted: onFieldSubmitted,
                       inputFormatters: inputFormatters,
                       enabled: enabled,
                       cursorWidth: cursorWidth,
                       cursorRadius: cursorRadius,
                       cursorColor: cursorColor,
                       scrollPadding: scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f),
                       scrollPhysics: scrollPhysics,
                       keyboardAppearance: keyboardAppearance,
                       enableInteractiveSelection: enableInteractiveSelection,
                       buildCounter: buildCounter
                ) {
            D.assert(initialValue == null || controller == null);
            D.assert(maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert((maxLines == null) || (minLines == null) || (maxLines >= minLines),
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(!obscureText || maxLines == 1, () => "Obscured fields cannot be multiline.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);
            this.controller = controller;
Пример #23
        public TextField(Key key = null, TextEditingController controller                = null, FocusNode focusNode         = null,
                         InputDecoration decoration            = null, bool noDecoration = false, TextInputType keyboardType = null,
                         TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
                         TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none, TextStyle style = null,
                         TextAlign textAlign               = TextAlign.left, TextDirection textDirection = TextDirection.ltr,
                         bool autofocus                    = false, bool obscureText      = false, bool autocorrect = false, int?maxLines = 1,
                         int?maxLength                     = null, bool maxLengthEnforced = true, ValueChanged <string> onChanged = null,
                         VoidCallback onEditingComplete    = null,
                         ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted = null, List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
                         bool?enabled = null, float?cursorWidth = 2.0f, Radius cursorRadius = null, Color cursorColor = null,
                         Brightness?keyboardAppearance   = null, EdgeInsets scrollPadding = null,
                         bool enableInteractiveSelection = true,
                         GestureTapCallback onTap        = null
                         ) : base(key: key)
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller         = controller;
            this.focusNode          = focusNode;
            this.decoration         = noDecoration ? null : (decoration ?? new InputDecoration());
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textDirection              = textDirection;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
Пример #24
        public static bool ValidTextInput(this TextBox textField, ErrorProvider errors, TextInputType textInputType = TextInputType.Letters)
            if (errors == null)

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textField.Text))
                errors.SetError(textField, Resources.RequiredField);

            if ((textInputType == TextInputType.Digits && textField.Text.Any(char.IsLetter)) ||
                (textInputType == TextInputType.Letters && textField.Text.Any(char.IsDigit)))
                errors.SetError(textField, Resources.InvalidFormat);

Пример #25
        public CupertinoTextField(
            Key key = null,
            TextEditingController controller = null,
            FocusNode focusNode        = null,
            BoxDecoration decoration   = null,
            EdgeInsets padding         = null,
            string placeholder         = null,
            TextStyle placeholderStyle = null,
            Widget prefix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode prefixMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            Widget suffix = null,
            OverlayVisibilityMode suffixMode      = OverlayVisibilityMode.always,
            OverlayVisibilityMode clearButtonMode = OverlayVisibilityMode.never,
            TextInputType keyboardType            = null,
            TextInputAction?textInputAction       = null,
            TextCapitalization textCapitalization = TextCapitalization.none,
            TextStyle style       = null,
            StrutStyle strutStyle = null,
            TextAlign textAlign   = TextAlign.left,
            TextAlignVertical textAlignVertical = null,
            bool readOnly = false,
            ToolbarOptions toolbarOptions = null,
            bool?showCursor  = null,
            bool autofocus   = false,
            bool obscureText = false,
            bool autocorrect = true,
            SmartDashesType?smartDashesType = null,
            SmartQuotesType?smartQuotesType = null,
            bool enableSuggestions          = true,
            int?maxLines                              = 1,
            int?minLines                              = null,
            bool expands                              = false,
            int?maxLength                             = null,
            bool maxLengthEnforced                    = true,
            ValueChanged <string> onChanged           = null,
            VoidCallback onEditingComplete            = null,
            ValueChanged <string> onSubmitted         = null,
            List <TextInputFormatter> inputFormatters = null,
            bool?enabled                              = null,
            float cursorWidth                         = 2.0f,
            Radius cursorRadius                       = null,
            Color cursorColor                         = null,
            ui.BoxHeightStyle selectionHeightStyle    = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight,
            ui.BoxWidthStyle selectionWidthStyle      = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight,
            Brightness?keyboardAppearance             = null,
            EdgeInsets scrollPadding                  = null,
            DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior       = DragStartBehavior.start,
            bool enableInteractiveSelection           = true,
            GestureTapCallback onTap                  = null,
            ScrollController scrollController         = null,
            ScrollPhysics scrollPhysics               = null
            ) : base(key: key)
            this.smartDashesType = smartDashesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartDashesType.disabled : SmartDashesType.enabled);
            this.smartQuotesType = smartQuotesType ?? (obscureText ? SmartQuotesType.disabled : SmartQuotesType.enabled);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || maxLines > 0);
            D.assert(minLines == null || minLines > 0);
            D.assert(maxLines == null || minLines == null || maxLines >= minLines,
                     () => "minLines can't be greater than maxLines");
            D.assert(!expands || (maxLines == null && minLines == null),
                     () => "minLines and maxLines must be null when expands is true.");
            D.assert(maxLength == null || maxLength > 0);

            this.controller       = controller;
            this.focusNode        = focusNode;
            this.decoration       = decoration ?? CupertinoTextFieldUtils._kDefaultRoundedBorderDecoration;
            this.padding          = padding ?? EdgeInsets.all(6.0f);
            this.placeholder      = placeholder;
            this.placeholderStyle = placeholderStyle ?? new TextStyle(
                fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
                color: CupertinoColors.placeholderText
            this.prefix             = prefix;
            this.prefixMode         = prefixMode;
            this.suffix             = suffix;
            this.suffixMode         = suffixMode;
            this.clearButtonMode    = clearButtonMode;
            this.textInputAction    = textInputAction;
            this.textCapitalization = textCapitalization;
            this.style                      = style;
            this.strutStyle                 = strutStyle;
            this.textAlign                  = textAlign;
            this.textAlignVertical          = textAlignVertical;
            this.readOnly                   = readOnly;
            this.showCursor                 = showCursor;
            this.autofocus                  = autofocus;
            this.obscureText                = obscureText;
            this.autocorrect                = autocorrect;
            this.enableSuggestions          = enableSuggestions;
            this.maxLines                   = maxLines;
            this.minLines                   = minLines;
            this.expands                    = expands;
            this.maxLength                  = maxLength;
            this.maxLengthEnforced          = maxLengthEnforced;
            this.onChanged                  = onChanged;
            this.onEditingComplete          = onEditingComplete;
            this.onSubmitted                = onSubmitted;
            this.inputFormatters            = inputFormatters;
            this.enabled                    = enabled;
            this.cursorWidth                = cursorWidth;
            this.cursorRadius               = cursorRadius ?? Radius.circular(2.0f);
            this.cursorColor                = cursorColor;
            this.selectionHeightStyle       = selectionHeightStyle;
            this.selectionWidthStyle        = selectionWidthStyle;
            this.keyboardAppearance         = keyboardAppearance;
            this.scrollPadding              = scrollPadding ?? EdgeInsets.all(20.0f);
            this.dragStartBehavior          = dragStartBehavior;
            this.enableInteractiveSelection = enableInteractiveSelection;
            this.scrollPhysics              = scrollPhysics;
            this.onTap                      = onTap;
            this.scrollController           = scrollController;
            this.keyboardType               = keyboardType ?? (maxLines == 1 ? TextInputType.text : TextInputType.multiline);
            this.toolbarOptions             = toolbarOptions ?? (obscureText
                ? new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true
                : new ToolbarOptions(
                                                                     copy: true,
                                                                     cut: true,
                                                                     selectAll: true,
                                                                     paste: true
Пример #26

        #region 检查文本控件输入类型是否有效
        /// <summary>
        /// 功能描述:检查文本控件输入类型是否有效
        /// 作  者:HZH
        /// 创建日期:2019-02-28 10:23:34
        /// 任务编号:POS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strValue">值</param>
        /// <param name="inputType">控制类型</param>
        /// <param name="decMaxValue">最大值</param>
        /// <param name="decMinValue">最小值</param>
        /// <param name="intLength">小数位长度</param>
        /// <param name="strRegexPattern">正则</param>
        /// <returns>返回值</returns>
        public static bool CheckInputType(
            string strValue,
            TextInputType inputType,
            decimal decMaxValue    = default(decimal),
            decimal decMinValue    = default(decimal),
            int intLength          = 2,
            string strRegexPattern = null)
            bool result;

            switch (inputType)
            case TextInputType.NotControl:
                result = true;

            case TextInputType.UnsignNumber:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                    result = true;
                    if (strValue.IndexOf("-") >= 0)
                        result = false;

            case TextInputType.Number:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                    result = true;
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(strValue, "^-?\\d*(\\.?\\d*)?$"))
                        result = false;

            case TextInputType.Integer:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                    result = true;
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(strValue, "^-?\\d*$"))
                        result = false;

            case TextInputType.PositiveInteger:
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strValue))
                    result = true;
                    if (!Regex.IsMatch(strValue, "^\\d+$"))
                        result = false;

            case TextInputType.Regex:
                result = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strRegexPattern) || Regex.IsMatch(strValue, strRegexPattern));
            if (strValue == "-")
            decimal d;

            if (!decimal.TryParse(strValue, out d))
                result = false;
            else if (d < decMinValue || d > decMaxValue)
                result = false;
                if (inputType == TextInputType.Number || inputType == TextInputType.UnsignNumber || inputType == TextInputType.PositiveNumber)
                    if (strValue.IndexOf(".") >= 0)
                        string text = strValue.Substring(strValue.IndexOf("."));
                        if (text.Length > intLength + 1)
                            result = false;
                result = true;
Пример #27
        public NativeInput(Rectangle position, TextInputType textInputType, string text, int textSize, Align textAlign, ITextEdit controller)
            if (CurrentFocus != null)

            _controller  = controller;
            CurrentFocus = this;

            if (_textField != null)
                EditTextEx field = _textField;
                field.OnBackPressed -= UnfocusByBack;
                _textField           = null;

                DelayedActionInvoker.Instance.AddAction(10, (s) =>


            DisplayMetrics metrics = AppMain.Activity.Resources.DisplayMetrics;

            int padding = 0;

            if (textInputType == TextInputType.MultilineText)
                padding = 0;

            _textField.SetTextSize(Android.Util.ComplexUnitType.Px, (float)(UiUnit.FontUnit * textSize));
            _textField.SetPadding(0, padding, _textField.PaddingRight, padding);
            _textField.InputType = TypeFromContext(textInputType);

            if (textInputType.HasFlag(TextInputType.Uppercase))
                _textField.SetFilters(new IInputFilter[] { new InputFilterLengthFilter(controller.MaxLength), new InputFilterAllCaps() });
                _textField.SetFilters(new IInputFilter[] { new InputFilterLengthFilter(controller.MaxLength) });

            switch (textAlign & Align.Horz)
            case Align.Left:
                _textField.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterVertical | GravityFlags.Left;

            case Align.Center:
                _textField.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterVertical | GravityFlags.CenterHorizontal;

            case Align.Right:
                _textField.Gravity = GravityFlags.CenterVertical | GravityFlags.Right;

            if ((textInputType & TextInputType.TypeFilter) == TextInputType.MultilineText)
                _textField.EditorAction -= HandleEditorAction;
                _textField.Gravity       = GravityFlags.Left | GravityFlags.Top;

                _textField.ImeOptions = ImeAction.ImeNull | (ImeAction)ImeFlags.NoExtractUi;
                _textField.EditorAction += HandleEditorAction;

                _textField.ImeOptions = (controller.WaitsForReturn ? ImeAction.Next : ImeAction.Done) | (ImeAction)ImeFlags.NoExtractUi;

            if (textInputType.HasFlag(TextInputType.NoSuggestions))
                _textField.ImeOptions |= (ImeAction)InputTypes.TextFlagNoSuggestions;

            _textField.SetAllCaps((textInputType & TextInputType.TypeFilter) == TextInputType.Uppercase);

            _textField.TransformationMethod = textInputType == TextInputType.Password ? new PasswordTransformationMethod(): null;

            _layoutParams.SetMargins(position.X, position.Y + 4, 0, 0);
            _layoutParams.Width  = position.Width;
            _layoutParams.Height = position.Height - 4;

            _textField.Text = text;
            _textField.SetSelection(_textField.Text.Length, _textField.Text.Length);
            _textField.TextChanged += HandleEditingChanged;
            _textField.FocusChange += HandleFocusChange;


            _textField.Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Visible;

Пример #28
 public TextInput(ITextConsumer consumer, TextInputType inputType)
     _consumer  = consumer;
     _inputType = inputType;
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the type of keyboard that should be displayed to the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="textInputType">The keybord type</param>
 public void SetTextInputType(TextInputType textInputType)
     switch (textInputType)
         case TextInputType.Number:
             ContentType = "number";
         case TextInputType.PhoneNumber:
             ContentType = "phonenumber";
         case TextInputType.Url:
             ContentType = "url";
         case TextInputType.Email:
             ContentType = "number";
             ContentType = "email";