protected virtual bool ParseInputTextAndEmojiCharSequence()
            m_emojiParsingRequired = false;

            //Only parse when richtext active (we need the <sprite=index> tag)
            if (m_isRichText)
                var v_parsedEmoji = false;
                var v_oldText     = m_text;

                /*//Parse Sprite Chars
                 * ParseInputText();
                 * //Parse Emojis
                 * m_text = CharBufferToString(); //Pick the char unicodes to parse the emojis
                 * v_parsedEmoji = TMP_EmojiSearchEngine.ParseEmojiCharSequence(spriteAsset, ref m_text);
                 * //Apply parsed Emoji to char buffer
                 * if (v_parsedEmoji)
                 * {
                 *  StringToCharArray(m_text, ref m_char_buffer);
                 *  SetArraySizes(m_char_buffer);
                 * }*/

                v_parsedEmoji = TMP_EmojiSearchEngine.ParseEmojiCharSequence(spriteAsset, ref m_text);

                m_emojiParsingRequired          = false;
                IsInputParsingRequired_Internal = false;
                InputSource_Internal            = TextInputSources.Text;


                m_emojiParsingRequired          = false;
                IsInputParsingRequired_Internal = false;

                //We must revert the original text because we dont want to permanently change the text
                m_text = v_oldText;

#if !TMP_2_1_0_PREVIEW_10_OR_NEWER
                m_isCalculateSizeRequired = true;


        protected virtual bool ParseInputTextAndLocalizeTags()
            _localeParsingRequired = false;

            //Only parse when richtext active (we need the <sprite=index> tag)
            if (LocaleManager.InstanceExists() || !Application.isPlaying || (m_supportLocaleRichTextTags && m_isRichText && !m_isLocalized))
                var v_parsedLocale = false;
                var v_oldText      = m_text;

                if (IsInputParsingRequired_Internal)
                    m_text = m_text != null?m_text.Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\r", "") : null;

                v_parsedLocale = !Application.isPlaying || (m_supportLocaleRichTextTags && m_isRichText && !m_isLocalized) ?
                                 TryClearLocaleTags(m_text, out m_text) :
                                 TryGetLocalizedText(m_text, out m_text);

                _localeParsingRequired          = false;
                IsInputParsingRequired_Internal = false;
                InputSource_Internal            = TextInputSources.Text;


                _localeParsingRequired          = false;
                IsInputParsingRequired_Internal = false;

                //We must revert the original text because we dont want to permanently change the text
                m_text = v_oldText;

#if !TMP_2_1_0_PREVIEW_10_OR_NEWER
                m_isCalculateSizeRequired = true;


Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the text using a StringBuilder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <description>
        /// Using a StringBuilder instead of concatenating strings prevents memory pollution with temporary objects.
        /// </description>
        /// <param name="text">StringBuilder with text to display.</param>
        public void SetText(StringBuilder text)
            StringBuilderToIntArray(text, ref m_char_buffer);

            m_inputSource = TextInputSources.SetCharArray;
            m_isInputParsingRequired = true;
            m_havePropertiesChanged = true;
            m_isCalculateSizeRequired = true;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Formatted string containing a pattern and a value representing the text to be rendered.</para>
        /// <para>ex. TextMeshPro.SetText ("A = {0}, B = {1} and C = {2}.", 2, 5, 7);</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="text">String containing the pattern."</param>
        /// <param name="arg0">Value is a float.</param>
        /// <param name="arg1">Value is a float.</param>
        /// <param name="arg2">Value is a float.</param>
        public void SetText(string text, float arg0, float arg1, float arg2)
            // Early out if nothing has been changed from previous invocation.
            if (text == old_text && arg0 == old_arg0 && arg1 == old_arg1 && arg2 == old_arg2)

            old_text = text;
            old_arg1 = 255;
            old_arg2 = 255;

            int decimalPrecision = 0;
            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];

                if (c == 123) // '{'
                    // Check if user is requesting some decimal precision. Format is {0:2}
                    if (text[i + 2] == 58) // ':'
                        decimalPrecision = text[i + 3] - 48;

                    switch (text[i + 1] - 48)
                        case 0: // 1st Arg
                            old_arg0 = arg0;
                            AddFloatToCharArray(arg0, ref index, decimalPrecision);
                        case 1: // 2nd Arg
                            old_arg1 = arg1;
                            AddFloatToCharArray(arg1, ref index, decimalPrecision);
                        case 2: // 3rd Arg
                            old_arg2 = arg2;
                            AddFloatToCharArray(arg2, ref index, decimalPrecision);

                    if (text[i + 2] == 58)
                        i += 4;
                        i += 2;

                m_input_CharArray[index] = c;
                index += 1;

            m_input_CharArray[index] = (char)0;
            m_charArray_Length = index; // Set the length to where this '0' termination is.

            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            // Create new string to be displayed in the Input Text Box of the Editor Panel.
            m_text = new string(m_input_CharArray, 0, index);

            m_inputSource = TextInputSources.SetText;
            m_isInputParsingRequired = true;
            m_havePropertiesChanged = true;
            m_isCalculateSizeRequired = true;

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Character array containing the text to be displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charArray"></param>
        public void SetCharArray(char[] charArray)
            if (charArray == null || charArray.Length == 0)

            // Check to make sure chars_buffer is large enough to hold the content of the string.
            if (m_char_buffer.Length <= charArray.Length)
                int newSize = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(charArray.Length + 1);
                m_char_buffer = new int[newSize];

            int index = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < charArray.Length; i++)
                if (charArray[i] == 92 && i < charArray.Length - 1)
                    switch ((int)charArray[i + 1])
                        case 110: // \n LineFeed
                            m_char_buffer[index] = (char)10;
                            i += 1;
                            index += 1;
                        case 114: // \r LineFeed
                            m_char_buffer[index] = (char)13;
                            i += 1;
                            index += 1;
                        case 116: // \t Tab
                            m_char_buffer[index] = (char)9;
                            i += 1;
                            index += 1;

                m_char_buffer[index] = charArray[i];
                index += 1;
            m_char_buffer[index] = (char)0;

            m_inputSource = TextInputSources.SetCharArray;
            m_havePropertiesChanged = true;
            m_isInputParsingRequired = true;